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If you don’t know where you’re going,
any path will take you there, eventually.
But with electrical troubleshooting, your
destination must be identified before
you begin the journey.

20 November 2016

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he basic ideas present-
ed at the beginning of
this article will devel-
op in ways designed
to help your under-
standing of advanced
circuits to grow. The goal is to help
you learn to troubleshoot electrical
circuits quickly, accurately, confident-
ly and, of course, profitably.
All procedures described are spe-
cifically designed for use on 12V auto-
motive systems only. Work on higher
voltage systems, such as those found
in hybrid-electric or full electric-drive
vehicles, requires different proce-
dures and equipment. High-voltage
systems present a lethal danger.
It’s all about feeding the beast.
Whether it’s something as simple as
turning on the brake lights or mea-
suring coolant temperature, or as
complex as determining whether to
deploy an air bag, every electrical cir-
cuit exists for only one reason: to do
some kind of work. Whatever device
or “load” will be doing the work in a
particular circuit is a beast that must
be fed with an adequate diet of elec-
tricity. The job of the circuit is to
feed the beast; the job of the beast is
to do some work.
Sound troubleshooting procedures
can always get you to the correct an-
swer eventually, although sometimes
the journey will be long and “circu-
itous” (pardon the pun!). Following
sound procedures can identify all
three types of possible circuit faults:
open faults (think of a broken wire or
inoperative switch); shorts (unintend-
ed circuit paths, whether caused by
abrasion, a stuck switch or some oth-
er cause); and voltage faults (usually
reduced voltage most often due to
corrosion, but occasionally overvolt-
age due to charging system faults).
Troubleshooting can identify failed
electrical components as well. Fi-
nally, troubleshooting can also help
Photos: Thinkstock

identify the root causes of some fail-

ures, and may often even help iden-
tify conditions which are likely to
cause future failures.

November 2016 21

Electrical.indd 2 10/21/16 12:47 PM

Street Smarts for Electric Avenue

Simple Flashlight Circuit

(all readings VDC )

Flashlight Off

Figure 1 Figure 2

Flashlight Off Flashlight On

Figure 3 Figure 4

Flashlight On Flashlight Off

Figure 5 Figure 6

In many ways, electrical trouble- diagnosis, we spend most of our time negative), and we need both of them
shooting is the exact opposite of me- finding out where the problem isn’t! to make the work flow. And to make
chanical repair. Mechanical faults that happen, we need a return path
are generally visually apparent and Circuit Measuring Basics back to the energy source. And yes,
easily diagnosed, though they may Circuits are circular in that they al- the energy does get used up along
require lengthy work for access and low energy to flow from a source, the way. Some people find it helpful
repair. Electrical faults are often perform some work at the load and, to think of the two kinds of electricity
hidden, requiring a long time to di- eventually, to return to that same as examples of the equal and opposite
agnose, while the actual repair (run- source. But if the energy has done its forces of action and reaction.
ning in a new wire, replacing a cor- work, why isn’t it “all used up”? The Let’s look at an example circuit.
roded terminal, etc.) is generally rel- short and simplified answer is that, Fig. 1 above shows a very simple
atively quick once the fault has been for our purposes, there are two kinds flashlight circuit. We start with a
located and identified. In electrical of energy in a circuit (positive and flashlight so simple that it doesn’t

22 November 2016

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even have a switch. If good batteries flashlight a bit more practical by add- the switch is off, there’s no flow of
and a bulb are installed, the light ing a switch. Fig, 2 shows our light current, no work happens, no light.
simply shines until the This is an open circuit.
battery becomes too Let’s add in a voltmeter
weak or until the bulb’s now, to see if we can learn
filament breaks. One a little more about the
end (or pole) of the bat- In many ways, electrical circuit’s properties. Fig. 3
tery is positive and the shows the readings we get
other end is negative. troubleshooting is the exact at each of the indicated
Each end of the battery points when we hook up
is connected to the bulb opposite of mechanical repair. the voltmeter’s negative
at opposite ends of its fila- lead to the left end of the
ment. When the two types In electrical diagnosis, we spend left battery and move the
of energy, positive and
negative, meet inside the
most of our time finding out voltmeter’s positive lead to
each of the points shown.
filament, it lights up from where the problem isn’t! The black lead goes
the heat of their combi- in the COM port, while
nation. The heat, in turn, the red lead goes into
causes the bulb to glow. I the VΩ port. The black
know you’re more inter- probe tip is connected
ested in working on cars to the left end of the
than on flashlights, but bear with me. with the added switch in the OFF po- left battery, while the red probe tip
What if we decided to make our sition. What’s happening here? Since is connected to each of the points

