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H V Arvind babu
Education consultant and research guide


Exposure to Event Management.

Event Management- General Discussions.

Planning and organ sing an activity effectively and efficiently for a desired out put or
results. This is a glamorous task and requires dedication, determination and precision.

1. Professional---------Covering all Industries- focus on new concepts/
strategies,programmmes, methodologies.
2. Educational----------Graduation day, Seminars
3. Social-----------------Marriages, Birth day parties, felicitation, anniversary,
4. Trade fairs and promotion activities
5. Award events
6. Ceremonial events
7. Religious events
8. Sport events
1. Promoters
2. Purpose.
3. Performers
4. Participants
5. Man Power
6. Delegation
7. Venue----sitting arrangements, lunch & Dinner,
8. Logistics coordination
9. Stage set up
11.Cultural activities
13.Safety, security and comfort

Planning and organizing

1. Time factor
2. Budget
3. Advertising material
4. Invitees----VVIP, VIP, CIP,
5. Participants.

Semester IV Paper -2
Course Contents:

Unit – I

Event Management: Role of events for promotion of tourism, Types of Events-Cultural, festivals,
religious, business etc. Need of event management, key factors for best event management. Case
study of some cultural events (Ganga Mahotsava, Lucknow mahotsava and Taj Mahotsava)

Unit – II

Concept of MICE. Introduction of meetings, incentives, conference/conventions, and exhibitions.

Definition of conference and the components of the conference market. The nature of conference
markets and demand for conference facilities. The impact of conventions on local and national

Unit – III

Management of Conference at Site, Trade shows and exhibitions, principal purpose, types of
shows, benefits, major participants, organisation and membership, evaluation of attendees.
Convention/exhibition facilities; Benefits of conventions facilities, Inter-related venues, Project
planning and development.

Unit – IV

Budgeting a Conference Exhibition: Use of Budget preparation, Estimating, fixed and variable
costs, cash flow, sponsorship and subsidies. Registration, Seating Arrangements, Documentation,
interpreting press relation, Computer Graphics, Teleconferencing, Recording and Publishing
Proceedings; Interpretation and language.

Unit – V

Role of travel Agency in the management of conferences. Hotel Convention Service

Management: Human Resources Management Transportation, Group Fares, Airline Negotiation,
Extra Services, Cargo Transportation. History and function of ICCA, Role of ICCA, Roles and
function of ICIB.

Suggested Readings:

Coleman, Lee & Frankle (1991), Powerhouse Conferences. Educational Institute of AH & MA.

Hoyle, Dorf & Jones (1995), Meaning conventions & Group business. Educational institute of
AH & MA.

Unit –I

Event Management is a glamorous and exciting profession which demands a lot of
hard work and dynamism. As the name suggests it means conceptualizing,
planning, organizing and finally executing an event. The vent could be of any type.
Like musical show, concert, exhibition, product launching, trade fares, sports
event, religious function. This Industry has been recognized as another industry
generating career opportunities for those who would like to make a impression
with communication and personality and for others who wish to organize and
execute with precision planning and executing an event. It offers enormous scope
for ambitious young persons.

Event management is very closely related to marketing and advertising. This is yet
another means of advertising and brand building. As an activity Event management
constitutes visualization, creativity, meticulous planning and finally venue
management. Visualizing is imagining an event or creating a futuristic scenario of
the event so that planning and executing becomes easier.

1.1 Role of Events for promotional tourism

Tourism is an ancient phenomenon. People traveled all over the world for various
reasons. The earlier travelers had no idea of the next day or night. They had to
proceed with whatever nature provided them With experience the travelers
understood not only the behavior of nature but also their own needs and wants. As
the time passed , the needs and wants increased and along with comfort and safety.
Over a period of time the travel was organized and programmed. Complete
traveler’s requirement were listed, developed and provided. Later it emerged into a
vivacious circle to attend to the special needs of the travelers based on the seasons,
place of visit and also as per the customs of the place of visit. If the travel was for
more than a day travelers needs like transport, meals, comfort, accommodation,
and the activities were all planned in advance. These are called as features of a
particular place. The tourist place is identified as a destination.

