Salary Genomics Report 2018 Final

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Genomics Salary Survey and Workforce

Insights Report 2018


Foreword ..................................................................................................................................................................2
About the survey ......................................................................................................................................................2
Key findings ..............................................................................................................................................................3
Salary by country ......................................................................................................................................................4
Gender pay gap ........................................................................................................................................................5
Gender pay gap in the UK .....................................................................................................................................6
UK reliance on EU workers and the potential impact of Brexit................................................................................7
What attracts Genomics professionals? ...................................................................................................................8
The market leading brands in Genomics ..................................................................................................................9
New entrants to the UK industry ........................................................................................................................... 10
Expected pay rises ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Benefits .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
UK Benefits ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Salary analysis by demographic – UK .................................................................................................................... 13
UK salaries by age ............................................................................................................................................. 13
UK salaries by job title / seniority ..................................................................................................................... 13
UK salaries by function ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Survey data ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Gender ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Age ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Functions ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Role seniority ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Countries (location) ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Nationalities....................................................................................................................................................... 16
Experience ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Qualifications ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
Summary & conclusion .......................................................................................................................................... 18 P a g e |1

After meeting the Front Line Genomics Team at the Genomics industry and also look at the Gender pay gap
Festival of Genomics in Boston, we thought it would be within different countries.
highly beneficial to understand the employment market
The landscape is changing and an industry that has been
within the Genomics industry. Salary surveys are an
predominately based in academic research is now
extremely useful tool for both employers and candidates
propagating exciting companies who will change the
when looking to recruit employees or candidates
future of healthcare. 2017 saw an increase in the
wanting to progress their career. It is also extremely
number of people entering the Genomics Industry and
valuable to find out where the demand is for talent and
the demand for talent is increasing every day.
understand the demographics of the workforce both in
the UK and abroad. This is the first year that the salary survey has been
completed, and with over 1200 participants, has
It’s also important to understand what attracts new
provided us with some great insights. We will continue
entrants into the industry, to ensure we maintain a
to work with FLG in 2018 to create another Salary survey
pipeline of people who will become the future of the
towards the end of the year so we are able to get some
industry. Gender pay gap has become an issue within a
comparable data and look at trends year on year.
variety of industries and we thought it would be
important to understand how this was reflected in the

About the survey

This survey was undertaken by Front Line Genomics
and Paramount Recruitment in the last quarter of
2017. All subscribers to Front Line Genomics
magazine were invited to take part and Paramount
Recruitment sent the survey to more than 8,000
professionals working within Genomics worldwide. Paramount Recruitment searches the UK and beyond
to find the best talent for the genomics and
1,235 full responses were received and the answers bioinformatics sector. We work with clients to fill ad-
have been analysed by a market research company to hoc vacancies and can also work strategically to build
present the findings in this report and additional whole teams and manage recruitment campaigns or
comments have been made by Eugene McDaid, projects.
Director of Paramount Recruitment. The outline
results from the survey were presented at the
Festival of Genomics in London on 30 January 2018.

For further details on the survey, please contact:

Eugene McDaid
Paramount Recruitment Ltd At Front Line Genomics we support scientists,
+44 121 616 3460 clinicians, business/research leaders and officials,
from academia, research institutes, industry,
healthcare and government organisations to realise
the true potential of genomic medicine. P a g e |2

Key findings

USA salaries are double those in the UK

The highest average salary is received by genomics Switzerland
professionals in Switzerland followed by the USA (at USA
£81,667 and £81,111 respectively). We then see a
significant drop of over £30k between these and the Germany

next group of countries with Germany third at Netherlands

£48,677, the Netherlands at £42,593 and the UK at
read more France

UK males earn 27% more than females

Male, 43,285 In the UK, the median male salary of £43,285 is 26.8%
higher than the median female salary (£34,150). This
Female, 34,150 gender pay gap is higher than that in the USA where
males earn £89,000 and females £74,778 (a 19% gap).
The gender pay gap in all other countries is 12.7%
where the median male salary is £32,963 and median
female salary is £29,259.
read more

