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2 Research-Based Learner Strategies

Candidates will model and facilitate the use of research-based, learner-centered strategies
addressing the diversity of all students.

This artifact, the Internet Lesson Plan is a project designed using the NETS-S template to help
guide the development of lesson using ISTE-S standards and provide sixth grade students with the
opportunity to participate in research-based, learner-centered learning activities. This lesson asked
students to choose a familiar story (Cinderella, Three Little Pigs, etc.) and retell the story from a
different point of view. Prior to the lesson, the students reviewed various aspects of writing, specifically
the aspect of author’s point-of-view. Students looked at the point-of-view of the author from a variety
of familiar short stories and discussed how the stories may be different had a different author told the
story. The students then worked in groups to choose a familiar story and then retell the story from a
new characters point-of-view.

This lesson was a lot of fun to complete with the students. As the lesson was research-based
and student-centered, students were provided broad access to technology tools in order to be able to
choose their own path to completion. Students demonstrated choice and voice throughout the project,
while also receiving direct and just-in-time instruction from the instructor. The lesson began with whole
group instruction and discussion about the impact of the author’s point-of-view, and later allowed small
group worked to ensure that the activities remained student-centered throughout the lesson. Using a
variety of strategies throughout the lesson, and allowing students a broad range of tools to demonstrate
their understanding (Adobe Spark, GreenScreen, podcasting, and student created written/published
books) ensured that this lesson provided learning opportunities for all students, addressing the diversity
of all students. After the initial discussion about author point-of-view, students were free to choose the
stories, and of course the new endings or retellings, to maintain a learner-centered environment in the

I really enjoyed planning, modeling, and implementing this lesson with a sixth grade class.
Several days after the completion of the lesson, I received feedback from several students and the
teacher that they enjoyed how fun the class had been. By allowing students the opportunity to choose
their own path and to choose their own method to demonstrate their learning and understanding, they
owned each step of the lesson, maintaining a high level of engagement. Several students submitted
their final videos and podcasts to the district reflections contest. It was exciting to see students take
pride in their work enough that they were willing to submit it to a public contest! I have actually used
this lesson plan with several other courses since its’ completion. I think that it works well the way it is
and it is easily scaffolded for different grade levels and abilities.

This lesson impacted faculty development and student growth. At the time of this lesson, we
had one green screen at Elkins Pointe. Since this time, we have received four new green screens (one for
each grade level and the new MakerSpace). One of the groups of students that participated in the lesson
and completed a Greenscreen video founded the video production club at the school. They meet weekly
to create short PSA for morning announcements using the skills they learned while completing the
project. Our sixth grade teachers have also increased the opportunities they provide students to
complete their work. Many teachers have changed their project guidelines to remove “required” final
products. Instead, they have adopted a new strategy that allows students to demonstrate their
understanding in multiple ways and not a single, final product that is identical student to student. The
lesson also demonstrated how effective technology can support student mastery. The shift to
technology integration can be difficult for many teachers, but this lesson helped many teachers see that
technology can be a tool to support teaching and student learning. It does not need to be a requirement
to check off a box for completion, but should be used to increase engagement and understanding.

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