V Oorg Ere C Hten Pizza: Starters

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v o o r g e r e c ht e n s ta r te r s p i zz a

Margherita 7,50
Pomodoro Tomato soup 4,50
met kaas
Tonijnsalade Tuna salad 6,50 with cheese

Salade Caprese Caprese salad 6,50 Borromea 8,50

mozzarella, tomaat en basilicum / mozzarella, tomato and basil met kaas en ham
with cheese and ham
Carpaccio 9,50
dun gesneden rundvlees, Parmezaanse kaas en pesto Pepperoni 9,50
thin sliced fillet beef with Parmesan and pesto met kaas, tomaten en gekruide salami
with cheese, tomatoes and spicy salami
h o o f d g e r e c h te n m ai n c o u r s e s
Vegetariana 10,50
Hamburger/Cheeseburger 10,50 met kaas, paprika, champignons, ui en olijven
with cheese, paprika, mushrooms, onions and olives
Kipsaté Chicken skewers with a peanut sauce 12,50
Quattro Stagioni 10,50
Wienerschnitzel Escalope Viennoise 12,50 met kaas, ham, salami, champignons en peper
with cheese, ham, salami, mushrooms and pepper
Spareribs 14,50
Quattro Formaggi 11,50
Fish & Chips 14,50 met vier soorten kaas
with four kinds of cheese
Hollandse Biefstuk Dutch Steak 16,50

Hoofdgerechten worden geserveerd met friet en salade

Main courses are served with french fries and salad

New West Inn  Reimerswaalstraat 5  Amsterdam  NewWestInn.nl  020-4108000  Open 15h00 – 22h30
pasta k i n d e r m e n u ’ s c hi ld r e n ’ s m e n u

Spaghetti al Pomodoro 7,50 Frikandel met friet en appelmoes 5,50

met tomatensaus / with tomato sause fried minced meat sausage with fries and apple sauce

Spaghetti a la Bolognese 8,50 Kipnuggets met friet en appelmoes 5,50

chicken nuggets with french fries and apple sauce
Spaghetti Carbonara 10,50
met bacon en room / with bacon and cream Kroket met friet en appelmoes 5,50
fried meat croquette with french fries and apple sauce
Spaghetti Quattro Formaggi 11,50
Spaghetti bambino 5,50
Lasagne Bolognese 10,50 children spaghetti in tomato sauce
Lasagne Vegetariana 10,50

Geserveerd met brood / Served with bread

d e s s e r ts b o r r e lg a r n i tu u r l i tt l e s n ack s
Dame Blanche 4,50 Bitterballen (6 stuks) 4,50
vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce crunchy deep-fried meatballs (6 pieces)
Appelgebak/apfelstrudel met vanilleijs 4,50 Gemengd bittergarnituur klein (8/16 stuks) 4,50/7,50
apple pie/apple strudel with vanilla ice cream a varity of Dutch deep-fried snacks (8/16 pieces)

New West Inn  Reimerswaalstraat 5  Amsterdam  NewWestInn.nl  020-4108000  Open 15h00 – 22h30

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