Modern tourism mainly deals with how to make use of available travel facility –
like how to travel, where to travel, when to travel, period of travel, period of stay,
which is the destination and finally what is the travel budget. However the fact is
all above are moving around factor known as purpose of travel.
When we get to know Why, Where. What and How, We are ready to plan the
journey. Such a journey shall be without hazels , safe and comfortable . So the
journey has to be planned. The process of carefully to think and identify the
needs of the travelers and to define each item known as elements or components
of the travel industry. It requires a lot study and foresee things. This process shall
make us to believe that There are more than a dozen sectors that have to co-
ordinate the journey. Then we come to realize that we have to plan our journey,
organize the process of travel, control the time and money and direct the complete
operation to take place as per the pre determined time frame. There are set
standards to conduct a journey in a systematic process in modern tourism. The
complete journey is planned formulating the itenery. For any journey we deal with
the terminologies like itenery, package tours, hotel booking, cruising and other
sight seeing components or sub products.
Itinery is a process of planning and organizing the complete journey by time, date,
day and transport, meals along with accommodation and activities. The complete
journey is recorded earlier.

Traveling from place to place; A route or proposed route of a journey.activities

carried out on a journey, An account of travels, or a register of places and
distances as a guide to travelers are all a part of the itenery. If you are going on a
long vacation, it is easy to get overwhelmed or even excited with all the details
provided in the itenery. Nothing is left to chance and every minute activity in a
journey is cared for.

Many travelers add an interesting visit to small-towns or even villages to create

beautiful and memorable, enjoyable trips. Perhaps a calm quite place near water
falls, or a breadth taking view of a plateau, sunset, premature forest, and many
other natures gifts are in surplus for the carefully planned traveler.

Events are conducted to expose types of tours, tourist destinations, attractions,

accommodation facilities and accessibility to the destination can be viewed by
the consumer before taking the trip. Events create a reaction in the human
mind to avail the package tours promoted by the organizers. Some times,
there may be special promotional fares by air and also promotional stay in the
hotel or resort or a Useful gift. Tourism promotions are either through a trade

fair or through advertisements. Also some promoters prefer to organize a
presentation program on the product they wish to market or to expose t the

Different type of tours

First let us identify the type of tours.

a. Tours to a specific destination – London/Pairs/Switzerland

b. Tours of a specific type–Honey moon/Adventure/Sports/Particular event
c. Tours to a specific Region – Far East/Middle East

a) Tours to a specific destination indicate a particular place of visit, in

which case Accommodation, places of visit and stay, transportation and Air
tickets are Organized in advance.
b) Tours of a specific type Adventure for example a Safari or Journey
through a desert or trucking in Austria is usually organized in specific
seasons and with a define group of people.
c) Tours to a Region – say Far East – usually means visit to more than
one place/Island or to see or holiday in a Cluster of places around.


Tourists are the consumers who wish to spend their leasiure time on a
holiday. They may be from any segment r area. One who travels for a holiday is a

Escorted Tour

In modern tourism Escorted Tours are most popular products. Escorted tours are
normally conducted by a well recognized travel house that are well connected with
all tourism centers, accommodations and transport facilities and the tour is escorted
with a tour guide. The travel house takes care of all services, mentioned to the
tourists from beginning to end of the tour. Escorted tours normally include flights,
hotels, transportation, and transfers to the airport/hotel, all meals and sightseeing.
Escorted tours are typically conducted by a travel house with a world recognition
and brand.. They can be fast-paced, with no more than 2/3 nights spent in each
location, or more leisurely, with more time spent overnight at each location as per
earlier planned program.
Guided Tours

Guided Tours are almost similar to Escorted tours but passengers are greeted by a
local representative rather than a Tour escort and will not be escorted to all
activities and functions. Local guides will be available to take them around the
place and answer questions throughout the duration of the tour. Some meals,
accommodations and sightseeing may be included in your tour. This style is ideal
for people who want freedom but still have the comfort of a guide.
Accommodation type, meals type and excursions are pre planned.

Independent Vacations

There are tourists who want to be more leisurely and independent. However, they
can either take a chance to have their own tour planning or take the help of a tour
operator for reservations in specific places for services required by the tourists.
Such tourists usually spend 2 or 3 nights in each location visited and usually only a
few places are visited. A tour guide is not included, but there is a host available to
answer questions and suggest sightseeing. Few meals and some sightseeing are
included, but a lot of free time to explore is available. These vacations are ideal for
independent travelers looking to set their own pace.
Rail Tours

Similar to an escorted, guided or hosted tour except that the transportation is

conducted by rail.

