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World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 13, 341±346

Fermentation of corn ®bre sugars by an

engineered xylose utilizing Saccharomyces
yeast strain

M. Moniruzzaman, B.S. Dien, C.D. Skory, Z.D. Chen, R.B. Hespell, N.W.Y. Ho, B.E. Dale
and R.J. Bothast*

The ability of a recombinant Saccharomyces yeast strain to ferment the sugars glucose, xylose, arabinose and
galactose which are the predominant monosaccharides found in corn ®bre hydrolysates has been examined.
Saccharomyces strain 1400 (pLNH32) was genetically engineered to ferment xylose by expressing genes encoding
a xylose reductase, a xylitol dehydrogenase and a xylulose kinase. The recombinant ef®ciently fermented xylose
alone or in the presence of glucose. Xylose-grown cultures had very little difference in xylitol accumulation, with
only 4 to 5 g/l accumulating, in aerobic, micro-aerated and anaerobic conditions. Highest production of ethanol
with all sugars was achieved under anaerobic conditions. From a mixture of glucose (80 g/l) and xylose (40 g/l),
this strain produced 52 g/l ethanol, equivalent to 85% of theoretical yield, in less than 24 h. Using a mixture of
glucose (31 g/l), xylose (15.2 g/l), arabinose (10.5 g/l) and galactose (2 g/l), all of the sugars except arabinose were
consumed in 24 h with an accumulation of 22 g ethanol/l, a 90% yield (excluding the arabinose in the calculation
since it is not fermented). Approximately 98% theoretical yield, or 21 g ethanol/l, was achieved using an
enzymatic hydrolysate of ammonia ®bre exploded corn ®bre containing an estimated 47.0 g mixed sugars/l. In all
mixed sugar fermentations, less than 25% arabinose was consumed and converted into arabitol.

Key words: AFEX, corn ®bre, ethanol, Saccharomyces.

The importance of cellulosic biomass as a renewable (1±5 IU/g substrate) levels (Dale et al. 1996; Moniruzza-
energy resource has increased with the anticipated man et al. 1996a). Thus, fermentable sugars can be ob-
shortage of fossil fuel reserves and increased air pollu- tained with minimal use of costly hydrolytic enzymes
tion problems. Corn ®bre residues from the corn wet (Holtzapple et al. 1991, 1992; Reshamwala et al. 1995;
milling industry have been proposed as a possible low Moniruzzaman et al. 1996b).
cost feedstock for fuel alcohol production (Bothast 1994). A typical enzymatic hydrolysate of agricultural bio-
In previous publications, we have reported that pre- mass usually contains a mixture of hexose and pentose
treatment of many types of cellulosic biomass, including sugars including glucose, xylose, arabinose and galactose.
corn ®bre, with the ammonia ®bre explosion (AFEX) While the ratios of the sugars may differ depending on the
process allows for enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of the source of the starting material, ef®cient fermentation of all
cellulose, hemicellulose and starch at low enzyme sugars is essential for biomass to ethanol fermentations to
be economically competitive with starch based fermen-
M. Moniruzzaman is and B.E. Dale was with the Department of Chemical En-
tations. Obtaining a microorganism capable of fermenting
gineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA. B.S. Dien,
C.D. Skory, R.B. Hespell and R.J. Bothast are with the Fermentation Bio- the predominant sugars in cellulosic biomass has been
chemistry Research Unit, National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research,
dif®cult because microorganisms used for industrial fer-
USDA, H Agricultural Research Service, 1815 N. University Street, Peoria, IL
61604, USA. N.W.Y. Ho is with LORRE, 1295 Potter Center, Purdue University, mentation of glucose to ethanol (e.g. Saccharomyces cere-
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. B.E. Dale is now with the Department of
visiae) do not ferment or even metabolize pentoses.
Chemical Engineering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.
H Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the Several yeasts, such as Pichia stipitis (Toivola et al. 1984),
USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use
Candida shehatae (de Preez & van der Walt 1983), and
of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of
others that may also be suitable. *Corresponding author. Pachysolen tannophilus (Slininger et al. 1982), are able to

