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TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering

Vol. x, No. x, April 2013, pp. 1 ∼ 10

DOI: 10.11591/telkomnika.vXiY.abcd  1

Decision Support System Providing Loan With

FMADM-SAW Method At RisTi Cooperative
Nisa Hanum Harani1 , Putri Mentari Endraswari2 , and M. Harry K. Saputra3
Informatics Engineering, Politeknik Pos Indonesia
Bandung, Phone (022) 2009562, 2009570 Fax. 022-2009568
corresponding author, e-mail:
corresponding author, e-mail:
corresponding author, e-mail:

RisTi Cooperative is a cooperative that provides savings and loan services to theirs members.
Currently, many members of cooperatives are applying for loans. This certainly makes the cooperative have
problems in determining which cooperative members are eligible to receive the loan. Given this problem,
making RisTi cooperative must use decision support system to find out who is should prioritize to receive
loan. The decision support system in lending election using Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making
(FMADM) method uses Simple Additive Weighting (SAW). This method is chosen because it is able to
select the best alternative from a number of options, in this case the intended option is that entitled to
receive loans based on the criteria specified. The parameters such as age, salary, loan amount, installment,
time period, and reason to make a loan. The research is done by finding the weight value for each attribute,
then done the ranking process that will determine the optimal alternative, that is the priority of the receiver
of the loan.

Keywords: Coorporative RisTi, DSS, FMADM, SAW

c 2013 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Cooperative is a business entity consisting of individuals and based its activities on co-
operative legal entity based on cooperative principle and as people’s economic movement based
on the principle of kinship [1]. RisTi cooperative is a cooperative organisation which is one of its
main activities is to provide loan services (credit) for Telkom employees, who are members of the
cooperative. RisTi cooperative established since 1998 and according to the Decree Kapusrenbang
Number KK. Tel 279 / PS-170 / PRB-00/95 dated 31 August 1995 realised the formation of RisTI
Cooperative [2]. The main task of cooperatives is to support the economic interests of its members
to promote the welfare of members of the cooperative [3]. According to PSAK no. 27 of 2004
[4], cooperatives can be classified into several types, one of which is a savings and loan cooper-
ative (credit). Credit cooperatives or savings and loan cooperatives are cooperatives engaged in
the accumulation of deposits of funds from its members, to then loan back to the members who
need financial assistance [3]. In Law No. 10 of 1998 [5] states that credit is borrowed money to a
bank, based on a loan agreement or agreement between the bank and another party requiring the
customer to repay the debt after a certain period.
In handling loan or credit demands, cooperatives often have difficulty determining which
customers should prioritise first to get a loan [6]. Loan demand will take a long time for the selection
because there is no application support system determining the decision of lending. Decision
Support System (DSS) is a system that can assist a person in making decisions that are accurate
and targete [7]. This decision support system uses FMADM-SAW method. This method is suitable
to help and improve the process and quality of decision-making results by integrating data and
knowledge to improve effectiveness in the decision-making process [8]. At the time of lending, the
cooperative needs to conduct a review of the criteria that will use as a reference in lending. In the

Received May 9, 201x; Revised August 3, 201x; Accepted August 16, 201x
2  ISSN: 2302-4046

Khasanah and friends journals [9], they provide criteria for determining students who will enter
IPA or IPS classes such as UN Value, Placement Test Value, US Value, Report Value, Student’s
Interest. In the journal belonging to Anna Mukhayaroh [10] has criteria such as Age, Occupation,
Maximum Loan Left, and Reason. Meanwhile, in the journal of SPK, the provision of credit
for Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera Semarang’s Cooperative owned by Wahyu Dwi Sudjatmiko [11] has
criteria such as Guarantee, Large Loan, Salary, Installment, and Period.
Like the above journals, the authors also define the six criteria required to provide loans
such as Age, Salary, Loans, Installment, Term, and Reasons to borrow. These criteria will be
divided into 4 benefit criteria and 2 cost criteria. For data, the author uses sample 5 data of
cooperative customers RisTi. In the ranking stage, the author also determines the minimum value
of loan priority is 0.6. If, the final value of the calculation shows that one customer gets a value
below 0.6 then the loan application will be suspended.
With these problems, there must be a solution to solve existing problems. Therefore, it is
necessary to create a decision support system to assist the decision-making process in improving
the ability to decide who is eligible to receive the loan. The resulting decision will be able to meet
the specified limits. In connection with the above background, the authors make a system entitled
”Decision Support System Providing Loan With FMADM-SAW Method At RisTi Cooperative”.
The system has a basic concept for finding the weighted sum of performance ratings on each
attribute alternative or borrower criterion. This system will help overcome the problems that
occur as above. This system is more to provide support or consideration for the cooperative in
helping to make decisions to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the decision-making process

