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1 ABONDON (v) Terk etmek, Vazgeçmek, Bırakmak

Example: Her natural mother had abondoned her at an early age.
2 ABBREVIATE (v) Kısaltmak,Özetlemek, Sadeleştirmek
Example: Network is often abbreviated to ‘’net’’.
3 ABRUPTLY (adv) Aniden, Ani biçimde
Example: Their partnership lasted 3 years, ending abruptly 1994.
4 ABSTAIN FROM (alkol,içki vb)-den sakınmak, uzak durmak =avoid from
(v) Example:Most pragnant women abstain from alcohol.
5 ABUNDANT (adj) Bol, Çok
Example: There was abundant evidence to support the theory.
6 ACCOMPLISH (v) Başarmak, Tamamlamak
Example: The planes accomplished their mission.
7 ACCURACY (n) Doğruluk, Kesinlik
Example: We have confidence in the accuracy of the statistics.
8 ACCURATE (adj) Kesin,Doğru,Yanlışsız
Example: This information can be used to make more accurate predictions
of weather and climate.
9 ACCUSED (n) Sanık
Example: The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number or charges.
10 ACCUSTOMED Alışkın, Alışılmış, Her zamanki
(adj) Example: She quickly became accustomed to his messy ways.
11 ADEQUATE (adj) Yeterli, uygun, elverişli
Example: This Office is perfectly adequate for my needs
12 ADJUST (v) Ayarlamak, Uydurmak, Uymak
Example: He smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie.
13 ADMINISTRATE (v) Yönetmek, İdare etmek
14 ADVANCED (adj) İlerlemiş, İleri
Example: Nagotiations are at an advanced stage.
15 AFFAIR (n) Olay, Mesele, Sorun
Example: I wanted the funeral to be a family affair.
16 AID (n) Yardım
Example: He saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid.
17 ALLIANCE (n) İttifak
Example: All of this activity will benefit the Australia-US alliance across the
18 ALLY (n) Müttefik, Dost
Example: Debate continued among NATO allies.
19 ALTER (v) Değiştirmek
Example: Eliot was persuaded to alter the passage.
20 AMBIGUOUS (adj) Birden fazla anlama gelen, Net olmayan
Example: The election result was ambiguous.
21 APPROACH (v) Yaklaşmak
Example: The train approached the main line.
(adv) Example: Is this film appropriate for small children?
23 APPROVAL (n) Tasvip, Onay, Resmi izin
Example: The road schemes have been given approval.
24 ARBITRARY (adj) Rasgele seçilmiş
Example: Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it
25 ARGUMENT (n) Tartışma, sav, iddia

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240 RIDICULOUS (adj) Gülünç derecede saçma

Example: It seems absolutely ridiculous that anyone would try to pull a
stunt like this
241 RUSH (v) Aceleyle koşmak, Hücum etmek
Example: I rushed outside and hailed a taxi
242 RELIEF (n) Rahatlama, Ferahlama
Example: Much to her relief, she saw the door open
243 RUBBLE (n) Enkaz, Yığın
Example: Two buildings collapsed, trapping scores of people in the rubble
244 SCATTER (v) Dağınık
Example: His family are hoping to scatter his ashes at sea
245 SCOLD (v) Azarlama, Paylama
Example: Mum took Anna away, scolding her for her bad behaviour
246 SEED (n) Tohum
Example: Cut open the peppers and remove the seeds
247 SEEK (v) Araştırmak, Bulmaya çalışmak
Example: They came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds
248 SEVERE (adj) Acı, Sert, Şiddetli
Example: The baby spent 19 days in the hospital's neonatal intensive care
unit with severe brain damage, resulting in permanent disabilities
249 SHATTERED (adj) Mahvolmuş, Bitmiş, Yorgun
Example: He was said to be absolutely shattered after losing his job
250 SHIELD ( n) Kalkan, Korumak
 Example: The children are also learning to march like a tortoise as the
Romans did, with shields at their side and on top.

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