101 Curses Numley Augustus PDF

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101 Curses

Augustus Numley

Chapter 1 Introduction to Cursing

What is a curse?
Does cursing make me evil?
Is cursing proper?
I’m a Witch, should I curse?
The Rule of Three
Chapter 2 Curses for Breaking up Relationships
Break up a love affair
Break up a Friendship
Break up a Marriage
Break up a Courtship
Break up a Sexual Relationship
Chapter 3 Money Curses
Cause Bad Luck in Games of Chance
Cause Someone to Lose Their Home
Cause a Person to Lose Their Job
Cause a Person to be Unable to Make Clear Business Judgments
Cause a Person’s Stock to go Down
Chapter 4 Curses to Cause Personal Harm
Cause a Person to Become Ugly
Cause a Person to Develop Boils
Cause a Person to Catch Measles
Cause a Person to Catch the Mumps
Cause a Person to Catch Shingles
Cause a Person to Break a Leg or Arm
Cause a Person to go Insane
Cause a Person to Get a Concussion
Cause a Person to Cut Their Self
Cause a Person to Smell Badly
Cause a Person to Become Depressed
Cause a Person to Become Suicidal
Cause a Person to Have Night Terrors
Cause a Person to Catch Chicken Pox
Cause a Person to Catch Lycanthropy
Cause a Person to Catch Leprosy
Cause a Person to Vomit
Cause a Person to have a Headache (mild)
Cause a Person to Have a Headache (migraine)
Cause a Person to Develop Warts
Cause a Person to Get in a Car Wreck
Cause a Person to Have a Miscarriage
Cause a Person to Go Blind
Cause a Person to Go Deaf
Cause a Person to Develop Arthritis
Chapter 5 Professional Curses
Fireman Death
Police Officer Death
Judge Death
Teacher Death
Cause a Lawyer to Lose a Case
Cause a Politician to Lose an Election
Chapter 6 Bindings
Bind Someone from Action
Bind a Person from Coming onto Your Property
Strong Binding Spell
Chapter 7 Irish Curses
Other UTM Books
is published by Under the Moon, Texas, 2012.
This edition of 101 Curses
Distributed by Amazon and Under the Moon.

Copyright © 2012 by Dawna Flowers

Illustrations Copyrights © 2003 by Art Today Arttoday.com
Illustrations Copyrights © Dover Publications, 1971

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from
the publisher, Under the Moon.
What is a curse?
Before we get into the heart of this book you may want an explanation about what a curse is. In
its most common form, a curse is something which would cause something bad or negative to happen
to a person through the use of magic. When people talk about Black Magic they are generally talking
about cursing, although summoning spirits and demons would generally fall into this category as well.
General cursing is the most predominant form of Black Magick performed today. When spirits are
summoned to aid someone in the art of cursing, this too would definitely be classified as cursing.
There are three schools of thought when it comes to cursing, and all three can be found in this
book. The first manner of cursing is the most common and consists of intense anger focused at the
victim of the curse. The second is through the use of a poppet or Voodoo type doll of the person and
consists of harming the doll in some way, which is mirrored by the victim of the curse. The last
method is the invocation of demons or deities to carry out the curse on the intended victim.
The use of focused anger or hatred, while sounding easy, is perhaps the most difficult manner
by which to curse someone. The reason is that the emotional force brought into play must be vastly
more focused and acute than what we feel under normal circumstances. This anger must be contained
without release until the moment that the curse is unleashed. The most challenging part of this is that it
differs remarkably from emotional repression. The person that is going to perform this curse must not
allow themselves to feel the emotion at all, repressed or otherwise, until the actual release. When a
person has mastered this manner of cursing they are truly a dark force to be reckoned with, as they can
effectively curse with a glance or a simple spoken word. The chapter on Irish Curses found in the
latter part of the book is specifically for individuals such as these.
The second manner of cursing is through the use of a proxy, or image of the person or part of the
person that you wish to cause effect upon. Cursing by proxy is the oldest form of magic. There are
recorded instances of cave men destroying clay bison in order to assist them in hunting. The
philosophy behind this kind of curse is anything but simple. The premise of this is these items, people,
and animals have a mirror or double in the spiritual plane. When change is enacted to an item that has
been related to the spiritual manifestation of the victim, then harm is caused to the item, it will be
reflected on the material plane in the same way. A very common manner of doing this is the sticking of
pins into a doll, known commonly as the Voodoo Doll. The exact effectiveness of this method depends
entirely upon how strong the link is with the spiritual plane, and the ambitions of the person
performing the curse.
The third method is the invocation of forces outside of the practitioner in order to cause the
desired effect. This involves summoning a demon in order to carry out the intended effect, or
beseeching a god to cause the effect. This method depends not on faith or belief, but in the ritual itself.
It assumes that the demon or god has a desire to assist, or in some way is forced to assist the
All three methods of cursing involve significant peril to the person performing the curse. In the
first instance they may not be able to handle the psychological effects of the emotional manipulation
that is required. In the second they must realize that on the spirit plane, ‘like’ attracts ‘like’ and by
releasing vast amounts of negative energy that they are themselves becoming a vortex for negativity.
They may invoke a force that they are ill prepared to deal with, and thusly, place their self directly in
spiritual or physical danger.
Does Cursing Make me Evil?
It depends on your definition of evil, but in a conventional sense the answer must be, ‘yes’. In
order to curse, we tap upon our inner darkness and bring it to the surface. When we tap this inner
darkness, we come face to face with a part of our selves that most people would rather not admit that
they have. It is a fair statement to say, at least for the duration of time, that you are actively cursing
someone, that you are a force of darkness in and of yourself.
If you chose to continue to hold onto this darkness, then you would be soundly evil, or you may
choose to let it go at the time that the curse is completed, but you will never be the same again. There
are people that feel that if you only curse someone that deserves it, that there is no long term effect I
would advise them to think about when you release the darkness, some of it always goes into you.
Generally after a few successful curses, you will begin to find more and more people in your life that
just so happen to deserve it. Chance? Not at all.
Is Cursing Proper?
Though there are those out there that would disagree, to me a person that is a practitioner of the
magical arts that lacks the ability to curse is shallow and one sided in their beliefs. There are those
out there that would like to say that they represent the balance and yet they are so totally blinded by
the light that they cannot embrace the darkness, much less acknowledge and respect this part of
With that said, cursing is not only proper, it is a respectable and fundamental aspect of any
magical practice, just as healing is. There are no healing spells in this book for a very simple reason.
The reason is that there are already a ton of such books out there for people that desire to learn how
to heal.
I’m a ‘Witch’, Should I Curse?
If you are a Witch, then by all means, you should curse. Cursing is a very large part of
Witchcraft. A Witch that cannot curse is arguably not really a Witch.
Cursing is, however, not part of Wicca. If you are a Wiccan and you have a desire to curse, you
might want to rethink being a Wiccan. At the very least, you might find it very appropriate to keep
your own council on the issue of cursing, lest you want to become very unpopular with the other
Wiccans in a speedy manner.
Confusion inevitably arises when Wiccans and Witches discuss this subject; the reason is that
Wiccans call themselves Witches. If you do feel the need to discuss this topic with Wiccans be certain
that you explain this distinction to them or they will become very offended, as Wiccans don’t curse.
The Rule of Three
As you explore the various aspects of cursing you will undoubtedly come across what is called
the “Rule of Three” it says:

“Ever mind the Rule of Three

Three times what thou givest returns to thee
This lesson well, thou must learn
Thee only gets what thou dost earn!”

