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Name : Yuma Afriyatna

NPM : 1602050007

Class : VA Morning - English Deprt.

1. Please list the benefits of joing the debate activity from the text and add some more!

Ans: The benefits of debate it is:

 To develop your essential critical thingking skills.

 Make yourself confidence in public speaking.
 Gives you the chance to meet new friends and new ideas.
 It’s also a course in pratical knowledge.
 Will help you to become corious about new ideas, new information from complex topics.
 Can make you to construct a better speech or argue.
 Helping you to shine at campus and class.
 Help to broaden horizons (as improve cultural awareness and bring together young
people from diverse background.
 And then make your listening skills as well.

I just want to add some more, it is:

 It’s fun!
 You learn how to deal with failure and embarrassment.
 Your public speaking skills improve.
 Helping you on higher performance on standardized tests.

There are some notes from me, so we don’t fear to learning debate. Sorry if it’s excessive.

“Debate can help you success in all areas of life, not just competitions”

“Debating isn’t as much about winning arguments as it is about finfing common ground and
bringing two sides together”

“Stop worrying about your english when you are debating and just go for the win!”

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