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Reading Part 1 ‘You are going to read an atte about life inthe countryside, For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A 8, € oF D) which you think fits best according tothe text have been living in London for more than 60 years, but sil, when I'm driving and take some clever back- street short cut, | catch myself thinking: how extraordinary that it me doing thi! Fora moment the town mouse | have become is being seen bythe country mouse | used to be. And although. given a new start | would again become a town mouse, when I visit relations in the country. | envy them, Recently | stood beside a freshwater lake in Norfolk made by diverting a small river, near where my brother lives. AS he was identiying some ofthe birds we could s500,in came seven swans. They circled, then the haunting sound of their wing beats gave way to silence as they _lded down for splashdown. Fe is not a picturesque’ part of the coast, but it has a efnite character of line and light and colour. "You do live in a lovely place’ I said to. my brother, and he answered. Yes, | da’ There are probably few days when he does not pause to recognise its loveliness as he works with his boats — he teaches saling ~ or goes about his many other occupations. ‘The lake's creator is a local landowner, continuing a tradition whereby the nature of our countryside hat been determined by those who own the land, Formerly, landowners would almost certainly have made such changes for thelr own benef but ths ime it was done to help preserve the wildife here, which is avaiable for any visitor to see, providing they do nothing to disturb 29 the birds. It is evidence of change: country Me is changing fast. (One of the biggest changes | have witnessed is that second-homers, together with commuters, have come ‘to be accepted asa vital part ofthe country scene. 1 tis sometimes a source of surprise tothe miter I CAME TO ENVY THE COUNTRY MICE ‘And the men and women who service their cars di their gardens, install their phones, repair theie word processors lay their carpets and do all che other things they need are vital to modern country life ‘ee quite likely tha the children of todays workers may bbe moving into the same kind of jobs as the second- homers and the retired. Both the children of a country ‘woman | know are at university and she herself, now ‘that they have lefthome.is working towards a university degree. One of the delights of country life today, it seems, is that there you can see how fat social mobility 44 's increasing. ‘Much depends, of course, onthe part of the countryside you are living in and on personality your own and that ‘of your neighbours. in my brother's Norfolk vilage, social ie seems dizzying to a Londoner. In addition to ropping in on neighbours, people throw and attend partes far more often than we do. My brother's wife Mary and her friende fy off onthe most dashing bargain breaks in Krakow or Prague or Venice, and are always _oing into Norwich for a concert or to King’s Lynn for ‘an exhibition. The boring country life that people from Cites talk about ia thing ofthe past ~ or perhaps ie was always mainly in their minds ‘This is very unlike living in a London street for 5O years and only knowing the names of four other residents. In ‘these 50 years I have made only one real friend among ‘them. | do enjoy my life, and Mary says that she sometimes envies i (he grass on the other side of the fence .):but whenever | go to Norfolk, end up feeling ‘that the lives of country mice are more admirable chan ny own, '5 What is suggested about outsiders who now lve inthe country? [A that country people no longer reject them that they often do work ike servicing cars and digging gardens © thatthe men and women who work for them are from the ety, De inthe counteyside for long time ‘A t0find herself eving through back streets, B that she hasbeen in the city for so long, © tortie how much she 38 got used to living in London, D thats ves inthe city when she prefers the county. 2 The atmospher created by the writer when she describes the swans is 8 What does soca bly in ine 44 mean? A magia ‘A Country people ae going to university. tightening, 8 Young people are moving away rom the countryside, © doatoning © Children of country people ae taking jobs in ces, Disturbing 1D People fom worker’ amie re moving into higher socal classes. {3 What does the writer’ brother think of his village? [A He think tis very picturesque, ‘A depends completely on whera you lve. 1B He prefers the sa to the land Bis not as boring as peopl in cies think itis, © He nds i dll and boring. © isnot affected by your neygnbours. 