To put this in laymen’s terms, this means that if you curse someone, you will be affected by
similar bad things, only three times worse. It has been my observation that if you are a Wiccan and
hold this to be true, then it’s true. This again goes back to the negative energy vortex that we spoke of
in the preceding section. With simple protection, this effect can be circumvented. Of course, it stands
to reason that the more powerful the curse that you put on your enemy, the stronger your protection
needs to be. Below is the common extended version of ‘The Wiccan Rede’, whose author remains
unknown to this day.

Bide the Wiccan Laws we must

In perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
Live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.
Cast the Circle thrice about
To keep the evil spirits out.
To bind the spell every time
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak little, listen much.
Deosil go by the waxing moon,
Chanting out the Witches' Rune.
Widdershins go by the waning-moon,
Chanting out the baneful rune.
When the lady's moon is new.
Kiss the hand to her, times two.
When the moon rides at her peak,
Then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.
When the wind comes from the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
When the wind blows from the West,
Departed souls will have no rest.
When the wind blows from the East,
Expect the new and set the feast.
Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.
Elder be the Lady's tree,
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.
When the Wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.
When the Wheel has turned to Yule,
Light the logs and Horned one rules.
Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,
By the Lady, blessed be.
When the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone and truth you'll know.
When ye have a true need,
Hearken not to other's greed.
With a fool no season spend,
Lest ye be counted as his friend.
Merry meet and merry part,
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Threefold Law you should,
Three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star on thy brow.
True is love ever be,
Lest thy lover's false to thee.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
"An' Harm ye none, do as you will."
Break up a Love Affair
Materials Required:
Six black candles
An item of clothing belonging to each person
One large yellow onion
Two eggs
Take two of the black candles and carve the name of the man on one, and carve the name of the
woman (or significant other) on the other candle. While doing so, state the following for each candle:
“I name this candle [state the person’s name]”
You will need to imagine the person’s image strongly in your mind while doing this, and it must
be done for both candles.
Place the remaining four candles on your altar, illustrated further below.
Take one of the eggs and write the man’s name upon it. Wrap the egg up in the woman’s clothing
article, and place it on the altar, in front of the woman’s candle.
Take the other egg and write the woman’s name on it. Wrap this egg up in the man’s clothing
article and place it on the altar in from of the man’s candle.
Light the four candles at each corner of your altar.
Now, light the man’s candle and repeat the following nine times:
“Through the power of flame [Man’s name] will love [Woman’s name] no more.”
Now, light the woman’s candle and repeat the following nine times:
“Through the power of flame [Woman’s name] will love [Man’s name] no more.”
Allow all the candles to burn out.
At midnight, go outside and dig a hole in the ground with your hands. Place both the man’s
candle and the woman’s clothing (containing the named eggs) in the hole, along with all the candles
that were used on your altar. (The clothing should still contain the named eggs, they should still be
unbroken). Place the onion in the hole on top of everything else and cover the hole. Jump upon the
hole 9 times stating the following:
“No more, no more they will love, no more. As the onion grows their love will lessen.”
(This should break the eggs). Make certain the hole is covered completely. You may need to
scoop some more dirt in to fill it up. As the onion grows the love affair will vanish.
Break up a Friendship
Materials Required:
One large lemon
Carve the two friends names on the lemon, one on each side. Bear in mind that you will be
cutting this lemon in half so make it so that the names are easy to separate. Hold the lemon up to the
sky and say the following:
“This lemon is the friendship between [1st person’s name] and [2nd person’s name] It is full
of sourness, and will soon be no more.”
Place the lemon on a cutting board or on your altar and slice it in half while saying 9 times, the
“As the sour juice runs from this lemon, so does the friendship run from [1st person’s name]
and [2nd person’s name].”
Take the two halves of the lemon and bury them in two separate holes, at least several feet apart
from each other.
Break up a Marriage
Materials Required:
One red heart, (cut from paper and colored, or cut from red construction paper)
One piece of parchment paper
One wooden box
One sulfur match
This spell is to be performed on the night of a full moon. On the piece of parchment paper,
draw a figure representing the man on the top half of the parchment paper, with his name directly
underneath the figure. Now, draw a figure representing the woman on the bottom half of the
parchment, with her name directly underneath the figure.
Take all the spell ingredients outside. Tear the parchment in half, separating the man and the
woman, while saying:
“I rip the asunder. As I tear you apart on paper, so your marriage is torn apart in the world.
Dig a small hole with your hands and place the heart inside. Take the match and set afire the
image of the person who you want to go away, while repeating the following:
“I burn thee! Go, go, go, away and trouble me no more.”
Place the ashes on top of the heart while saying:
“As the heart is cold and dead, so shall you be. You will love no more.”
Cover the heart with soil. Place the other drawing in the wooden box and allow no one to see
Special Notes:
This spell must be repeated once a month on the full moon or it will lose its effectiveness. This
spell is very powerful, but it takes time to work. The stronger the relationship the longer it will take,
but it will happen in time.
Break up a Courtship
Materials Required:
One pint of vinegar
One jar or can
Two small figures (these can be made of wax, clay, wood, or even sticks)
Construct two small figures; one to represent the man, and one to represent the woman. While
holding the figures up in the air, state the following:
“I name you [Man’s name].”
Do the same for the woman’s figure, then draw or carve their names on the respected figures.
Pour the vinegar into the jar and say the following:
“This is the vial of ill intention. Those emerged in it will reject with disdain and scorn, those
that come to them. They will find themselves soured to their suitors, and indifferent to their
Place the figure of the person that you want to lose interest in the other in the container of
vinegar while saying:
“[Woman’s name] will sour towards [Man’s name]”
Place the man’s figure next to the woman’s figure (the woman’s figure will be emerged in the
vinegar, the mans on the outside – or vice versa)
Every day, move the man’s figure 6 inches away from the woman’s figure, while saying:
“[Man’s name] tires of the vinegar of [Woman’s name] and will soon depart from her, to
never seek her again.”
By the fourth time that the figure has been moved, the courtship will be over.
Break up a Sexual Relationship
Materials Required:
One large cucumber
One large knife
Carve the name of the person upon the cucumber who you want to lose sexual desires. Hold the
cucumber up and state the following:
“This represents the desires and lust of [1st person’s name] for [2nd person’s name].”
Place the cucumber on the altar, or table. Forcibly cut the cucumber up while imagining that this
is reflected in the destruction of their lust.
Cause Bad Luck in Games of Chance
Materials Required:
One deck of cards
One pot
One cup of alcohol
One teaspoon green ink or green food coloring
One nail
Scratch the word “LUCK” on the side of the pot with a nail, then hold the pot up and state:
“This is the house of [Person’s Name]. This is all the good luck that they have.”
Pour the alcohol into the pot while saying:
“This is the rush of winning! This is the satisfaction that comes from beating the odds. This
is [Person’s Name] winning streak.”
Drop the green ink into the pot while saying:
“This is the money that comes from luck! This is [Person’s Name] winnings!”
Light the match, and drop it into the pot to set the alcohol on fire, and say the following:
“As this match burns away, so does the luck of [Person’s Name]. They will never be lucky
Begin tossing the cards one at a time into the burning alcohol, while chanting the following for
each card:
“No luck, as the cards burn [Person’s Name] luck burns with them.”
Cause Someone to Lose Their Home
Materials Required:
One deck of cards
One match
One 1dollar bill
One small jar
Place the dollar bill upon your altar or table, and say:
“This is the money that is the foundation of their home.”
Build a small card house on top of the dollar bill, and say:
“This is their house, clean and pristine”
Take the match and light one of the cards. As the flames spread, say the following:
“This is harm coming their way consuming their funds and their home”
Remove the dollar. (Removing the dollar should cause the house to collapse) DO NOT BURN
Now state the following:
“As this house of cards collapses, so does their home, with its foundation gone, theirs goes
as well!”
When the cards finish burning, take their ashes and place them in a small jar. Bury the jar near
their house, in a place they are likely to walk over.
Cause a Person to Lose Their Job
Materials Required:
One pay stub, or other piece of paper pertaining to the person’s place of employment
One black candle
Wrap the piece of paper around the black candle. Light the candle while saying the following:
“As the wax befouls this paper, so does the person befoul his position.”
When the candle has burned all the way out, then bury the sullied piece of paper in the ground
where it will not be found.
Cause a Person to be Unable to Make Clear Business Judgments
Materials Required:
One coin (any coin will do)
One wax figure
Carve the person’s name onto the wax figure while saying:
“I name you [Person’s Name]”
Take the coin and stick it to the back of the figure. Say the following three times:
[Person’s Name] will not be able to see the money; it will always be behind him. He walks
away from the money.”
Bury the figure at a crossroads at midnight, while saying:
“[Person’s Name] will remain at an impasse .He will not know what direction to go. The
money will be left behind him.”
Cause a Person’s Stock to go Down