Circle #12

November 2016 23

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Street Smarts for Electric Avenue


urrent probes, or “amp- probe on and connect it to your restore normal function.
clamps,” make use of one scope or meter. (Most probes re- A current probe’s output is gen-
of the fundamental elec- quire a 9V battery.) Turn the knob erally in millivolts (mV) and corre-
tromechanical properties until the meter reads 0. Low-amp sponds with the ratio printed on
called induction. A current trav- and microamp probes are easi- the probe.
eling through a magnetic field ly overwhelmed by high current High-amp probes are frequent-
induces a voltage in that ly used to do relative
field. This induced volt- compression testing and
age is proportional to the to assess actual current
strength of the original consumption or output.
current, and varies accord- They usually feature a
ing to the design of the large jaw opening capa-
probe. ble of surrounding even
And that’s their big ad- very large battery ca-
vantage: You can measure bles. Low-amp probes are
voltage more safely and best used for circuits in
easily than you can mea- the 100mA to 20A range.
sure current. High-current Jaw diameter is usually
probes generally output a insufficient to allow their
voltage of 1mV/A of cur- use on a main battery ca-
rent. They’re very useful ble. Microamp probes are
for looking at high-current well suited to very small
power circuits like starter power consumers that
motors, alternators, wip- use 400mA or less. Their
ers and rear window de- much smaller jaw open-
foggers. Low-amp probes ing is intended for small-
generally output either gauge single wires.
10mV/A or 100mV/A. High-amp probes can-

Photo courtesy Automotive Electronics Services

They’re very helpful when not generally be used to
evaluating low- to mid- home in on small current
range currents such as draws of the sort that
those powering injectors, might leave a battery
ignition coils, fuel pumps, dead in a vehicle un-
etc. Microamp probes gen- driven for several days.
erally output 10mv/mA, Low-amp probes may
and are extremely useful lack sufficient precision
in evaluating certain types to pinpoint very small
of wheel speed sensors, circuit draws below
air/fuel sensors, vacuum about 100mA. They’re al-
switching solenoids, blend so generally unreliable
door motors, etc. when currents exceed
Most current probes 40A. Microamp probes
have a zero knob or dial. To zero flow, which can cause their jaws’ are well suited to small-current
a current probe, place the probe magnets to become temporarily circuits and to identification of
around the wire whose current is too strong. Open the jaws and let small-magnitude parasitic draws,
to be measured with that circuit them snap closed on a piece of but their small jaw size limits
turned off. Make sure to turn the paper to dissipate the excess and their use on larger cables.

shown. The selector switch for our right battery all the way to the tip of the switch contact would close if we
meter is in the VDC position. the switch, and a conductive path- turned our flashlight on.
What have we measured? So far, way all the way from the negative Okay, now let’s turn our flashlight
we’ve looked only at source voltage, pole at the left end of the left bat- back on and do the same measure-
the amount of electrical pressure tery all the way along the negative ments (Fig. 4). We hook up our volt-
found in the batteries. But we’ve al- bus, into the negative terminal of the meter the same way and check the
so learned that there’s a conductive bulb, and all the way out of the other voltage at each of the points again.
path from the positive pole of the end of the bulb right up to where You can see the change at the left

26 November 2016

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end of the bulb. The closed switch tip is connected to each of the points and so is the one at the bottom of the
now allows positive current to flow shown in turn. bulb. The reading at the battery end
from the batteries to the filament, We’ve already seen what changed, of the switch has also remained the
then back to the other end of the so now let’s look at what stayed the same. In fact, only the voltage at the
batteries. Meanwhile, left end of the bulb, nearest
negative current flows to the switch, has changed.
from the other end of This illustrates a couple
the batteries through of important properties of
the spring, through A voltmeter does not become a electrical circuits: In a cir-
the flashlight, into the cuit where the voltage on
bulb, through the fil- part of the circuit to which it’s each side of the load (the
ament, through the bulb) is the same, no cur-
switch, and back to the attached. There is no appreciable rent will flow. In a loaded
positive end of the bat- circuit, the two sides of
teries. This is an exam- current flow from the circuit the load will have differ-
ple of a closed or com-
pleted circuit. Since
through the voltmeter. ent voltages, and current
will flow. In our example,
the load (in this case one side of the bulb has 3V
the bulb) is on, the cir- and the other side has 0V.
cuit is said to be “load- The voltage “drops” from
ed.” The black probe 3 to 0 “across the load.” In
tip is connected to the left end of same. The readings at each end of fact, in any complete circuit, all of the
the left battery, while the red probe each battery are the same in Fig. 4, voltage will be dropped, or consumed,