1 Hes often struck by the beauty ofthe countryside Dis always less exiting than if in the city. 7 Social ite in the country inne 29 refer to? {5 What do we lean about the writers attitude to London? A" She cant ajust 0 lving in London. BB She has roprtted moving to Landon, © The people in hor stret are unusually unfriendly. D_ Lite there ie vary sitferant to county ite belongs oa landowner here 1D the fact that wildlife now needs tobe preserved Se a Part2 AWARENESS DAY ‘A Plumpton High Schoo! “his school decided to arrange a varity of activites, some simed 2 achieving a beter understanding of enronmental problems, and others designed to be of practical help. For Instance the school magazine brought out a special eton fon the subject. fll of artes and stories where pup expressed their feelings about the threats ficing our ‘eronment. In another attempt to find out for therehes tow serious these threats realy are, che pupils decided to “study the problem of pluton by making a survey.run bythe ‘Seteice Department. inc alr polation Inthe lea shopping. ‘ante. On the practical sie, the school held a sponsored walk and handed over £750 to che World Wilf Fund. Pupils prepared a campaign to ban cars from the cy centre and reduce afc congestion They cycled through the cy tnd handed out brochures about the benefits of eying and ‘walking. This gind a tot ofpubicy forthe schoo. B Creswell College “The staf and sudents at Cresswell College held 3 meeting and discussed a number of suggestion. The most populr tveresion turned out to be the most practical ones wan ‘decided thatthe local environment should be brightened up. “Teams were sent out plant fowers and young trees 00 ares of land in the neighbourhood Wethin the schoo the ‘senior students prepared a report monitoring the progress ‘of species creatned with extinction le was hoped ha th ‘would help publse the problem, As par of that project. 3 leading expert on wid bids was invited to come and ive 2 talk about the dangers faced by these creates, He ‘explained the importance ofthe food chain and asked peoole {o support local wife reserves. a it You are going to read an artile about the activites organised by ai {C Smithson Instieute This school had already been ivohed in tome projct connected wih the envionment though rary fort were Increased for Enironmenal Awareness Day. Fr the ist 0 ars the school had been studying the efects of changes in imac patterns around the word and how these can fet idle. 'A fm about thote magnificent marine mamma, Envionmencl Awareness Oay. which was received with great “enthusiasm by pup. Merediy Summers orchect. ma ied {tlk about how potion can dentro Matos bung In he region. Following that. pups decided t launch a campaign for the restoration ofthe medieval square inthe cky centre and asked local authors to suppor them franc. D Halliwell Comprehensive “The pups at tis innercy comprehensive schoo! fe tha he ‘est way to mark Eneronmertal Awareness Day wou bet lp people nthe ares understand how important the envronmert {to them, One suggestion ht wan grsted with enthusaam ‘wat wo measure the lvl of ne in Staley Road by fea ‘hopping seat. The information was then placed ons week that ewe schoo! Mad stared In an etort to proc erect usance to people who are working sive the environment. + jumble ale war eda the school and £1,000 was done to ‘the local feof the Wife Rereve Servic, ally he schol took popit to the coat marshes of Easton-onSe. Many Puls reported afterwards that they had raver rated how ‘erible the efecsof pollution could be on couse wide ont schools {or Environmental Awareness Day. For questions 16-90 choose from the schools (AD). The schools may be chosen mote than one. Which sehoots) became wol known after Environmental Awareness Day? provided online information about the environment? shod a specialist to giv a tak? raised money to help witli? ‘asked pupils to write about environmental problems? ‘organised trp tothe coast? started a project about endangered species? 's studying changes in genera weathor conditions? rranged a tak on plltion and local architecture? encouraged the use of bicycles? arluly examined se pollution in» lea noite pollution? Aocidod to protect a local historical site? is located inthe conte of the city? _ z_ Zz Ee az zx zx a za a Zz az x zz Use of English Part1 For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Example: [9] RECENTLY Kits) ANIMALS Wild animals have (0) made an appearance in the back gardens of Arnerican suburbs. They have caused havoc and have (25) domestic pets. Mountain lions that wander into suburbs are now quite (26) .. to attack humans, while bears and wolves have (27) .. discovered rubbish bins. If you find the (28) ......... of your bin scattered all over the garden one morning, there is a distinct (29)... that a bear has been feasting there during the night. Nobody should be particularly surprised by this (30) .. which was predicted by experts years ago, and it’s not (31) ... under the circumstances. One cause is the massive expansion of (32). In (33) . (34) ......... have been placed on hunting certain animals, allowing their populations to grow. over the past few decades a large number of into areas that were wild and uninhabited not long ago. RECENT THREAT WILL APPARENT CONTAIN POSSIBLE DEVELOP EXPECT HOUSE ADD RESTRICT

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