Impact of Digital Marketing On Organisational Performance: Case Study of Ihg

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Dhuromsingh Shailendra (@00512245) MSC (Project management)

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Digital marketing can be referredtolike the concept of involving new upgraded
marketing tactics adopted by organisationsto plan long-term resources in increasing
customer awareness and meet the objectives of the firm. The process of digital
marketing involves products and services based on digital technologies involved with
internet technology (based on smartphones, display advertisement, and digital
medium). The methods of digital marketing include tools, for example, SEO, SEM,
content marketing, display advertisement, and others. The study is focused on
analysing the impact of digital marketing. However, the topic is very broad, and thus it
has considered the case of the Hospitality industry, more specifically InterContinental
Group. The first chapter has outlined a brief background about the main theme of the
topic to narrow down the theme using research questions. It has helped the study to
shape a comprehensive literature review in the secondchapter; questionnaire for the
findings was designed using it to cover all the aspects. The study has taken the
inductive approach to shaping the primary data collection using qualitative data analysis
in forming a set.The online survey was carried out by 100 employees of
InterContinental Hotels Groups using Likert Scale approach. It has helped the study to
collect and analyse data easily as the data is easy to understand. Collected results are
further incorporated with the literature review to formulate perspective and set a focus
about the main theme of the study. It has helped the researchers to formulate
perspective and reduce the gaps within the study theme; a set of recommendations has
been given further to the study to outline a path to work on this topic further. For
instance, the future studies should consider adoption of diverse approach for collecting
data, and they should consider working with the peer reviews to formulate a
perspective on the topic. The findings determined that digital marketing approaches,
tactics, and techniques have helped Intercontinental Hotel Groups to improve their
marketing approach and customer relationship management to achieve their work
efficiency. It is recommended for IHG to consider planning their strategies with tactics,
for example, SEO, Google Analytics, and others to improve its strategies and look
forward to increasing its business efficiency and performance in the industry according
to its competitors. The participants of the study point out that the use of digital
marketing strategies will help the firm in improving its financial performance to maintain
its competitive advantage.The recommendations and findings of the study have
highlighted the need for the use of digital marketing with varying characteristics and
uses. It is so because the world of the internet is changing with every passing day and
so are the digital marketing strategies for which the organization needs to be updated
and informed.
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Table of Contents
Chapter One – Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Aim and Objectives ............................................................................................................ 7
1.3 Research Question ............................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Significance of the Research ............................................................................................ 7
1.5 Problem Statement ............................................................................................................ 8
1.6 Flow of Dissertation ......................................................................................................... 10
Chapter Two - Literature Review ............................................................................................. 11
2.1 Importance of Digital Marketing .................................................................................... 12
2.2 Different types of digital marketing used within the hospitality industry for
improving their performance................................................................................................... 0
2.3 Potential benefits of digital marketing in the hospitality industry .............................. 5
2.4 Challenges for companies in the hospitality industry in implementing digital
marketing ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter Three - Research Methodology ................................................................................. 20
3.1 Research Philosophy ........................................................................................................ 20
3.2 Research Approach .......................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Research Design ............................................................................................................... 22
3.4 Data Collection Method ................................................................................................... 24
3.5 Sampling Methods ............................................................................................................ 26
3.6 Questionnaire Design ...................................................................................................... 27
3.7Data Analysis Method ......................................................................................................... 0
3.8 Ethical Considerations ....................................................................................................... 1
3.9 Validity and Reliability ....................................................................................................... 1
Chapter Four – Results and Discussion ..................................................................................... 2
3.1. Results ............................................................................................................................. 2
3.1.1. Part 1 - Efficiency of Digital Marketing in the Hospitality Sector .................... 3
3.1.2. Part 2 - Challenges related to Digital Marketing in the Hospitality Industry . 9
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3.1.3. Part 3 - Strategies to Overcome the Challenges ............................................. 15

3.2. Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter Five – Conclusion and Recommendations ............................................................... 25
4.1. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 25
4.2. Recommendations for Future Studies....................................................................... 30
References ................................................................................................................................... 31
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 38
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Chapter One – Introduction

1.1 Introduction
The hospitality industry has indicated a significant level of growth in the past few years.

In the current year, the industry is expected to sustain its performance and to enhance

its growth by 5-6 per cent. This industry is usually considered cyclic, but, the growth

over the past few years has altered the cyclic nature of the industry (Saura et al.,

2019). The hotel industry in the upcoming years is looking forwardto strategic options

to take advantage of the opportunity and to grow its business. Digital marketing in this

quest is,therefore, amongst the most sought out option for the hospitality sector (Qian

et al., 2018).

The standards for Tourism industry set in an international context are considered as the

most rapidly growing industry hitting $1.6 Trillion in 2017. There are different factors

influencing the overall revenue for hotels, airlines, restaurants, and other stakeholders

in the travel ecosystem, the key element is healthy consumer spending. Despite low

inflation and low unemployment, only in the US economy has sustained 2.5% growth

throughout 2018 (Tamaki, 2018). The competition in the airline industry is increasing

that creates downward pricing pressure with low fuel prices, international competition,

and others. This has encouraged the involvement of low-cost airlines around the world.

The change in industry dynamics has created a shift in tourism product and service line

to customer experience promoting the outpacing for service demand that has ultimately

increase customer spending towards recreation activities, travelling, food and beverages

(Deloitte, 2018).
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Research determines that by 2025, there will be more than 220 million new travellers

across the world that will contribute up to $35 billion only in the USA, with personalised

travelling program support new customer lines. To support tourism activities across the

world, companies are suggested to use blockchain technology in holding great potential

to manage accrual and frictionless elements to loyalty points in supporting business

development for companies in maintaining its performance and productivity (Kasemsap,

2018). The digital transformation of the travel industry have been in a greater range in

the last few years with new tools involving in the digital tourism industry, habits,

software, others have reached approximately $300 billion.With advance elements in the

traditionalcategory, players have upstart the game for tourism stakeholders in the right

direction to achieve its business targets efficiently and reach new heights (Mekonnen &

Larner, 2018).

The introduction of digital technology to the corporate world has changed the way of

marketing for many organisations. The digital marketing has enabled the customers to

reach to the wider customer based. Use of digital technology in marketing has changed

the attitude of the organisation towards traditional marketing. It has not only brought

changes in the marketing techniques but has also changed the perceptions of the

organisations for executing their marketing strategy (Anderson & Xie, 2010). The digital

marketing in this era has become essential for any organisation. Organisations that are

operating in different sectors are now considering integrating digital marketing into

their traditional marketing strategy. The increased use of internet amongst the

customers has provided new insight into the organisations for increasing customer
Page |6

engagement (Kandampully et al., 2015; Ashley & Tuten, 2015). The digital technologies

have provided the companies with some tools and techniques to increase the customer

reach and to increase their engagement. Many companies are working on creating

customer leads from using digital marketing. The use of digital marketing has found to

have a significant impact on the revenue of the organisations. It has been observed

that digital marketing contributes towards increasing the overall customer reach and

therefore increase the clientele (Yasmin et al., 2015; Ip et al., 2011).

McKinsey highlight that the influence of digital marketing on the behaviour of the

customers has led the hotel chains to design their marketing plans with higher usage of

digital media tools. The internet has become an important place for customers (Kozinets

et al., 2010; Edelman, 2015). It has been observed that majority of the people spends a

great amount of time on the internet and their social media accounts. It has become a

significant factor for the hospitality sector to divert its attention todigital marketing

(Stephen, 2016). To remain competitive in this era, the hotel industry is required to

have an increased presence on the internet. Digital marketing in this scenario is the

only solution for the hotel industry to increase its presence and to become the priority

for the customers (Holliman & Rowley, 2014). For integrating digital marketing in its

operations, the hotels are required to arrange and organise its data to provide the

relevant information to the customers. This information can then be disseminated to the

customers by using digital marketing tools. It contributes towards increasing the

customers reach and helps in increasing the customer's engagement (Smith, 2011).
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1.2 Aim and Objectives

The proposed study will aim to evaluate the impact of digital marketing on

organisational performance using the case of IHG. Moreover, the research objectives

that will be used study are as follows:

 To critically evaluate the importance of digital marketing for the hotel industry

 To examine different types of digital marketing strategies of IHG hotels for

improving their performance

 To critically assess the benefit of digital marketing for IHG hotels

 To analyse the challenges that can be faced in employing digital marketing

techniques for IHG hotels

1.3 Research Question

The research question that will be used for completing this proposed study will be as


1. What is the significance of digital marketing for the hotel industry?

2. How different types of digital marketing in the hospitality industry enhance the

entire performance?

3. What are the challenges for the hospitality industry to face in the implementation

of digital marketing?

1.4 Significance of the Research

With the increased trend of internet and social media, people with the passage of time

have become addicted to the use of screens and social media. This increased trend has

transformed the way the businesses approach their clientele (Bharwani & Butt, 2012;
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Dahiya & Gayatri, 2018). In almost every market, physical marketing is therefore slowly

becoming a trend of the past and is losing its ability to create a meaningful impact on

the customers. The situation is propelling the businesses to look for the alternate and

viable options that can transform the marketing techniques,and that can create a

significant impact on the customers (Stephen, 2016; Rana & Dwivedi, 2018).

In the quest for viable options, digital media provide a complete package to the

business to execute their marketing strategy and to increase the customer’s base and

customer’s engagement effectively. The digital marketing provides a range of tools for

the business to be integrated as part of their customer-centric strategy. Considering the

popularity of digital marketing, the hotel industry is also opting to integrate digital

marketing into its operations. Research shows that the overall revenue of the global

hotel industry was $495.15 USD in 2016 and it contributed approximately $7.61 Trillion

USD to the global economy in 2016 (Stone & Woodcock, 2014; Caber et al., 2012).

Intercontinental Hotel is amongst the largest hotel chain. Considering the competition in

the market and the changing marketing requirements, Intercontinental Hotel is looking

forward to integrating digital marketing as the part of its marketing strategy.

Integrating digital marketing in its marketing operations can enable the hotel chain to

target a wide range of customers and can also enable the Hotel chain to increase its

profit margin (Ashley & Tuten, 2015).

1.5 Problem Statement

The research is focused on the hospitalityindustry; it has taken the case of

Intercontinental Hotel to form perspective.The purpose is to draw attention towards the

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benefits of digital marketing in the business industry. However, it is also important to

outline the issues associated with digital marketing and social media marketing in the

hospitalityindustry(Caber et al., 2012). There are issues with digital marketing that

Intercontinental hotels are required to consider while planning its marketing plan. Thus,

it is important to plan marketing decisions about improving a firm’s business is to look

forward to identifying the challenge and plan recommendations to overcome the issues.

The first challenge is to define the success of organisations using digital marketing

tactics (Mihalcea & Savulescu, 2013; Smith, 2011). It is a fact that working with digital

marketing strategies does not determine its success certainty, but there are always

questions over its efficiency. Using tangible resources, the efficiency of the strategic

marketing plan is measurable, for example, a company is promoting its products by

using traditional marketing approach (billboards or advertisement using magazines),

and managerscan measure the reach of its advertisement and others(Caber et al.,

2012). However, while using social media and digital marketing approach, a marketing

manager can measure the advertisement engagement of people, but it cannot

determine the opinion of customers without seeking feedback from them. To overcome

the challenge, it is important for the marketers to make sure that all such challenges

are considered. It is also important to make sure that future strategies are designed for

the underpinned case to extract the required outcomes. (Harridge & Quinton, 2012;

Anderson & Xie, 2010)

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1.6 Flow of Dissertation

It is important for a research study to adopt a systematic flaw in the thesis to determine

if it is following the right flow or not. Lack of flow within the thesis can affect the

outcomes of the study. The flow for this thesis is as follow;

- Chapter 1 –Introduction –the chapter entails information about the background

of the study, explore ideas to be discussed further, and outline the areas where

the research face issues while working in a flow.

- Chapter 2 – Literature Review – the chapter explore different ideas associated

covered in the aims and objectives of the research to further work on this theme

using secondary data collection.

- Chapter 3 – Research Methodology –every research is different. Therefore, it is

important for the study to select a suitable data collection and analysis method

to collect and analyse data. Therefore, in this chapter, different research

methods, frameworks, and model have been discussed to select a suitable

method to collect data with a selected approach.

- Chapter 4 – Results and Discussion –the collected data are discussed in this

chapter using relevant tool and software such as MS Excel and others selected in

the above chapter suitable to the nature of the study.

- Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Recommendations –summarises the overall research

with key pointers. Itmakes it easy for others to make sure that they discuss all

the points underpinned throughout the study.

