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Standard 1.

1 Shared Vision

The candidate will facilitate the development and implementation of a shared vision for
the use of technology in teaching, learning, and leadership

This artifact was completed during ITEC 7410, Instructional Technology Leadership. The purpose
of this artifact, the “Shared Vision” paper, is intended to provide an effective plan for implementation
and integration of technology at Elkins Pointe Middle School. The shared vision emphasizes the need to
integrate technology in a manner that supports effective teaching, provides authentic learning
experiences, and achieves personalized learning goals as outlined by the Fulton County school district.

Standard 1.1, Shared Vision, requires candidates to facilitate the development and
implementation of a shared vision for the use of technology in teaching, learning, and leadership. This
article demonstrate my ability to organize and facilitate the discussion around the current school Shared
Vision and Strategic Plan. This article demonstrates my ability to facilitate the development of a shared
vision at my school. Working with the administration, selected staff, and available community partners,
we worked to revise the current Shared Vision for the use of technology in teaching, learning, and
leadership. The Shared Vision will be implemented during the 2018-2019 school year and I will support
the implementation of the Shared Vision through monthly professional development workshops with
each grade level, weekly drop-ins to observe with each teacher, and bi-weekly co-planning sessions with
each professional learning community (PLC) in the building.

While completing the “Shared Vision”, I was able to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses at
Elkins Pointe Middle School. Having recently completed 3 semesters of instruction with 1:1 devices in
student hands, it was made clear by completing this artifact that the current technology plans are
missing opportunities to improve instruction in the classroom. If I were to do anything different while
completing this artifact, I would have liked to have spent more time gathering information from the
stakeholders involved with technology integration at Elkins Pointe. Of the few conversations that I was
able to have with teachers and administration, it was clear that one thing teachers were frustrated with
was a lack in professional development continuity. This “Shared Vision” artifact seeks to find
commonalities in what all stakeholders at the school are trying to achieve. While completing this Shared
Vision, I learned that it is important to gather as much information about the students, teachers,
community members, and devices as possible. While working to implement the shared vision during the
2018-2019 school year, I have learned that is important to be consistent with a shared vision. It is easy
for teachers, students, and administration to lose sight of the goals of the shared vision if we are not
constantly using the vocabulary of the shared vision and discussing progress in the goals of the shared

This artifact impacts student learning, professional development, and school improvement.
While creating the shared vision for the school, the discussion always began with the challenge of
improving the learning experience of our students. By developing a shared vision that discusses the
reasons why and how we are going to implement technology in the classroom, teachers are now
focused on student learning achievement and growth, and are less concerned with using technology
simply because they have been directed to use technology. Teachers have become much more direct
and intentional with the use of the devices in the classroom. This article also helped to improve
professional development. Prior to the new shared vision, there was not a consistent schedule for
school professional development. In accordance with the shared vision and the new strategic plan for
the school, we hold monthly professional development sessions that focus on the topics of supporting
personalizing learning through effective integration of technology. The shared vision has also
contributed to general school improvement. Part of the purposeful use of technology in the classroom
includes purposeful and proper use by the students. The first series of professional development, as well
as the bi-weekly co-planning sessions with the PLCs, all focused around the ideas of digital citizenship
and preparing students to use technology in an educational setting. Teachers are reporting less issues
with improper use of technology in the classroom and the school technician has also indicated a decline
in broken devices during the 1028-2019 school year.

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