River Cruises,

A River Cruise is basically a tour that is conducted on a small or medium sized

cruise-ship and travels via rivers instead of rail or road.

Tour and Cruise

This is a tour that also has an accompanying cruise. The cruise is at lest 2 nights or
more. Tours with a one-day or overnight cruise are simply considered Escorted

Land Marks and Monuments

The world is filled with ancient monuments built by master craftsmen in order to
honor everything from kings and presidents to religious figures. And although most
of these landmarks have been carefully studied and researched by scientists and
historians, some are simply so old, incomplete, or obscure that we still don’t know
very much about why they were built or what purpose they served The rulers
further enlarged their views and scripted their governance in the form of temple
complex that accommodates statues so that the future generation would continue to
patron the architectural monuments that stands as monuments to this day
challenging the modern day crafts and paintings. The statues inside the temples and
outside as well may have seen several sunrise and sun sets, several years of
seasonal rains but continue to attract admirers from across the world. The writings
that are scripted on stone tablets when understood and analyzed revel the culture,
code of conduct and faith that were practiced thousands of years ago. History
records that ancient civilizations and cultures is visible to the modern world in the
form of huge structures, monuments, pillars and walls in Greece, Italy, Paris,
Germany and many other places including Iraq, Somalia that projected the great
civilizations of Mesopotamia and Abyssinia and of course Timbuktu which was the
greatest learning centre of Islam.

Some of the temples and the statues amaze all of us to this day how it could have
been done at a period when Science and technology were not known. Or may be
some thing else much better existed or else the monuments that we see to-day in
many temple complexes are the evidence that remains to this day as a challenge to
people who are living in the concrete jungles.

.In general, landmark status is defined by some combination of features including:

dominance of visible, natural, or built form such as the Eiffel Tower or Niagara
Falls; outstanding color, shape, extent, such as the Kremlin; functional significance
as with the Golden Gate Bridge; symbolic significant as with the Blarney Stone in
Ireland; or historical significant such as the place where the Battle of Gettysburg
was fought. Sometimes natural features (e.g. mountains, volcanoes, deep canyons,
waterfalls, or reefs) attract enough attention to label phenomena as a landmark.
(Note that natural features need not be restricted to a single point in space, as with
the Great Barrier Reef). Sometimes it is a part of the built environment that catches
attention - such as the Kremlin, Notre Dame Cathedral, or the Sydney Opera
House. And sometimes it is a feature of the cognitive environment that produces

landmark status, as with an image of "the beaches of South Africa or the perceived
ruggedness or grandeur of the Himalayas. houses the world's largest and most comprehensive travel-

related database of seamless panoramas covering a vast array of leisure travel and
vacation destinations from over 70 cities around the world. Capturing the
fundamental nature of each location and providing a feeling of being there,'s images of museums, architectural landmarks, natural
wonders, stadiums, cityscapes, and others will provide travelers with first-hand
views of popular attractions unique to each city, state/province, country and

The land marks may be divided into Famous Landmarks, Historical Landmarks, Unique

Famous land marks are recognized from all tourists. It is mostly visited place, or
may be recognized to identify a particular place by its land mark.

Historical land marks is a symbol of the dynasty or the rulers who have erected the
land mark announcing their own culture or announcing the recognition of victory
or for glory.

Unique land marks are mostly natural and are unique in nature. It is different from
other monuments or land marks

This globe is a huge area that houses the world's largest greatest and most popular
places covering the most unique destinations from over 70 cities around the world.
World Landmarks captures the fundamental nature of each location and provides a
feeling of being there. World Landmarks include tours of museums, architectural
landmarks, natural wonders, stadiums, cityscapes that provides travelers with first-
hand views of popular attractions unique to each city, state/province, country and

1.2 Types of events:

1.professional---------Covering all Industries- focus on new concepts/

strategies,programmmes, methodologies.
2.educational----------Graduation day, Seminars
9. Social-----------------Marriages, Birth day parties, felicitation, anniversary,
10.Trade fairs and promotion activities

11.Award events
12.Ceremonial events
13.Religious events
14.Sport events

1.3.Need for event management:

Planning and organizing an activity effectively and efficiently for a desired out put
or results. This is a glamorous task and requires dedication, determination and

1.4.Key Factors for the best event management.