EU nationals 26% of UK workforce

26% of the UK genomics workforce are nationals of
EU (non-UK)
countries within the EU (excluding the UK). The 62%
workers come from countries throughout the EU with
Italy, Greece, Ireland, Poland and Spain being the most Australia
common countries of nationality. UK nationals Turkey
account for 62% of the UK workforce and nationals China
from outside the EU account for 12%. 4%
Others 4%
1% 1%

Sales and marketing are highest paid

Sales/ Marketing/ PR
Within the UK, workers within sales, marketing and PR
Bioinformatics & Data
Science have the highest median salary (£47,000), followed by
those working in bioinformatics and data science
Product/ Service R&D
(£44,090). Workers in product / academic research
Academic research have median salaries of £36,458 and £35.357
respectively. Those working in clinical lab services
Clinical Lab Services have the lowest median salary of £35,000.
read more P a g e |3

Salary by country

Median salary by country of work

Switzerland 81667

USA 81111

Germany 48677

Netherlands 42593

UK 38018

France 35802

Belgium 35802

Italy 26667

Spain 25926

India 12794 GB £

0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

Genomics professionals completing the survey ticked a box

corresponding to their basic salary range. These were then
analysed by country of workplace to calculate median basic THE SALARY GAP BETWEEN
salaries for each country. The results showed that the highest
median average salary is received by genomics professionals in
Switzerland followed by the USA (at £81,667 and £81,111
respectively). There has been an awareness in the
We then see a significant drop of over £30k between these and industry that US salaries are higher than
the next group of countries with Germany third at £48,677, the those in the UK – but the figures in this
Netherlands at £42,593 and the UK at £38,0181. survey really throw a spotlight on the
huge pay gap.
France and Belgium have a median base salary of £35,802 with
Italy at £36,667 and Spain at £25,926. India had the lowest A principal scientist in the USA earns
median salary in our survey of £12,794. twice as much as a UK principal scientist.

The gap between the USA and UK professionals was particularly With the type of work undertaken similar
obvious at the higher end of the salary range. 10% of Genomics in both countries, UK scientists could be
professionals in the USA have a base salary in excess of £150,000 tempted to look at the feasibility of
while only 1% of the UK responders earnt more than £150k. relocating to the USA – and this is of
concern to UK based genomics

Eugene McDaid

Professionals based outside the UK were shown salary bands in US$ which have been converted to GB£ at £1 =$1.35. P a g e |4

Gender pay gap

55% of the responders to the survey were male and 44% In the USA the percentage difference between median
female (1% preferring not to answer). male salaries (£89,000) and female salaries (£74,778) is
19%. The difference is most noticeable at the higher
When the salaries of each completer are analysed by
range of salaries where 16.2% of males earn more than
gender, there is a noticeable gap between male and
£150,000 while only 3.5% of females achieve this.
female professionals in all regions.
Throughout the rest of the world the gap between
The largest gap is in the UK, where the male median
median male and female salaries reduces to 12.7% with
salary of £43,285 is 26.8% higher than the female
the median salary for females at £29,259 and males at
median salary (£34,150). This is noticeable at the higher
end of the salary scale where 35.3% of males earning
£50k or more and only 12.6% of women.

Basic salary by Gender by country


19% gap
Male Female
70000 74,778

GP £


40000 43,285 26.8% gap

12.7% gap
30000 34,150 32,963


USA UK Rest of the World P a g e |5

Gender pay gap in the UK

As outlined on the previous page, the UK has the largest gender salary gap where the male median salary of £43,285 is
26.8% higher than the female median salary of £34,150. When the salaries of males and females are analysed by their
age, function and role, we can see where the salary gap is most pronounced.

There is no gap at the 18-24 age group where both males and females have identical median base salaries of £27,500. The
gap starts to show in the 25-34 age group where males earn 8.7% more than females and then in the 35-44 age range
where males earn 15.8% more than females. The gap peaks at the 55 to 64 age range where males earn 33.3% more than

UK Gender salary gap by Age



34565 Female


When we analyse the gender salary gap by function we can see that the largest differences between male and female pay
is in sales & marketing where males earn 62.5% more than females and in academic research (males earn 36% more).
When we look at individual’s roles then we can see that the largest difference between male and female pay is for
Directors (males earn 56% more than females) and for Managers (males earn 30% more). For all roles and all functions,
the average male salary was higher than the average female salary.

