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Basic Photography Course Outline

Course Outline
Day One

 Camera operation and handling

 Basic camera parts and icons
 Correct exposure by adjusting aperture and shutter
 Reading the camera meter
 Practice shoot inside Fort Santiago

Day Two

 Review of Day 1 lecture

 Critique of photos from last session
 Understanding composition: leading lines, rule of thirds,
frames, foreground and background, S-curves, patterns,
light and shadow
 Practice shoot on composition

Day Three

 Critique of photos from last session

 Art History & Elements of Design

Day Four

 Critique of photos from last session

 Portraiture and posing
 Lighting theory and practice
 Using flash and studio lights
 Choosing filters for portraits
 Hands-on shoot indoors and outdoors using studio lights,
reflectors, and available light

Day Five

 Basic lighting, shooting setup, using props

 Flash photography & use of filters
 Introduction to basic digital imaging
 Critique and judging of prints
 Presentation of certiticates of attendance, awarding of
prizes for photo contest

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