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ELang 430, Editing for Publication (Mormon Insights)

Name: Robbyn Merrell
Semester: Winter 2019
Article #: 4
o Make a copy of this form and file it in your article’s Google Drive folder.
o When you are proposing an article, fill out as much information as you can.
o Continue adding information to this form as you write the article and prepare it for the design,
web, social media, and copyright teams.
o Submit a completed version of this form for every article you write for Mormon Insights.



Original article from a source publication
o Title: Happy Families: Can Science and Faith Coexist?
● Authors: Interview with David Oh (Scientist from NASA)
● Name of source publication: Mormon Channel Blog
● URL of the original article:

Your article for Mormon Insights

o Your proposed title: Hypothesis: Faith and Science are Symbiotic
o Your proposed kicker: Science and faith are not only symbiotic, but inseparable.
Religion fuels believers to seek truth; truth is found in religion and science. Both
science and religion can work together to promote faith and truth.
Purposes for this article
o Why do you want to highlight this specific article?
o Especially today, people love to bash on faithful saints that choose to believe. They say
that their ideas are illogical and don’t make sense. This isn’t true, and many
voices/scientists in the church have said so.
o What makes you passionate about the source publication’s treatment of the topic?
o My Dad is a scientist, and I’ve experienced a lot of this “religion hate” myself, so I’m
passionate about putting a stop to it and proving that I can think logically and believe in a
God at the same time.
o Why is this article relevant to young adults today? How does it address current questions, issues,
and religious conversation?
o This is often one of the biggest topics that turn youth/YA away from the church.

Additional links that could be added at the end of the Mormon Insights article (consider including
links to already-existing articles on Mormon Insights)
o Author: Henry B. Eyring
o Title of original article or publication: My Father’s Formula
o URL of the specific article, video, etc.:
o Author: Mormon Channel Blog
o Title of original article or publication: How do Science and Religion Work Together
o URL of the specific article, video, etc.:
Boldface the categories that apply to this article:
o My Message
o Daily Bread
o Trending Topics
o Gospel Principles
o Atonement
o Faith
o Plan of Salvation
o Prayer
o Scriptures
o Old Testament
o New Testament
o Book of Mormon
o Doctrine and Covenants
o Pearl of Great Price
o Church History
o Biographies
o Restored Church

Timeliness: Indicate specific dates, seasons, events, holidays, days of the week, or hot topic issues that
correspond with your article:


Please use the following template when submitting an article for Mormon Insights:
• Do not delete the words in square brackets (such as [Title]); they should appear on
your manuscript.
• Do not delete the words without square brackets or parentheses (such as Read more);
they should appear on your manuscript.
• Delete the words in parentheses; they are for your information only.
• After you have filled out each element of this template, please delete the title of this
page, along with these instructions.
• Replace your previous article summary package in “Articles in Process” (subfolder)
under your semester.
• After your article is edited, follow the instructions in the document “Instructions for
Adding a Manuscript to WordPress” (Dropbox folder #10).
[Title] (headline style, short and direct; this should be the first line on your
[Kicker] (approximately 125 characters, no spaces)
[Highlights of the source article] (approximately 250 words; include a link to the
article in the first couple of paragraphs)
Award-winning chemist Henry Eyring once said, “Some have asked me ‘Is there any
conflict between science and religion?’ There is no conflict in the mind of God, but often
there is conflict in the minds of men.”

Science and religion have always seemed to be at odds with each other, however,
according to Eyring and others, it doesn’t have to be that way. Eyring states that “through
the eternities, we are going to get closer and closer to understanding the mind of God,
then the conflicts will disappear.”

In an interview with the Mormon Channel, NASA rocket scientist David Oh echoed
Eyring’s thoughts. He said “I find that science strengthens my faith; it doesn’t weaken it.
God is all around us, and faith and science are really two sides of the same coin, which is
to search for truth.”

Several times in the scriptures we are promised that if we will show our faith, we will see
the truth. In Alma chapter 32 we learn that faith is necessary for our own personal

Asking questions is absolutely essential for our learning, growing, and understanding of
the world around us. According to Oh, “Science teaches you to think critically and also
not to be afraid of questions.” Questions are essential for improvement. Improvement is
essential for a happy, successful existence. Our physical bodies and our spiritual selves
are not separable, just like science and religion: one helps us to understand the other, and
vice versa.

Listen to the full interview with David Oh here.

Read Henry Eyring’s works in his book titled “Faith of a Scientist,” and in
“Mormon Scientist.”

Source: “Happy Families: Can Science and Faith Coexist?”

—Robbyn Merrell, Mormon Insights

[Tags:] education, faith, science, lds, Henry Eyring, NASA, rocket scientist, religion
[SEO keywords:] science, religion
[SEO title tag (45-60 characters): ] Hypothesis: Faith and Science are Symbiotic
[SEO meta description (140-160 characters): ] Science and faith are not only
symbiotic, but inseparable. Religion fuels believers to seek truth; truth is found in
religion and science. Both science and religion can work together to promote faith and

Read more (this is an optional expandable paragraph of fewer than 100 words)
[Link to the source article] (include the name of the original author and a link to the
source article again, introduced by a sentence that uses action verbs, such as “read,”
“read and watch,” “discover,” etc.)
Source: (include a link to the homepage of the source publication’s website)
[Byline] (the byline includes four elements: (1) an em dash [—] with no space after,
(2) your name, (3) a comma, and (4) the italicized words Mormon Insights)
Find more insights (these are optional links to additional articles, videos, etc.;
introduce each by a sentence with action verbs, such as “read,” “read and watch,”
“take a look at,” etc.)
[Info for the Web Team]
[Tags:] (add tags here to help users search for articles on our Mormon Insights
website; also include the title of the original article, the name of the original author,
the title of your article, your own name, the title of the source publication, and
topics your article addresses)
[SEO keywords:] (add one SEO keyword here)
[SEO title tag (45-60 characters): ]
[SEO meta description (140-160 characters): ]

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Feature Image 1
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