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My mathematical research is in the general area of calculus, more particularly fractional


Fractional calculus studies is a generalization of ordinary calculus, where derivatives and

integrals of arbitrary real or complex order are defined. These fractional operators may model
more efficiently certain real-world phenomena, especially when the dynamics is affected by
constraints inherent to the system.

Applications of fractional calculus include control theory, electrical circuits , economics,

dynamics of stock markets, dynamics of viscoelastic materials, fluid mechanics, fractional
dynamics, modelling of diffusion, signal processing, stochastic processes, thermoelasticity etc.

My research has discussed limit definition of the derivative of a function which obeys classical
properties including: linearity, product rule,quotient rule, chain rule, Rolle’s theorem and mean
value theorem.

In the future I want to examine more deeply related to the topic of fractional calculus. I hope that
with the knowledge that I get in the future I can give benefits to be developed into applications in
real life and I can incorporate this topic into discussion in general mathematics lectures at

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