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Electromagnetic Bursts

Filaments within a dense plasma focus device. The filaments pinch together, forming dense
plasmoids. This is the highest-resolution image of a DPF plasmoid yet obtained. Credit:
Lawrenceville Plasma Physics, Inc.

Apr 15, 2019

Unusually intense magnetic fields are said to be caused by merging neutron stars.

According to a recent article in the science journal, Nature, astronomers think they saw the
formation of a specific class of celestial object called a “magnetar”, or a “magnetic neutron
star”. Many Pictures of the Day discuss neutron stars and how they affect astronomical
investigations. According to electric star theory, neutron stars belong in the fantasy realm.
Deficits in gravity-only cosmology made the neutron star theory necessary, in order to
defend gravity’s ostensibly endless powers.

Magnetars are anomalous stars identified as X-ray pulsars (AXP) or soft gamma repeaters
(SGR). They are said to be created by neutron stars with magnetic fields measuring over
10^15 Gauss. In comparison, the Earth’s magnetic field is about one-half Gauss, so these
“magnetic stars” are surprisingly powerful in conventional terms. The evidence is indirect,
however, and no neutron star has ever been observed.

What astronomers see are intense magnetic fields, sometimes pulsing in a fraction of a
second. Some magnetars have also been detected emitting gamma ray bursts ascribed to
“star quakes” in the ultra-hard surface of the neutron star. Because the mass per unit volume
is so great, any rapid movement in the crust generates intense “magnetic reconnection”, in
the consensus view, producing gamma rays.

It is not necessary to reiterate the problems with magnetic reconnection except to say that it
is also an attempt to explain energetic events without sufficient gravity.

It is a well-established fact that magnetic fields are induced by electric currents. Therefore,
there must be an electric current generating the intense fields in the magnetar. It is also
indisputable that the feeder current must be part of a circuit, since persistent electric current
must flow in a completed circuit.

The Electric Universe hypothesis requires no collapsed stars or rotational speeds so great
that ordinary matter could never take the strain. The oscillations in magnetars (or pulsars, in
general) are caused by resonant effects in electric circuits. The sudden release of stored
electrical energy in a “double layer” is responsible for the occasional outburst of gamma rays.
The outburst begins with a sudden peak of energy, and then declines gradually, like a stroke
of lightning.

Retired Professor of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Donald Scott, author of The Electric Sky,
recently wrote:

“The ‘neutron star’ is simply yet another fantasy conjured up, this time, in order to avoid
confronting the idea that pulsar discharges are electrical phenomena.”

It seems more likely that magnetars are immense concentrations of electricity focused by
some kind of dense plasma focus.

Stephen Smith


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