1. Dedicated team
2. Excellent communication skills and Knowledge of Events
3. Analytical Mind
4. To work under pressure and against time.
5. Customer Satisfaction

A. Dedicated team :

This is a profession which demands perfection, challenge of meeting

dead lines within a stipulated time and budget. Pleasing personality
with very good communication skills supported by dynamism is
essential to start with. Keep smiling and be patent and hope for the best.
Monitoring an event is a very responsible task. The key to success is the
team should know the organization and the participants better. So it is
obvious that the members of the team have to be dedicated and have
patience to pay attention to every small detail that is within the planning
and organizing the event. The activity keeps all the members of the team
on their toes to perform at each level and stage. Maintain relationship to
understand the concept of Event Management Share expertise with each other.
March forward with determination and confidence. Be aware that the Event
Management team cannot be built overnight. It is a combination of activities ,
creative thinking of the members in the team and precision and practice to adapt to

any situation shall bring success.. Ultimately it gives a great satisfaction of
emotional contentment of having organized a successful show which is
appreciated by the audience or the participants.

B. Excellent communication skills and Knowledge of Events

Event Management is closely associated with Marketing and advertising. The team
must have excellent communication skill not only to express themselves and their
concept to the promoters but are responsible to create an impression with the
participants also. The planning and organizing an event needs complete knowledge
of the type of event. The team should understand the type of event and observe
certain predetermined norms like protocol and morals in conducting an event. This
requires a lot of creativity, originality and novel ideas to make things happen. The
best strategy is to improve skills and services with innovative ideas and strategies
to conduct in a competatetive environment. There has been a significant change in
the evolution of Customer needs

C. Analytical Mind

There is a lot of logistics in managing any event. The coordination of people within
the team and others who are providing services and equipments are most
important. Though there may be people who are directing every persons
involvement is accountable. The chain of events should be imagined and a
futuristic scenario created before the tem even decides to take up the job. The
design value is a major consideration which includes the creation of a caption and
a logo commemorating the event. The décor, furniture and the entire surrounding
should blend with the caption and the entire group of visitors should feel the
glamour and the excitement of the event. To perform this activity a very stable and
analytical mind is required.

D. To work under pressure and against time.

There are times that movement is delayed, color combination failed, the expected
funds did not arrive, artists are not available, performers are not informed well in
advance and many other obstacles. During the planning stage the team should
anticipate all such problems and be prepared for an alternative plan. Some times
bigger events may have more than a dozen alternatives. Do not ever shout.
This may lead to conflicts, confusion and controversies. Keep your cool. The

leader has to be very good in man management.

The show must go on as planned at any cost. The team is trained to withstand the
pressure of work to work against time. Do not take things for granted, Make things
to happen.

E. Customer Satisfaction

After careful planning the next stage is execution of the actual event which needs
to be conducted like a a clock work or the chain of events should take place as
programmed. The venue needs to be managed efficiently and effectively. All
domains have to be planned in advance at the venue. A very careful and thoughtful
coordination is required during the tea time or lunch/dinner time. Guides or venue
personnel should be available at prominent places. Provision for security and fire
fighting equipments should be available for safety. Ultimately the participants must
be comfortable with the environment. Avoid excitement, anxiety and hard talks.
Keep smiling to show that everything is well organized and feel confident. In an
Event organization all employees contribute to the success of the organization in
projecting the image of the team that could lead to building a style, a rhythm,
precision and the chain of activates that is expected to place like clock work.
Understanding the value of the event is very important. Remember this is a
thankless job .But each event is a learning process. Practice a to bring new
techniques that people have not seen elsewhere.

Have you given your best?, Note down the draw backs. Why and where have we
are like to go wrong. Response by the participants Irrespective of the event judge
your own merits and plan to improve.

Remember the success depends on efforts of the team and make sure you are
in this team.

1.5 Tips for Project report

a) Help students to design a project idea

Choosing a topic is a difficult task, as the possibilities can seem endless. Project
guide can help with subtle suggestions and reality checks, but students should
ultimately come up with their own idea based on their own personal interests - one
they'll be motivated to complete the task within a stipulated period.

