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We Should Stop Littering

Litter comes from different sources and different people.Fir instance, it may be intentional litter by
people thriwing things from their car, pedestrians droppling litter on the ground, or if someone aims
for a garbage can,misses and leaves it. It is called littering.Another source of litter maybe
unintentional. For example,uncovered loads and can easily be blown out of trucks, cars and trailers.
There is rubbish from the wind and rubbish which animals carry from sites that are not properly
secured. Littering has many effects for our environment and health. That’s why we should stop

Litter can be harmful to people, animals and the natural environment as it can threaten their
exsistence and evolution.Litter can be very dirty. Not only doest it not look nice,but it may carry germs.
Some animals such as flues and rats can pick up the germs and become carriers for diseases is bad for
the environment because ut wastes our natural resources. Furthermore, Litter directly and indirectly
affect the tourist industry and our quality of life

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