Tds - Valspar 4020w01d-Me

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Technical Datasheet

Packaging Europe

Version 19 Status Standard Updated 20/09/2010 10:26:50
Product Description Internal lacquer

End use 2P B&B can

Typical properties Pasteurisable

Resin type Modified epoxy

Solution form Water based

Colour Colourless

Specification Viscosity 19 - 23 sec. FORD 4 @ 25 °C

18 - 22 sec. DIN 4 @ 23 °C

Dry solids 18.5 - 19.5% 0.5g 3 Mins @ 193°C

18.2 - 19.2% 1.0g 30 Mins @ 200°C
18.2 - 19.2% 0.5g 15 Mins @ 200°C
20.1 - 21.1% 0.5g 60 Mins @ 110°C Method: ASTM D2369
18.1 - 19.1% 0.5g 6 Mins @ 204°C
Specific gravity Wet 1.02 +- 0.02

Application Application method Airless spray

Substrate Aluminium

Application viscosity 19 - 23 sec. FORD 4 @ 25 °C

Wash up solvents Water or Butyl glycol

2.4 g/m² min. Beer cans

3.1 g/m² min. Soft drink can

Curing conditions 45-90 sec. @ 193 °C metal dome Minimum curing time

Advice Performance should be confirmed under actual line conditions

Interior products should be pack tested to confirm suitability for end use

Shelf life: 6 months Between 5-40°C

Remarks Keep from freezing
Stir well before use

The data on this sheet represent typical values. Since application variables are a major factor in product performance, this information should serve only as a general guide. Valspar
assumes no obligation or liability for use of this information. We recommend that you make sure that this product meets your requirement in all respects before use, including pack
testing of interior products to confirm their suitability for the intended end use. Unless Valspar agrees otherwise in writing, Valspar makes no warranties, express or implied, and
disclaims all implied warranties including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use, or freedom from patent infringement. Your only remedy for any defect in this
product is the replacement of the defective product, or a refund of its purchase price, at our option.

The Valspar (France) Corporation, S.A.S., Packaging Coatings Group, Boîte Postale 51, 14 Rue Chanay, Tournus, 71700, France

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