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Crissi Vlahos

“Drive hoons off our roads”

On the 17th of February, the editorial piece “drive hoons off our roads” appeared in the
Herald Sun. In this article, the editorialist argues in an informative and admonishing tone
that more should be done to stop that bad driving habits of children. Towards the end of the
article, there is a shift in tone and the article becomes more forceful.
From the beginning of the article, the author uses attacks to assert their position of
authority and position the audience to agree with their contention. The title “Drive hoons
off our roads” immediately grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the article. The
author attempts to persuade the reader throughout the article that the ‘anti-social idiots
pose their constant threat to our community’. With the use of emotive language ‘shocking’,
‘reckless’, and ‘scourge’, it is intended to appeal to the readers fear, and persuade the
reader to accept their view as well as take it on as their own. The image of the ‘whining
engine’ creating ‘clouds of toxic smoke’ while the vehicle makes ‘fishtails into the darkness’,
seems to personify the car, making it something to run from. The language used by the
veteran cop leaves room for no doubt. When someone with authority speaks of ‘death-wish
driving’, the readers must listen.
The editorial team then continues that parents need to be aware of what their children are
doing and need to do more to try and prevent this dangerous behavior. The language shifts
to words such as ‘appalling’ and ‘miscreant’ still keeps a negative essence and a sense of
disapproval, but towards a more reasoned tone as the argument is obviously directed to
parents and families. ‘Awful tidings’, for example, seems to hint at Christmas and family and
appeal to the feeling of safety. This would repeat the message police and the community
often look to spread during the holiday periods.
The closing argument mentions the protocols in place for police to ‘seize and crush’ hoon
cars, however the editorial team seek to reiterate the previous argument, which is that
parents and guardians must do more. The argument then shifts to make a point about ‘lazy
parents’ before encouraging parents and guardians to ‘take a tough line and make sure
hoons have nowhere to hide’. The editorial team’s main contention is completely stated in
the last line, putting parents in their place and asking them to take responsibility for their
children, for everyone’s sake.
In conclusion, the editorial team believes that parents, and us as a community need to make
safer decisions about our driving habits. If parents step up and take action on their
children’s driving, our community can become free from danger.

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