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CLASS : 3A management p2k

NIM : 2017122020002


Bank notes are foreign currency issued and issued by banks in overseas.
Buying and selling bank notes is an acceptable transaction between currencies
Payment and can be traded and re-traded in accordance with exchange rate.
In a sale and purchase transaction the bank will classify a weak bank note
and a strong bank In the transaction bank note, the bank will use the exchange rate
issued by bank Indonesia. Some terms in a bank note transaction:
- currency
- foreign exchange rate
- conversion adjustment
- conversion rate for adjusting the value of foreign exchange against rupiah
In the sale and purchase transaction, the bank note has two types of exchange rates,
namely the buying rate and selling rate.
1. The selling rate is when the bank sells or the customer buys

2. The buying rate is when the bank buys or the customer sells.
Stock Investment
Stock investment is an investment activity carried out by purchasing some share
ownership in a company with the aim of funding the needs and supporting the running
of the economy so as to provide benefits for investors. The stock itself is one of the
capital market instruments that is compared on the stock exchange floor as a step for a
company to obtain capital for the continuity of the company's economy.

Type of Stock Investment

- Common Stock (Common Stock)
This common stock is the type of effect most often used by issuers (public companies)
and the most popular in the capital market.
- Preferred Stocks (Preferred Stock Preferred Stocks are types of shares that prioritize
the rights of their owners compared to ordinary shareholders.

 Benefits of Stock Investment

1. Dividend
Dividends are company profits which are partly distributed to shareholders. The amount
of dividends previously distributed will be through the General Meeting of Shareholders
2. Capital Gain
Capital gain is the profit derived from the difference in the price of buying and selling.

Saham Stock Investment Risk or Loss

- Not Obtaining Dividend Distribution
If the company does not record profits or at the general meeting of shareholders (GMS)
decides not to distribute dividends because the funds will be used for other things
- Capital Loss Occurs
a decline in stock prices that occurs because the company's performance decreases
- Risk of Liquidation or Bankrupt Companies.
- Delisting from the Stock Exchange
For certain reasons the issuer's company may be removed from the stock exchange so
that shareholders cannot trade their shares on the stock exchange.

capital market
the capital market is also a means by which share trading activities and other securities,
whether issued by the government or private companies, are carried out. Own capital
market activities must be carried out at an exchange where brokers gather to represent
companies issue shares because funds are always a problem for companies when they
want to expand their business. Therefore, to overcome this, companies need new
funding sources and that can be obtained when the company has gone public, or issued
shares for sale.
Why do people have to buy shares?
Investment is always the main reason for buying shares. Even though many people are
still hesitant to do this, the stock turns out to have some advantages that other types of
investment don't have, you know. One of them is easy to sell so you don't need to worry
if you want to withdraw your assets suddenly. because it is also available online, you
can invest anytime and anywhere. You can also control and monitor easily, because the
process is very transparent.

how to choose the right stock

The thing that needs to be considered when you choose stocks is the budget that is
also owned by the ability and prospects of the company's future work. Both of you have
to consider carefully and don't be biased. That is, you do not just choose stocks just
because it matches the budget.

important indicators in stock

Ning Earning Per Share (EPS): The ratio of total income that has been divided by the
total shares of investors.
 Price / Earning Ration (P / E): The ratio that you pay per rupiah for company
income. If P / E shares in a company have a high value, then the prospect of the
stock will be good in the future. However, on the contrary, if the value is low then
there are 2 possibilities, the company is in trouble, or the price is too high.
 Price / Book Ratio (P / B): This indicator is obtained by dividing the share price
with the book value of the stock. The book value itself is the value of equity
divided by the number of shares available.

factors that affect stocks

From the book published by the IDX, there are two factors that influence stock price
movements, namely fundamental and technical factors. What is meant by fundamental
factors is when stock prices are influenced by economic and industrial conditions, as
well as related companies that issue shares. Meanwhile, technical factors are situations
that come from the market, such as the movement of the number of shares traded.

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