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I’m a second year Politics and International Relations student and
the second longest running member of VOX. Previously I was a Sub
Editor, Secretary and Vice President. With Vox, I have carried out
interviews, written articles and presented our Brexit series. After
work experience with the Police Force, and receiving the York
leadership award, as well as my experience within the journal itself,
I feel qualified to become Co-President of VOX.

• Voxensus-Continue the work of the previous committee in

building online presence via Voxensus and monthly video
• Pragmatic division of tasks – clear division after each weekly
meeting to ensure maintainable work life balance for each
member. Weekly socials!
• Aim for an issue per term
• Continue to maintain close links to the Club of PEP by
sending minutes of each meeting to the presidents of PEP,
and to Werner the head of economics – ensuring
• Register as a charity to ensure stable funds and to be able to
print more issues
• Advertise for writers on all media platforms
The Issue
Come vote
I’m a second year PPE student and currently the longest running member of VOX after joining in
the first term of first year. My last position was Head of Sub-Editors, and I’ve enjoyed for us!
conducting interviews and overseeing the publication of all of our issues for the last 2 years. I
have experience as a consultant for York Community Consulting, and hope to continue the use Monday
of Slack and Trello as work platforms in Vox. I also have a 2-month internship as an academic
researcher set up in the Summer which I hope will prepare me for conducting our journal and
22nd April
publications in September as Co-President.
7pm in
• The issue- focus on making sure the current issue is published ASAP and publish our
next issue, with the help of the editing and layout team, by December
• Publicity-Continue to use social media to publicise our issues, but also delegate a team
to physically advertise them by the library and in collaboration with Club of PEP at
events so that more people hear about VOX.
• Content-More inclusion for members in writing academic articles for VOX with the
introduction of new columns (such as: financial, region-specific, technology, ethical).
Encourage journal submissions from all students and professors, regardless of subject,
via social media and email.
• ‘Finance corner’-collab with Griff investment fund to have weekly reports and articles
• Layout- introduce a design competition for the cover of our next issue, and encourage
members to apply. The winner will then work with layout officers to polish the design
• Socials-More socials for members and also joint socials with Griff Investment Fund and
the Club of PEP

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