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Chapter Two - Literature Review

Thesection deals with the in-depth study of the theories that have been published

before and are in context with the research topic. The Literature review consists of the

critique review of the studies to determine the different types of digital marketing that

are used by the hotels to enhance their performances (Smith, 2011; Baltes, 2015). This

section revolves around the user of the book and journal published as a result of

relevant research. In addition to this, the literature review explains the different digital

marketing tools that are implemented within the hospitality industry to generate the

marketing plan in order, to meet the aim of the business. Boolean keyword search has

been used to outline the research and improve the research criteria to study digital

marketing tactics in the hospitality industry.

Emerald Jstor Palgrave Google

Macmillan Scholar
“Digital Marketing” + “Hospitality” 1,235 1,037 1,997 19,800
“social media” + “marketing” 50,308 90,265 12,964 3,230,000
“Internet marketing” + “hospitality 2,063 1,525 3,202 130,000
“Marketing management” + “digital 22,759 21,517 5,726 2,540,000
“Social media” + “Marketing strategies” + 2,891 1,459 15,025 182,000
“Hospitality industry”
“Digital marketing” + “social media” + 9,850 10,189 15,619 1,610,000
“marketing management”
Table 1: Boolean Keyword Search (Author, 2018)

Considering the nature of the research for the literature has been carried out following

the above-mentioned combinations to form perspective.

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2.1 Importance of Digital Marketing

Google Scholar Emerald

Digital Marketing 2,750,000 2,580,40
Importance Digital Marketing 1,800,000 550250
Marketing 1458200 178523
Table 2

Stephen(2016)stated that the changing dynamics of the industry had created the urge

for the companies to look forward to considering the trends to improve their business

operations. Companies all over the world are working on improving its standards of

operations considering the changes in the industry to make up with the pace to meet

the changing plan of actions. It has been noted by Tiago & Veríssimo(2014)that

marketers all over the world to meet the trends of the market using digital marketing

strategies. There are multiple benefits of digital market for a firm managing its

resources to market them among their target customers. Statistics collected by Holliman

& Rowley(2014)determines that more than 34% companies have working with

integrated digital marketing strategies and plans in 2016 and the figure has continued

to increase in the last two years.

Approximately 72% marketers believe it found it very difficult to achieve suitable results

by using traditional marketing approach that has affected their resources. While on the

other hand, it is also determined that companies using digital marketing approach help

the marketers to reach more customer and increase its profits up to 30% as

comprehended by Mihalcea & Savulescu(2013).It is indicated by Stone &

Woodcock(2014)that digital marketing has helped companies to gain equal

opportunities for the firms in the competitive industry.Holliman& Rowley(2014)

P a g e | 13

mentioned that digital marketing had become the centre of attraction for the corporate

world. It has revolutionised the marketing techniques of the businesses and has

introduced a new way of creating an attraction for customers. With the increasing trend

of digital technology, it is becoming viable for the hospitality sector,and therefore, the

hotels are taking interest to integrate it as the part of their marketing strategy

(Holliman & Rowley, 2014).

Töllinen & Karjaluoto(2011)identified that the key benefit of digital marketing for firms

look forward to seeking advantages from the resources available to them. It is

discussed above that DM has accommodated the companies to enjoy equal

opportunities, for example, SMEs and small companies have the facility to perform well,

plan its marketing strategies, and embrace the changes in marketing that were

previously unavailable to small companies. Järvinen & Karjaluoto(2015)outline that the

use of digital marketing helps a firm to target a large customer base while managing its

resources, improve its customer services, and use different modes of communication

and marketing to achieve its goals. It has been discussed by Stephen(2016)that 28% of

businesses have moved to advertise its products by allocating its budget to manage its

resources, for example, with the help of digital marketing, companies can use multiple

digital marketing tools to achieve its sales and performance targets. Furthermore, it is

found that digital marketing helps a company to adopt strategies that reduce their

operational and marketing cost and achieve its cost to reach their targets evidently

(Leeflang et al., 2014).

P a g e | 14

According to the work of Tiago & Veríssimo(2014), it has been observed that digital

marketing is important and has been adopted by the organisation to reach to their

target market more effectively. The main aim of digital marketing is to interact with

customers by using versatile tools easily. Digital marketing also speeds up the

marketing activities at minimal cost (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014). The marketers are

taking an increased interest in social media marketing due to the range of effective

tools it offers. Baltes(2015)has commented that the digital media with the passage of

time has gained increased importance for contemporary businesses as it is affordable

and is effective for reaching the targeted audience. Digital marketing

allowscreativetoolsthathelp the marketers in tracing the results (Baltes, 2015).

Baltes(2015)observed that it could be achieved using tools such as CRO tools and

procedures to optimise conversation of products and services. Digital marketing enables

the marketers to streamline their digital marketing struggles to reach more customers,

for example, tools such as Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Optimisation, email

marketing, and others to engage customers with products and services offered to the

company. According to Google, IPSOS Hong Kong was able to extract 2.8% more

revenue and growth for the companies using digital marketing strategies (Kandampully

et al., 2015). Leeflang et al(2014) noted that it hadbeen achieved with reaching a

better conversion rate to achieve advantages for businesses. Besides, it is also found

that using digital marketing strategies;firmscan generate more revenue that further

help SMEs to advertise strategies to optimise its business 3.3 times better than they

were managing its resources previously. Järvinen & Karjaluoto(2015) commented that
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with the effective use of digital marketing, the hotel chain could increase customer

loyalty and the trust of customers in their brands.

Digital marketing allows somevarious tools to the marketers that ensure the business

growth in amanner which can help them in tracing the behaviour of the customers

(Järvinen & Karjaluoto, 2015). As per the work of Leeflang et al(2014), the digital

medium also enables the marketers to analyse the trend of the market and that of the

customer helps them to design their products and services that can meet the needs of

the customers. The digital market also provides its customers with cost savvy options

allow them to conduct their marketing campaigns with minimal cost as compared to the

cost of traditional marketing. Digital marketing ensures cost feasible options with

reliable results and allows the hotel chains to convert their leads into returning

customers (Leeflang et al., 2014).Also, it is found by Smith(2011)that the use of digital

marketing strategies helps companies to facilitate its marketing managers to interact

with their target audience.

Currently, firms are required to interact with customers that help its management to

work with conventional marketing channels in achieving its objectives. It is important

for companies to understand the needs and expectations of their customers and ensure

that they align them with their products and services. Digital marketing approaches help

a marketer to differentiate between business achievement and failure element; it

further helps them build a database for its further use (Ashley & Tuten, 2015; Caber et

al., 2012). Liu & Lopez(2016)outlines that the use of digital marketing and resources

helps a company to gain experience about their customer preference, and build trust
P a g e | 16

among customers to adopt a growth approach for its business. Furthermore, it is also

important for individuals to make sure that they have reached its customers using

smartphones also. Technology has been a great influence on marketing approaches for

businesses that help them achieve their targets. The device can be used to primarily

target young customers that can work as a potential source to generate revenue and

improve their business performance (Hayta, 2013; Järvinen & Karjaluoto, 2015).

Also, according to Chaffey & Smith(2013), it can be said that the benefits and

effectiveness of digital marketing look forward to gaining uncountable advantages for

the companies in the competitive market. The focus of companies while working with

this approach is the untraceable results. It is found by Royle & Laing(2014)that digital

marketing results are easy to determine, marketers can trace the audience engagement

and monitor their results. They can also control their online presence to maintain

enough visibility in the industry and use the data to take efficient decisions and support

business development. Besides, according to the research carried out by Wymbs(2011),

it is determined that the increasing trend of using digital media is due to various

reasons, for example, marketers can carry out comparative analysis. The feature

accommodates the needs of both clients and marketers; forexample, customers can

compare and contrast the prices of their required products offered by two different

companies refereeing to their prices and quality along with customer

feedbacks(Stephen, 2016; DuPont et al., 2018).

Even if the effectiveness factors of digital marketing is carried out, Lamberton &

Stephen(2016)outlined that the increasing influence of technology has increased the

P a g e | 17

number of opportunities for companies to motivate individuals to involve in business

industry differently. For example, some jobs related to social media, for example, social

media marketers and managers have recently emerged in the past few years. It is

predicted by Flick(2015)that digital media marketing will emerge as a separate business

operation in future that will require business attention because of its effectiveness and

efficiency. Meanwhile, it will be beneficial for organisations to consider upgrading their

trends and marketing operations using digital marketing approach as comprehended by

2.2 Different types of digital marketing used within the hospitality industry for improving their


Type of Digital Tools Used Methodology Reference

Social media Twitter Used Aad model to (Leung et al., 2015)
marketing Facebook explore
effectiveness of
social media
Website marketing Websites A benchmark tool (Li et al., 2015)
is used to explore
the application of
website marketing
activities in hotels
Digital marketing Digital marketing plan Survey was (De Pelsmacker et al., 2018)
strategies TripAdvisor conducted to
OTAs management measure the
reports number of realised
Guest reviews room nughts and
activities of digital
Digital social networks eWOM on booking Exploratory case (de Queiroz Falcão et al., 2018)
platforms study to determine
advantages of
eWOM and
satisfaction in
Social media Social media platforms Interviews were (Felix et al., 2017)
marketing conducted to
define social media
marketing, best
and worst practice
Page |1

examples of social
media marketing,
and success
Social media Social networks Literature review (Moro & Rita, 2018)
marketing Photo and video was conducted
sharing sites
Blogs and online review
Social media Social media platforms A literature review (Sigala, 2018)
marketing on concepts, aims,
implementation of
social CRM
Social media Social media platforms Field experiment (Lambrecht & Tucker, 2013)
marketing was conducted
from an online
travel firm
Digital, social media, Thematic analysis Identified key (Lamberton & Stephen, 2016)
and mobile marketing themes on the
Mobile social media Facebook Places Review of previous (Yadav et al., 2015)
Foursquare studies on social
media and mobile
phone applications
Content marketing CRM software Case study to (Järvinen & Taiminen, 2016)
investigate use of
automation for
high sales leads
through content
Table 3: Type of Digital Marketing Strategies and Tools Used (Author, 2019
Turban et al(2017)confer that the role of digital marketing has changed in the last few

years, especially in the hospitality industry. Management of hotel groups is keen to

work with digital marketing to increase its service reach among customers all over the

world. The trend has been widely observed in the case of multinational hotel groups to

increase their customer knowledge and gain benefits from them. It is noted by

Lambrecht & Tucker(2013)that digital marketing not only helps the companies to

increase its organic reach on social media, but marketers in hotel groups can look

forward to developing quality content and sponsor different commercial tactics to reach

its target audience. Also, marketers in the hotel industry are keen to allocate its

financial resources in different areas and not only with social media. For example, these

include email marketing, search engine marketing, publisher networks, programmatic

networks, and review websites (Kozinets et al., 2010; Royle & Laing, 2014).

The focus of the study is social media as a marketing tool in digital marketing.

However, it is important for the research to consider the investment; companies are

keen to allocate their budget differently. For example, the most typical budget

allocation for hotels in the market in 2018 can be divided as 10% for review sites, 25%

for Facebook and other social media networking tools, 25% for programmatic sites,

10% for Google Display, and 30% for Google Adwords as it can be seen in the research

carried out by Vyas(2018). It is found by Zervas et al(2017)that 2018 and onwards will

be quite happening for the hospitality industry as it will increase the number of

opportunities for line managers to justify their choices and adopt changes of the market

more quickly. However, the reason behind focusing on social media marketing is a
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limited financial investment and more of human investment. It requires the markets to

keep the pages active with updates and relies on that can help marketers to engage

more customers with their services (Stone & Woodcock, 2014).

According to Hayta(2013), social media is the most common tool used in the digital

marketing of the business. The social networks enable consumers to know more details

about the product and service of the business. It explains that social media has led to

the revolution in the business market; it has created more access of the consumers to

the products and attracted more customers to the business. Wikström & Ellonen(2012)

demonstrate the characteristics of social media for the business in amoreglamorised

way. It attracts the wider audience as a customer. It issignificant to the

hospitalityindustrysince their managementhas to accommodate customers from around

the globe. It means that the information about hotel services needs to be

widespreadworldwide. Hence, there is no better way of attracting the customers other

than the social media platforms that enable the marketing plan to target a wide

audience from around the world (Wikström & Ellonen, 2012).

The study of Töllinen & Karjaluoto(2011) explains the findings of the types of social

media platforms that the businesses have been using to enhance their business market.

It provides a detailed discussion about the ways that a company can engage its

customer by using the social networking website. The study tells that YouTube and

Facebook have been most successful in generating publicity for the Business. In

addition to this, Zervas et al.(2017)provide the account of the risk and challenges faced

by a business in talking considering steps for the social media marketing. Hotels in the
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international market have been careful to manage the risks associated with social media

marketing. For example,IHG is effectively running a media marketing campaign. Their

YouTube channel has gained 830,308 views till date. It means that more people are

looking forward as a means of getting more aware of the hotel groups in the industry

and are looking forward to selecting their required services according to their service

criteria (Baltes, 2015).