Circle #13

November 2016 27

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Street Smarts for Electric Avenue


hink of “meter love”
as sort of a three-way
hookup! Meter A (let’s 1 2
call it Alex) at the left
in photo 1 is set to the volts
scale. As you can see, it’s con-
nected to meter B (Bobbi) to
the right, which is set to ohms.
What does it tell us? Bobbi out-
puts a small voltage (.62V, as
reported by Alex) to measure
Alex’s impedance (internal re-
sistance). Bobbi shows us that
Alex’s impedance is 10.09 meg-
ohms (10,090,000 ohms). The
current Bobbi used to make this
measurement is about .62mA
(.00062A), as shown in photo 2.
Why does this matter? Since
both the voltage and the cur-
rent used to measure ohms (re-
sistance) are very small, they
may not reflect the true state
of affairs when it comes to
large, power-hungry circuits, like
those for a starter, or even for
less needy consumers like an on-
board computer. Additionally, a 3 4
voltmeter with a lower imped-
ance of less than 8 to 10 meg-
ohms (8,000,000 to 10,000,000
ohms) may “load down” sen-
sitive circuits like those of, say,
an oxygen sensor, causing
them to change their behavior
and resulting in unreliable volt-
age readings, possibly leading
to an expensive misdiagnosis.
I have even seen cheap meters
change the spark characteristics
of an ignition coil so greatly as
to cause a no-start! Note that
different meters may use differ-
ent currents during resistance
measurements, as shown in
photo 3, where Alex and Bob-
bi switch roles, and in photo 4,
where Bobbi hooks up with Red,
a stranger whose current, at
1.01mA, is roughly equal to Alex
and Bobbi’s combined output.

along the way. In good circuits, essen- or broken? If you figured out that Let’s try this thought experiment:
tially all of this drop will occur across the voltage readings would be exact- How would our readings change if we
the load(s). ly the same, give yourself a gold star. now switched the flashlight off, still
What would the voltage readings If you also figured out that there with a blown bulb? The big change
be if the flashlight were switched on, would be no current flow, give your- would come at the positive end of
but the bulb’s filament was burnt out self another one! the bulb, where our voltage readings

28 November 2016

Electrical.indd 7 10/21/16 12:48 PM

would now be fluctuating. Why? Be- black probe to the negative; your your other hand, touch the red
cause there is no longer a continuous reading should be about 12.6V. probe and read your DMM. We’ll
path between it and ground. Now remove the red probe from pick it up right here next month.
Back to our flashlight once again, the positive battery terminal and
but this time with a twist. We’re go- lick your fingers on both hands.
This article can be found online
ing to introduce a little corrosion With your left hand, touch the pos- at
where the spring at the negative end itive terminal of the battery; with
of the left battery meets the ground
path going to the bulb (Fig. 5). The

See how you can uncover

bulb still glows, but because the volt-
age drop across the bulb is now on-
ly 2.5V instead of the 3V it was de-
signed for, the bulb is dim. The total
voltage drop (across the batteries) hidden repairs faster
remains 3V.
So far so good, right? Here’s where
it starts to get a bit more interesting.
What are the voltages we’d measure
in our dim flashlight if we turned it
off (Fig. 6)?
They all look the same as they
did without the corrosion! How is
that possible? If the corrosion is so
bad that it drops half a volt across
it when the light is turned on, why
doesn’t it affect our readings when
the light is off? The answer: There’s
no voltage drop when there’s no cur-
rent flow, and current flow requires
a complete path.
A voltmeter does not become a
part of the circuit to which it’s at-
tached. It measures conditions at var-
ious points relative to one another.
There will be no appreciable current
flow from the circuit through the
voltmeter. This is a function of the
meter’s internal resistance (imped-
ance), as mentioned in “Meter Love”
on the previous page, and is one of
the reasons you want a good meter.
When I teach classes in electrical
troubleshooting, techs tell me after-
ward that the following is the most
eye-opening experiment of the class.
I call it “The Statue of Liberty Play.”
Take your DMM out to the car.
Set it to DC volts and attach the
black lead to the COM (or nega-
tive) port and the red lead to the
VΩ port. Clip the red probe to the
positive battery terminal and the
Circle #14

November 2016 29

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