Materials Required:
One large pot
One large piece of paper
One copy of a stock or investment paper or magazine
One sulfur match
On the large piece of paper, write the symbol of the stock 100 times. Tear the paper up so that
you have 100 small pieces of paper with the stock symbol on them. Place the caldron or pot on the
ground. Begin tearing up the newspaper into small pieces and dropping them into the pot while saying
the following:
“This is the foundation of [Person’s Name] wealth, crumpled, crumpled and contained.”
Light the match and set the paper in the pot or caldron on fire while saying:
“This is corruption in the company that holds [Person’s Name] stock, it is rampant and
running unchecked, this fire is the fire that will bring injustice and doom the company.”
Begin trickling the 100 pieces of paper into the fire while saying: (you may need to repeat this
several times as you trickle the paper down.)
“This is the stock. As it goes down, so does [Person’s Name] stock. As it is consumed in the
fire, so is [Person’s Name] wealth.”
When you are finished and all the stock papers are burned, spit into the ashes and say the
“With this spit, I seal the spell. It is done!”
Cause a Person to Become Ugly
Materials Required:
One fresh large red rose
One jar
One bottle of dragon’s blood ink
One quill
Take the large red rose and remove the petals, while saying the following passage once for each
“This rose is the beauty of [person’s name]. As I remove the petals, I strip you of your
Dip the quill in the ink and write the person’s name or their initials on each of the large petals.
Imagine the person as strongly as you can while doing this. Then, place each petal in the jar while
saying the following:
“This is the beauty of [person’s name] as it dries so does their beauty.”
Put the petals in the jar, and leave the lid or cap off. Place the jar outside in a dry sunny spot
and allow the petals to dry completely. After several days, once the petals are dried out, remove the
petals from the jar and grind them into a powder. Scatter the powder in a place where the person will
come into contact with it, walk over, or throw it upon them and say the following:
“Fade Fade Fade.”
Cause a Person to Develop Boils

Materials Required:
¼ Cup grease, fat, or lard
One pan
One wax figure
Carve the person’s name onto the wax figure. Heat the grease in the pan till until it is hot. Drop
the figure into the grease and say the following:
“Boils, boil,s boils, - I curse [person’s name] with boils. As this wax bubbles, so shall you!”
Take the grease and melted wax, and pour it outside at midnight, repeating the following
passage nine times as you pour it out slowly:
“Boils, Boils, Boils, shall afflict you!”
Visualize the person strongly in your mind as you chant the curse and pour the wax and grease
onto the ground.
Cause a Person to Catch Measles
Materials Required:
One piece of red paper
One hole puncher
One writing pen
One small sack or bag
Use the hole punch to punch as many small holes in the red paper as possible. Take the punched
circles and write “M” on one side, and the first letter of the person’s name on the other. As you write
the letters on each red circle, say the following:
“These are the measles of [person’s name].”
Take the small bag and write the person’s name on it, and say the following:
“This is the body of [person’s name] longing for disease.”
Place the measles into the bag, while saying the following for each of the measles:
“Measles, you have found your home. Take root and grow! Cause pain and misery, for you
are at home in [person’s name].”
You now have two options. You can burn the bag at midnight, while repeating the following
while it burns:
“Spirit of the Night, carry this disease home to [person’s name].”
You can hand the bag to the person and whisper to them the following:
“You, [person’s name] are diseased.”
Cause a Person to Catch the Mumps
Materials Required:
¼ Cup powdered pepper
¼ Sour cream
One red balloon
At midnight take the pepper and go outside, hold the pepper up and say:
“Spirit of the Night, this is the fever of [person’s name] disease.”
Take the sour cream and hold it up while saying:
“This is the infection of [person’s name].”
Take the balloon and hold it up while stating:
“This is the body of [person’s name] ripe and swelling.”
Mix the sour cream and pepper in a small container saying:
“Mumps, this is the disease of [person’s name] this is their agony.”
Place all of the mixture into the balloon, then blow the balloon up with nine puffs of air, while
saying the following after each puff of air:
“Swell! Swell. As this balloon swells the disease finds root in [person’s name].”
Throw the balloon out into the darkness while saying:
“Spirit of the Night, give this disease wings to return to [person’s name].”
Cause a Person to Catch Shingles
Materials Required:
One sheet of wax paper
One bottle of lighter fluid
Using a straight pen, lightly etch the person’s name into the wax paper while saying the
“This is the skin of [person’s name] ready to receive disease and pain.”
Take the lighter fluid and place 9 small drop of fluid on the sheet say for each drop the
“The disease has come, it has root, soon it shall be born and [person’s name] will know no
Light each drop while saying the following for each:
“Burn, burn, burn the skin of [person’s name]. Scarlet whelps rise. Fire take hold, burn,
burn, burn!”
When the paper has finished burning through the paper and the flame have gone out, douse the
remaining paper with the lighter fluid and light it while saying the following:
“Spirits of disease, carry your dark blessings to [person’s name].”
Cause a Person to Break a Leg or Arm
Materials Required:
One oak stick (you should be able to break this stick)
For an arm simply change all references made below to the leg, to the arm. Write or carve the
person’s name upon the stick. Think of the person and the leg that you want to break while doing this.
This spell takes 5 days to complete.