ã 1997 Rapid Science Publishers

World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol 13, 1997 341

M. Moniruzzaman et al.

ferment xylose to ethanol by reduction of xylose to xylitol S. cerevisiae. The kanamycin resistance gene from TN903 was
by an NADPH/NADH-linked xylose reductase, followed utilized for initial selection of yeast transformants on geneticin-
containing media (Gibco BRL, Gaithersburg, MD). Thereafter, the
by oxidation of xylitol to xylulose by a NAD-linked xylitol plasmid was maintained by growth on YEP [10 g yeast extract/l
dehydrogenase. However, these are constrained by their and 20 g peptone/l (Difco, Detroit, MI)] medium supplemented
rates of ethanol fermentation and the requirement of some with xylose (20 g/l) as a sole carbon source.
aeration for optimal ethanol productivity. When the fer-
AFEX-pretreatment and Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Corn Fibre
mentations are carried out under anaerobic conditions,
Corn ®bre obtained as a by-product using the wet-milling pro-
some of the xylose is converted to xylitol instead of cess was provided by Pekin Energy Company, Pekin, IL. The
ethanol (de Preez 1994; Jeffries & Kurtzman 1994). corn ®bre was pretreated by the AFEX process and enzymati-
S. cerevisiae has traditionally been used for alcoholic cally hydrolyzed for 48 h with a mixture of amylase, pectinase,
fermentation because of its ability to produce ethanol cellulase and cellobiase as previously described (Moniruzzaman
et al. 1996a). The hydrolysate was centrifuged (18,000 ´ g for
anaerobically in a low pH and a high osmolarity envi-
15 min) to remove particulate matter and then sterilized by ®l-
ronment with unparalleled productivity and ef®cient tration through a 0.45 lm membrane ®lter.
yields. A S. cerevisiae that could effectively ferment xylose
would be a signi®cant advancement for the biofuels in- Preparation of Inoculum
The recombinant Saccharomyces strain was grown to mid-growth
dustry. The inability to ferment xylose in presumably
phase in YEP containing 20 g xylose/l. Approximately 4.0 ml of
due to the lack of xylose reductase or xylitol dehydro- culture was then transferred into a 250-ml ¯ask containing
genase activity. However, S. cerevisiae is able to ferment 100 ml of YEP medium with 20 g glucose/l. The culture was
xylulose to ethanol since it possesses a xylulose kinase incubated for 16 h at 30 °C, while being agitated at 150 rev/min.
that is expressed in low amounts (Deng & Ho 1990). Cells were harvested by centrifugation (5000 ´ g, 5 min), sus-
pended in appropriate fermentation medium and used to inoc-
Previous attempts to genetically incorporate the ability to
ulate the medium at an initial biomass concentration of either
utilize xylose by using xylose isomerase genes from 0.05 g/l (dry weight), referred to as low inoculum level, or 1 g/l
bacteria or xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase (dry weight), referred to as high inoculum level.
from xylose fermenting yeasts have resulted in strains
that produced little or no ethanol (Ho et al. 1983; Sarthy Fermentation Experiments
All fermentations were carried out at 30 °C in ®lter sterilized
et al. 1987; Amore et al. 1989; Tantirungkij et al. 1993;
YEP supplemented with appropriate sugars or corn ®bre
Walfridsson et al. 1995). hydrolysate. Initially, the ability of the recombinant Saccharo-
In this paper, we characterize fermentation ef®ciency myces to produce ethanol from individual sugars was examined
of a recombinant Saccharomyces strain 1400 (pLNH32) in 500-ml shake ¯asks in an orbital shaker (at 200 rev/min) with
containing introduced genes encoding not only the a working volume of 100 ml. A low inoculum level was used for
fermentations with individual sugars. In order to estimate the
xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase genes from
oxygen requirements for optimal ethanol production, the sugars
P. stipitis, but also the xylulose kinase from S. cerevisiae. glucose, xylose, galactose and arabinose were tested individu-
Fermentation of the enzymatic hydrolysate from AFEX- ally at 80 g/l in aerobic, anaerobic and semi-aerobic conditions.
treated corn ®bre was also tested with this strain under Aerobic conditions were maintained by covering the ¯asks with
pH-controlled conditions. milk ®lter paper (Milkhouse Brand, Janesville, WI). For semi-
aerobic growth, ¯asks were plugged with porous silicone stop-
pers (Cole-Parmer, Niles, IL) that were more restrictive to air
transfer than the ®lter paper. Finally, rubber stoppers were used
Materials and Methods to create anaerobic conditions by venting CO2 through a 20
gauge hypodermic needle. Fermentations were also carried out
Yeast Strain for YEP containing 80 g glucose/l plus 40 g xylose/l in anaer-
Fermentations were carried out using a Saccharomyces 1400 obic shake ¯asks using either low or high inoculum levels.
transformed with the plasmid pLNH32 (Chen & Ho 1993; Ho et al. The sugars glucose, xylose, arabinose and galactose were
1993; Ho & Tsao 1995). Saccharomyces 1400, provided by Labatt then tested in a mixed sugar fermentation since these sugars are
Brewing Company (London Ontario, Canada), is a fusion prod- usually present in the hemicellulosic fraction of most biomass.
uct of S. diastaticus and S. uvarum (syn. carlsbergensis cerevisiae) We chose to simulate a typical composition of sugars that might
that was previously identi®ed as being able to ef®ciently ferment be found in a corn ®bre hydrolysate, assuming that the majority
glucose to ethanol at 40 °C (D'Amore 1989, 1990). Its ability to use of complex carbohydrates in the AFEX-pretreated corn ®bre
xylose as a sole carbon source was conferred by transformation (100 g/l), such as cellulose, hemicellulose and starch are hy-
with a 2 l replicating plasmid containing the P. stipitis xylose drolysed into their monomeric forms. Since the protein and oil
reductase, xyl1, and xylitol dehydrogenase, xyl2, genes and also portion of the corn ®bre make up nearly 14% of the total dry
the xylulose kinase gene from S. cerevisiae. These cloned xylose weight, we chose to use YEP supplemented with ®lter sterilized
metabolizing genes have all been fused to promoters not inhib- glucose (31.0 g/l), xylose (15.2 g/l), arabinose (10.5 g/l) and
ited by the presence of glucose and also not requiring the pres- galactose (2.0 g/l). Fermentations were carried out with a high
ence of xylose for transcription. The P. stipitis promoters for xyl1 inoculum level in pH-controlled 500-ml ¯asks (Beall et al. 1991)
and xyl2 were replaced with the S. cerevisiae promoter adh1 and with a working volume of 200 ml. Flasks were vented with a 20
pyk1, respectively, while the xylulose kinase gene was modi®ed gauge hypodermic needle in order to create anaerobic condi-
to be under control of the pyruvate kinase, pyk1, promoter from tions and 2 M KOH was used for pH control. Magnetic stirrers

