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Grant: Belz/Lynch/Krause Educational Grant https://www.nsea.


Applicant: Jessica Fisher

Narrative explaining needs, goals, project description, and evaluation method:

Compassion fatigue is the outcome of people who work in the caregiving

profession, who work with others, and who have experienced extremely stressful events

(Fowler, M., 2015; Hoffman, S., Palladino, J. M., & Barnett, J., 2007). Simply put,

compassion fatigue is the cost of caring (Mathieu, F., 2007). Due to direct and indirect

trauma students bring to the classroom, Title 1 middle school teachers feel the effects of

compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue affects teacher job performance and leads to

burnout if proper care is not taken (Fowler, M., 2015). Educators do not receive the

support they need to lessen compassion fatigue symptoms and lead healthier lives,

both physically and mentally. Teachers require supports in order to cope with the stress

of teaching. In a school with a continuing problem of teacher turnover, this professional

development project is vital to teachers wellness and school stress. We have to keep

teachers healthy and happy while working through a systems approach to better the


Through this book study professional development, our team leaders (a group of

twelve administrators and teachers from each grade level) would learn about and

evaluate our current workplace stress and develop wellness plans. The team leaders

are also members of the Nebraska State Education Association and the Lincoln

Education Association members. The goals of this project are: to understand and

identify trauma-exposed workplace stressors at our school; to determine individual risk

and resiliency profiles through self assessment; and to build wellness plans fit for

individuals and our school to reduce stress, burnout, and compassion fatigue.

By engaging in a book study once a month, teachers will meet the goals of this

project and utilize the Resilience, Balance, and Meaning Workbook by Patricia Fisher.

For three book study meetings, team leaders focus on the first section of the book which

covers ways to understand workplace stress and determine your school’s current

stressors and ways to address them. For two meetings, team leaders complete a self-

assessment to determine their risk and resiliency factors in regards to dealing with

workplace stress. For four meetings, team leaders would create wellness plans to suit

their individual needs and the needs of the collective whole. The final meeting of the

school year requires team leaders to review and reflect upon the learning.

An action plan for further professional development in reducing workplace stress

created by team leaders would be shared with the staff for the following school year as

well as with the grant contributors. This action plan as well as the reflection from team

leaders serve as an evaluation of the project to determine how the school addresses

workplace stress and the implementation of wellness plans.

Project Timeline:

August- Section 1: understanding workplace stress

September- Section 1: understanding workplace stress

October- Section 1: understanding workplace stress

November- Section 2: self-assessment tools

December- Section 2: self-assessment tools

January- Section 3: development of wellness plans

February- Section 3: development of wellness plans

March- Section 3: development of wellness plans

April- Section 3: development of wellness plans

May- Review, reflection, and action plan for next year

Project Budget:
Quantity Item Name/Description Item Cost

12 Resilience, Balance, & Meaning Workbooks $900.00

Total Cost: $900.00

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