Harridge & Quinton(2012) mentioned the loyalty of the Customer that digital marketing

creates. The study refers to ‘social media’ as a communication tool in the modern world.

The modern world is itself tech-inspired,and hence, social media plays a significant role

in providing a platform to communicate effectively. The implementation of effective

communication is necessary for business marketing, the communication between the

customers and allows the business to act according to the demand of the customer.

Baltes(2015)reflects that the views of customers are always considered to improve the

performance of one’s business. Therefore, hotels in the industry aim to improve its

performance by responding to the complaints of the customers and the challenges they

have during their experience with hotels in the industry. The official pages of hotels in

the industry have enabled their customers to write a review;the feature is a speciality of

Facebook Page (Harridge & Quinton, 2012). The written review helps the managers to

evaluate the responses of the customer about the services within their organisation.

The evaluation then leads the findings of the major flaws in the services of hotels in the

industry that needs to be improved on anurgent basis. The flaws are the ones that have

been indicated by the customers (Liu & Lopez., 2016)

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The study of Nekatibeb(2012)elaborated on the impact of review and comments on

social media handlings of different business. The study explained that the modern world

is so indulged in the social media they are more reactive to the social media impact. It

means that people rather than believing the in-person discussion between the people

about a certain product prefers to believe the written review and comment that are

present on the social media platform of the business (Vyas, 2018). It leads to an

understanding of the impact of the reviews. The positive review on the Facebook page

or a positive comment under the comment section of the YouTube video can attract the

potential customer, or develops a positive image of the business to the person who has

come to know about the business for very first time as comprehended by Töllinen &


It results in positive publicity for the business. However, if the review and comments

are not positive and the customer complains about the poor services of the business,

then it can prove to defame the business. Therefore, hotel managementhas a very

vigilant to maintain its social media rating and have good reviews (Leeflang et al.,

2014; Holliman & Rowley, 2014). Organisations in hotels are required to keeps a

regular eye on their social media and have special team hired that only manages their

social media for digital marketing. It does not mean that they maintain their image on

social media platform, but they respond to the complaint as their utmost priority.

Frick(2013)found that hotels in the international hospitality industry are focused on

compensating the customers who had to face a bad service, a gesture of apology from

the company. These compensate includes a discount or even free of cost stay at the
Page |4

next visit of the particular customer. Companies contribute their part in developing

industries while working on their weak areas of performances, to collect reviews that

are more positive and attract more customers (Wikström & Ellonen, 2012; Lamberton &

Stephen, 2016).

Mihalcea & Savulescu(2013) explain the use of a social networking website as a way of

enhancing the revenue of the company. The social media sites enable the spread of

brand awareness and attract customers to spend on a particular brand they saw

through their social media websites. The performance of hotels in the hospitality

industry revolves around the three aspects of social networking as stated by this study:

service development, marketing communication and recruiting. Each of the aspects has

enabled the hotels to enhance their performance in a certain way.

According to Caber et al(2012), the service development leads to the collection of

Databases of the Customers of hotels;data can be then used for processing the relevant

information toimprove the organisation. The marketing communication involves the

open permission to the customers to voice their thoughts and opinion about the

operations in the hospitality industry. However, it involves a certain level of privacy

issues that hotels are required to consider and create its digital marketing strategy

accordingly. The recruiting involves the hiring of the skilled and tech-savvy team to

handle the performance evaluation for the company (Baltes, 2015).

Ashley & Tuten (2015) explain the significance of targeting a relevant audience through

social media platforms. The performance of hotels in the industryis linked with the
Page |5

implementation of digitising marketing plan. The performance can only be improved by

introducing an innovation in the business. Also, innovation always involves the practice

of technological advancement in the business. Therefore, Leeflang et al(2014)stated

that the performance of the business includes the strategic measurement and steps

involved to enhance the revenue of the business. The revenue can only be increased by

attracting maximum customers who can afford the services of the hotels such as the

Intercontinental Hotel Group. Hence, it needs to target a certain audience by its digital

marketing campaign that eventually leads to the enhanced performance of the

company (Baltes, 2015).

2.3 Potential benefits of digital marketing in the hospitality industry

Kandampully et al(2015)stated that the hospitality sector had been affected by digital

marketing trends more widely in comparison to any other industry working in a

competitive market. The risks associated with the use of digital marketing in the

previous literature are not highlighted as they are used for the benefits of the

organisations.It is because that most of the customers in this industry are social

travellers, tourists, business associates and others that spend time online to look for

visiting places, booking hotels, looking for restaurants, and others. Ip et al(2011)

observed that the use of social media and digital marketing benefitedthehospitality

industry with various opportunities to reach new customers and increase their

profitability. However, it is important to outline the benefits of digital marketing in the

hospitality industry under different categories and tactics marketers are keen to use

while managing their operations. Among other digital marketing strategies, content
Page |6

marketing is one of the most effective and basic strategies that have worked well with

the hospitality sector (Caber et al., 2012).Anderson& Xie(2010)found digital content

marketing efficient in informing customers about the hotel and the businesses in which

people should spend their time while visiting another country or region.

It is noted byAnderson& Xie (2010)that drafting content for marketing includes pictures,

videos, articles, customer feedbacks, and events to promote goodwill about the

business and generate revenue. It is also determined that content marketing is good

pay to keep the customers of the company informed and retained with their services for

the long term. Engaging customers to keep them in the loop with company’s services is

also a perk of content marketing to benefit a firm’s business. According to Park & E.

Levy(2014), the only problem with content marketing is associated with getting rights

of the content; it is important for the marketers hired by the company to keep their

content engaging and attractive to draw customer’s attention towards the hotel’s

services. Also, another digital marketing tool includes SEO or search engine optimisation

(Baltes, 2015).

As indicated by Theodosiou & Katsikea(2012), SEO help the hotels to improve their

online ranking on search engine, for example, if a potential customer is searching for

hotel services on Google, effective SEO will filer the company’s name of top research

that will make high chances for the customer to look at the service the hotel is offering.

Statistics collected by Stephen(2016)determines that more than 80% internet traffic is

generated for a hotel or company is via SEO that brings potential business to the firm.

However, the tool requires technical assistance and expertise. Therefore, firms are keen
Page |7

to hire professional SEO experts to market its products and services with the right

keywords and include it with the content, Meta content, and Meta description to make it

visible for the customers easily. Similarly, to content marketing, Tiago &

Veríssimo(2014)stated that SEO marketing also requires graphical presentation to

attract customers towards the services offered by the company to its customers in the

competitive marketplace.

Turban et al(2017)outlined another effective tool for digital marketing strategies as SEA

or Search Engine Advertising. Many business experts found it time-consuming and even

monotonous to attract customers. However, it is found by Zervas et al(2017)that SEA

helps marketers in the hospitality sector to increase organic and real results in less time

with paid search results. It involves platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and others

to market the products and services of the company. However, it requires the hotels to

invest in technical input to identify the right research material to target customers. In

other words by Fu Tsang et al(2010), marketers are required to have knowledge about

the needs of the customers and how they can search for it online. It supports the

marketers to achieve its goals quite efficiently, but it is important to for the site to meet

the requirements to maintain the competitive advantage of the firm among its


Furthermore, it is found by Leeflang et al(2014)that the current marketing era relies on

digital marketing concept to use different platforms in marketing the products and

services of a company and attracting its customers. Kandampully et al(2015)highlighted

that approximately 30% of individuals spend their time on social networking sites.
Page |8

Customers look for their required services onlineand then compare it with other

companies in context to quality and prices before selecting any one. Social media

marketing is heaven for the hospitality industry because it opens opportunities for hotel

business globally without any boundary or territory. It is even seen in the research

carried out by Holliman & Rowley(2014)that with the help of social media marketing,

marketers in hotel industry can contact their target audience using platforms such as

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap chat, and other. However, it will require attractive

pictures, exotic locations, texts, gifs, and videos to capture the attention of the visitor.

In addition to all this, it is outlined by Järvinen & Karjaluoto(2015)that marketers are

even considering aligning traditional and modern marketing techniques to attract new

customer streamline. One such technique is email marketing; though it is one of the

oldest techniques used by the marketers to promote their products and services, it

found effective in targeting customers directly. In the hotel industry, email marketing

entails that personal gesture from the company to stay connected with their clients and

retain them for the long term. From another perspective, email marketing is a type of

approach that helps a company to keep their customer informed about the services

they have been working with (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). As comprehended by Järvinen &

Karjaluoto(2015), email marketing requires creativity and attractiveness factors while

designing it in the form of a newsletter, or magazines to update clients. These include

information about the company, trends in the hotelindustry, and others to guide

customers so that they can select their required services.

Page |9

Caber et al.(2012)have highlighted the term e-reputation; it is one of the most recent

concepts in digital marketing that has emerged in the last few years in the business

industry because of its effectiveness. Companies using this approach are keen to have

their entire department managing their social media presence and page especially their

review sites. Meanwhile, Harridge & Quinton(2012)stated that with a good e-reputation

strategy, organisations could look forward to adopting a multi-disciplinary approach to

involve input from digital marketing strategy and public image. With the help of this

approach, organisations can look forward to establishing its loyal customer base in

managing negative reviews and bad publicity to control bad word of mouth for a hotel

among its customers. About the research of Lamberton & Stephen(2016), it can be said

that digital marketing strategies revolve around engaging customer or visitors to the

business pages and websites of the company directly. Their user experience determines

that if the customer will visit the page or site of the company repeatedly or not.

It can be explained as when an individual opens a website of a company; it is important

for a site to open in less than 10 seconds to maintain customer attention. Studies like

Kozinets et al.(2010) determined that bad user experience reduces the chance for the

company to gain potential business. On the contrary, if the site user experience is

pleasant for the customer, there are high chances that the customer will visit the site

and the company to avail their services. Thus, it is essential for marketers to make sure

their websites and official pages are designed with upgraded technology to make the

user experience pleasant that will ultimately improve the business of the firm over long-

term (Chaffey & Smith, 2013). Throughout this literature, it is found that digital
P a g e | 10

marketing strategies are changing the dynamics of marketing operations for companies

in the hospitality sector. Thus, it is important for the firms to look forward to improving

customer experience by investing in digital marketing approaches, tactics, and tools to

make sure that they have achieved their targets to attracting customer towards firm’s

business (Tiago & Veríssimo, 2014).

2.4 Challenges for companies in the hospitality industry in implementing

digital marketing

Challenges Identified References

Challenging implementation of social media (Valos et al., 2015)

Management of consumer engagement. (Hofacker & Belanche, 2016)

Adjustment to reactive marketing


Adjustment to changing customer purchase


Management of multiple markets

Maintenance of community interest (Oliveira & Panyik, 2014)

Understanding content information

Marketing metric systems (Järvinen & Karjaluoto, 2015)

Issues for creativity (Vernuccio & Ceccotti, 2015)

Complicated media planning

Understanding metrics

Table 4: Challenges identified (Author, 2019)

P a g e | 11

Harridge & Quinton(2012)observed that despite benefits, there are numerous issues

associated with digital marketing in that marketers have faced previously. However,

before discussing the issues, it is important to outline how these issues have been

handled previously. It is discussed at various spots in this research that digital

marketing is associated with numerous benefits; however, it is comparatively a new

marketing approach for individuals to manage their operations. The hospitality industry

is comparatively an attractive business industry thus digital marketing suits well with it

(Ashley & Tuten, 2015). However, due to its newness in the industry, marketers have

faced numerous issues such as managing skill set. Marketing has even become

essential because services like Airbnb have emerged in the past few years creating the

urge for the companies to experiment with their services. It has even increased the

need for hotels to use the digital market to reach platforms where Airbnb and similar

services are working as comprehended by Holliman & Rowley(2014).

Furthermore, it is found by Harridge & Quinton(2012)that apart from reaching the right

audience, marketers are found facing issues with data collection and database. As it is a

known fact that digital marketing is comparatively new to the industry, not many

marketers are fluent in using Google Analytics and Adwords thus they face issues in

managing their services. The reason behind emphasising on hiring experts to manage

these digital marketing operations is because if the right technology is not used,

marketers can face issues in dealing multiple online channels all that one time, in most

cases manually. Handling customers manually at the same time can be a very hectic

job. It can increase work pressure and issues for marketers to concentrate on customer
P a g e | 12

engagement (Baltes, 2015; Kolb, 2018). According to Royle & Laing(2014), hiring

different administrators to manage social media, pages can increase its financial

budget. To overcome the hurdle, it is suggested to companies to hire expert marketers

so that he or she can train his team accordingly in achieving their targets.

