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Throughout quarter 1, I have learnt so many fantastic thing that I haven’t know or
notice before with Ms.Laurin. To start off with, I would like to say that I enjoyed every work
that I have been doing throughout this quarter. One of the thing that I really enjoyed is Pop
quiz as I can’t predict when is it going to happen. However, Pop quiz help me to test my
understanding after each lessons, it also shows how much I understand as well. Moreover, I
also loves reading and annotating Williams poem too, to be more precise, his poems makes
me changed my mind about poetry. In the past, I used to hate reading a poems because I think
that it is boring and a waste of time. On the other hand, after I have studied about Williams, I
started to think that poetry is not as bad as I used to think, it is more interesting and it is very
useful in real life. Nevertheless, Williams inspired me in many ways; in both writing and
thinking process, to be able to break rules and try to be unique which later created
Secondly, as times flies there are many works that challenging me in terms of poetry
as I haven’t done or study deep into poetry before. For me, I think the most challenging work
for me is pretty everything because I haven’t done or learnt this before. If to choose one from
all of the works that I have done so far, I would say Unit 1 project. From that, it is the biggest
project and have a limited of time too. It challenging because this is a work that required
every techniques that we have done throughout the quarter. For example: I have to write a
TIQA for two poems which is totally different as we have to find a connection between those
two which is very hard and challenging for me. Moreover, in this project it also require
pastiche and reflection, this part is also challenging because it worth ⅔ of the project which
means that I have to do it very well in order to boots my scores up. As a result, I really
appreciate with my work and my scores, however, if I take more time and use the time wisely
I would have done better than this.
Thirdly, every works that I have done in this class I can say that I really proud of
myself because I think that I put my afford to every works that I have assigned. According to
that, the scores that I got sometimes might not be the same as what I have expected, but I still
proud and appreciate all of my works. I believe that one of the works that both proud to me
and to Ms. Laurin is my Pastiches. Everytime when I have assigned to create my own poem,
for the first time it is very difficult for me , but I still have fun with it. In terms of difficult, I
have to uses Williams’s techniques and styles or in other words I have to uses him as a
mentor. For example, every Williams’s poem, he always used concrete words which I haven’t
done before. From that, it quite hard for me, however, it just hard for the first time. After I get
absorb and used to it I can make a really good poems that was inspired by Williams, so I
really proud of myself because it only took me around one month.
Fourthly, as I only have a chance to study about poetry especially written by William
Carlos Williams, but I still not interested in poetry yet.On the other hand, I would say I still
wanted to have an opportunity to study more about poetry and not just focus only specific
poet. To be honest, I’m interested in writing a pastiche and TIQA, I think this two gave me a
good chance to express my feeling through the a simple text by using Williams as my mentor.
I think this worked help my thinking process and also develop my brain to think harder too.
Also, everytime when I have to write a pastiche or a TIQA, I can use my creativity skills. I’m
also want to write more on both pastiche and TIQA because I want to know how well can
my brain develop or does it can really goes any further than this. I also interested when
annotating a poems because I can show that I understand the poet ideas or not or if already
understand it can built my imagination along with using a concrete words effectively. Finally,
after I have learnt about Williams poem, his idea also surprised and interested to me because
he can use a simple words and transfer into a very meaningful and insightful meaning which
creates mood and tone of a poem as well
In conclusion, I believe that I made a progress on the T (topic sentence) in TIQA. I
think it is interested because T is the first part of the essay and it also have to tell the readers
what this essay going to be about. According to that, I pretty concerned about that as it have
to grab’s reader attention because if it not interesting or strong enough, the readers might not
want to read the rest of the essay. It can be clearly seen in every poems that I have done. The
first TIQA which is “The Desolate Field”, to be more precise I got a feedback from my
friends that my T is not clear enough and doesn’t have enough information that related to
other part. Next, “Nantucket”, I got an improvement in this poem as Ms. Laurin said that it
shows a very clear on overall ideas and I also have a great connection to the next part. Lastly,
the big improvement can be clearly seen in my Unit 1 project “ Spring Storm” and “Willow
Poem”, as I have read a comment via Turnitin from Ms.Laurin which stated that very clear
thesis and have a very strong ideas.

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