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Simple idea that matter

Ngoc Bich VU
M2 - IMBD 2018 - 2019
Student number: 183091





Who get benefits from this.


How does it works




Skema offers four types of programme in
accordance with the Bologna Reform as well Programme portfolio coherence
as continuing education programmes.

Undergraduate programmes
> ESDHEM: Preparatory school in collaboration with
ULCO and Lille 2 universities (3 years)
> International Bachelors (4 years) International/ Global
Mobility Conventional exposure
Skema comprises its DNA with three main themes:
Internationalization, Sustainable performance,
Masters programmes
Entrepreneurship & innovation. While Skema are
> Grande Ecolebuilding
successfully programme (Master of Science
its internationalization in
by widening
the collaborating internationally and its sustainable Intercontinental Monosite
> Mastères
performanceSpécialisés (MS) : specialised
by concentrated in creatingmasters
a powerful tracks programmes
foundation by the French “Conférence
in academic and practical,des
last theme
of entrepreneurship & innovation seems to be needed to
develop more.
> Masters

of Science (MSc) Management

Knowledge/ Multiculturalism
Innovation are now becoming the central of any company
that want to growth competitiveness within the world of
changing. Programmes
So I believe that creating an environment for Multi-sites Global
> inspiring
Academicidea PhDand practicing to think creatively and programmes programmes
> critically
DBA is help to build an outstanding competitiveness
Skema (Dual Degree)
for Skema students.

Creating a culture of innovation is never be an easy task Competences
even with big Education
company within the technical or innovative programmes
field. In fact,programmes
> Customised creating an innovation culture need an Innovation Entrepreneurship
involvement of not only the board of management but
> Open programmes
also all the people within that organization. That why
> Diploma programmes
though we have might have to put more effort on creating
> Executive MBA
an creativity atmosphere by a way that is reachable to
more students in the university

The Programme Portfolio 11 <


To create a culture of innovation, we need to involve all the students

into the innovating process by encourage them creating more and
more idea, thinking critically and then transform those idea into reality
with their knowledge and contributing from each other. Without
engaging the mass students of doing creative, we could not be as
innovation as we target.

That why I come to an idea of creating a simple way of presenting idea

that help to firstly get attention then attending and engaging to
creating more value for themselves and also for others. Beside, buy
forming several platform for connecting, collaborating and inpiring, we
could give more students the motivation for being creative, for
speaking out their idea or even just a motivation for them to stick with
some interesting thought to increase it into an 1 page idea then might
be build up into something bigger in the future


Lego serious play WILLIAM GOLDING

TED Talk
An inspiring class of where I was required to build my CV just in one plate
with all the toy elements and later presents it in just one minute. So that I had I love the idea that “Every one have something to share” and how they could encourage so many
to choose one main point and use all of my imaginative to represent myself people from very different backgrounds to come and share their idea or just a story that could inspire
from lego pieces. It was short and it was very simple but at least all of my others. And then I found that lots of the most favorable talk are just about an ordinary idea with very
team that day can remember clearly who I am and what I did. single message. So far, I think it might because of those ideas are just simple and so much closely that
many of the viewers could easily found themselves into that.

Visio talent
Business Canvas
Where I have 5 minute to answer 5 questions. I was quite confuse at first because of the thought 1 min video series | NAS Daily
I studied and practiced it during my New Business Development class
that I need more time to talk about myself. And then I found it very interesting while training myself A facebook channel that reach millions of views everyday with 5.5millions follower. It’s all come
and obviously, it helps me a lot in having an overview thinking
choosing the most importance thing to bold it up and get impressive from the listener. Let think from a very simple idea of making a series of 1 minute videos every for nearly 1000 days
whenever I have any idea for a business. So far, I understand the value
clear that not only with interviewers who have to see a hundred of candidate interview video but already. The reason for it favorable might be considered as a form of very short, similar form
of having a simple framework for following and seeing thing more clear
also all of us can’t not take so many times for thinks that not be clear and taking too much time.
and simple messages that solid, clear and inspiring.

Who get the benefit from this
• Don’t dear to raise their voice
• Chances to share, chances to shine

• Not so interested in activities that not really improve their skill or chances for jobs
• Chance to practicing skills and gaining both experience and confidence

• Won’t take risk for joining contest the taking time and so much effort that might • Motivated to think as an idea creators

won’t go nowhere
• Can giving contribution and get benefits of those changes

• Do not have place and occasion to find friends with similar concern outside the
• Having feedbacks and contributions for their good idea for completing it

• Raising topic and getting feedbacks from many different

view of students

• Trying for raising passive interactive and motivative in class

• Having one more method and channels for engaging and
• Working for improving the skills, experience and confidence for students TEACHERS & inspiring students

• Better helps in motivate student to giving contribution both

in and outside the class

• Get attention from students

• Take time and patient to find candidate in the field of innovation and • Easy contest for finding idea or potential candidates

• A good chance to find good candidate with ideas and
• Fresh people could be very creative but not so reality cause they do not
have enough experiences and practicing to have a more practical proposal
Giving feedback Idea & potential


1 PAGE IDEA Contest

Inspire Opportunities
Simple idea that matter


Help to select best

Help in select best idea Corporate in coaching

How does it works

Happy to fail
Good Communicator

How does it works - the Model

It’s a concept of thinking that encourage people to think and present idea clearly.