Another challenge is to develop a communication link between the departments, in the

hospitality sector, it is important to place an overall marketing and operational strategy

at a sole place. It helps the companies to achieve their determined targets without

influencing the operations of the hotel.Therefore, Smith(2011)comprehended that

another issue that is faced by marketers cost control, they are often found facing issues

with managing their resources. Facebook and other platforms have their paid

subscription offers. It increases issues for the marketers to manage flow within its

operations appropriately. Hence,Fu Tsang et al(2010) maintain that it is important for

organisations to look forward to allocating its cost in the right manner as it will help

them achieve their targets, reach their target customer range, and achieve its

performance and productivity targets.

According to Holliman & Rowley(2014), thepenetration and acceptance of information

and communication technology can be seen in many fields, turning pure marketing into

digital marketing. This paper is an attempt at analysing the practices and challenges

associated with implementing digital marketing in the hospitality industry. The

overwhelming presence of ICT the daily lives of masses has added the element of the

internetis an essential part of the day resultantly including it in the marketing

communication strategies. Therefore, it is necessary for any hospitality facility to have

P a g e | 13

its presence on the web, social media networks and mobile phones to readily provide its

customers with the information they need. GivenKandampully et al(2015),it includes

both current and potential customers and involves being available with the required

answers at any given the time of day. For any hotel facility, it is inevitable to

communicate with customers and partners through e-mail. It enforces the need for

being aware and need for implementing necessary ICT technologies at all stages of the

business process as discussed by Gabriel(2015).

Some studies have focused on the inevitability of digitalising marketing strategies with

special reference to the hospitality industry. According to Mihalcea & Savulescu(2013),

the main focus is on the importance of creating a business website with the role they

play in boosting the sprawl of services. Besides, researchers have brought forth the

efficacy of social networking sites in promoting tourism and hospitality services. These

researches including Anderson & Xie(2010)have highlighted the connection between the

implementation of digital marketing strategies; e-mail marketing and promotion of

services through a well-developed and well-structured website, and its positive effect on

consumer behaviour and responses. However, there have been certain challenges to

the implementation of these strategies which will be the main focus of this research


In essence, as stated by Hays et al(2013)giving an exact definition of digital marketing

is rather difficult; however, experts have identified the crucial role internet has played in

the implementation of digital marketing. Some other experts are of the opinion that it

falls under the larger umbrella of ICT of which other applications and services are also
P a g e | 14

part of. Specifically speaking about digital marketing in hospitality field Stone &

Woodcock(2014)considers that the industry has changeditsperspectives and centrality in

managing its resources. For example, it was said to be producer-centric,but it follows

atourist-centric where the service providers are using digital marketing as a tool to

channel sell and promote their services and augment the number of receivers of those

services. GivenLambrecht & Tucker(2013), digital marketing regarding using data and

advanced applications for a purpose; i.e. to satisfy customer’s needs which can be

called the ultimate goal of any hospitality organisation.

The organisation is supposed to plan and bring into reality the ideas and concepts for

improved performance; in such a manner that goods and services provided cause

improved customer satisfaction in exchange. It could sound a new ideology to many;

nonetheless, modern practices and techniques of business involve the use of internet

and other e-business methods to successfully market goods and services, ideas and

information.According to Bharwani & Butt(2012), the principal aim of digital marketing

is to make use of internet and other sources of e-communication to target destination

marketing for sharing information remaining cost-effective and being able to join hands

with other organisations under the same umbrella. This way it involves not only

downward communication to the target customers but also lateral communication to

partners. However, the hospitality industry has faced serious issues and challenges in

the recent time. For example, the implementation of digital marketing requires a

different set of skills new to marketers. Thus, they have to keep the organisations from
P a g e | 15

adopting any fundamental changes, cuts in the funding provided by the public sector

(Baltes, 2015; Khan & Srivastava, 2018).

There are changes given Harridge& Quinton(2012)which might involve shaping and

adapting to the new scenario and struggling through a long and tedious crisis remaining

within the allocated budgets while it all takes shape. Keeping potential expansion of the

hospitality and destination industry in view with a stronger need to provide greater

value for the clientele, possible ways of implementing digital marketing strategies on a

larger scale becomes even more challenging. However, the decisions as to what

strategic moves can help to implement it faster and can help it sustain are yet to be

taken with a mutual understanding of the stakeholders. According to Hays et al(2013),

with time it is becoming imperative for hospitality organisations to find ways to

overcome digitalisation challenges, for example, they can invest in destination

marketing.It will help the company to gain global business and improve their

performance. It can also help the company to look forward to overshadowing the

challenges from digital marketing and achieve their targets easily in comparison to

other situations as mentioned by Hays et al.(2013).

2.5 Summary

Title Author
It has outlined the increase in case of
Improving hospitality
the hospitality sector and increase in
industry sales: Twenty- Anderson, C.K. & Xie,
revenue management to achieve its
five years of revenue X., 2010.
target; hence it is used to set a focus in
this study.
Creative strategies in The journal article is discussing a wide
Ashley, C. & Tuten, T.,
social media marketing: range of strategies in media marketing
An exploratory study of to explore how branded social context
P a g e | 16

branded social content can be used for customer engagement

and consumer in improving the standards for the firm.
The rise of the sharing It is discussing the use of a shared
economy: Estimating Zervas, G., Proserpio, economy in analysing the concepts such
the impact of Airbnb on D. & Byers, J.W., 2017 as Airbnb in developing the competition
the hotel industry for IHG in future
It has discussed the benefits of content
The content marketing-
marketing as a fundamental tool to
the fundamental tool of Baltes, L.P., 2015
improve digital marketing strategies for
digital marketing.
hotel industries.
The paper has considered different
Challenges for the challenges firms would face in
global hospitality Bharwani, S. & Butt, N., managing global hospitality industry
industry: an HR 2012 from an HR perspective. It has helped
perspective. the study to shape the literature in the
right direction.
Classification of the
It has carried out a detailed
destination attributes in
classification based on the attribution of
the content of Caber, M., Albayrak, T.
competitive in the industry using digital
competitiveness (by & Matzler, K., 2012.
marketing strategies to make sure that
revised importance-
the firm is improving its business.
performance analysis)
The paper has outline return on
Return on engagement: engagement using tools for example
content, strategy and content, strategies, design, and others
Frick, T.., 2013
design techniques for to improve the focus of digital
digital marketing. marketing strategies for the hotels in
the recent time.
The paper has discussing e-service
quality for online travel agencies
Measuring e-service
Fu Tsang, N.K., Lai, associated with the hotel industry to
quality for online travel
M.T. & Law, R., 2010 help the firms improve their
performance in the competitive
The research paper has taken social
media networks and relationship
marketing using loyalty ladder to help
Virtual snakes and
hotels improve its performance in the
ladders: social networks Harridge, M. & Quinton,
recent time. It is essential for
and the relationship S., 2012
organisations to look forward to
marketing loyalty ladder
adopting different approaches to make
sure that it has been following the key
strategies in achieving its targets.
Social media as a The journal article has taken social
destination marketing Hays, S., Page, S.J. & media as a destination marketing tool to
tool: its use by national Buhalis, D., 2013 help the firm in improving national
tourism organisations tourism organisation in adopting
P a g e | 17

different measures in achieving their

A study on the effects It has taken the effects of social media
of social media on based on young consumer buying
Hayta, A.B., 2013.
young consumers’ behaviour to achieve its targets in order
buying behaviours to fulfil its objectives.
The paper has discussed B2B digital
marketing strategies in looking forward
Business to business
to the digital marketing perception in
digital content
Holliman, G. & Rowley, best practices. It is important for an
marketing: marketers’
J., 2014 organisation to consider this perception
perceptions of best
in looking forward to a scenario in
which IHG can target a wide scenario to
plan long-term strategies.
Progress and The paper has outline progress and
development of development of information using
information and Ip, C., Leung, R. & communication technology in the
communication Law, R., 2011 hospitality industry to discuss how
technologies in organisation to target a wide range in
hospitality. fulfilling hospitality industry.
The research has taken the importance
The use of Web of web analytics for a digital marketing
analytics for digital Järvinen, J. & strategy to measure the performance of
marketing performance Karjaluoto, H., 2015 the firm in seeking improvised
measurement performance in a determined passage
of time to formulate perspective.
Customer loyalty: a The research has considered the
review and future Kandampully, J., perspective of customer loyalty in
directions with a special Zhang, T. & Bilgihan, reviewing future direction with a focus
focus on the hospitality A., 2015 to improve the hotel industry in
industry achieving its performance.
The journal article has taken networked
Networked narratives:
Kozinets, R.V., De narrative using a traditional technique
Understanding word-of-
Valck, K., Wojnicki, A.C. such as word of mouth in using online
mouth marketing in
& Wilner, S.J., 2010 communities in improving the firm’s
online communities
performance in the hospitality industry.
A thematic exploration
The journal article as taken thematic
of digital, social media,
research based on tactics such as digital
and mobile marketing:
Lamberton, C. & and social marketing and mobile
Research evolution from
Stephen, A.T., 2016 marketing as an evolution based in the
2000 to 2015 and an
period of 2000-15 focused on discussing
agenda for future
future perspective.
The research has taken information
When does retargeting
specificity in online advertising
work? Information Lambrecht, A. &
strategies to look forward to improving
Specificity in online Tucker, C., 2013.
its strategies widely focused on relevant
strategies, for example, Google
P a g e | 18

Adwords to achieve research targets.

The research article has taken
Challenges and Leeflang, P.S., Verhoef, challenges and solutions for marketing
solutions for marketing P.C., Dahlstrom, P. & strategies in the digital marketing era to
in a digital era Freundt, T., 2014 make sure that the hospitality industry
to improve organisational focus.
The research has discussed the impact
of social media as a focused
The impact of social
Liu, Y. & Lopez., R.A., conversation on customer brand choices
media conversations on
2016 to make sure that companies are
consumer brand choices
planning to work for its future
The articles have considered the
effectiveness of digital marketing as a
The effectiveness of
challenging approach in this era to be
digital marketing in the Yasmin, A., Tasneem,
discussed with evidence of recent
challenging age: An S. & Fatema, K., 2015
changes in the industry in setting a
empirical study
focus for hotels in a competitive
The research has considered digital
Digital marketing: The marketing with an academic focus to be
time for a new discussed at this time. It is important
Wymbs, C., 2011.
“academic major” has for research to consider in the recent
arrived time according to the challenges in the
The research has discussed the impact
of social media features on print media
in discussing the efficiency of online
The impact of social
business models in the recent time. It is
media features on print Wikström, P. & Ellonen,
important for research to look forward
media firms’ online H.K., 2012
to improving the efficiency of work in
business models
the industry to make sure that it is
taking dual digital marketing models to
achieve its targets efficiently.
Social networking sites: The article has taken how social
Guidelines for creating networking sites as a guideline to create
new business Mihalcea, A.D. & new business opportunities for a firm
opportunities through Savulescu, R.M., 2013 using networks, for example, Facebook,
Facebook, Twitter and Twitter, and LinkedIn to achieve
LinkedIn. business objectives.
The article has discussed corporate
Corporate social
social responsibilities with a perspective
responsibility: Park, S.Y. & E. Levy, S.,
of hotel’s frontline employees and
perspectives of hotel 2014
stakeholders to improve its work
frontline employees
The digital marketing The article has discussed digital
Royle, J. & Laing, A.,
skills gap: Developing a marketing skills in reference to the gaps
Digital Marketer Model influencing the performance of hotels in
P a g e | 19

for the communication the recent time using marketer model

industries with communication industries in
improving its approach to handling
The research has considered marketing
communication model for social media
Marketing in the hospitality industry using a
Töllinen, A. &
communication metrics metrics to formulate perspective. It will
Karjaluoto, H.., 2011.
for social media underpin how organisations can handle
the competition while maintaining its
competitive advantage.
The research discusses how digital
Digital marketing and marketing and social media strategies in
Tiago, M.T.P.M.B. &
social media: Why this industry to consider the competition
Veríssimo, J.M.C., 2014
bother? to look forward to wide ranges of tactics
available in the industry
The research has considered the
Antecedents and
antecedents and performance of
performance of
Theodosiou, M. & businesses with digital marketing
electronic business
Katsikea, E., 2012. strategies in the hotel industry to look
adoption in the hotel
forward to improving the firm's
The article has focused on indirect and
Interactive, direct and direct marketing strategies to be used
digital marketing: A for the better performance of
Stone, M.D. &
future that depends on companies using business intelligence
Woodcock, N.D., 2014
better use of business approach to outline ways in which firms
intelligence can improve their performance in a
determined passage of time.
The research has taken the role of
digital marketing and social media
The role of digital and
strategies in outlining consumer
social media marketing Stephen, A.T., 2016
behaviour to improve the performance
in consumer behaviour.
of firms in setting high targets for the
company in a long-term scenario.
The research outlines digital marketing
Digital marketing strategies for the recent companies
strategies that planning motivational approaches to
Millennials find Smith, K.T., 2011 formulate perspective in considering
appealing, motivating, different objectives for IHG in improving
or just annoying. the focus on the company in the given
P a g e | 20

Chapter Three - Research Methodology

The chapter aimstodiscuss the use of different research methods, frameworks, tactics,

and strategies that are used for research to form perspective. There are different

methods of use for data collection and analysis; however, not all suits the nature of the

study (Mackey & Gass, 2015). Therefore, before selecting approaches to manage a

research data collection and analysis, it is essential to discuss them individually in

forming a perspective.

