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Agriculture Postharvest Facilities Monitoring and Management System Documentation

Introduction of the Study

The City Agriculture Office is the principal Office of the City Government responsible for the promotion
of agricultural development and growth through increase productivity. Agriculture office plays the role
to ensure food security toward self-sufficiency in rice, corn, livestock, fisheries and high value crops.
However, processes will be more accurate if they will upgrade their systems into modern technology.
Since the innovation of technologies nowadays is very well known to us already because of many
organization and companies used it that will truly helped their businesses and improves the production
and processes of their works.

Postharvest Facilities Monitoring and Management System of Supply and Equipment helps to measure
environmental performance by evaluating a facility monitoring and management of supply and
equipment used for post-harvest, farm management and distribution of supplies to scope areas
compares actual farm practices and site specific details with what is perceived to be the best practice for
that site using expert system together with scoring and ranking techniques.

Purpose and Description of the Project

The Postharvest Facilities Monitoring and Management System of Supply and Equipment will
help City Agriculture Office to increase the level of monitoring the facilities during postharvest and to
track the check-in, checkout of supplies and equipment and analyze equipment’s usage. The program
provides technical knowledge for selecting and applying advanced technologies in the agricultural
system that will be very helpful to them as well as the clientele. The system is portable and maintains
data that can be updated from time to time. The administrator or the assigned personnel is responsible
for managing and updating the inputted data in the system.

Objectives of the Project

 To convert the manual process of monitoring the facilities, supplies and equipment into a
reliable information database system
 To increase the level of monitoring facilities during post-harvest
 To secure and track the disposal of supply and equipment.

The researchers used the Rapid Application Development (RAD) as one of the method of prototyping
methodology for the system development of the developed system.

Stages of RAD:

Planning and Analysis Phase

In this phase, the researchers define different activity on the study. They prepare the needs assessment
survey for the data gathering to determine the needs, problems, project’s scope and the different
system requirements.

Design Phase

Before the developers proceeded to the actual coding, the requirements were identified what would be
the output of the system. In this phase, the developers create a Schematic Diagram / Flowchart to
capture the actual layout of the system design.

Development Phase

In this stage, the developer of the system identified the requirements for the system development.

The system programmer created the source codes necessary for the system to be constructed, reviewed
and revised the design of schematic diagram, and tested the functionalities of the system.

Testing Phase

In this phase, the researchers undergone testing to ensure the system’s functions and features are well
developed or the hardware and software needed is improved. It is designed to measure the functionality
according to Carter H. Good and Douglas E. Skates.

Implementation Phase

The implementation stage involves implementing the new system and managing the change from the
old system environment to the new one. This may include implementation bridges between existing and
new system, converting data, and training users. User acceptance is the point of the implementation

Maintenance Phase

Once when the customers starts using the developed system then the actual problems comes up and
needs to be solved from time to time. This process where the care is taken for the developed product is
known as maintenance.

Development Tools:

PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, JQuery, Brackets

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