342 World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol 13, 1997

Fermentation of corn ®bre sugars

Analytical Procedure
Ethanol concentrations were determined by gas chromatography
equipped with a ¯ame ionization detector and a Porapak Q col-
umn. Sugar and sugar alcohol concentrations were analysed by
HPLC using an HPX-87C column (Bio-Rad Laboratories) and a
differential refractometer. For comparison purposes, sugars
concentrations in the corn ®bre hydrolysate were also analysed
by HPLC as described by Cotta (1993) using a Dionex LC20 sys-
tem (Sunnyvale, CA) equipped with a Carbopac PA100 column.

Results and Discussion

Fermentation of Individual Sugars
Saccharomyces strain 1400 (pLNH32) was assessed for its
ability to ferment the sugars glucose, xylose, galactose
and arabinose separately under aerated, micro-aerated
and anaerobic culture conditions. The sugars glucose
and galactose were completely consumed within 12 h
regardless of aeration conditions (data not shown). Under
anaerobic condition, maximum ethanol concentrations
Figure 1. Effect of low inoculation level on fermentation of glucose
and xylose mixtures. Fermentations were carried out anaerobically from glucose and galactose were 36.3 g/l and 34.2 g/l
using YEP medium supplemented with 80 g glucose/l and 40 g respectively, equivalent to 89 and 84% of the theoretical
xylose/l. d, ethanol; n, glucose; s, xylose; h, xylitol. yield (Table 1). The yeast consumed xylose at a slower
rate than the hexose sugars and only produced 26.9 g
ethanol/l, corresponding to 66% of the theoretical yield
(Table 1). At 96 h, all of the xylose was consumed and
approximately 4±5 g xylitol/l was present under all
aeration conditions. No arabinose was consumed during
the course of the experiment (data not shown).