Gender pay gap by function Gender pay gap by role

Academic 41111 70000

Research 30333 Director

38636 Head of 75000

Product R&D
34231 Department 73500

Bioinformatics 46071 Principal 43130

& data Science 40000 Scientist 35837

Sales & 65000 Manager
Marketing 37647

40000 Other
Other 29800
33810 P a g e |6

UK reliance on EU workers and the potential impact of Brexit

Professionals completing the survey were asked to
state their nationality and the country in which they UK Genomics workforce by nationality
were currently working. We can see from this data
that 26% of the UK genomics workforce are nationals
of countries within the EU (excluding the UK). UK
nationals account for 62% of the workforce while
EU (non-UK) 62%
nationals from other nations including India and
Australia account for the remaining 12%. India
The EU workers come from countries throughout the
EU with Italy, Greece, Ireland, Poland and Spain
being the most common countries of nationality. China
Others 4%
In all there are workers from 22 countries within the 4%
EU currently working in the UK Genomics industry. 1% 1%

The survey data can be analysed to provide an

average profile of the EU worker as follows:

• The average age of EU workers (36 years) is slightly below the average for the UK as a whole (37.4 years)
• The average level of experience for an EU worker is 5,75 years compared to 6.25 years for UK as a whole
• 58% of the EU workers are female (42% male) compared to the UK as a whole where females account for 52%
• The median base salary for EU nationals working in the UK is £34,550, 9% less than the overall UK average.

The largest functional area of work for EU nationals in the UK is academic research (31%), with 23% working in
bioinformatics and 20% working within product research & development.

Functions of UK EU workers

UK - EU 31.0% 23.0% 20.0% 6.0% 6.0% 14.0%

All UK 24.0% 16.2% 18.9% 9.9% 6.3% 24.7%

Academic research Bioinformatics R&D Clinical Lab Services Sales/ Marketing/ PR Other

The figures in the survey emphasise our reliance on workers from other EU countries, who account for 26% of the UK
genomics workforce (according to the ONS, EU nationals make up 9% of the total UK workforce). Should Brexit put
any limit on the ability of EU nationals to work freely within the UK then the UK genomics industry could be in danger
of losing experienced workers – particularly within research and bioinformatics. When we look at those workers who
have joined the Genomics industry over the last two years, EU nationals only account for 23% of these, a drop of 3%
from the figure for workers of all levels of experience – indicating that the Brexit vote may already be having an
impact on the UK genomics labour market.
Eugene McDaid P a g e |7

What attracts Genomics professionals?

The survey asked what the key reasons were for What are the key reasons you chose your
professionals to choose their current company. Responders current company
were shown a list of factors and rated them as not
important, somewhat important, important or very Working environment
important. Creativity of projects
Working environment came top with 60% of responders
rating it as very important and 30% important. Creativity of Career Progression

projects was second, technologies third, career progression Location

fourth and location fifth. Company reputation/ Prestige
Training & Development
Bonus and share schemes were the least important reasons
Flexible working
in our survey.
Basic salary
When the answers are analysed by nationality, we can see Company benefits
that Creativity of projects is the most important factor for
Partnership prospects
professionals in the EU (excluding UK). Location is the
International travel
second most important factor for UK professionals but
Bonus scheme
doesn’t make the top five reasons for professionals in the
EU. Share scheme

Top 5 reasons - UK
1. Working environment
3. Creativity of projects
4. Career progression AND ENVIRONMENT BEFORE
5. Technologies MONEY AND BENEFITS

Top 5 reasons - USA

The results of the survey demonstrate the
1. Working environment importance of employers creating
2. Creativity of projects positive working environments where
3. Location creativity is encouraged and new
4. Technologies technologies are available to genomics
5. Career progression professionals.