2. Related Works
Cooperative is a business entity consisting of individuals with voluntary forms of cooper-
ation and each member of the cooperative is obliged to develop and oversee the business of the
cooperative [12]. RisTi Cooperative is a cooperative organisation which is one of its main activi-
ties is to provide loan services (credit) for Telkom employees, who are members of the cooperative.
In lending, the cooperative needs to conduct research and proper calculation of the prospective
borrower to avoid mistakes in lending to members of the cooperative [13]. The loan appraisal
model is used to help creditworthiness, who are eligible for assistance [14]. Tighter competition for
giving lend, by reducing bank incentives to take excessive risks, has traditionally been believed to
lead to a low ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) and to make banks more stable [15]. Lending
should not be detrimental to both parties [16]. Therefore Decision Support System (DSS) is a
system that can assist a person in making decisions that are accurate and targeted. Many prob-
lems can solve by using DSS. One of which is the determination of eligibility for lending, DSS as
a decision-based approach based on a mathematical model that is referenced and applied to infor-
mation gathered by the sensor network [17]. DSS is also used to handle decision-making issues for
diagnosing diseases Based on Wearable Medical Sensors and Machine Learning Ensembles [18]. On
the issue of Risk management in distributed software development the results of DSS developed
to support the decision-making process in risk assessment and selection of control strategies [19].
The Internet Journal of Things (IoT) provides a framework for decision support systems (DSS).
DSS uses the latest smart, smart meter (ESM) data analysis to improve the prediction of smart
meter field operating costs and provide recommendations on decisions that can be made such as
sending technicians to customer sites to solve ESM problems. This approach can improve the cost
efficiency to operate and maintain ESM networks [20]. Therefore, the use of SPK is suitable to be
used as one of the problem-solving methods.
The FMADM method is an accurate method for determining to lend. While the SAW
method as part of the FMADM method is used by Khasanah, Permanasari, and Kusumawardani
in their research to choose the primary choice in high school. The results show the accuracy
of about 90% compared to reality [9]. The use of fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making ap-
proach (FMADM) is a simple fuzzy additive weighting system (FSAW) to solve the problem of
choosing facility location by using objective / subjective attribute based on Group Decision Mak-

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ing (GDM) condition [8]. In the journal Shivakumar [21] discusses proposing a methodology for
measuring the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) for the evaluation of bank performance in India us-
ing Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (FMADM). fuzzy multiple attributes decision-making
methods (FMADM), which are appropriate for some Group Decision Making (GDM) issues in
fuzzy environments, are proposed to discuss alternative ranking and selection issues. Due to the
subjectivity, inaccuracies, and ambiguities in estimating performance estimates according to some
decision-making attributes [22]. FMADM can also be used to help problem-solving as Enrico, and
Adiputra does in their journals [23] by performing several comparison methods such as AHP, SAW,
and WP methods. Based on the Shy-Ming Chen and Jia-An Hong journals, using the FMADM-
TOPSIS method for decision-making on fixing [24]. SAW method can use as a troubleshooting
method based on comparison with other methods such as ELECTRE, PROMOTE, AHP, TOP-
SIS, VIKOR [25]. The use of the SAW method can also be used as a method to determine which
areas in Semarang are vulnerable to floods so the government can respond quickly [26]. The SAW
method can help determine which criteria can be featured which causes the measurement to be
valid [27]. In addition to using the FMADM-SAW method, the authors also use the RAD method
as a research methodology to strengthen the analysis of the problems that will be on RisTi cooper-
ative. RAD is a good research methodology to be used as a research and to fix the problems that
exist in a study [28]. RAD is one of the fastest application development methods that can help in
troubleshooting such as DSS [29]. RAD can be done based on the module obtained in the division
of the design model and done in a team [30]. In Adel and friends papers [31], propose RAD to
make mobile web services dynamic, flexible and easy to deploy. For development application can
run quickly, it needs an intense communication [32]. RAD can use for small-scale applications [33].
In RAD, there is a distinguishing feature of other development methods that concentrate in one
span of time and one room, with users and developers participating [34]. Rapid application design
process (RAD) provides a good influence on application development that takes a short time but
does not deviate from its usefulness [35].
In doing this research, the writer uses Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (FMADM)
approach in decision making, that is Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method, while to analyse
data using application aid designed by SAW algorithm. With the results of these calculations,
decision makers can easily perform the calculations by SAW method based on the stipulated. The
variables used by the provisions of the RisTi Cooperative. In the case of RisTi cooperative, the
required criterion is:
C1. Age
C2. Salary
C3. Loan
C4. Installments
C5. Period
C6. Reasons for borrowing
Making criteria on the above problems is based on the research journal owned by Khasanah
and friends [9], which distinguishes it in the journal uses problems in determining which students
will enter the science class (IPA) or IPS. With the following criteria:
C1: UN Value
C2: Placement Test Value
C3: US Value
C4: Report Value
C5: StudentâĂŹs Interest

3. Research Method
The authors use the RAD method as a research methodology to strengthen the analysis of
the problems that will be on RisTi cooperative. RAD is a good research methodology to be used as
a research and one of the fastest application development methods that can help in troubleshooting
such as DSS [28] [29].