Fermentation of Glucose and Xylose Mixtures

Fermentations of a mixture of glucose and xylose were
carried out using both a low inoculum (0.1 g cell dry
weight/l) and a high inoculum level (2.0 g cell dry
weight/l). Cultures inoculated at both levels completely
consumed the glucose in less than 12 h (Figures 1 and 2).
However, the low inoculum culture failed to consume
almost half the xylose by 5 d and produced a maximum
ethanol concentration of only 45.3 g/l. By comparison,
the high inoculum culture consumed more than 90% of
the xylose in this time and produced a maximum ethanol
concentration of 52.5 g/l. Therefore, the ethanol yield of
the low inoculum culture was 74% of the theoretical yield
as compared with 86% for the other culture (Table 1).
Figure 2. Effect of high inoculation level on fermentation of glucose The large amount of xylose left unused in the low in-
and xylose mixtures. Fermentations were carried out as in Figure 1
with 80 g glucose/l and 40 g xylose/l. d, ethanol; n, glucose; s,
oculum culture might suggest that the 2 l plasmid har-
xylose; h, xylitol. bouring the xylose utilization genes may not be as stable
in the presence of glucose as we had originally thought.
Preliminary studies had shown that growing S. cerevisiae
were employed to evenly distribute the base. Finally, corn ®bre 1400 (pLNH32) up to 20 generations on glucose had very
hydrolysate, supplemented with 10 g yeast extract/l and 20 g little effect on ethanol production with subsequent fer-
peptone/l, was utilized as a fermentation medium using the mentations using a mixture of glucose and xylose (data
same parameters for fermentation as that described for the pH
controlled ¯asks. For all fermentations, 1 ml aliquots were
not shown). However, these data suggest that in the ab-
withdrawn periodically until 120 h to determine cell growth, sence of selective pressure such as the antimicrobial agent
ethanol and residual sugar concentrations. geneticin in the medium or xylose as a sole carbohydrate

World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol 13, 1997 343

M. Moniruzzaman et al.

Table 1. Summary of fermentation performance of Saccharomyces strain 1400 (pLNH32) on various substrates under different

Initial substrate Fermentation Maximum Ethanol Ef®ciencyd Vpe Final

concentration conditionsa ethanolb yieldc (%) (g/l/h) biomass
(g/l) (g/l) (g/g S) concentrationf

glucose (80) ¯ask, anaerobic, low inocu- 36.3 0.46 89 2.91 2.3
lum, without pH control
xylose (80) ¯ask, anaerobic, low inocu- 26.9 0.34 66 0.53 1.9
lum, without pH control
arabinose (80) ¯ask, anaerobic, low inocu- 0.0 0.00 0 0.00 ±
lum, without pH control
galactose (80) ¯ask, anaerobic, low inocu- 34.2 0.43 84 2.80 2.7
lum, without pH control
glucose (80) and xylose (40) ¯ask, anaerobic, low inocu- 45.3 0.38 74 3.34 2.5
lum, without pH control
glucose (80) and xylose (40) ¯ask, anaerobic, high inocu- 52.5 0.44 86 3.30 3.0
lum, without pH control
glucose (80) and xylose (40) ¯ask, anaerobic, high inocu- 52.0 0.44 85 3.44 2.4
lum, with pH (5.0) control
synthetic sugar mixture glu- ¯ask, anaerobic, high inocu- 22.0 0.46 90 1.60 2.2
cose (31), xylose (15.2), galac- lum, with pH (5.0) control
tose (2.0), arabinose (10.5)
corn ®bre enzymatic hydrolyzate ¯ask, anaerobic, high inocu- 21.0 0.50 98 1.60 1.7
glucose (33.5), xylose (7.5), lum, with pH (5.0) control
galactose (1), arabinose (5.0)

See materials and methods for details for these 5 d fermentations; b ethanol values were corrected (when necessary) for dilution by base
addition during fermentation; c ethanol yield in g/g of substrate available for fermentation (arabinose not included); d calculated as: ethanol
produced/theoretical maximum (0.5 g ethanol/g sugar) from sugar (arabinose not included) substrate ´ 100; e maximum volumetric productivity
during batch fermentation; f dry weight.

source, the 2 l plasmid may be diluted or lost completely. appears that pH control of the fermentation reduces the
When a high inoculum was used, this effect would have time for complete fermentation from 120 h to less than
been minimized because of the smaller number of cell 24 h. It may be possible that pH control is allowing more
generations occurring in the non-selective medium. Ef-
forts are currently directed at studying the effects of non-
selective growth conditions on plasmid stability and
integrating the xylose utilizing genes into the genome.

Effect of pH on Fermentation
Studies were conducted to see if pH control of the culture
medium would effect the rate of sugar utilization and
ethanol production. Fermentations of glucose and xylose
mixtures under anaerobic condition with high inoculum
level (2.0 g cell dry wt/l) were automatically maintained
at pH 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0. Although the results were
nearly identical for the range of pH tried, maintaining the
pH at a constant level seemed to increase the rate of
sugar consumption and ethanol production dramatically
(Figure 3, data only shown for pH 5.0). Both sugars in a
glucose/xylose mixture (60 g/l + 60 g/l) were simulta-
neously and completely utilized within 24 h and pro-
duced a maximum of 52 g ethanol/l, equivalent to 85%
of theoretical yield. Only 14 mmol/l base was needed to Figure 3. Fermentation of glucose and xylose mixtures in pH con-
trolled ¯asks. Fermentations were carried out anaerobically using
maintain the pH at 5.0 while the sugars were being
YEP medium supplemented with 80 g glucose/l and 40 g xylose/l.
consumed. Comparing these results with that from the Medium was maintained at pH 5.0 with 2 M KOH. d, ethanol; n,
anaerobic shake ¯asks without pH control (Figure 2), it glucose; s, xylose; h, xylitol.

