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WrrrpepiA. Yamaha FS1R the Yamaha FSHR is a sound synthesizer modile, manufactured by the Yamaha Corporation from 1998 to 2000. ‘Based on Formant synthesis, it also has FM synthesis capabilites similar to the DX range. Its editing involves 2,000+ parameters in any one ‘performance’, prompting the ereation of a number of third party ffeeware programming applications. These applications provide the tools needed to program the synth which were missing when production by Yamaha. The synth was discontinued ater two years, probably in part due o its complexity (particularly ‘the formant sequencing), poor fron-panel contol, brief manual and limited polyphony. the FSIR synthesizer has an impressive set of new wave forms over the earlier DX line of FM symthesiers, which have since been incorporated into the new Montage line fom Yamaha (withthe exception ofthe Formant wave form). These ‘wave forms inchide Sine, Als, alla, da, Oda, Rest, Rese, and Formant. The new wave forms are each constructed with a large numberof inherent harmonics making FM synthesis far more efficient. Fach one of these operetor wave forms can replace an entire columa of operators ina Yamaha DX? synthesizer algorithm, Formants are mainly associated with modeling the human voice, but have ther uses as well Formants are present in all instruments that use a resonating body, ike the violin, vile, cll, bass viol, bassoon, saxophone, English horn, clarinet, ‘oboe, acoustic guitar, te. The fixed body of the instrument aets like a set of fixed frequency bandpass filters, which is ‘bata formant is, The resonating body instrument was previously very difficult to model using the DX7 farily of FM synthesizers, and Tacked authentic rel instrument patches, FSHR's formant wave form capabilities llows wsers to acest ‘more realistic sounds absent from other models atthe time. This capability is largely unknown due to the path synthesizer development has taken, the sample-based synthesizers has bypassed the need for combining formant synthesis with FM. ‘Sample-based synths limit the user to set of preset instrument patches, the user can't neat thie own instrument from seratch to ereate a eusom new sound. The FM sbye of synthesizer has this eapabiiy and i drawing anew set of users tothe alder technology. The new FM-X synth engine inthe Yamaha Montage is based on features frm the SIR Contents Formant sequencing Problems and shortcomings FSIR Manufacturer Yamana Dates +998 -2000 Price ‘2699 CoPt Technical specifications Polyphony 32 voices Timbralty 4 Oscillator 16 (8 pitched, 8 unpitcned), each with + attenuaton ‘envelope = frequency ‘envelope (One common pitch ‘envelope LFo 2 Synthesis Digital Frequency type modulation Formant synthesis Subtractive synthesis, Filter Resonant rmutiade ter with ‘envelope generator Aftertouch —Yos Notable user ‘expression References Velocity Yes Further reading ‘expression External inks Storage 1408 factory voces memory 428 user voices Formant sequencing 384 factory performances ‘The FEHR uses the "formant sequence’ this being a series (128 or g¥2) of "rams that define the level and frequency ‘28user ofeach of upto eight Voiced’ (pitched) and eight ‘unvoiced (un-pitehed) formant generators overtime. The numberof vomnances frames limits the typi length ofa sequence toa few seconds, though this length and pitch can be varied in real-time Effects tnsert, 2 cond with ew or no artefacts, Appling a formant sequence to a sound allows a complex, evlving sound to be programmed ina relatively shor time. 9o formant sequences were supplied with the FSIR. Inputioutput Keyboard none ‘Yamaha FSiR Front Panel hitp://4.bp blogspot com/-5qf0IM-oVgM/UeX35RitJhl/AAAAARAIISZs/_OthMPjsBy 1M/s1600/1,pg) Yemaha FSiR Control Seren (https images exc limi External MIDI 1.¢_unsharp_mask:80,f_auto,_progressiveg south,b_1600,q_80.w_1600/¥1483542443/sebné Control 1) Sakura Free FSiR Faitor (hips: /synth-voice sakura ne jp/ftt_editor_english html) Problems and shortcomings ‘A qpart synth with 32 voices was viewed as inadequate by 1998s standards [subjective] although the FSIR was designed not as an all producing entire songs but asa way to add original, complex tones that could not be produced by other synthesis methods. ‘one workstation for Software developed by Ys van Nifterie, see FSIR ule below) produced a feware alternative and users could finally acces al the uni’ power a numberof years after ts intial release ‘Since this time addtional fseq editors have popped wp, but all of them suffer from the same problem as the original Yamaba editor. The sounds they produce are ‘very gravelly an barely resemble the sound of the orginal sample aha to convert samples to formant sequences was well known but never released for general use. Eventually «programmer (Wouter ‘Rumours abounded of an ‘FSR sucescor, with a USB port to connect toa Windows PC/Macintosh equipped wit suitable citing software, but no such machine ‘was forthcoming. The formant yave forms in the synth are unable to accurately mimie human speech, which may have been one of the original goals ofthe synthesize's development, Notable users + Aphex Twin + Autecrre + Covenant + Enigma + Plaid + Squaropusher + and References “Yamaha FS1R" (htpeweb, archive rgiweb20150824122956/\p wy soundonsound.comisosidecdBlartcleslyamis F549 him). 2015.09.24, Reeves “Yamaha FS1R" (ps web, archive.oriweb20180824122956ihtp hn soundonsound.comisosidect@laritesiyamie%r48.Nm). Sour ‘December 1998. Archived from the engnal (ntp:fwww.soundonsound convsosldeeS8/atclsiyam 1:49.) on 24 September 20°. “Yamaha FS1R FS Synthesis Module" (tps/eneycottonic.comsymhesizarsiyamanatise«724), Encyclo ‘Yamaha FIR" (tps/web, rchive.orgiweb/20160806 10024 mip: soundonsaund.comsasimarQ0larclesiyamahafs nm), Sound On So 1099, Archives fom the erginal (tp www soundonsoun comisosimarSQ/aricles!yamahafsirhim) o> © June 20° i. March Further reading + "Yamaha FSR", Future Musi, February 1999, ISSN 0967-0978 (ntps:iww.worldeat rglesn/0967-0878), OCLC 1022779031 (ntip:imww worldeat.orglel 1108277002"). External links + FSIR utes, including a formant sequence editor. Also a short explanation of formant sequences. (hit hwww.xsAall. nis) + FSIR ules, including a FS1R vols editor. (tps /symh-voee sakvra.nepietr editor english.) jn Seq Ealtor ara FM Programming Guide. (ntip:javelnan coms tr4seq-adtochtml) + FSIR maling list at (ntip:www amptea orgialimarisinftse-tst) + MIDI editor sofware forthe FSR, (ntpizeeedttee 1) + Simplified description of he FSIR architecture, hip:!/zaeed free r%page-fer) + Pad Eater forthe FSR, (" H08lyamaha-s1radto-forsoad Mint) Retrieved trom *ipsien wikipedia orviindex php ilesYamaa FSIRGo\dd=891921784 ‘This page was last edited on 11 April 2019, a 01:07 (UTC).

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