On the first night, hold the stick in your hand say:

“This is the leg of [person’s name] strong and true. With this spell I will curse you.”

On the second night, hold the stick in your hand say:

“This is the leg of [person’s name]. It is becoming weak.”
Bend the stick (do not break it at this time).

On the third night, hold the stick in your hand and say:
“This is the leg of [person’s name] becoming frail.”
Bend the stick till it splinters (do not break the stick at this time).

On the fourth night, hold the stick in your hand and say:
“This is the leg of [person’s name], it will soon break.”
Bend the stick till it is almost broken.

On the fifth night hold the stick and say:

“This is the leg of [person’s name] strong and true with this spell I have cursed you.
This is the leg of [person’s name] and it has become weak.
This is the leg of [person’s name] and it has become weak.
This is the leg of [person’s name]and it will soon break!.”

BREAK THE STICK while saying the following with great force:
“For 5 nights I have called to the spirits, now rend my foe! Break! Break the leg of [person’s
Cause a Person to go Insane
Materials Required:
Picture of the person
One stick of dragons blood incense
Holding the picture in front of you, concentrate your full wraith upon the image of the person.
Imagine the interplay of emotions within the person, and the fact that they are losing grips with
themselves. Chant the following 9 times:
“Time has come and gone, your mind is not your own,
You will cry, you will grieve, as your sanity is gone,
Spirits of the night! Hear my call, take from them the mind,
Leave nothing but chaos behind.”
Light the incense stick while saying:
“I offer smoke to the spirits of the night. As the smoke dissipates, so does [person’s name]
grip on reality.”
Pass the picture through the smoke and say the following strongly:
“Spirits hear me now! Take from [person’s name] their sanity and leave nothing but agony
Spit directly onto the picture and say:
“It is done!”
Cause a Person to Get a Concussion
Materials Required:
One large cantaloupe
One knife
Take the cantaloupe in your hand and hold it up while saying the following:
“This is the head of [person’s name].”
Place the cantaloupe on your altar or table, and pick up the knife. Holding it up to the sky, say
the following:
“This is the bringer of pain, through this instrument, [person’s name] shall feel the wraith of
the Spirit of the Night.”
Using the knife very carefully, carve the below symbol on the cantaloupe, while you are doing
this, imagine the desired effect and feel your hatred for the person. State the following:
“With this symbol, I curse [person’s name].”
Lay the cantaloupe back upon the altar or table, and strike it very hard with your fist while
chanting, until you have spent your hatred, and the cantaloupe lies in pulp:
“Cursed, Cursed, Cursed!”
When you have finished, stab the knife down in the middle of the pulp so that it stands upright
and proclaim the following:
“It is done!”
Cause a Person to Cut Their Self
Materials Required:
One razor blade
One pin
Hold the blade in your hand and think of the person. Imagine them stabbing their flesh, and
visualize the flow of blood. Carefully lay the razor on the altar or table, and using the pin, scratch
onto the surface of the blade the symbol you see below. Leave the razor where they will find it.
Special note: the symbol is a very powerful glyph that can be used on any tool that you wish to
turn against its owner. It is advisable that you do not keep it in your possession longer than absolutely
Cause a Person to Smell Badly
Materials Required:
Wax doll of the person
¼ Cup of asphatita (herb used in cooking & Witchcraft, also spelled asphitida,)
Pronounced (as-fa-tee-da)
Take the doll of the person and say:
“As this smells, so does [person’s name].”
Take the asphatita in your hand and say:
“This is the stench of the grace, it will cling to [person’s name] as it does to the dead, and
only in death shall he know relief.”
Roll the doll in the asphatita and place it someplace where it will not be found by anyone.
Special note: You may want to perform this curse outside, as it really does smell horrible.
Asphatita is also a component used to punish disobedient spirits, so you can imagine how it smells.
Cause a Person to Become Depressed
Materials Required:
One wax figure
One black cloth or bag
Create a wax figure of the person that you wish to effect, and carve their name upon it. If you
can get a piece of their hair or fingernail clippings to go into this doll it would be even better, but is
not necessary. Hold the doll up to the East and say the following:
“This is the body of [person’s name]. What befalls this doll shall befall [person’s name].”
Stand the doll upon the altar or table and state the following:
“[Person’s name] stands in silence alone and removed with only the screams of their mind to
keep them company. When they are by themselves, they are tormented by inner demons. When they
are in a crowded room, they are all by themselves.”
Take the black cloth in you left hand and say the following:
“This is the darkness of the soul. It envelopes and destroys. It is the totality of [person’s
name] reality.”
Drop the cloth over the figure, turn and walk away. You may proceed to the next spell to enact
another curse, to make the person suicidal, or you can bury the figurine in the ground where it will not
be found by another person.
Cause a Person to Become Suicidal
Materials Required:
One black cloth
One red cloth
One wax figure
Several razor blades
This spell is an extension of the previous spell, # 21. It requires that you proceed only after you
have left the figure covered for 3 days with the black cloth. After the three days have passed, retrieve
the doll, then hold up the red cloth and say the following:
“This is the anger and the blood that depressions have brought [person’s name]. They will
feel the anger and know that suicide is the only solution.”
Place the red cloth over the figure, then state the following:
“Feel the rage, as you are hopelessly lost. [person’s name], suicide calls to you!”
Slide the nine razor blades under the red cloth, and for each one, state the following as you
slide them under the cloth:
“[Person’s name], release yourself from your suffering. Find peace from your demons, and
embrace death. Spirit of the Night, speed them upon their way!”
When the last razor has been placed state the following:
“So it is done!”
Special note: you may be tempted to maul the figure with the razor blades to show where you
want to person to cut their self. Resist this temptation, as it will limit the manner in which the person
can commit the act.
Cause a Person to Have Night Terrors
Materials Required:
One black feather
One black candle
One stick of dragon’s blood incense
One container black or silver glitter.
One black robe
This ritual is to take place at a time you know the person is asleep. The optimal time is
approximately 2 hours before they may awaken. If you are uncertain about the best timing for this
ritual you may want to perform it at around 4:00 AM, unless they work nights. Dress yourself in the
black robe. Take all of your materials outside to a location where there is no visible artificial light.
Plant the stick of incense into the ground and say the following:
“I consecrate this place for the workings of the Spirit of the Night. May he take heed of the
wishes that are requested on this night, and speed them to action.”
As you light the incense, say the following:
“I call upon you, Spirit of the Night to be present at these workings. I offer up this smoke,
that it may be pleasing unto you. Hear my request and grant it, and may the wings of the raven
speed it along.”
Place the candle on the ground and state the following:
“Find home in this candle, minions of the Spirit of the Night, for you are the shadows of this
deserted place. Let the flame draw you.”
Light the candle, and state the following:
“Come! Come! Come shadows!”
Wait for a sign that the shadows have come. (If the candle burns all the way down before you
receive a sign, try the work on a different night.)
Hold the glitter up to the sky and say the following:
“These are the dark dreams of man, the visions of the pit, full of unnamable horrors and
Take the feather in the other hand raise it up while saying the following:
“This is the feather, the wings of my spell, blessed by the Spirit of the Night, and empowered
by the shadow host gathered here. Give my spell wings! Give my spell wings!”
Using the feather, brush the glitter until it scatters from your hand. Chant the following while
brushing the glitter around:
“GO! GO! GO! GO! GO to [person’s name], and bring them the darkness that you contain.
The wings of a raven may speed it upon its way. Shadows make it strong and true. SPIRIT OF THE
Burn the feather in the flame, and when the feather has finished burning, bury what’s left of the
feather in the ground and say:
“So it is done.”
Cause a Person to Catch Chicken Pox
Materials Required:
One chicken feather
This curse is mostly verbal. You simply take the chicken feather and approach the person, touch
them with the feather while looking them directly in the eyes, and say the following:
(It is pronounced: ā-u, similar to the vowel sounds in the words “may” and” buck”)
The words were derived using the following equation:
Spirit bring pox:
19 + 16 + 9 + 18 + 9 + 20 = 91 = 9+1 = 10 = 1+0 = 1 or A
2 + 18 + 9 + 7 = 36 = 3+6 = 9 or I
16 +15 +24 = 55 = 5+5=10=1+0 = 1 or A
The Word “AIA” contains the same impact as the statement “Spirit bring pox”, except it is
hidden, and only appreciated by the caster. It is this very mystery that powers this spell. For a handy
reference see the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding numbers in case you wish to create
your own spell or curse. Some very elaborate curses have been created in this manner, but the wise
would seek to keep their works simple and as direct as possible.
a1 f6 k 11 p 16 u 21
b2 g7 l 12 q 17 v 22
c3 h8 m 13 r 18 w 23
d4 i9 n 14 s 19 x 24
e5 j 10 o 15 t 20 y 25
z 26
Cause a Person to Catch Lycanthropy
Materials Required:
One small piece of wolf’s fur
One black candle
One wax figure
¼ cup of water, gathered from a wolf’s footprint under a full moon.
This ritual must be done on the night of a full moon in a forest. There can be no artificial light
present at the time of the cursing. Assemble your altar or table and place upon it all the ingredients.
Carve the person’s name that you wish to curse on the wax figure and say:
“This is the body of [person’s name], the beast!”
Hold the wolf’s hair up to the moon and state:
“This is the hair of [person’s name] the beast!”
Light the black candle and state:
“Spirit of Shadows, take this as your home!”
Hold the water up to the moon, and state:
“This is the spirit of the Wolf, captured in moonlight, in this water. This is the spirit of the
Wolf, made solid!”
Hold the figure up to the moon and say the following:
“[person’s name] is a beast, and now he will be unable to control it. He is a beast in spirit.”
Dip the figure into the water and say the following:
“He is a beast in his anger.”
Pass the figure over the flame until the wax has softened a bit and say the following:
“He is a beast in body!”
Take the hair and stick it to the figure and say:
“Lupis, Canis, Lupis, come to your brother. [person’s name] is one of flesh and spirit. They
will show on the outside what lives on the inside. The moon will call to his spirit as it calls to the
wolf in the forest at night. Lupis! Lupis! Lupis! Canis come!”
Place the figure into a small black bag and bury it at a place that you know that wolves travel
over. The person will be cursed as long as the figure remains buried. To release the person from the
curse, you must dig the figure up and burn the figure.
Cause a Person to Catch Leprosy
Materials Required:
A gold colored cloth
Two deep blue candles
One bunch of lotus flowers
One brazier full of lit charcoal
Egyptian incense (Kifi) (The recipe is found below)
One figure of Anubis (the Egyptian God)
Egyptian Purification Bath (The recipe is found below)
One white robe
On the day of the curse, wake up just before sunrise and take a bath using the concoction of
Egyptian Purification Bath (described below) and while repeating the following:
“In the name of Osiris, I cleanse myself for the great work at hand.”
Adorn yourself in the white robe. Go outside and prepare your altar by placing all of the
materials required for the spell. Spread your gold cloth out upon the altar. Place a blue candle to the
left and to the right of your altar. Place the figure of Anubis in the center. Place the container of
charcoal in front of the statue. Lay the flowers to the side. Start a large fire to the left of the altar or
table. At the exact crack of dawn, state the following in a loud voice, while placing the incense on the
“Hail Ra! Bringer of the day! I seek your strength in the work of this day. ANUBIS, accept
my offering!”
Throw three flowers into the fire and say the following:
“Anubis, Lord of death and decay, visit the living death upon [Person’s Name]! Anubis, visit
the sting of the scorpion upon [Person’s Name]! Anubis, visit the strike of the cobra upon [Persons
Say this nine times, each time throwing a flower into the fire. Special note: This ritual must be
performed in the desert.