344 World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol 13, 1997

Fermentation of corn ®bre sugars

due to the apparent redox imbalance which develops as a

result of difference in cofactor (NADPH and NAD+) re-
quirements of the xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrog-
enase enzymes (Bruinenberg et al. 1983, 1984). A slight
amount of oxygen seems to help balance the oxido-
reduction reaction to minimize xylitol accumulation in the
culture medium without providing enough oxygen for
utilization of the ethanol. A similar phenomenon may be
occurring in our recombinant yeast although little differ-
ence in xylitol accumulation was observed by varying
oxygen conditions. This suggests that xylitol accumula-
tion is more likely to be the result of something else such as
limiting xylitol dehydrogenase or xylulose kinase activity.

Fermentation of Corn Fibre Enzymatic Hydrolysate

For comparison purposes, conditions were used to du-
plicate a similar mixture of sugars that would be present
in a corn ®bre hydrolysate. The fermentation was carried
Figure 4. Fermentation of mixed sugars simulating a typical corn out in a pH-controlled ¯ask (pH 5.0), with an inoculum
®bre hydrolysate. Fermentations were carried out anaerobically in level of 2.0 g/l dry weight. The recombinant Saccharo-
¯asks maintained at pH 5.0 using YEP medium supplemented with myces strain 1400 (pLNH32) ef®ciently and completely
31 g glucose/l and 15.2 g xylose/l, 10.5 g arabinose/l and 2 g ga- utilized glucose, xylose and galactose within approxi-
lactose/l. d, ethanol; n, glucose; j, xylose plus galactose; h, xylitol.
mately 24 h and produced 22.0 g/l of ethanol or 90% of
theoretical yield (Table 1 and Figure 4). It should be noted
that arabinose was not included for theoretical ethanol
yield calculations, because neither the parent or recom-
binant strain can ferment arabinose. However, it is inter-
esting that some arabinose (less than 25%) was also
consumed in the presence of mixed sugars, but was con-
verted into arabitol (detected by HPLC, data not shown).
The yeast was next used to ferment corn ®bre enzy-
matic hydrolysate. The AFEX-pretreated corn ®bre en-
zymatic hydrolysate contained the free sugars glucose
(33.5 g/l), xylose (7.5 g/l), arabinose (5.0 g/l) and ga-
lactose (1.0 g/l). The fermentations were carried out in
pH 5.0 controlled ¯ask, under anaerobic conditions with
an inoculum level of 2.0 g/l (dry weight). The recombi-
nant strain ef®ciently utilized the hydrolysate sugars,
glucose, xylose and galactose and produced 21.0 g/l
ethanol which is equivalent to 98% of the theoretical
yield (Table 1 and Figure 5). As before, less than 25% of
the arabinose consumed could be accounted for by the
accumulating arabitol (data not shown).
Figure 5. Fermentation of AFEX pretreated corn ®bre hydrolysate. The higher yield of ethanol from the hydrolysate
Fermentations were carried out anaerobically in ¯asks maintained at
compared to the sugar mixture might be the result of
pH 5.0 using YEP medium supplemented with corn ®bre hydroly-
sates. d, ethanol; n, glucose; j, xylose and galactose; h, xylitol.
proteins from either the corn ®bre or the enzymes used in
hydrolysis increasing the available nitrogen in the culture
medium. Additionally, residual ammonia (approximate-
ef®cient uptake of xylose and further study of this effect ly 0.5%) from the AFEX-treatment could be improving the
is currently in progress. fermentation by providing nitrogen. D'Amore et al. (1989)
Xylose was ef®ciently converted to ethanol by Sac- also showed that the parent Saccharomyces 1400 produced
charomyces 1400 (pLNH32) and very little xylitol accu- higher levels of ethanol when the nutrient components of
mulated during these fermentations. In Pichia, it has been the fermentation medium, which included ammonium
suggested that xylitol accumulates in the culture medium sulphate, were doubled. However, additional experi-

World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol 13, 1997 345

M. Moniruzzaman et al.

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346 World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, Vol 13, 1997

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