For me there is no surprise that location

Top 5 reasons - EU is the second most important factor to UK
professionals. I regularly talk to
1. Creativity of projects candidates who are wary of relocating
2. Working environment within the UK because of the costs of
3. Technologies moving house and the challenges of
4. Flexible working organising childcare and education.
5. Career progression
Eugene McDaid P a g e |8

The market leading brands in Genomics

The survey asked “Which companies do you see as currently leading the genomics bioinformatics industry?” The answers
were free-text and many responders listed a number of different companies. The most mentioned company was Illumina
which had eight times as many mentions as any other brand. Oxford Nanopore, Qiagen, Roche and Sanger Institute made
up the top five as the most mentioned brands leading the genomics industry. In total, more than sixty companies were

Which companies do you see as currently leading the genomics bioinformatics industry? - Global


Oxford Nanopore



Sanger Institute

Seven Bridges


Leading Companies – UK workers
1. Illumina
Broad Institute 2. Oxford Nanopore
23andMe 3. Sanger Institute
4. AstraZeneca
Foundation Medicine 5. Genetics England
Genomics England 6. Qiagen
7. Agilent
8. Seven Bridges
10x Genomics 9. Thermofisher
10. Roche

It is no surprise that Illumina is mentioned by so many professionals within the industry. What is encouraging is that
sixty companies were mentioned as industry leading businesses including many new market entrants. During debates
at the London Genomics meeting in January, we heard of many new developments and innovations by companies
throughout the industry and I anticipate that next year’s survey may start to feature some of these new entrants.

Eugene McDaid P a g e |9

New entrants to the UK industry

One of the questions in the survey asked how long the opportunities for career progression. Working
responder had worked within the Genomics industry. environment was the third most important factor.
The median length of service was 7.66 years and nearly
The most common functional area for new entrants was
40% of the responders had worked in Genomics for
within product research and development followed by
more than 10 years. Front Line Genomics and
academic research.
Paramount Recruitment were keen to find out more
about new entrants to the industry – those that have 63% of new entrants are female (37% male) which is a
worked within the industry for less than 2 years. This higher percentage than the number of females of all
page analyses just those people. levels of experience working in the industry (52%
female, 48% male).
The average age of those with less than 2 years’
experience is 29 years (compared to 37 years for all 62% of new entrants are UK nationals, while 23% are
responders). The range of ages was fairly broad, from other EU countries (which is 3% less than the
indicating that while a number had joined the industry overall percentage of EU nationals within the UK
straight from studying, most had joined from other Genomics industry (see page 7). Correspondingly,
industries / work in their late twenties and thirties. nationals from countries outside the EU account for 15%
of new entrants, which is 3% higher than the percentage
The main reason new entrants chose their employer was
for all workers (see page 7).
the training and development offered followed by

Gender of new entrants UK Nationality Median Age

UK = 62% New entrants = 29 years
EU = 23% All UK workers = 37.4 years
other = 15%

Reasons you chose current employer

1. Training & development
2. Career progression
3. Working environment

Male Female

Function Area of work

New 21.4% 9.0% 25.0% 11.0% 5.0% 28.6%

All UK 24.0% 16.2% 18.9% 9.9% 6.3% 24.7%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Academic research Bioinformatics R&D Clinical Lab Services Sales/ Marketing/ PR Other P a g e | 10

Expected pay rises

Responders were asked whether they expected a pay rise Do you expect to receive a pay rise in the next
this year and, if they did, how much they expected to 12 months?
receive. On a global basis, 66% expected a pay rise,
although 8.7% believed they would receive this through
changing companies. 21% did not expect a pay rise and 13%
Don’t know,
did not know. 13.0%

Of those that expected a pay rise, 54% expected a rise of 1-

3%, 22% expected 4-7%, 9% expected 8-10% and 15%
expected a pay rise of more than 10%. No, 20.8%

Yes with
We analysed the expectations by the country that the
professional was currently working in and plotted the company,
median pay rise expectation by country. India was by far the 57.5%
highest with a median expected pay rise of 9.3%, followed Yes by
by France at 2.6%, USA and Netherlands at 2.5%, Germany changing
and the UK at 2.4%. Genomics professionals working in Italy companies,
had the lowest expected pay rise of 0.9%.