Recipe for Egyptian Invocation Incense (Kifi)

Four parts Frankincense
3 parts Gum Arabic
2 parts Myrrh
1 part Cedar
1 part Juniper
1 part Calamus
1 part Cinnamon

Recipe for Egyptian Purification Bath

3 Parts Epson salts
2 parts baking soda
1 part borax
3 tablespoons lotus oil
Blue food coloring

Since you are creating incense, the below recipe may come in handy for you in the future. It’s
just an added bonus, and is not a curse.

Egyptian Love Incense

½ oz Benzoin
½ oz Cinnamon
½ oz Galagal
½ oz Frankincense
1 oz Myrrh
3 drops honey
3 drops lotus oil
1 drop rose oil
1 pinch Orris Root
Cause a Person to Vomit
Materials Required:
One large red balloon
One red marker
At least one cup of liquid (any will do)
Take the balloon and fill it with liquid. Write the person’s name on the balloon with a black
magic marker and say the following:
“This is the stomach of [person’s name] as it expels, so do they.”
Press hard upon the balloon causing its liquid to rush violently out.
Cause a Person to have a Headache (mild)
Materials Required:
One glass jar with a lid
One large angry hornet
Take an item that belongs to the person and place it into the jar, along with the hornet, and say:
“Buzz Buzz Buzz, And while it does, [Person’s name] will have no peace.”
Repeat the above passage eight more times, then release the hornet and say the following:
“Go, hornet, and bring forth pain to [Person’s name].”
Cause a Person to Have a Headache (migraine)
Materials Required:
Large piece of clay
Twelve coffin nails
One item belonging to the person, or a piece of their hair
Make a ball of clay and roll up the item or hair that belongs to the person into the ball. Using
one of the nails, carve the name of the person into the clay ball. Make the clay ball resemble the
person to the best of your ability, with at least the eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Place the head upon the
altar or table and say the following:
“This is the head of [person’s name], the one that deserves the pain, and has wronged me.”
Push one of the nails into the head, and say the following:
“Pain! Pain! Pain! Come to [person’s name] who has wronged me. May their head split with
agony, and may they know no rest.”
Push the remaining nails into the head and repeat the previous passage for each nail.
Cause a Person to Develop Warts
Materials Required:
One toad
One black cloth
Take the toad in your hand and state the following:
“When you go, leave something behind for those that have wronged me.”
Wipe the toad’s back with the black cloth and say the following:
“Leave your essence on the cloth and make a gift of warts to [person’s name].”
Release the toad where you found it. Under no circumstances allow harm to come to the toad.
Place the black cloth in a place where the person will find it.
Cause a Person to Get in a Car Wreck
Materials Required:
One dark blue candle
Two small cars (toy cars or matchbox cars)
One black quill
One bottle of dove’s blood ink (note: this ink DOES NOT contain actual dove’s blood)
One small bottle of gasoline
Using the black feather quill and doves blood ink, write the symbol seen further below on the
candle, while saying the following:
“Loki, Lord of evil, Lord of machines, grant my wish on this day. Attend this ritual, and make
the event of my altar come to pass.”
Place the candle on the table or altar and light it while saying the following:
“Loki, may this light guide you to my altar, may the event here come to pass.”
Pick up one of the cars, and say the following:
“This is the vehicle of [person’s name]. In it, they have wronged me, in it, they travel to do
the works that undue me.”
Pick up the other car and state the following:
“This is the car of the Fates. It will meet the chariot of [person’s name] in a mass of twisted
steel and fire.”
Place the cars next to each other and pour the gas over them while saying the following:
“Loki, they have met. Empower the meeting with your power.”
Strike the match and set the cars on fire. Turn and walk away from the burning cars. Once the
cars have finished burning, bury them where they will not be found.
Cause a Person to Have a Miscarriage
Materials Required:
One small baby doll
One white balloon
One red quill
One bottle of dove’s blood ink
One black candle
One container sea salt
One container of spring water
This curse must be accomplished at precisely 3:00am. Take all the components to your altar.
Mix the spring water and the sea salt together, then say the following:
“This is the river from which we all spring; this is the embryonic fluid of the mother.”
Take the balloon in your hand and say the following:
“This is the womb of [person’s name], ripe with child.”
Place the doll into the balloon, then place the salt water into the balloon and say:
“This is the womb of [person’s name] heavy with child. The child that will not be.”
Write the person’s name upon the balloon, being careful not to puncture the balloon and say the
“The wound is tied, what is above will be below.”
Crush the balloon in your hands, then say:
“So it is done!”
Cause a Person to Go Blind
Materials Required:
One item or piece of hair belonging to the person
This spell is to be performed just as the sun rises. Place the item on your altar or table and state
the following while facing the sun as it rises:
“Ra bringer of light, Ra dispeller of darkness, Ra lord of the Sun!
RA [Person’s name] has wronged thee. RA bring them not the light.
RA do not dispel the darkness from their eyes.
RA do not bring the sun to them but cast them into eternal darkness.”
Set the item on fire, while chanting the above passage as it burns. Keep repeating until the item
has finished burning.
Cause a Person to Go Deaf
Materials Required:
No material components required, (verbal curse)
When you see the person whisper to them the following:
“Hear no more! Hear no more! Hear no more!”
Lightly touch the person on the left ear and walk away without saying another word to them.
Cause a Person to Develop Arthritis
Materials Required:
One long length of hemp string, at least a yard long
Wait until midnight to begin this curse. Tie a tight knot in the cord while stating the following:
“As this knot ties, so does the body of [Person’s Name]. Pain! Pain! Pain! Come to [Person’s
name] until they can use their body no more!”
Repeat the above 13 times. You should have 13 knots in your string.
Place the string in a place that the person will be certain to find it.
Fireman Death
Materials Required:
One fireman doll
One piece of material from the person’s fire suit
Two sulfur matches
One small cup of gasoline
Before you begin the ritual, you will need to place the piece of material inside the fireman doll.
Hold the doll up, then state the following:
“This is [Person’s name], they fight fire, but they do not know the fire of the rage of the
righteous. They have wronged me and will burn for their trespass, for they are deserving of the
pain and agony of the flame. They are wretched, let them embrace the flame and become one with
the hatred and be no more.”
Place the figure on the altar, or table, or the ground, and using the gasoline, draw a circle
around the figure and say:
“Fire surround this doll, and make them your own.”
Light the circle and say the following:
“Dance Fireman, Dance with the flames and return to them.”
Pour the gas on the figure and say:
“Like a child to his mother, like a lover to their other, become one with the flame, embrace it
until it burns no more.”
Chant this previous passage until the figure is completely destroyed.
Special instructions: This is a very fiery spell. You MUST project extreme hatred at the figure
and keep the thought of them burning to death firmly in your mind throughout the whole of the ritual.
Police Officer Death
Materials Required:
One policeman doll
Material from the person’s uniform, or a small piece of their hair
One bullet
Dragon’s blood ink
One quill
Set up your altar or table as you please with the above mentioned required materials. Take the
police doll and insert into the doll the piece of material from the uniform or hat, while saying:
“This is the body of [person’s name] enforcer of the law. This is the soul of [person’s name]
servant of justice This is the fallen body of [person’s name], traitor to the law. This is the fallen
soul of [person’s name], forsaken of justice.”
Place the doll upon the altar while saying the following:
“As I place this upon the altar, [person’s name] is placed upon the streets.”
Write upon the bullet in dragons blood ink the person’s name and say:
“This is the death of [person’s name]. It is named and will come to them.”
Insert the bullet into the doll and say the following:
“SEEK the fallen one, who has forsaken the law, forsaken justice. Find them and right the
wrongs that they have done to me!”
Bury the doll in a location that they will walk over.
Judge Death
Materials Required:
Picture of the person
One stick of incense
One black candle
One small dish of water
One small dish of earth
Arrange all of the components on the table or altar, and prepare to begin. Light the incense, and
say the following:
“[Person’s name], you set in judgment of others.
[Person’s name], your day has come.
[Person’s name], your black robes will be your funeral shroud.
[Person’s name], your gavel will run with your blood.
[Person’s name], thrice judged you are.
[Person’s name], thrice damned you are, Damned, Damned, Damned.”
Pass their picture though the incense smoke and say the following:
“[Person’s name], in air you are judged, be Damned, Damned, Damned.”
Pour a small amount of water upon the picture and say the following:
“[PERSONS NAME] in water you are judged, be Damned, Damned, Damned.”
Place a small amount of earth on the picture and say the following:
“[Person’s name], in earth you are judged, be Damned, Damned, Damned.”
Set the corner of the picture on fire and say the following:
“[Person’s name], in fire you are judged, be Damned, Damned, Damned.”
Let the picture burn and say the following:
“As you are damned, fire rendered sentence! Be Damned, Damned, Damned!”
Teacher Death
Materials Required:
One large red apple
Twelve steel nails
Hold the apple up to the sky and say the following:
“This is the heart of [person’s name]. This is the heart of the corrupter. This is the heart of
the ignorant. This is the heart of [person’s name] self-righteous defiler. Cursed, is the heart of
[person’s name].”
Place the apple on the altar or table, and drive the first nail into the heart and say the following:
“This is the curse of ignorance, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the second nail into the apple and say:
“This is the curse of confusion, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the third nail into the apple and say:
“This is the curse of insanity, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the fourth nail into the apple and say:
“This is the curse of futility, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the fifth nail into the apple and say:
“This is the curse of danger, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the sixth nail into the apple and say:
“This is the curse of fear, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the seventh nail into the apple and say:
“This is the curse of pain, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the eight nail into the apple and say:
“This is the curse of death, find home in the heart of [person’s name].”
Drive the ninth nail into the apple and say:
“This is the stillness of the grave, may the heart beat no more and [person’s name] be
forever still.”
Place the apple somewhere where it will not be found. As it rots, the curse will be released. To
reverse this spells, remove the nails and burn the apple.
Cause a Lawyer to Lose a Case
Materials Required:
Twelve white candles
One dark blue candle
One candle in the lawyer’s birth color (You may use the same color as the person’s birthstone.)
Carve the lawyer’s name into the candle of his/her birth color. Draw faces on the rest of the
candles. On your altar or table, arrange the candles as illustrated further below. Have all the faces on
the candles facing the lawyer candle. Begin by lighting the lawyer candle and say the following:
“[Lawyer’s name], your cries will fall on deaf ears.”
Light the blue judge’s candle and say:
“The judge will not hear the words of [Lawyer’s name].”
Turn the face of the first white candle away from the lawyer’s candle.
Light the first white candle and say the following:
“Juror number 1 will not hear the words of [Lawyer’s name].”
Light the second white candle, and say the following:
“Juror number 2 will not hear the words of [Lawyer’s name].”
Continue this for all twelve candles for the jurors have been lit and are facing away from the
lawyer candle. Allow all the candles to burn out to release the spell.
Cause a Politician to Lose an Election
Materials Required:
One black candle
One green Candle
One white Candle
One newspaper mentioning the election
Spread the newspaper out on your altar and say the following:
“This is the field of play, this is public opinion.”
Place the black candle on the newspaper and say the following:
“This is [Person’s name] his/her heart is as black as night.”
Place the white candle next to the black candle, and say:
“These are the people that will elect [Person’s name]. They have not seen the evil of
[Person’s name].”
Place the green candle next to the black candle, and say:
“This is the money that will allow [Person’s name] to achieve office.”
Light the black candle, then say the following:
“The evil and corruption of [Person’s name] is shining bright for all to see.”
Light the white candle, and say the following:
“The eyes of the people are open to the evil of [Person’s name]. They see them for what they
are. As the candle burns down their understanding and hatred of [Person’s name] will grow.”
Move the white candle to the other side of your altar and say the following:
“They forsake [Person’s name].”
Light the green candle, ans say the following:
“The money leaves the evil [Person’s name]. As the candle burns down, so will their
resources, until they are no more.”
Move the candle to the other side of the altar, and allow all of the candles to burn out to release
the power of the spell.
Bind Someone from Action
Materials Required:
One wax figure of the person, if possible incorporate some hair or nail clippings from the person.
One long hemp cord.
Carve the person’s name into the wax figure while saying:
“This is the body of [Person’s name]. What becomes of it, will become of them.”
Take the string in your hand and begin tying knots in it, while saying the following:
“I bind you from [insert action].”
Do this 13 times, and then tie it around the figure. Then say the following 3 times:
“I bind you from [insert action]. It is done.”
Bind a Person from Coming onto Your Property
Materials Required:
Picture of the person
Twine or String
To banish a person form your property, and keep them from returning, take a picture of the
person and wrap the picture with the string until it is completely covered. Bury the wrapped picture
in the ground where it will not be found. If you wish to remove the binding, dig up the picture and
untie the string. Then, bury the picture in one hole, and bury the string in another.
Strong Binding Spell
Materials Required:
One picture of the person
One piece of material (belonging to person) to make a doll (a sock would work fine)
Rope, at least one yard
This is a very strong binding spell, meant to be used for protection, as well as cursing. It will
work hard to keep the intended person away from you. Make a doll from the person’s material and
fill it with the grass and sand. Place the picture of the person on top of the doll, and wrap the two
together with the rope until neither are visible. Bury the object in a place far away from where you
live, socialize or work, where it won’t be found.
Irish Curses
All Irish curses take the same form, they are intended to be said to the victims face, many people spit
on the ground after delivering the curse, or crossing themselves.