3.1 Research Philosophy

Research philosophy can be referred to as the core of a research study that help of

research develops a focus in setting a flow of work. While working on a study at

Master’s Level to develop in-depth knowledge about the theme of the

research,researchers are required to specify their needs of the main theme, for

example, there are multiple philosophies,for example, pragmatism, positivism,

interpretivism, and others (Taylor et al., 2015). It is important for studies like these to

look forward to dealing in the source of data, and develop knowledge about the

selected theme related to the study. About this study, it can be said that the research

topic is quite broad and new as well. Currently, companies in the international market

are keen to look forward to adopting different strategies to support their business; the

topic is quite broad can easily confuse the scope of its outcomes (Flick, 2015).

The selection of a research philosophy is carried out based on different elements, for

instance, the selection of pragmatism approach is carried out to work on a mixed or

multiple approached mode, with mixed research design method. It works well with both
P a g e | 21

qualitative and quantitative data collection method (Silverman, 2016). Meanwhile, in the

case of positivism, the sample size is to be very structured to adopt a measurement

approach, it works well with both qualitative and quantitative data collection method.

Another common research philosophy is interpretivism. It generally works well with

small-scale samples to gain in-depth knowledge and investigate well in qualitative

research approach. The theme behind the approach is to carry out a study from a large

audience. Thus it has selected a positivist approach to look forward to work with a

mixed approach in achieving its objectives (Vaioleti, 2016).

3.2 Research Approach

Considering the difference in nature of research studies, it is important for the research

to follow a determined research approach to make sure that it is following the lead in

forming anenvironment. There is two basic research approaches – deductive and

inductive research approach. Both of them are different and require the researcher to

look forward to understanding the need for selecting a suitable research approach to

work further (Smith, 2015). The difference between the two is there in its

approach;theinductive approach looks forward to generating new ideas and theories

from data. While on the other hand, the deductive approach aims to test existing

theories and frameworks to support their selected approach. The deductiveapproach

starts working with a hypothesis to focus on the causality of datain creating perspective

using quantitative research. While on the other hand, the inductive approach uses

research questions to narrow down the scope of the study in selecting data to work

further (Quinlan et al., 2018).

P a g e | 22

Also, the benefit of the inductive approach is the exploration of new data to link the

previous study with a new theme in forming perception. The underpinned study is

focused on studying digital marketing approach and its influence in the hospitality

sector to formulate perspective (Smith, 2015). It can be said that it is important for a

researcher to look forward to considering the nature of the study before using any

research approach to achieve the purpose of the research and select a method that

suits best according to the study in testing a hypothesis or research question to remain

in a disciplined area. For the considered study, the inductive approach has been taken

as it has worked with survey questionnaire though; it has carried out a measurement

test to form a perspective that makes it mix with the deductive approach (Simonsohn et

al., 2017).

3.3 Research Design

Research design entails different methods and tool to determine the data collection and

analysis method in forming perspective. Also, it can also be considered as a framework

to design a systematic flow within the study to find answers to raised queries. Two

types of research designs are taken for a study to form perspective; includes –

exploratory research design and conclusive research design (Walliman, 2017). These

are further divided into two categories – descriptive and casual research to be carried

out in context to the main theme of the study, for the considered study descriptive

research design has been selected to collect survey-based data for the main theme of

the study (Flick, 2015). In general, descriptive research design look forward to working

with observational studies, correlational research, development designs and survey

P a g e | 23

research to work on yielding quantitative information to summarise using statistical

analysis. In most cases, surveys are considered to use in different disciplines to form

perspective (Neuman, 2016).

Research Design

Exploratory Research
Casual Research
Conclusuive Surveys - 100 employees
Researefeence?rch Design of the hotel
Descriptive Research
Qualitative - Case of
InterContinental Hotel

Figure 1: Research Design Selected (Mackey & Gass, 2015)

As can be seen in the above hierarchy, the research design has accommodated the

study to look forward to work under cross-sectional research design to formulate

perspective in exploring different elements related to digital marketing. The main theme

of the topic is associated with digital marketing, though people know about it. However,

the dynamics of this theme is still unknown to many marketers. Thus, it is important to

discuss this element and form perspective (Alvesson & Sköldberg, 2017). The data is

collected using two approaches, for the considered study, it has taken a survey

questionnaire based on 10 – 15 close-ended questionnaires to conduct the research

study. It will help the study formulate perspective about how marketers in a
P a g e | 24

professional setting are managing the change in their work approach and are gaining

benefit for their business. The reason behind proposing descriptive study is to underpin

facts and figures to discuss existing models and frameworks with this study theme to

satisfy curiosity related to the main factors of the theme (VanPatten & Williams, 2014).

3.4 Data Collection Method

Data collection methods are different processes to collect information about research

using relevant sources to look for answers about the research questions and form

perspective(Hayta, 2013). It looks forward to evaluating the outcomes associated with

the main theme.However, different types of methods are utilised to formulate

perspective; includes – primary and secondary data collection method. Primary data

collection is first handed information collected from a targeted audience to underpin

their perception about the subjective area (Gabriel, 2015). It is collected using different

ways, most commonly; it is collected using techniques such as interviews, focus group

interviews, questionnaires, survey, and others. While on the other hand, secondary data

collection method is focusedon gathering datafrom work on other researchers available

online on sources. The database used in this research includes some of the selected

studies as per the topic and objectives of the study. The list below points out the

number of articles shortlisted from the databases to be included in the study,

Database Number of Articles

Google Scholars 27
JsTor 34
Emerald 19
Palgrave 11
EBSCOHost 10
Table 5 (Author, 2019)
P a g e | 25

These sources include journal articles, books, government documents, and others. The

study is focused on working with digital marketing approach beneficial for the

hospitality industry to achieve their targets (Short, 2017). The questionnaire taken

drafted for the research is to make sure that the literature review is considered for

formatting the questions to be asked from the employees of InterContinental Hotel. The

reason behind working with Likert Scale is to reduce the time consumption of data


Data Collection

Primary Data Secondary Data

Collection Collection

Survey - 100
employees of Books - 12 Journal Articles - 35
InterContinental Hotel

Documents Websites - 1

Figure 2: Data Collection Methods(Flick, 2015)

While assessing the literature review, it is important to understand digital marketing is

still an emerging concept in marketing that is changing the dynamics of the industry. In

the hospitality sector, the changes in the industry have created the urge for the

marketers to adopt approaches such as the SEA, SEO, Content marketing, and others to

market the products (Alvesson & Sköldberg, 2017). However, people in this field arestill
P a g e | 26

getting to the point where they can consider approaches to improve their work setting.

Using primary data collection has helped the research take first handed information in

order to work with first handed information, though it has increased the cost of

research it has accommodated the research in involving first handed information to

formulate perspective(Flick, 2015; Saunders et al., 2009).

3.5 Sampling Methods

Sampling methods are referred to as the process of looking forward to selecting a

particular group associated with the research study to involve them in the data

collection and analysis process in forming sets. Target population can be taken as a

group of people participating in a study to draw an appropriate conclusion. However,

generalizability is said to looking for the perspective of individuals to determine

respective opinion (Walliman, 2017).

Convenience Sampling is a non-probability sampling method where the subject for

data collection is selected because of different elements for example if they are easily

accessible. For the considered study, this sampling method has been considered. The

study has target 100 employees working at Intercontinental Hotel Group to determine

how they are using digital marketing to support their branding image and promotions

campaigns. The reason behind taking this sampling type is to consider a wide range of

data to be considered to form perspective. Also, the reason behind taking this sampling

method is because it works well with both qualitative and quantitative data

collection(Alvesson & Sköldberg, 2017; Saunders et al., 2009).

P a g e | 27

3.6 Questionnaire Design

For gathering primary data, a closed-ended questionnaire has been designed. The

Likert scale of five elements is used to conduct the surveyfrom 100 employees of

InterContinental Hospitals. The questions designed are statements focusing on the

objectives of the study. The options in the Likert Scale used are Strongly Agree, Agree,

Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree.The questionnaire is designed to answer the

objectives of the study and conducted from the employees of IHG. The questions are

not extracted from previous studies and the researcher has formulated for this study

Objectives Questionnaire

To critically evaluate the importance of digital 1. Hospitality brands such as IHG can drive

marketing for the hotel industry its customer demand across the world

using a cross-channel digital marketing


2. The increasing use of the mobile and

social presence of people on different

media impact hospitality industry service


3. Increasing consumer satisfaction and

loyalty can help IHG to control the

adverse effects of unplanned digital

marketing strategy

4. A planned approach will help IHG to adopt

a suitable planning, analytical, and

continuous optimisation approach to

overcome digital marketing barriers

Page |1

5. Availability of budget has helped IHG to

improve its operational facilities in

managing digital marketing strategies

6. Clearly defined job objectives for

employees can help the management of

IHG to increase their work efficiency

To examine different types of digital marketing 1. Cross-Channel, digital marketing only

strategies of IHG hotels for improving their involve social media marketing, content

performance marketing, and SEO

2. With the help of digital marketing

approach, IHG can streamline its

processes to extract better campaign


3. Encouraging customers to give feedbacks

and visit Official Pages of IHG can help

the marketers to improve their output

with digital marketing tactics

Page |2

4. Adopting a diversified cultural approach

will help the marketers to improve their

personal up-skilling and sharing approach

of good practices in IHG

To critically assess the benefit of digital 1. With digital marketing, customers are able

marketing for IHG hotels through a survey to navigate the customer service criteria

questionnaire of hotels in online travel space

2. IHG can look forward to expanding its

social and physical presence in the global

hospitality industry using Geo and

Channel expansion approach

To analyse the challenges that can be faced 1. Creating a digital marketing portfolio is a

in employing digital marketing techniques for challenging job for IHG

IHG hotels 2. Overcome hurdles to work with digital

marketing approach can be resolved by

hiring digital marketing experts

3. Overcoming inherent challenges require

Page |3

planning a successful social media

campaign starting with the process at the

initial stage, then work with input strategy

4. The increasing influencing of Airbnb,

HomeAway, and FlipKey increase the urge

for IHG to invest in digital marketing


5. It is important for the marketers of IHG to

create a balance between talent

acquisition, distribution cost, and

undertaking changing marketing


6. The balance between the above-

highlighted elements will help IHG to

increase its productivity using digital

marketing platforms across the world

Table 6: Mapping Survey to Research Objectives(Author, 2019)

3.7Data Analysis Method

The data analysis method is associated with research to follow the process of

transforming the data into its required outcomes. It helps the study to analyse the

collected data according to the required shape and support summarising the study.

Data analysis involve data mining approach to use different techniques on determining

modelling approach to discover data about the considered study and use it for the

descriptive purpose(Alvesson & Sköldberg, 2017; Saunders et al., 2009). However, the

data collection relies heavily on descriptive purpose that focuses on business

information. The focus on data collection is carried out fewer than two main categories

– qualitative and quantitative data analysis method. Qualitative data analysis approach

focuses on interpretation data as the target population and investigation needs give it.

It usually works on interpretative philosophy to formulate perspective. The researcher

recruits the respondents using a convenience sampling method, that is, the employees

had the knowledge of social media marketing for the organisation (Mackey & Gass,


Meanwhile, quantitative data collection looks forward to measuring objectives and work

on statistical data with numerical analysis using tools such as descriptive statistics and

others. For the considered study, it is important to form a perspective about the main

theme of the study in a broad scenario (Holliman & Rowley, 2014). Therefore, the study

has worked with quantitative data collection approach of the data collected from the

representatives of InterContinental Hotel Group using Ms Excel. It has used descriptive

Page |1

statistics to determine the numerical data standing of people’s perspective. Also, the

data has also been classifiedin the form of pie charts using MS Excel to make sure that

it is in understanding position (Neuman, 2016).