Median pay rise expectation

India 9.33

France 2.61

USA 2.53

Netherlands 2.5

Germany 2.41

UK 2.36

Spain 2.22

Switzerland 2

Belgium 1.55

Italy 0.88

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

We have seen earlier in the survey that salary is not one of the most important factors that Genomics professionals
consider when looking for a new job. However, it is still a surprise to see that the median pay rise expectation within
the UK is less than the national average (which is currently at 2.5% according to the ONS). With 40% of the UK
workforce working within academia, there could be a lower expectation in this sector. In other commercial sectors
we have seen demand for workers drive-up pay expectation and we look forward to seeing next year’s figures. While
the 9.3% expected increase in India looks very high, it is in line with the national average pay increase in India
according to figures published in the Indian media.
Eugene McDaid P a g e | 11

Responders were asked which benefits they received from their current employer. The most common benefit received by
55% of responders was health insurance/private health care followed by a pension scheme (received by 49%),

What benefits do you receive from current employer?

Health Insurance/ Private Healthcare 54.8%

Pension Scheme 49.2%

Flexi-time/ Working from home 36.7%

Bonus – Personal performance 25.6%

Bonus – Company performance 24.4%

Free/ Subsidised Gym membership 16.2%

Subsidised meals/ Food 14.6%

Share Scheme 13.2%

None 12.9%

Childcare Related Incentives 10.5%

Company car 5.1%

UK Benefits What benefits do you receive from current employer - UK?

Pension is the most common Pension Scheme 78.14%

benefit for workers in the UK with
Flexi-time/ Working from home 39.22%
78% receiving from employers.
Nearly 40% received flexi-time or Health Insurance/ Private Healthcare 32.34%
were able to work from home and
Bonus – Company performance 22.75%
just less than a third received
private healthcare. Bonus – Personal performance 20.66%

Free/ Subsidised Gym membership 18.56%

Just less than 12% of workers said
that they received no benefits and Childcare Related Incentives 16.77%
only 6% received a company car.
Share Scheme 16.17%

None 11.98%

Subsidised meals/ Food 11.08%

Company car 5.69% P a g e | 12

Salary analysis by demographic – UK

The median base salary in the UK is £38,318. We have shown on previous pages the analysis of this median salary
between genders (with males receiving £43,285, 26% more than females on £34,150). We have shown below analysis of
the median salary by other demographics, including age, function and role.

UK salaries by age
Salaries in the UK are highest within the 45-54 age band 55-64 43333
where the median base salary is £55,000. Salaries in the
45-54 55000
age band above this level (55-64), drop down to a median
of £43,333.
35-44 43488
The median base salary in the 18-24 age band is £25,550
25-34 32156
which is less than half that of the 45-54 age band. Workers
aged 35-44 have a median base salary of £43,488 and those 18-24 25500
aged 25-34 have a median base salary of £32,156.

UK salaries by job title / seniority Head of

The UK median salary for a Head of Department is £71,500,
slightly more than the median salary for a Director. Director 70000

Managers receive a median salary of £42,380 while Manager 42380

principal scientists receive a median of £39,285. Other
Principal Scientist 39285
roles – which incorporates all non-managerial roles – has a
median of £31,700. Other 31700

UK salaries by function
Within the UK, workers within sales, marketing and PR have Sales/ Marketing/
the highest median salary (£47,000), followed by those PR
working in bioinformatics and data science (£44,090). Bioinformatics &
Data Science
Workers with product/service research and development Product/ Service
have a median salary of £36,458 and those in academic
research have a median of £35.357. Those working in Academic research 35357
clinical lab services have the lowest median salary of
Clinical Lab Services 35000
£35,000. P a g e | 13

Survey data

The survey was completed by 1,235 responders working within the global genomics industry. This section gives more
detail on the survey data


55% of responders are male, 44% female and 1% preferred not the answer the question. When gender is plotted against
number of years working in the genomics sector, we can see that new entrants (less than 3 years’ experience) are actually
predominantly female, and males become the majority gender after 4 years.