45.) “May the worms devour your dead body, and may the rains do harm worse.”

46.) “You’re as greedy as a Leprechaun. May someone steal your pot of gold. ”

47.) “May your livestock wither and die. May your chickens become infected with lice and your
cows go mad, may your claves be still born and fit food for the wolves!

48.) “May you go stone-blind and sleep with the devil thinking him to be your wife.”

49.) “May the seven terriers of hell sit on the spool of your breast and bark in at your soul-case.”

50.) “May the devil find a home in your arse!”

51.) “May the devil bugger you!”

52.) “May Satan come knocking at your door at midnight!”

53.) “May you meet Lucifer at the crossroads.”

54.) “May horse-loads of graveyard clay rest on top of you soon.”

55.) “You will be defeated in every engagement you take part in, and in every assembly you attend,
you will be spat on and reviled. (St.Patrick)”

56.) “May death find you naked and alone.”

57.) “My curse is ever upon thee, may you find a long and painful death.”

58.) “I pray to the powerful Creator that you may go as high as the shaft of the missile, and in the
clouds of heaven, as any bird and may the death you gave my companion-death at spear point-
come also on you.” (Sweeney)

59.) “The world will see that you won't have a day’s luck and will disappear like the froth of the

60.) “May you find your bed in the mulch at the bottom of the loch.”

61.) “May your lass come calling on another when you are not around.”
62.) “Evil, death, short life to you.”

63.) “May spears of battle destroy you.”

64.) “May you perish! May you pay!”

65.) “May hound-wounding, heart-ache and vultures gouge out your eyes.”

66.) “May your mind know no peace and madness come soon to you.”

67.) “May the entrails and mansion of pleasure out of this worm fall out.”

68.) “May rain and fire, ill wind and snow, and hard-frost follow you.”

69.) “May you live to see your children put to rest.”

70.) “May you be struck with an illness that cannot be cured.”

71.) “As the Captain of the ship, may your ship turnover while you lie underneath and the rest of
your crew be saved.”

72.) “May the curse of curses in sorrow prostrate you now!”

73.) “May scorn, disgrace, malediction, by churches and bells befall you.”

74.) “May you go to Hell and find yourself as the devil’s bride.”

75.) “May twenty one demons tear you asunder.”

