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* SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB *

* *
* By: Firemanaf *
* *
* Thanks for downloading & trying *
* *

This version is an ENB Version Only

Note: Current Skyrim SE ENB Binary is in a very limited state and is in BETA.
For ENB I am using DOF with MXAO (by Marty McFly), Bloom (by MaxG3D), DNI
enbeffect(by tapioks) and further tweaked with AGCC and Interior/night brightness
adjusters(by l00ping). ENBeffectspostpass (by JawZ).
ReShade (By ReShade Team) handles most all other color changes and is
integrated into the ENB.

Thanks to l00ping for using part of his PhotoRealistic ENB enbeffectpostpass.fx

shader and tweaking it for me to be able to get reshade effects added to the ENB
without having to use ReShade 1.1.

It may take up to 10-30 seconds when you boot up Skyrim SE with an ENB for the main
menu to show.

Note: Shift + Enter brings up in game ENB menu.

If not sure to how to adjust my ENB see video here:



1. Go to and download latest Skyrim

SE Binary. ( if you don't want to use ENB dont do steps 1-3)
2. Extract file and open Wrapper folder.
3. Copy ONLY d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll
4. Paste into your SkyrimSE game folder (where you launcher file is)
5. Open Re-Engaged ENB folder and open the Main File Folder (Install) and open
version you want to use (Full Quality, Quality, Performance)
6. Paste all contents into your Skyrim SE game folder. (where your launcher file
7. (Optional if you don't like this default DOF) Go to Optional DOF Strengths
Folder and chose a version of the DOF you want.
8. Copy contents of folder and paste into your SkyrimSE game folder and allow to

ABOUT Versions:

Full Quality- Is the main version and looks best. Has all image enhacing effects
enabled such DOF, SSAO-SSIL, SSS, Image Based Lighting, Bloom and SMAA.

Quality- Same as the Full Quality however removed DOF, SSAO-SSIL quality reduced to
medium and lowered its resolution scale and lowered SSS quality to medium.

Performance- Same as the Full Quality however removed the DOF, SSAO-SSIL, SSS,
Image Based Lighting and Bloom.

ENB Effects DISABLED but, can be turned on via ENB Menu in game: Letterbox,
Vignette, Blur and Film Grain


Hit Shift + Enter while in game

Uncheck the effect you don't want to turn on/off
Hit Save.

ENB Effect Shader Links:


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