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Option 2

Part A:

In Death of a Salesman, Miller illustrates how American Dream have a huge impact on

individuals which also shapes a variations of the character’s identities. First of all, American

Dream is the belief of becoming by working hard and it also means that if does not matter how

well they started. To extends, Willy, one of the main character in the play, he have a strong belief

in American Dream. As he worked worked as a salesman, it makes him felt that if he working

hard, he could become successful easily. According to page 13, it stated that “No, I see Commented [1]: not easier but successful

everything. I came back ten miles an hour. It took me nearly four hours from Yonkers”. After

reading this quote, it can be seen clearly that even how long Willy have to go for a work, he

always dedicate and willy to go. Furthermore, by doing this thing makes him even have a higher Commented [2]: delete off?
Commented [3]: having
self-confident. In terms of self-confident, he usually think that what he have been doing is right

and he seems to not listen to what others people are saying to him. Nonetheless, he also said that

in order to become successful does not only depend on how much money you have as long as a Commented [4]: weirdly putted

man was impressive and well-liked. On the other hand, Biff became popular in a school by

participating in football. As a result, he then push the pressure towards his son, Bff, as he have a

different perspective towards a work, but Willy does not care what Biff likes he just think about

what he want him to do. In the book page 22, “Well I spent six or seven years after high school

trying to work myself up. Shipping clerk, salesman, business of one kind or another. And it’s a

measly manner of existence. To get on that subway on the hot mornings in summer. To devote

your whole life to keeping stock, or making phone calls, or selling or buying. To suffer fifty

weeks of the year for the sake of a two week vacation, when all you really desire is to be

outdoors with your shirt off. And always to have to get ahead of the next fella. And still—that’s

how you build a future”. From that, it means that willy always told Biff that he should try harder
than this and also find a better job to do instead of farming. Biff can not do what his father

wanted him to do as he is a kind of relaxing person, so he want to do whatever makes him happy,

not follows his dad footsteps. As time flies, everything had changed, Willy can’t hold his dreams

and it have been falling apart because of the fragmentation through his sons.

Part B:

First of all, there are several factors that can shape our identity. In my point of view, no

one have all the control over their identities, they can be affected by religion, culture,
environment and many more things. From my own experiences, my identity have changes as

time passed. At first, I’m a kind of person who have no confidence at all, for example when I

have to do a presentation in front of my classmates, I’ll always shy and doesn’t want to speak.

Not only that I feels like I have to change and improve myself as soon as possible because my

friends and people around me said that “If I still afraid and not dare to do it, I will have no more

confidence in the future”. According to that, I first started talking in front of my family and close

friends, then I’m trying to speaking in public area more which also help me developed my self-

confidence skills. On the other hand, after I changed from St.Stephen’s International School

Khao Yai to Mahidol University International Demonstration School, I have more confidence and

changed myself a lot. To extends, there are many classes that I have to do a presentation both

in group and by myself, from that I have to tell myself that I should step over my own fear right

now. Nonetheless, not only because of myself that can overcome it, but also the environment,

people around me especially my friends, they are all the strongest influencers that help me

defeated all the things that I’m scared of. Moreover, it makes me learnt more about myself and

others as well, I can really know that nobody can freely shape their own identities. As a result, in

the past I might be a shy person, not want to talk in front of public, but as time passed, I

developed myself by trying to talk to as many people as possible in order to help me overcome

my frightening. It can be seen clearly that I have changed a lot not only by myself, but from the

people I close with as well.

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