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Maa PET Process

1. Water is filling in to sugar dumping tank for making sugar syrup

2. Then the water is boiled with the help of steam
3. From sugar damping tank water is pumped in to sugar blender with the
help of sugar mixing pump
4. Then the sugar syrup is carried in to circulation in the blender with the
help of sugar transfer pump
5. Once the sugar syrup was made as per SOP it is feed in to PHE with the
help of sugar syrup storage tank feed pump.
6. Then the sugar syrup was stored in sugar syrup storage tank.
7. Now the sugar syrup is transferred from storage tank in to blending tank
with the help of blending tank feed pump.
8. In the same time pulp cutting was made.
9. The cutted pulp also sends in to the blending tank with the help of pulp
transfer pump.
10. Then both the sugar syrup and pulp was mixed in blending tank.
11. After blending process it was send in to homo with the help of homo
feed pump
12. After homogenization the product was stored in SFG storage tank.
13. From SFG storage tank the product was send in to sterilizer balance
tank by means of sterilizer in feed pump.

14.then the product is going to sterilization with the help of feed pump and hot
water pump then it is send to tubular heat exchanger product is heated up to
72c .

15. sterilized product is send in to filling machine there production circulation

pump is used to maintain constant temperature,(note: if filling machine 2 was
running vacuum pump also run).

16.for cooling tunnel three no’s of cooling water circulation pump is used.

17.then the bottle was send In to sleeve applicator, shrinking system, date
coding and packing.

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