3.8 Ethical Considerations

The researcher also faced the threat of plagiarism as an ethical concern for which the

researcher considered to use the information as per his understanding. The researcher

faced the issue of informed consent as the ethical concern to conduct the study. For

this purpose, the researcher provided complete and authentic information about the

research study to the respondents so that they could take their decisions for

participating in the study. Another issue faced was the issue of confidentiality and

anonymity for which the researcher considered to exclude the demographic or personal

questions from the survey to maintain the anonymity of the respondents. The

participant information is not used in the study to protect the confidential information of

the respondents. The ethical concerns related to the study are explained to the

participants before their participation and responses to the study(BERA, 2018).

3.9 Validity and Reliability

The researcher has obtained valid and reliable information using secondary and primary

methods. The validity and reliability of the secondary information are based on the

authenticity of the studies used in the study. Also, the primary data is reliable and valid

as the questionnaire is designed after considering the research objectives. The data is

gathered from the respondents after consideringthe ethical issues and making the

information reliable for the study.

Page |2

Chapter Four – Results and Discussion

3.1. Results

The results for the considered study have been carried out using a close-ended

questionnaire to formulate perspective. The questionnaire was distributed among the

employees of international Continental Hotel Groups via social media. The purpose

behind targeting the underpinned population via social media is to reduce the time of

looking for person face to face. The questionnaire is drafted into three categories

(considering the research objectives and questions) to identify the efficiency,

challenges, and strategies associated with digital marketing in the hospitality sector and

for IHG.The questionnaire was sent to 120 employees, but 100 survey forms were

completed and they are used for data analysis. The response rate has been considered

significant for the study because a maximum number of respondents answered the

questioned.An average response rate to the survey questionnaires through online

platforms is found to be 70%, whereas, the normal response rate is found to be 30%

for the survey questionnaires(Fincham, 2008).The possible reason behind this response

rate is their interest in the study to participate and enhance the knowledge of the

researcher. The responses were outlined using Ms Excel to generate Pie charts and

graphically present the results to understand it clearly.

Page |3

3.1.1. Part 1 - Efficiency of Digital Marketing in the Hospitality Sector

Hospitality brands such as IHG can drive its

customer demand across the world using a cross
channel digital marketing approach.

Disagree, 9 7
Strongly Agree,
Neutral, 20

Agree, 27

Figure 3:Cross-Channel Digital marketing approach

The above graph outlines the perspective of people about “Hospitality brands such as

IHG can drive its customer demand across the world using a cross-channel digital

marketing approach.” 37% of respondents strongly agree that hotels such as IHG are

required to use the cross-channel digital marketing approach as it can help them to

improve their approach towards digital marketing. Meanwhile, 27% of respondents

have only agreed to this statement that determines that this perspective is required to

be studied from a wide perspective to formulate intact understanding. Furthermore,

20%ofemployees have shown a neutral opinion about using cross-channel digital

marketing approach. Only 9% and 7% respondents have disagreed to the fact, hence it

will not affect the outcomes of the study, but it will be beneficial to study this concept

from a wide perspective outline the areas that can be discussed in this genre.
Page |4

Cross Channel, digital marketing only involve

social media marketing, content marketing, and

Strongly Agree, Strongly

19 Disagree, 21

Agree, 20 Disagree, 15

Neutral, 25

Figure 4: Components of Cross-Channel Digital Marketing Approach

The above graph depicts the perspectives of respondents of the statement “Cross

Channel, digital marketing only involve social media marketing, content marketing, and

SEO.” it can be seen that the perspectives are quite inconsistent.About 19% of

respondents have strongly agreed to this statement. Meanwhile, 20% of respondents

have only agreed to this statement hence determined that this theme is required to be

studied further. Research shows that digital marketing and cross-channel tools hold

diversity and it does not only concern with the above-highlighted tools in the statement.

The perspective of people hasaneutral opinion about 25% that strongly believe in

working on this statement further. Meanwhile, 21% and 15% of respondents do not

agree with the statement. Therefore, it will be beneficial for the study to work on this

theme further to formulate perspective.

Page |5

With digital marketing, customers are able to

navigate the customer service criteria of hotels in
online travel space.

Strongly Agree, 12
32 Disagree, 11

Neutral, 18

Agree, 27

Figure 5: Customer Navigation of required service of online space

The above graph portrays the opinion of respondents about “With digital marketing,

customers can navigate the customer service criteria of hotels in online travel space.”It

determines that 32% respondents strong agree to this statement. The employees of the

respondents believe that the changing dynamics of the society has created the urge for

customers to navigate their required services from a wide pool of available services.

The respondents understand these questions due to their understanding of the field and

industry.Meanwhile, 27%ofrespondents have agreed to this theme, thus requires the

research to study this theme further. It is essential for the study to discuss this

perspective from different sources to outline if social media help the customers to

navigate services suitable for their needs and budget. Furthermore, 18% of

respondents have a neutral opinion about this element. Therefore, it is important to

Page |6

discuss digital marketing from the customer perspective. Only 12% and 11% have a

negative opinion about this theme.

Increasing use of mobile and social

presence of people on different media
impact hospitality industry service criteria

Disagree, 7 7
Strongly Agree,
Neutral, 22

Agree, 29

Figure 6: Increasing Use of Social Media among Customers

The above graph studies the perspective of respondents about “Increasing use of the

mobile and social presence of people on different media impact hospitality industry

service criteria.”It is about that about 35% of respondents strongly believe in the fact

that the increasing use of social media among individuals hasimpacted the business

dimensions of the hospitality sector. 29%of the respondents have agreed to this

statement. It is important for the study to look forward to studying the increasing use

of people using social media while looking for their required services. Also, 22%

respondents have a neutral opinion about the statement; people believe that the trend

of social media and smartphones has changed, for example, applications like

TripAdvisor help people to look for suitable services while they are on the travelling
Page |7

model. Besides, only 7% and 7% respondents disagree with this statement and need

further evaluation in this regards.

With the help of digital marketing approach, IHG

can streamline its processes to extract better
campaign results.

Disagree, 10
Strongly Agree, Disagree, 8
Neutral, 17

Agree, 30

Figure 7: Processes of IHG

The above graph has outlined the perspective of respondents about “With the help of

digital marketing approach, IHG can streamline its processes to extract better campaign

results.” It outlines 35% responses that outline the use of digital marketing approach

and streamlining its processes to achieve better results. Meanwhile, 30% of

respondents have agreed to the statement, but it requires the study to discuss this

element further. It is found that 17% of respondents have a neutral opinion this

element and 10% respondents strongly disagree. Underpinning every opinion in the

discussion section is important.It is important for a study like this to evaluate diverse

concepts and frameworks to outline the performance of hotels while working with

digital marketing approaches. In the case of IHG, it is observed that the overall
Page |8

processes of the hotel are streamlined with digital marketing cross channels that further

assist them in improving their position in the industry.

IHG can look forward to expand its social and

physical presence in global hospitality industry
using Geo and Channel expansion approach

Disagree, 2 5
Strongly Agree, Neutral, 20

Agree, 31

Figure 8: Geo and Channel Expansion Approach

The above graph outlines the perspective of people about “IHG can look forward to

expanding its social and physical presence in the global hospitality industry using Geo

and Channel expansion approach.” It can be seen that 42% of respondents strongly

agree with this statement. Meanwhile, 31% of respondents have only agreed to this

statement. It is important to understand that with the changing dynamics of business, it

has become essential even for international organisations to priorities their customer’s

need and planned their strategies according to the changes. However, 20%

respondents have a neutral opinion about this scenario; they believe that it is important

for studies to outline how they can look forward to improving their working scenario

that will directly attract customers without engaging their finances with Geo and
Page |9

Channel expansion channels. What the number of people does not agree with this

statement is quite low (5% and 2% for disagreeing and strongly disagree) respectively.

3.1.2. Part 2 - Challenges related to Digital Marketing in the Hospitality


Creating a digital marketing portfolio is a

challenging job for IHG

Strongly Agree, Strongly

17 Disagree, 19

Agree, 21 Disagree, 15

Neutral, 28

Figure 9: Creating a DigitalMarketing Portfolio

The above graph outlines employee’s perspective on “Creating a digital marketing

portfolio is a challenging job for IHG.” The employees of the respondents are aware of

the challenges related to these aspects as they face these on daily basis in their

professional life. It determines that 17% of respondents strongly agree that IHG needs

a strong marketing portfolio. However21% respondents agree to this statement that

creates a conflicting situation. It is important to determine that the position of IHG in

the hospitality industry is quite strong and is known for its competitive services. Thus,

the determination of digital marketing portfolio might not be such a challenging job,
P a g e | 10

primarily because the company holds resources to hire the best digital marketing

experts from the international market to have it done. Considering the finding, the

opinion of 19% strongly disagreeing to this statement will be relevant; the same

scenario is outlined by 15% respondents that have disagreed to the statement. It will

be beneficial for the study to discuss this statement in the next chapter supporting it

with the literature review to understand if the respondents were right or wrong.

Overcome hurdles to work with digital marketing

approach can be resolved by hiring digital
marketing experts

Strongly Agree, 12
32 Disagree, 14

Neutral, 18
Agree, 24

Figure 10: Hiring Expert Digital Marketing Manager

The above graph outlines the perspective of IHG employees about “Overcome hurdles

to work with digital marketing approach can be resolved by hiring digital marketing

experts.” It determines that 32% respondents strongly agree to the fact that to

overcome the hurdles associated with digital marketing approach, it is essential for

organisations to hire a digital marketing expert to promote company’s products and

services. 24% of respondents follow the same lead and agree to this statement. 18% of
P a g e | 11

respondents have a neutral opinion in regards to this element,and it is important to

discuss this element from a wide perspective using the literature review in setting a

focus. Also, only 14% and 12% of respondents have disagreed to this statement.

Overcoming inherent challenges require planning

a successful social media campaign starting with
process at initial stage, then work with input

Disagree, 10 6
Strongly Agree,
38 Neutral, 14

Agree, 32

Figure 11: Planning a successful social media campaign

The above graph determines the perspective of employees about “Overcoming inherent

challenges require planning a successful social media campaign starting with the

process at the initial stage, then work with input strategy.” It determines that 38%

respondents strongly agree to this statement, it is found that to overcome the

challenges, even IHG need to involve in long-term planning and development as it will

help the company to adopt a successful social media campaigns, it will involve

processes at initial stages, the input strategies come further. 32% of respondents have

also agreed to this statement. For further discussion, it is important to understand the

reasons behind this element backing it with literature review as it will help the study to
P a g e | 12

understand why this element has been taken into consideration. Also, 14% of

respondents have a neutral opinion related to this theme and require further evaluation.

The increasing influencing of AirBnB, HomeAway,

and FlipKey increase the urge for IHG to invest in
digital marketing strategies

Strongly Agree,Disagree, 14
31 Disagree, 12

Neutral, 16
Agree, 27

Figure 12: Competition with Airbnb and others

The above graph outlines the perspective of employees about “The increasing

influencing of Airbnb, HomeAway, and FlipKey increase the urge for IHG to invest in

digital marketing strategies.” The trends in the hospitality sector are changing especially

with projects such as Airbnb, FlipKey, and HomeAway; it has become essential for

hotels such as IHG to increase diversity in their service criteria. 31% of respondents

have agreed to this statement, the services offered by these companies are more

reasonable and have an adventurous factor which most youngsters prefer. In such a

case, the future holds many opportunities for them. In case, IHG is unable to maintain

its competitive advantage for long-term, they will face issues in diversity their customer

segmentation in future. Also, 27% have agreed to this statement. The perspective of

16% is quite neutral, and 14% of respondents have strongly disagreed to this
P a g e | 13

statement. They determine that the target market of IHG is entirely different; therefore,

they need to invest in digital marketing strategies and work further with its existing

product and service line.

It is important for the marketers of IHG to

create a balance between talent
acquisition, distribution cost, and
undertaking changing marketing conditions

Strongly Agree,
Disagree, 14
Disagree, 16

Agree, 21Neutral, 20

Figure 13: Creating a Balance in marketing and operational cost

The above graph outline perspective about “It is important for the marketers of IHG to

create a balance between talent acquisition, distribution cost, and undertaking changing

marketing conditions.” It determines that 29% respondents strongly agree to the state

where it looks forward to outlining the role of marketers of IHG to plan a balance

between talent acquisitions (young digital marketing managers), its distribution cost,

and the time it will take for an organisation to achieve its targets. 21% of respondents

have a positive response towards it,and 20% of respondents have a neutral opinion

related to this theme about the study. It is important for the research to consider this

opinion to be discussed in the next chapter to form perspective. Also, 16% of

respondents disagree with the statement, and only 14% of respondents strongly
P a g e | 14

disagree with this. It can be said that it is important for the study to propose changes

for firms such as IHG to assist them to improve their work efficiency.