76.) “May Fire and brimstone never fail to fall in showers on you.”

77.) “May every bite of meat that you eat sit rotten upon your guts!”

78.) “May the Devil swallow you sideways ”

79.) “Your soul to the devil!”

80.) “May the devil make a fool of you.”

81.) “I give you to the devil for him to covet.”

82.) “May the devil cut the head off you and make a day’s work of your neck.”

83.) “May the devil damm you to the stone of dirges or to the well of ashes seven miles below hell
and may the devil break your bones.”
84.) “In hell may you be, because of your sins.”

85.) “May Hell roast you like a chicken!”

86.) “May wildcats find dinner in your chest.”

87.) “May the hounds of hell chew on your thighbone.”

88.) “May it do him no good only sorrow.”

89.) “May a poisonous pain lie within you.”

90.) “Death and smothering on you.”

91.) May the demons rip out your guts.”

92.) “May you fester in his grave.”

93.) “May his bowels be full of hot coals!”

94.) “A death without a priest to him in a town without a clergyman.”

95.) “My curse on you, and ruin to you, you lying thieving rascal.”

96.) “Let it not be long till you die, despite the son of god.”

97.) “I pray for sorrow on the house in which you lie.”

98.) “The curse of Jesus on you.”

99.) “A mountain landslide down upon you.”

100.) “The curse of widows and orphans on you.”

101.) “May his death come on the rest of them, down to the very last one.”
Other Books & Products from Under the Moon

The Book of Dark & Light Shadows

By Dawn Flowers
The Book of Dark & Light Shadows dives into magic head first with a full spectrum view of the
magical world. You will see, and understand magic and religion in a whole new perspective with
emphasis on both the dark and light aspects of practicing magic, as well as the scientific basis behind
many magical concepts. Not only is this a large collection of spells (over 200!) but The Book of Dark
& Light Shadows is also a guidebook for better, effective magic. This book was designed for new
comers, and seasoned practitioners alike, as you both will enjoy the large compilation of spells,
brews, and more, with easy to follow diagrams, and beautiful illustrations.
Within The Book of Dark & Light Shadows, you will get a HUGE compilation of over 200
spells covering a very broad range of subjects from Witchcraft, Wicca, Black Magic / Magick,
Voodoo, and Satanism. You will also get spells used for treating colds and the flu, Pain, Insomnia,
Muscle Complaints, Stomach & Skin Complaints, Emotional Strain & Stress, and more. You will also
find information on self-initiations, pentagrams and other Pagan talismans. You will also get spells to
help you with matters dealing in Love, Lust, Sex, Prophecy, Astral Travel, Luck Wishing, Protection,
Cleansing, Blessings, Cursing, Removing Curses, Divination, & Lots more.
Vampire Magic
By Strigon Dhampir
Vampire Magic is a revolutionary new book for a select group of people. Until now, no other
book has attempted to address the subject of Vampire Magic in such a unique and forthright way. It
combines the elements of the Vampire with the spirit of Magic to give the eclectic practitioner a
unique perspective on the Dark Arts. This distinctive book provides you with information on how to
practice Magic that is exclusive to the Vampire, addressing the particular needs and practices of
Within Vampire Magic, the author, Strigon Dhampir gives insight into a myriad of subjects
including spell-craft, consecrations, circle magic, spiritual magic, visualization, thought-forms,
cursing, manifestations of the spirit, astral projection, astral combat, past life viewing, psychic skills,
divination, exorcisms and possessions, and much, much more. Some of the spells and rituals included
within this book include the following: Finding the Spirit of the Night, Consecration, Invoking
Vampire Strength, Healing, Good Health, Energy Drain, Protection, Kissing Spell.
Along with the above mentioned spells, Vampire Magic will teach you techniques that will enable
you to perform the most effective Magic possible. This book will enable you to become the most
successful and powerful Vampire Magician you can be. It is an incredible collection of information,
and we have waited far too long for a book of its kind! Not only does this book contain a wealth of
information that will make you the most influential Vampire you can be, but it is filled with a most
unique collection of artwork and drawings that are sure to be pleasing to the eye. You are sure to
enjoy this eclectic book!
The Spell Book of Wiccan Shadows
By Dawn Flowers
The Spell Book of Wiccan Shadows teaches Witchcraft, through the Pagan path of Wicca,
keeping faith with the Wiccan Rede. This book is similar to The Book of Dark & Light Shadows, but
was written for the serious Wiccan practitioner in mind and it contains no curses, and all of the spells
are Wiccan friendly.
This book of shadows was designed for both new comers to Wicca, and seasoned practitioners alike,
as either will enjoy the large compilation of spells, brews, and useful information, with easy to
follow diagrams, and beautiful illustrations.
This Huge compilation of over 200 spells covers a wide variety of subjects including spells
used for treating Colds and the Flu, Pain, Insomnia, Muscle Complaints, Stomach & Skin Complaints,
Emotional Strain & Stress, Female Concerns, and more. You will also find information on self-
initiations, pentagrams, stones, other talismans, Prophecy, Astral Travel, Luck Wishing, Protection,
Cleansings, Blessings, Removing Curses, Divination, & Lots more. You will also find the Wiccan
Rede included. Also inside, you will find valuable pictures and detailed instructions teaching you art
of Poppet Doll Making, Making Blessed Water, Rune Divination, Circle Magic, Talismans, and a lot
Witch Wars
By Dawn Flowers
Witch Wars is a must-have book for any practicing Witch. What is a Witch War? A Witch War is
simply a cursing match between two or more people, or groups of people. This book was designed
for all practitioners of Witchcraft in mind, and will work against even the most powerful magician.
Regardless if you practice Wicca, Eclectic Witchcraft, Traditional Witchcraft, or even Voodoo, this
book will aid you in your efforts at making yourself spiritually safe from others. Witch Wars is
intended to be used as a combat manual for aiding you in your efforts for quickly and easily winning
your spiritual battles, and dominating your opponents. Whether you curse other people or not, this
book will give you the foundation you need to protect yourself, your family, and your home from the
negative forces of other Witches who may curse you or attack you Magically. If you have already been
cursed, then this book will serve you well in teaching you how to remove the curse or negativity and
teach you measures to prevent any further negativity from befalling you.
If you are already involved in a cursing match with another Witch, you cannot do without this
book. It will show you how to cleanse yourself of any current negativity you may be afflicted with,
and will show you how to protect yourself from any further spiritual attacks, and will illustrate how
to bind your attackers from doing you any further harm. You also will learn retaliation through the art
of cursing. Although cursing is not mandatory to fight and win a Witch War, the information is
provided for you to examine and utilize at your disposal. You will also learn how to make all of your
Magic more effective and powerful. There are 47 spells, rituals, ceremonies, and Magical techniques
presented for you in Witch Wars for effective battle. Never allow yourself to be vulnerable at the
hands of another Witch again! Take control for yourself and be in charge of your own fate. Both
beginners and seasoned practitioners can use the simple techniques in this book to effectively fight
and win a Witch War.

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