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Ivan Kodais

Brief Summary:
Billboard magazine is a magazine aimed at
a male and female audience mainly aged
from teenagers to late twenties. The maga-
zine gives the audience information about
popular artist, music and many more topics.
Main Image: Each Billboard magazine cover features a Headline:
The main image popular music artist. Bruno Mars is
is a well known the headline and
celebrity that is is the main story
‘Bruno Mars’ and of the magazine.
he is looking di- His name and
rectly at the audi- face are big on
ence. His image is the magazine so
very big and takes the audience
up most of the knows its mainly
cover. about him.

The mast head is
The barcode is on
blocky but the let-
the bottom left of
ters are not very
the cover and is
wide. The letters
not covering the
are also spaced
closely together.
The masthead lies
right behind the
artists head.
The fonts look so-
phisticated and
Style: clean—they do not
The style of the look messy and
text is very formal they do not look as
and sophisticated. if they have been
The only image on quickly placed. This
the cover is the gives the idea that
picture of the art- this is a sophisticat-
ist, as he is the ed magazine with
main focus. reliable infor-
In this magazine there is not a lot of mation.
information in the cover lines. The
Color scheme & layout: Coverlines are placed on the side of
As this magazine is this magazine cover— giving infor-
aimed to a male and mation about musicians.
female audience aged
from teenagers to late twenties the colors
chosen are eye-catchy.

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