The balance between above highlighted

elements will help IHG to increase its
productivity using digital marketing
platforms across the world.

Strongly Agree,
24 Disagree, 19

Disagree, 15
Agree, 18
Neutral, 24

Figure 14: Achieving performance and productivity targets

The above graph outlines the perspective of employees about “The balance between

the above-highlighted elements will help IHG to increase its productivity using digital

marketing platforms across the world.”24% respondents strong agree to the statement

that developing a balance between the elements mentioned above (talent acquisitions

(young digital marketing managers), its distribution cost, and market change) will

support the IHG and similar organisations to plan its operations accordingly and support

a balance to achieve its required performance and productivity objectives. 18% of

respondents have also agreed to this statement. Meanwhile, 24% of respondents have

a neutral opinion,and it is important to discuss this element. Furthermore,

19%ofrespondents strongly disagree with this,and 15%ofrespondents have backed

their perspective. However, it is important to determine at this point that research

P a g e | 15

doesagree with this statement, many researchers believe that using a multi-dimensional

approach will help the company to increase its productivity using digital marketing


3.1.3. Part 3 - Strategies to Overcome the Challenges

Increasing consumer satisfaction and

loyalty can help IHG to control the adverse
effects of unplanned digital marketing

Disagree, 10
Strongly Agree, Disagree, 12
Neutral, 14

Agree, 28

Figure 15: Increasing Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

The above graph outlines the perspective of IHG employees about “Increasing

consumer satisfaction and loyalty can help IHG to control the adverse effects of

unplanned digital marketing strategy.” 36% of respondents strongly agree to the

statement that by increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, IHG can control the

adverse effects of unplanned or inefficient digital marketing strategy. 28% of

respondents have backed this statement. Meanwhile, 14% of respondents have a

neutral opinion related to this statement; they believe that companies like IHG have

their loyal customer line; meanwhile, they also invest in other marketing strategies.
P a g e | 16

However, 10% and 12% respondents disagree to this statement by stating that

inefficient digital marketing strategy can harm the business of a firm quite prominently.

Thus, it is important for the organisation to look forward to seeking professional help in

this genre as it will help the company to improve their performance and productivity.

A planned approach will help IHG to adopt

a suitable planning, analytical, and
continuous optimisation approach to
overcome digital marketing barriers

Disagree, 9
Strongly Agree, Disagree, 7
Neutral, 15

Agree, 34

Figure 16: Planned Approach and Continuous Optimisation Approach

“A planned approach will help IHG to adopt a suitable planning, analytical, and

continuous optimisation approach to overcome digital marketing barriers” has been

discussed in the above statement that determines that 35% respondents strongly agree

to this. It is believed that with the help of a strong and planned approach, IHG can look

forward to adopting a suitable planning, analytical, and continuous optimisation

approach that will benefit organisational business. 34% of respondents have back this

statement thus shows its relevancy. 15%ofrespondents do not agree to this statement;

hence determine that this needs further evaluation and assessment to formulate

perspective. 9% and 7% of respondents respectively disagree that this statement needs

P a g e | 17

further evaluation. It is important for researches like this to discuss respondent’s

perspective from both negative and positive side as it will help the study to formulate

an idea about where the study is moving on.

Availability of budget has helped IHG to

improve its operational facilities in
managing digital marketing strategies.

Strongly Agree, 12
31 Disagree, 14

Neutral, 19
Agree, 24

Figure 17: Availability of Budget

The above graph has figured out the perspective of people related to “Availability of the

budget has helped IHG to improve its operational facilities in managing digital

marketing strategies.” The campaigns on social media are not free and require

budgeting to promote businesses and products. It determines that 31% of respondents

strongly agree to this, it is believed that with the budget, organisations can improve

their approaches related to digital marketing strategy. 24% of respondents back the

opinion agreed to this statement. For firms like IHG, availability of budget and financial

resources is not an issue, thus they can gain benefit from it. 19%ofrespondents have a

neutral opinion related to this statement. Also, 14% and 12% of respondents have a

negative opinion related to this element, and it is important to outline this element. It
P a g e | 18

will be beneficial for the study to look forward to studying digital marketing strategies to

look forward to planning its strategies for long-term and measure its performance


Clearly defined job objectives for

employees can help the management of
IHG to increase their work efficiency.

Disagree, 6
Strongly Agree, Disagree, 12

Neutral, 26

Agree, 24

Figure 18: Defined Job Description

The above statement outlines the perspective of respondents about “Clearly defined job

objectives for employees can help the management of IHG to increase their work

efficiency.” It is found that 32% of respondents strongly agree, and 24% have

supported the statement by agreeing to this element. It can be said that planning a

digital marketing strategy requires planning and defining clear job objectives so that

they can manage its operations and work efficiency. 26% of respondents have a neutral

opinion related to this statement. However, 12% of respondents disagree with this

element. Thus, it is important to discuss this element further in the discussion chapter.
P a g e | 19

Encouraging customers to give feedbacks

and visit Official Pages of IHG can help the
marketers to improve their output with
digital marketing tactics

Disagree, 11
Strongly Agree, Disagree, 10
Neutral, 15

Agree, 29

Figure 19: Encouraging Customers to give Feedback

The above statement outlines the perspective of respondents about “Encouraging

customers to give feedbacks and visit Official Pages of IHG can help the marketers to

improve their output with digital marketing tactics.” It is found that 35% of respondents

strongly agree, and 29% have supported the statement by agreeing to this element. It

can be said that planning a digital marketing strategy requires planning and defining

clear job objectives so that they can manage its operations and work efficiency. 15% of

respondents have a neutral opinion related to this statement. However, 11% of

respondents disagree with this element. Thus, it is important to discuss this element

further in the discussion chapter

P a g e | 20

Adopting a diversified cultural approach

will help the marketers to improve their
personal up-skilling and sharing approach
of good practices in IHG

Strongly Agree,
Disagree, 14
Disagree, 16

Agree, 24 Neutral, 19

Figure 20: Adopting a Diverse Cultural Approach

The above statement outlines the perspective of respondents about “Adopting a

diversified cultural approach will help the marketers to improve their up-skilling and

sharing approach of good practices in IHG.” It is found that 27% of respondents

strongly agree, and 24% have supported the statement by agreeing to this element. It

can be said that planning a digital marketing strategy requires planning and defining

clear job objectives so that they can manage its operations and work efficiency. 19% of

respondents have a neutral opinion related to this statement. However, 16% of

respondents disagree with this element. Thus, it is important to discuss this element

further in the discussion chapter

3.2. Discussion

The chapter brings forth the findings regarding efficiency; challenges and strategies

associated with digital marketing in hospitality sector based on a questionnaire and

P a g e | 21

suggest what these results imply. Figure 1 has results regarding cross-channel digital

marketing approach,and it is clear from the figure with 37% of the total population

agreeing to the fact that hospitality brands such as IHG can drive its customer demand

across the world using a cross-channel digital marketing approach. Similarly, figure 3

shows a positive opinion of the majority of respondents,i.e. 32% about digital

marketing enabling customers to navigate the service criteria of hotels in online travel

space. Only 12% and 11% shared their negative opinion about this theme saying that

they did not believe that the changing dynamics of the society urges customers to

navigate online. Again in figure 4, the perspective of respondents shows a positive

response to the increasing use of social media has impacted hospitality industry service

criteria. Only about 7% of respondents disagree with this statement and need further

evaluation in this regard.

On the same lines, maxims presented in figure 5, 8 and 9;ten have all been agreed to

by the respondents with similar percentages. 35%, 32%, 38%, and 31% respectively.

They showcase the results regarding IHG’ ability to streamline its processes to extract

better campaign results and to overcome challenges associated with an advanced

digital marketing approach. They also share employees’ hopeful and positive

perspective on the need for planning a successful social media campaign by the IHG.

Although they slightly vary on the scale, they mainly show respondents’ positive outlook

towards the advancement of digital marking for IHG. Similarly, employee’s perspective

on the increasing influence of products like Airbnb, HomeAway, and FlipKeycould be

P a g e | 22

good examples for IHG to invest in digital marketing strategies for an enhanced


There are some areas where respondents have shown an even increased inclination

such as figure 6 with 42% of people in favour of IHG’s futuristic approach to looking

forward to expanding its social and physical presence in global perspective by using geo

and channel expansion approach. It can be seen that 42% of respondents strongly

agree with this statement.

On the contrary, there are inconsistent, varied or neutral perspectives on some of the

elements for instance in figure 2 which shows finding on components of cross-channel

digital marketing approach. As per the findings, only 19% of the respondents have

agreed to the maxim of the question. There are instances where it cannot chalk out the

results to be positive or negative for instance in figure 7 employees’ perspective about

whether creating a digital marketing portfolio is challenging for IHG, only 17%

respondents strongly agree, however; with 21% respondents agreeing to this statement

brings us to no clarity. IHG has a strong work scenario and creating a digital marketing

portfolio will difficult for them with best digital marketing experts from the international

market. The dilemma increases when 19% respondents strongly disagree with it. These

results imply that overcoming inherent challenges with a strong will to adapt and

prepare for the advancement of in the digital marketing industry is the need of the

P a g e | 23

Figure 11 and 12 bring forth people’s justified opinion on creating a balance in

marketing and operational cost achieving performance and productivity targets. A

majority of respondents. 29% hold that IHG should create a balance between talent

acquisition, distribution cost, and undertaking changing marketing conditions.Whereas

figure 12 showsshow that the majority of people 24% wish IHG to create between the

elements mentioned above since it will help IHG increase its productivity using digital

marketing platforms across the world.Interestingly, an equal number of people hold a

neutral view meaning they are unsure if the changes will balance.CAS regard strategies

IHG may take to overcome challenges, figure 21 shows that a majority of IHG

employees, i.e. 36% how they think of increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

where they maintain that increasing consumer satisfaction and loyalty can help IHG to

control the adverse effects of unplanned digital marketing strategy. How should IHG go

about these substantial changes? In this regard, figure 14 shows people’s opinion on

planned approach and continuous optimisation approach. A majority of 35%

respondents strongly agrees while an almost equal number of 34% respondents agree

that a planned approach will help IHG to adopt a suitable planning, analytical, and

continuous optimisation approach to overcome digital marketing barriers. It is how large

organisations develop their operations all over the world. A big hurdle in bringing about

substantial changes is the availability of capital regarding which the results show the

perspective of the majority of respondents. 31% hold that availability of budgets will

help IHG improve its operational facilities in managing digital marketing strategies. They
P a g e | 24

maintain that with the budget, organisations can improve their approaches related to

digital marketing strategy.

Besides, arranging capital and devising new digital marketing techniques and

approaches, IHG also would need to define job descriptions of the existing employees

to yield more results. As shown in figure 16, the majority of respondents 32% maintain

that clearly defined job objectives for employees can help the management of IHG to

increase their work efficiency. There should be target-oriented teams with specified

tasks and deadlines. It may take time, in the beginning, to get the employees to move

in fast in a given direction; however, things will catch pace. Along with that keeping,

the customers or clientele with IHG plans and progress will provide the path ahead.

Figure 18 shows that a majority of respondents, i.e. 35% want IHG to encourage its

customers to visit official pages of IHG and give honest feedback on their performance

so that they could improve their output with digital marketing tactics. However, this

cannot be done without adopting a diverse cultural approach since the clientele has

mixed nationalities and ethnic associations. The perspective of the majority of

respondents including 27% who strongly agree to the fact is that adopting a diversified

cultural approach is necessary for IHG to improve their up-skilling and to share the

approach of good practices.

P a g e | 25

Chapter Five – Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion

To conclude, it can be said that the main theme of this study is quite broad; the study

aims to outline the impact of digital marketing in business administration and

development to look forward to formulating perspective. The study is divided into five

chapters that have discussed the main theme of the dissertation in details and with

different techniques. The first chapter has introduced the main theme of the study with

different examples in setting a focus.

Using the background information, aims, objectives, and research questions were

formed from which the problem was identified influencing the outcomes of the study.

Considering the nature of the study, availability of data is not an issue, however,

according to the academic code of conduct, reliable data is supposed to be utilised,

whose quantity is quite limited. Thus the literature review has been carried out by

evaluating the effectiveness, challenges, and proposed strategies using the information

available on Google Scholar to formulate perspective related to the digital marketing

approach in the business industry. The literature review in chapter 2 has helped the

research to design a detailed questionnaire (based on three sections) that individually

discuss the effectiveness, strategies, and challenges for hotels while working with

Digital marketing approach. The literature review was drafted using secondary data

collection in forming a set.

Harvard referencing style has been considered for this study to reference the authors

taken for the paper. The third chapter is based on a detailed research methodology
P a g e | 26

consisting of the models and frameworks used for data collection and analysis method.