As in the the decade of booming information, people would have more and more
information so that it would be much more easier to pop up lot of ideas in mind but for
keeping it and thinking more clearly, it would be not so easily. Otherwise, as the audience
within the decade of internet, people would be easily ignoring advertising, news or even an
Anything could be an
1PAGE Divergent
idea, especially with things that are too complicated or messed up with so many
information at once. So that, by sticking with the concept of presenting every idea in just 1
IDEA Restructure
page, it would push people to come to a more simple thinking with 1 solid message over
an idea.

The concept is not a guideline for thinking or creating idea, just a way to make a strong
statement for making every idea clean and clear, so that it not only you who could see the
problem more bright but also everyone else that could understand the brief and give good
contributing for developing it.

The important of Pictures
keeping SIMPLE Key words
Clear - Simple - Mindmaps
attractive - solid Hand drawing
Clearing mind
How it would get attention & engaging of students
MOTIVATION Why just 1 page?
The important of ENGAGING • Easy to get the idea of simple creative page then to practice it.
keeping SIMPLE Easy
Clear - Simple - Thought thinking and present everything in just 1 page, student would have to find a way to
understand in their own way, so far having an overview of a problem then thinking of creating solutions Rewarded • Popular
platform with daily update to help getting in touch and
attractive - solid Collaborate
or suggestions than just keep thinking in one direction encourage student interactive and collaborating
• Rewarding systems that motivate

What could be an idea?

METHODS How to make an “1 page idea”
Anything could be an An idea do not need to be as big or as complete to be an innovation, an idea could just be a suggestion Convergent
With easiest guideline of simple few steps:
idea for solving a problem, an overview of a situations in the business or even just an idea on how to Restructure
improve one course to make it more joyful. Visualize Divergent - Convergent - Restructure - Visualize

An innovation culture could be build up by mostly four elements:

• Trustworthy: When trust exits between people within the organization, they would be willing to How to present an idea
Trustworthy Pictures
share and to contribute Key words By just few simple techniques that could be applied based on personal
Happy to fail
Good Communicator • Happy
Mindmaps ability: drawing, sample pictures, keywords, mind mapping,.. with a clear
to fail: is when students being able to accept positive and negative feedback then they should
Collaborative Hand drawing
be prepared and be ready to deal with that, so far they dare to do without the fear of failing thought in mind
Clear mind
• Good communicator would be the key for not only effective collaborate but also for delivering a
successful message or idea
• Collaborative : working collaboratively across different students from different background could
inspired and get more idea from different point of view
iDea Box iDea Page iDea Room
Instagram & Facebook Google Brainstorming
• Collect of ideas • Platform for going brainstorming online and invited other people to get • We have a nice K Central in every Campus but it seems like a space for selfstudy or
involve for group discuss, a little bit more than a library but little bit less then a creative space.
• Interacts & collect comment
• Each week, one topic will be chosen to go corporate online. This topic • Proposing to create a specific room where students can use for discuss and creating
• Giving announcement in every contest
would be mostly on how to build Skema to a favorite place for studying idea. This room also could be used for class that need creative activity and inspiring
• Board of admin: filter and select the idea, connect between and connecting brainstorming
professors and students
• Students could event create their own topic link through their proposal
• Frequency: 1 post a day idea.
Welcoming activities

Introduction meeting Guideline kits Awarding systems

• Time: introduction day
• Content: inspiring for creativity, guideline on how to • What: proposed for a reward system that could transform
• Activities: Introduction of the idea & all the platform and create simple idea, introduction of the program into a special achievement which could motivate student to take
main activities, Q&A
• Form: pdf link sent through email part in
• Components: Director of programs, Innovative company
• Creator: in coordinate with Skema professors to create • How: based on contribution to the activities within the
representative, Alumni
an helpful products platform - quality and quantity of the contribution

Maintain activities

Channels Everyday Everyweek Every month Annual

iDea of the day iDea collection Contest
Kick off iDea Hackathon
To be inspired (from students) iDea of the month

Google mandmapping Topic of the week

Idea Room Open space for sharing idea Sharing space for short list in month

Big event
La fusee (suggestion iDea Hackathon
Idea of the month
Idea of the day Idea of the week
• Every month, Admin would be collect ideas
• Inspiration idea • Every week, 1 topic will be chosen for that sent from students (1 page idea) within 1
• Inspiration quote brainstorming online through the online album then post on facebook and instagram.
platform (google brainstorming. This topic would
• Method of thinking be mostly on how to build Skema to a favorite • There will be a time for voting the “idea of
place for studying and connecting the month”
• Interesting book for idea
The idea proposed would be consider from • Winner of each month would receive ticket
• Type: clip, pictures, simple map, photo, gif… •
board of director or advisors to finalize into list into final round of idea hackathon and also,
• Where: facebook & instagram the idea that been voted would receive
of reasonable adjustment that could applied into
• Who will be in charge: reality comment and guideline from advisory to
complete and even proposed to the
company that match.


• Purpose: A big day for joining and get inspired from the
companies and alumni that work in innovation and creativity
• Main actives:
• Conference - sharing inspiring story
• Hackathon - an idea race
• Giving award: hackathon race and idea winner
during the years through all the platforms
• Contributors:
• Companies who interested in finding idea and
talents within creativity fields
• Advisor from Board of Director, professors and
• Students
• Awards:
• By sponsor
• The winner could be
• Contributors: Skema campus - central hall or K Centre

Creating extra group of raising fund, that

Becoming a truthfully bridge that connect students with brilliant
would helps in connecting the idea with
idea with company who need talent and idea for innovation
the company which need that solutions
Thank for your attention.

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