What is your gender? Male / Female split by years of experience

80% 40.9% 38.3% 38.3% 38.9%
47.9% 48.5% 46.3%
70% 57.9% 55.8% 52.9%


Female 40%
44% Male 30% 52.1% 59.1% 59.7% 61.7% 61.1%
51.5% 51.9%
44.2% 45.1%
55% 20% 41.1%
Less 1+ years 2+ years 3+ years 4+ years 5+ years 6+ years 7+ years 8+ years 9+ years 10+
than a years

Male Female


Responders were asked to select their What is your age?

age within the standard age bands used
in the majority of workforce surveys. 65+ 1.50% Median Age = 39.3 years

Just 4.1% were in the 18-24 band, 29.6% 55 - 64 9.20%

in the 25-34 band and 37.2% in the 35-44
band. 18.3% were in the 45-54 band, 45 - 54 18.30%
9.2% in the 55-64 band and just 1.5%
35 - 44 37.20%
over 65.

The median age for those completing the 25 - 34 29.60%

survey is 39.3 years.
18 - 24 4.10%

0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% P a g e | 14

Role function by country/region
Nearly 30% of workers within
Genomics are involved in All 29.3% 18.3% 15.4% 9.2% 9.1% 18.7%
academic research, 18% with
bioinformatics, 15% in
product/service R&D, 9% in both USA 32.2% 15.0% 13.6% 10.6% 11.1% 17.5%
clinical lab services and sales &
marketing and 19% involved in
other functional areas. UK 24.0% 16.2% 18.9% 9.9% 6.3% 24.7%

The USA has the highest

percentage of academic India 18.8% 37.5% 18.8% 2.0% 12.5% 10.4%
researchers (32%) whilst in India
37.5% of workers in the industry
are involved with bioinformatics. RoW 32.0% 13.5% 25.1% 6.5% 9.8% 13.1%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Academic research Bioinformatics R&D

Clinical Lab Services Sales/ Marketing/ PR Other

Role seniority
Seniority by country/region
The survey asked completers what
level of seniority they had in their
current role. 9.4% were at Board All 9.4% 6.5% 29.0% 27.8% 27.3%
or Director level, 6.5% at Head of
Department, 29% at Principal
Scientist and 27.8% at some level
USA 13.1% 8.3% 27.2% 26.4% 25.0%
of management.

The USA had the largest

percentage of Board/Director level
UK 6.0%3.3% 27.8% 29.0% 33.9%
workers (13%) while the UK had
the lowest percentage (6%).

RoW 8.7% 8.0% 32.7% 28.0% 22.6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Board/Director Head of Department Principal Scientist Manager Other P a g e | 15

Countries (location)
Q12 In what location do you work?
37% of the survey responders
currently work in the USA and 34%
United States of America (USA) 37.2%
work in the UK.
United Kingdom (UK) 33.8%
3.9% work in Spain, 3.4% in
Spain 3.9%
Germany and 2.7% in Italy.
Germany 3.4%
India, Switzerland, Netherlands, Italy 2.7%
France and Belgium all had
India 1.9%
between 1 and 2% of the workers
Switzerland 1.7%
completing the survey.
Netherlands 1.5%
There are 38 other countries where
France 1.5%
responders are working within
Genomics, demonstrating the Belgium 1.4%

global reach of the industry. Greece 1.0%

Canada 1.0% “Others” - 36 other countries

Others 9.8%

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0%

Q5 What is your nationality?
Just under 28% of the responders
were nationals of the USA while
United States of America (USA) 27.8%
22.6% were UK nationals.
United Kingdom (UK) 22.6%
6.7% of the responders were Indian India 6.7%
nationals, 5% Spanish, 4.7% Italian,
Spain 5.0%
3.6% German and 2.8% Greek.
Italy 4.7%
Overall, nationals of 70 different Germany 3.6%
countries completed the survey
Greece 2.8%
and are currently working within
the Genomics industry. France 2.7%
Ireland 1.9%
Canada 1.7% “Others” - 58 other nationalities
China 1.6%
Poland 1.4%
Others 17.4%