It is a fact that not all types of data collection methods and analysis can be used to

form study; however, it is important to discuss the nature of different research types

and methodology in forming a focus. Nevertheless, for the considered study, inductive

research approach has been taken to work with primary data collection. The data

collection has been carried out from 100 employees of InterContinental Hotel Groups to

seek their perspective related to digital marketing and its efficiency in a competitive

marketplace. Also, the collected data has been analysed using MS Excel to formulate pie

charts; it has helped the study to understand their perspective more clearly.

Furthermore, the outlined data has been used further in establishing understanding by

incorporating Literature review and findings to outline perspective and incorporate

understanding based on primary and secondary data collection. It can be said that

digital marketing does have the potential impact on the business strategies and product

development of companies, especially in the hospitality industry. For example, it is one

of the most creative and changing industry in the recent time. Also, competition with

firms such as Airbnb and others has created the urge for firms to look forward to

planning their strategies focused on building a strong foundation. It will enable the firm

to plan diverse product criteria and train highly professional individuals to carry out

digital marketing operations to achieve collaborative goals and objectives. It will support

collaborative development for the company in managing its operations and achieve its

performance and productivity targets easily.

P a g e | 27

However, it is found that the study lacks some areas in its work approach that need

consideration, for example, it has worked with online survey questionnaire from the

employees of InterContinental Hotel Groups. It would have been more sufficient if the

study was using a more focused approach in setting collaborative understanding and

seek their perspective about the strategic building. To overcome the gaps within this

study, it has outlined a set of recommendations focused on the gaps and limitations to

help the study overcome that in further work and lead the topic towards a better


First Objective

The first objective is “to critically evaluate the importance of digital marketing for the

hotel industry”. This research study shows that the digital market is a new and

upgraded form of marketing that looks forward to planningincrease organisational

productivity and performance in their target market. However, the trends of digital

marketing approach are very different from traditional marketing individuals, thus

requires the companies recruit trained and expert individuals to manage its marketing

objectives. However, it is already determined that the study theme is very broad. Thus

it has taken the case of the hospitality industry and more specifically InterContinental

Hotel Group to formulate perspective in setting a focus.The first question of the survey

reflects on page 54 that 37% of the respondents agree to the use of cross-channel

digital marketing approach for hospitality brands. Similarly, the sixth question of the

questionnaire as mentioned on page 57 reflect that 35% of the respondents believe in

the impact of increasing use of mobile and social media presence on the hospitality
P a g e | 28

industry. Another survey question on page 66 highlights that 36% of the respondents

agree to the increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty that IHG can control through

the digital marketing strategies.

Second Objective

The second objective is “to examine different types of digital marketing strategies of

IHG hotels for improving their performance”. The study has provided the evidence for

the digital marketing strategies implemented in the hospitality industry to enhance the

performance. The survey has highlighted a similar aspect for IHG as the employees

have the knowledge of the digital marketing strategies. The fourth question of the

survey questionnaire on page 55 reflects that 19% of the respondents agree with the

involvement of social media marketing, content marketing, and SEO in cross-channel

digital marketing. Similarly the seventh question of the survey on page 57 highlight that

35% of the respondents outline the use of digital marketing approach to streamline the

processes to attain the results. Another question from the survey questionnaire on page

70reflects that35% of the respondents agree that customers are encouraged to give

feedback and visit to the official page of IHG can help marketers to enhance the output.

Third Objective

The third objective is “to critically assess the benefit of digital marketing for IHG hotels

through a survey questionnaire”. The survey and literature have provided the sufficient

benefits of using digital marketing strategies for hospitality organisations such as IHG

hotels. The online survey has been conducted for the study to assess the digital
P a g e | 29

marketing benefits.The survey questionnaire reflects that 32% ofrespondentsreflect

that customers can navigate the customer service criteria of hotels using digital

marketing. The results also reflect that 42% of the respondents believe that IHG looks

forward to expanding the social and physical presence in the global hospitality industry.

Fourth Objective

The fourth objective is “to analyse the challenges that can be faced in employing digital

marketing techniques for IHG hotels”. The study has also highlighted the challenges for

the digital marketing techniques that the employees faced for digital marketing

strategies. The employees are found to provide the evidence for challenges they faced

and the solutions for the challenges to counter them.The results on page 61 reflect that

32% of the respondents believed that overcoming hurdles to work with digital

marketing approach is easy to be resolved through the hiring of professionals of digital

marketing. It is also evident on page 62 that 38% of respondents reflect that

overcoming the challenges require planning of successful social media campaigns with

the process at initial phases to work with the input.Apart from these revelations,page

63 provides that 31% of the respondents examine the increasing influence of

HomeAway, FlipKey, and Airbnb to motivate IHG to invest in digital marketing

P a g e | 30

5.2 Recommendations for Future Studies

Based on findings, the study will need to follow the determined set of recommendations

to fulfil the gaps; it will also help the study to increase its scope and plan a better way

to direct it. Recommendations are as follow;

- It will be beneficial for the study to adopt a more diverse approach of data

collection method, for example, currently, the results are carried out based on an

online survey, but it would have been more concise if it will work with interviews

to formulate perspective.

- It is important for studies like these to work with peer reviews in the result

section to formulate perspective; it would have concluded this study with a more

diverse approach if it had worked secondary data in the result section to

formulate perspective.

- AbouttheInterContinental Hotel Group, it is important for the management to

look forward to involving young digital marketing specialists to increase their

productivity using an efficient digital marketing approach.

Recommendations References
Surveys and interviews should propagate the
(Dahiya & Gayatri, 2018)
awareness for the changing role of technology
A wider group of hospitality employees or
organisations should be targeted in future (De Pelsmacker et al., 2018)
The implications of digital marketing on
organisational performance should be (Edelman, 2015)
Challenges in digital marketing strategies
should be mitigated through brainstorming (DuPont et al., 2018)
and creative ideas
Table 7: Recommendations as per previous studies (Author, 2019)
P a g e | 31

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Part 1 - Efficiency of Digital Marketing in the Hospitality


Hospitality brands such as IHG can drive its customer

demand across the world using a cross-channel digital
marketing approach.
Strongly Disagree 9
Disagree 7
Neutral 20
Agree 27
Strongly Agree 37
Total 100

Cross-Channel, digital marketing only involve social media

marketing, content marketing, and SEO.
Strongly Disagree 21
Disagree 15
Neutral 25
Agree 20
Strongly Agree 19
Total 100

With digital marketing, customers are able to navigate the

customer service criteria of hotels in online travel space.
Strongly Disagree 12
Disagree 11
Neutral 18
Agree 27
Strongly Agree 32
Total 100

The increasing use of the mobile and social presence of

people on different media impact hospitality industry service
Strongly Disagree 7
Disagree 7
Neutral 22
Agree 29
Strongly Agree 35
Total 100
P a g e | 39

With the help of digital marketing approach, IHG can

streamline its processes to extract better campaign results.
Strongly Disagree 10
Disagree 8
Neutral 17
Agree 30
Strongly Agree 35
Total 100

IHG can look forward to expanding its social and physical

presence in the global hospitality industry using Geo and
Channel expansion approach
Strongly Disagree 2
Disagree 5
Neutral 20
Agree 31
Strongly Agree 42
Total 100

Part 2 - Challenges related to Digital Marketing in the

Hospitality Industry

Creating a digital marketing portfolio is a challenging job for

Strongly Disagree 19
Disagree 15
Neutral 28
Agree 21
Strongly Agree 17
Total 100

Overcome hurdles to work with digital marketing approach

can be resolved by hiring digital marketing experts
Strongly Disagree 12
Disagree 14
Neutral 18
Agree 24
Strongly Agree 32
Total 100
P a g e | 40

Overcoming inherent challenges require planning a successful

social media campaign starting with the process at the initial
stage, then work with input strategy
Strongly Disagree 10
Disagree 6
Neutral 14
Agree 32
Strongly Agree 38
Total 100

The increasing influencing of Airbnb, HomeAway, and FlipKey

increase the urge for IHG to invest in digital marketing
Strongly Disagree 14
Disagree 12
Neutral 16
Agree 27
Strongly Agree 31
Total 100

It is important for the marketers of IHG to create a balance

between talent acquisition, distribution cost, and undertaking
changing marketing conditions
Strongly Disagree 14
Disagree 16
Neutral 20
Agree 21
Strongly Agree 29
Total 100

The balance between the above-highlighted elements will

help IHG to increase its productivity using digital marketing
platforms across the world.
Strongly Disagree 19
Disagree 15
Neutral 24
Agree 18
Strongly Agree 24
Total 100

Part 3 - Strategies to Overcome the Challenges

P a g e | 41

Increasing consumer satisfaction and loyalty can help IHG to

control the adverse effects of unplanned digital marketing
Strongly Disagree 10
Disagree 12
Neutral 14
Agree 28
Strongly Agree 36
Total 100

A planned approach will help IHG to adopt a suitable

planning, analytical, and continuous optimisation approach to
overcome digital marketing barriers
Strongly Disagree 9
Disagree 7
Neutral 15
Agree 34
Strongly Agree 35
Total 100

Availability of budget has helped IHG to improve its

operational facilities in managing digital marketing strategies.
Strongly Disagree 12
Disagree 14
Neutral 19
Agree 24
Strongly Agree 31
Total 100

Clearly defined job objectives for employees can help the

management of IHG to increase their work efficiency.
Strongly Disagree 6
Disagree 12
Neutral 26
Agree 24
Strongly Agree 32
Total 100

Encouraging customers to give feedbacks and visit Official

Pages of IHG can help the marketers to improve their output
with digital marketing tactics
Strongly Disagree 11
P a g e | 42

Disagree 10
Neutral 15
Agree 29
Strongly Agree 35
Total 100

Adopting a diversified cultural approach will help the

marketers to improve their personal up-skilling and sharing
approach of good practices in IHG
Strongly Disagree 14
Disagree 16
Neutral 19
Agree 24
Strongly Agree 27
Total 100
P a g e | 43


Student’s Full Name: Student’s University of Salford ID Number:

DHUROMSINGH Shailendra (@00512245)

Title of Research and Project Focus:

Impact of digital marketing on organisational performance using the case of IHG

Project Aims and Objectives:

The proposed study will aim to evaluate the impact of digital marketing on organisational

performance using the case of IHG. Moreover, the research objectives that will be used study

are as follows:

 To evaluate the importance of digital marketing for the hotel industry

 To determine different types of digital marketing used by IHG hotels for improving their


 To assess the benefit of digital marketing for IHG hotels

 To analyse the challenges of implementing digital marketing techniques for IHG hotels
Research Methodology:

The selection of a research philosophy is carried out based on different elements, for instance,

the selection of pragmatism approach is carried out to work on a mixed or multiple

approached mode, with mixed research design method. It works well with both qualitative

and quantitative data collection method (Silverman, 2016). The inductive approach has been
P a g e | 44

taken as it has worked with survey questionnaire though; it has carried out a measurement

test to form a perspective that makes it mix with the deductive approach (Simonsohn et al.,

2017). Descriptive research design looks forward to working with observational studies,

correlational research, development designs and survey research to work on yielding

quantitative information to summarise using statistical analysis. Primary data is collected

using different ways, most commonly; it is collected using techniques such as interviews,

focus group interviews, questionnaires, survey, and others. While on the other hand,

secondary data collection method is focused on gathering data from work on other

researchers available online on sources such as Google Scholar, JsTor, and others.

Convenience random sampling method has been considered. The study has target 100

employees working at Intercontinental Hotel Group to determine how they are using digital

marketing to support their branding image and promotions campaigns. The study has worked

with quantitative data collection approach of the data collected from the representatives of

InterContinental Hotel Group using IBM SPSS software. It has used descriptive statistics to

determine the numerical data standing of people’s perspective. Also, the data has also been

classifiedin the form of pie charts using MS Excel to make sure that it is in understanding


Organisational Agreement (if applicable):

- N.A.
Approaching Individuals (if applicable):

How will you ensure ‘informed consent’ is gained from anyone involved in the research?
P a g e | 45

Informed consent has been gained after assuring participants about not including their
personal information in the survey questionnaire.

How will you approach data protection issues during your research?

The data will not be disclosed to the third party for protecting the participant’s privacy.

Does this project require that the researcher applies for a Disclosure Barring Service (DBS)

- No
What other ethical issues should you consider when conducting this research and how will
potential ethical risk/harm be avoided?

- Nil
Does your project require you to conform to any additional professional code of ethics such
as provided by the British Society of Criminology or British Psychology Society or Law Society
or any other similar professional body?

- No
If you have answered YES above, please cite the code and provide details below about
where it can be consulted electronically.

- N.A.

Approved: Dr Alistair Benson. . Date: 22.10.18

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