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{Q Richmond BESS BRADFIELD CAROL LETHABY @ s 5 Series editors: Pil BEN GOLDSTEIN & CERI JONES Pra = & The PA Picture - B1 PRE-INTERMEDIATE Student's Book [Q Richmond eee Grammar Vocasutary 1 SPEAKING “Present simple & present Languages & THE SAME continuous countries LANGUAGE Questions Free time page 4 Communication page 12 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: CHECKING UNDERSTANDING ‘page 152 WRITING BANK: LEARNING JOURNALS. 2 BACK TO ‘Past simple Geography NATURE «Past continuous ‘animals page 14 ‘Past simple & past ‘continuous page 22 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: CHECKING IN 3 ICONS age 24 “Relative clauses ‘articles: a/an, the, no article ‘Landmarks ‘cultural icons age 32 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: EXPRESSING PREFERENCE age 153 WRITING BANK: COMMENTS ON A WEBSITE ‘page 34 REVIEW A, UNITS 1-3 page 37 @RING rT TOGETHER 1, 283 REESE ‘Present perfect ‘Life stages CHANGES Present perfect & past Activities pet simple ‘Home life ‘Present perfect with for & + Comparatives & superatives age 46 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: CATCHING UP 5 LIVE AND LEARN *Present continuous & going ‘Education & learning page 48 to sedping adjectives ‘Mlustin't) & (don't) have to {or obligation prepositions page 56 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: SOUNDING POLITE page 15d WRITING BANK: WRITING TO SAY SORRY 6 HELP! “Modal verbs: canfcan', Jobs & services page 58 should/shouldn’t ‘sAgjective suffixes : ‘Predictions: will, may, might ful &less ‘Senses ‘+Health problems page 66 FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE: ADVICE page 68 Review B, UNITS 4-6 pau’ 71 BRING IT TOGETHER 4, 5 26 READING & LISTENING PRONUNCIATION © being bilingual ‘*An article about the SETI @ An Earth Speaks message Finals page 13 SPEAKING TASK: PLANNING YOUR LANGUAGE LEARNING. @ three newspaper articles @ An interview with a witlfe photographer ‘Encounters with animals + Past simple endings page 23 WRITING TASK: A HOLIDAY REVIEW © will the real Taj Mahal please stand up? Ablog post The legend of Bob Marley © Describing a photo Three opinions ‘Discussing fictional characters sagan page 33 SPEAKING TASK: DESIGNING A Loco act your age! Young achieve @Avideo appeal ‘Areport about alost property office in Paris page 47 WRITING TASK: AN INFORMAL EMAIL © Degrees with a difference +The schoo! of fun ‘+A museum brochure @ Talking about university studies ‘+A museum audio guide «tress in two: syllable words page 57 SPEAKING TASK: A TELEPHONE ENQUIRY @ The homeless world cup ‘introduction toa web ate An information lait @ discussing a tim «Discussing problems and ehving acvice «Four conversations |= Word stress page 67 WRITING TASK: A FORMAL EMAIL

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