0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% P a g e | 16

Q9 Including your current role, how long have you been working
Nearly 40% of the responders to the in genomics or bioinformatics?
survey have worked within the
Genomics industry for more than 10 39.79%

9% have worked for less than a year

Median = 7.66 years
and 4.6% for between 1 and 2 years.
6.2% have worked in the industry for
between 2 and 3 years and 7.3% for
between 3 and 4 years.
The median number of years worked
within the industry by our survey
responders is 7.66 years.
9.02% 8.36%
10.00% 7.31%
6.27% 6.84%
4.56% 5.13% 4.84% 4.46%

Less than a year
1+ years 2+ years 3+ years 4+ years 5+ years 6+ years 7+ years 8+ years 9+ years10+ years

Q21/33 What Qualifications do you have?
Nearly 58% of the survey responders
have a PhD or a Doctorate while 53% MBA 3.3%
have a bachelor’s degree or
undergraduate degree. 44% have a PhD/ Doctorate 57.9%
master’s degree, 4.1% have an MD
while 3.3% hold an MBA. MD 4.1%

Just 2% of workers have an Masters degree 43.7%

Bachelor’s degree/ Undergraduate degree 53.1%

Certificate of Higher Education 6.2%

Diploma of Higher Education 11.8%

Apprenticeship 2.0%

0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% P a g e | 17

Summary & conclusion

The original aim of this survey was to source information so that we could better understand the employment market
within the Genomics industry. It has proved to be a very valuable exercise and has highlighted the following key areas for
particular attention:

Salary variation by country

The figures in this survey really throw a spotlight on the huge pay gap between the USA/Switzerland and the rest of the
industry. A principal scientist in the USA earns twice as much as a UK principal scientist. Whilst this identifies to global
genomics businesses the cost benefits of establishing workforces outside of the USA, it also shows scientists the potential
earning power in the USA – and could lead to more experienced workers looking to relocate to there.

Gender pay gap

Whilst it is very difficult to compare “like with like”, the overall data shows a significant gender pay gap in the UK where
the median male salary of £43,285 is 26.8% higher than the median female salary of £34,150. There are also gaps in the
USA (19%) and the rest of the world (12.7%). It is encouraging that there is pay equality for male/female workers in the
18-24 age band but it is worrying that male managers earn 30% more than female managers. We encourage all employers
to look closely at their gender pay statistics, identify where they have inequalities and take steps to rectify these quickly.

UK reliance on EU workers and the potential impact of Brexit

The figures in the survey emphasise our reliance on workers from other EU countries, who account for 26% of the UK
genomics workforce. Should Brexit put any limit on the ability of EU nationals to work freely within the UK then the UK
genomics industry could be in danger of losing experienced workers – particularly within research and bioinformatics.

Creativity, technology and environment before money and benefits

The results of the survey demonstrate the importance of employers creating positive working environments where
creativity is encouraged and new technologies are available to genomics professionals. Location is the second most
important factor to UK professionals and any new entrants within the UK will need to ensure they choose the location for
their facilities carefully.

Higher percentage of females at new entrant level

It is very interesting to see the change of the male/female ratio by years of experience worked within the industry. Within
the UK it is encouraging that 62% of the new entrants to the sector are female, and we look forward to seeing how this
ratio progresses in further years.

As well as the areas mentioned above, there are many other interesting highlights within the survey such as the
differences in median pay between functional areas and seniority, the high level of qualifications and experience in the
sector, the global nature of the workforce and the perception of the leading brands within the industry. It has been a
challenge to identify which areas of data to focus on. This is the first year that the salary survey has been completed and
we thank all 1235 participants for providing information. The survey for 2019 will be open in November this year and we
look forward to repeating the exercise and being able to look at trends year on year. P a g e | 18
Paramount Recruitment Ltd Front Line Genomics
+44 121 616 3460 +44 207 384 7958

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