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
4  ISSN: 2302-4046

Figure 1. RAD

Stages of the RAD methodology flow diagram:

1. Requirements Planning
This stage contains the identification of problems used as research, and data collection by
interview method to determine the criteria to be used. In addition to interviews, data
collection is obtained by literature studies to meet the basic concepts of issues raised.
2. Design Process
The technical design process undertaken is as follows:

(a) Identify the ongoing process that is by describing the flowmap that is running.
(b) Identify the process to be built that is by describing through the flowmap to be built.
(c) Designing UML as a way to identify and implement system requirements to be built.
(d) Designing Class Diagrams as a reference for building databases.
(e) Designing the User Interface as a system view.

3. Implementation
The implementation phase is as follows:

(a) Build a decision support system designed with Code Igniter programming language and
FMADM-SAW method.
(b) Database development is done as data storage by using MySQL.

At the design workshop stage, there is an implementation of a method that contains the
stages of the FMADM-SAW method.

4. Result and Analysis

In doing this research, the writer uses Fuzzy Multi-Attribute Decision Making (FMADM)
approach in decision making. The FMADM method is an accurate method for determining to lend.
The use of fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making approach (FMADM) is a simple fuzzy additive
weighting system (FSAW) to solve the problem of choosing facility location by using objective /
subjective attribute based on Group Decision Making (GDM) condition [8].
The FMADM algorithm is [36]:

1. Give each alternative value (Ai) on each criterion (Cj) that has been determined, where the
value is obtained based on crisp value; i = 1,2, ... m and j = 1,2, ... n.

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2. Provide weight value (W) which is also obtained based on crisp value

3. Normalize the matrix by calculating the normalized performance rating (rij) value of the
alternative Ai on the attribute Cj based on the equation adjusted to the type of attribute
(attribute benefit = MAXIMUM or cost attribute/cost = MINIMUM). If it is a profit mean-
ing, the crisp (Xij) value of each attribute column is divided by the crisp MAX (MAX Xij)
value of each column, while for the cost attribute, the MIN crisp (MIN Xij) value of each
attribute column is divided by the crisp value (Xij) each column.

4. Perform the ranking process by multiplying the normalized matrix (R) with the weight value

5. Determine the preference value for each alternative (Vi) by summing the product of the
normalized matrix (R) with the weight value (W). A larger value of Vi indicates that Ai’s
alternatives are preferred.

steps in the FMADM-SAW method [37] :

If j is a benefit attribute :
rij = (1)
M axi Xij

If i is a cost attribute :
M ini Xij
rij = (2)

The preference value for each attribute (Vi) :

Vi = wj ∗ rij (3)

In addition to FMADM method, the author also uses Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
method, while to analyse data using application aid designed by SAW algorithm. With the results
of these calculations, decision makers can easily perform the calculations by SAW method based
on the stipulated. The variables used by the provisions of the RisTi Cooperative. In the case of
RisTi cooperative, the required criterion is:

Table 1. Criteria Conditions

Criteria Information
Cl Age
C2 Salary
C3 Loan
C4 Installments
C5 Period
C6 Reasons for borrowing

Making criteria on the above problems is based on the research journal owned by Khasanah
and friends [9]. From the above criteria, then made a variable that is converted into fuzzy numbers
with the weight that has been determined:

Title of manuscript is short and clear, implies research results (First Author)
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Table 2. Fuzzy Number

No Information Weightt
l Very Low 0.00
2 Low 0.20
3 Medium 0.40
4 Middle 0.60
5 High 0.80
6 Many 1.00

From the criteria and weights that have been determined above, then we can determine
the cost and benefit number. Where the cost amount is the cost to be incurred and benefit means
something profitable. Determination of benefit value using formula 1. While the value of cost
using the formula 2. The use of the formula will determine the divisor for the normalization stage,
as in table 3.

Table 3. Normalization of Matrics

No Name C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
l Hilda 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00
2 Milda 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.00 0.50
3 Fira 1.00 0.50 0.75 0.50 0.75 1.00
4 Rico 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.25
5 Benris 0.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50
Divider 0.40 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00

After the normalization stage, the cost and benefit calculation phase has been completed
then the next step is to determine the ranking using the formula 3 and the ranking results are
listed in Table 4.

Table 4. Rating Results

Result Name Ranking

0.565 Hilda 5
0.706666667 Milda 2
0.619166667 Fira 3
0.604166667 Rico 4
0.875 Benris 1

The result of this research is a system that can assist in lending process by using Decision
Support System with FMADM-SAW Method, and below is the look of the application.

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Figure 2. Admin Login

Figure 3. Loan Form

5. Conclusion
The issue raised as a topic is that the lending process is still done manually and unstruc-
tured. In the process, there is no priority in lending. Therefore, the author makes a system that
can help the process of lending to run properly and can provide loans by the priority first. Given
the above problems, the authors use RAD research methodology and FMADM-SAW methods as
well as decision support systems to help provide the best decision on the alternatives available. And
the author also uses CodeIgniter as a programming system. Decision Support System Providing
Loan With Fmadm-Saw Method indicates that the use of FMADM-SAW or Fuzzy-SAW method
is very helpful in overcoming loan problems with the priority of lending based on the limited funds

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