Set up students for an interest in any event by providing opportunities to learn
about exciting event programs design as well as practical, everyday applications of
a new concept all around them. Watch a television event program together. Propose
a trip to a tourist destination or a museum or take them to a place away from the
class room. Discuss a news event or an article from the newspaper or a magazine.
A trip to the tourist destination can help to spark ideas or to fine-tune existing

For those who are scientifically or technologically involved or inclined, try to

resist the urge to propose ideas of your own. Instead, use your knowledge of how
scientists come up with their own questions to get your students to think about how
they would like to perform or conduct an event. Remember that students or
beginners may not have the same background and experiences as professionals.
Something that seems to be common knowledge to you will be new to them and
worth exploring and learning on their own. Science or technology projects should
be about experiencing the process of science.

Some science and technology fairs include inventions and problem solving. If your
student is interested in that angle of science and engineering, discuss things around
them that may be frustrating and that could be improved by changing them. Watch
some of the television programs on engineering and inventing. Look at inventions
in museums. Even social engineering is fair game – could they, for example, think
of how to get people throw away less and recycle more? What change would they
make and how would they measure that change?

Brain storming Project Ideas

Educate yourself upfront, before you begin any brainstorming. In order to advise
on the feasibility of a project idea, you need to understand the basic framework and
requirements of the entire process. It's one thing to come with an enthusiastic idea,
quite another to come up with an workable, testable project. Design a frame work
and operate within that frame work.

Different Types of Science Fair Projects

Science Fair projects can get very confusing. There are basically three types.

The science report: students have an interest in learning something that is already
known. What are galaxies? How are coral reefs endangered? How does a laser
work? These projects are interesting, but it must be noted that they do not actually
allow students to practice science. Students do learn a lot about what other

scientists have done, but the student doesn't actually conduct an investigation or
create anything (other than a nice display). Students may make models and they
may even repeat some data they have found, but it's still a science report.

The experimental investigation: this is where students ask “testable” questions and
roll up their sleeves and practice science. The science fair is a unique opportunity
for them to experience the whole science process. Students ask a testable question,
identify simple variables, research the background on the question, propose a
hypothesis, conduct the investigation, collect data, and draw a conclusion. Even
when the project is simple and an adult might know the answer, the student
benefits from practicing the science process and finding out for him or herself.

The invention: some students like to see their results put to practical use. They see
a local problem, such as a backpack that is too heavy and propose a solution. What
makes it scientific is that the change they propose is measured and recorded in
some way. The student comes away with proof that the solution worked or it didn't

Time Factor

This is an area where students can definitely use a guide's help. Together you
should build a realistic timeline for completing the project. It's okay to redesign
slightly here and there along the way, as long as a solid framework is in place and
the final deadlines are in full view. Most investigations and inventions take a
considerable amount of time to prepare, complete, analyze, and document.
Anticipate errors, spillages, roadblocks, revisions, and occasional student

A critical point is the decision about the investigation or invention. How much time
will it take to set up and collect all the data? Make sure the topic, question, or idea
fits within the time frame. Don't forget to subtract the time it will take to put the
display together and prepare – usually a couple of weeks.

Tips for students:

Start with the conclusion in mind: Usually, it will take about two weeks to prepare
the presentation. So the investigation phase, including collecting all the data,
should be done before then.

 Mark your calendar for the date that the presentation displays must be
delivered to the audence.

 Back it up two weeks. That's when the data collection has to be completed.
Mark the date.
 Back that up the amount of time it will take to buy or obtain materials, set up
the investigations and complete collecting the data, 3 – 4 weeks depending
on the project. Mark that date.
 Back that up a week for topic choice and background research. Mark the
date and get started!


Activity Time required

Decide on topic and develop question or solution 6 weeks

Background research on topic 6 weeks

Determine materials and organize them 5 weeks

Set up project and budget the same. 2 weeks

Prepare project display 3 weeks

Prepare oral presentation 1 week

Deliver presentation display to school One day


Concept of MICE
II.1 Meetings-Incentives-Conventions/Conferences, Exhibitions.
Inventing an ideology or Exploring new ideas or finding new ways to achieve more
for progress with less resources carried out as a community. To conduct this one
has to come out from usual routine, and join at a regional or national event. A
committed or deeper engagement with an association and colleagues in the higher
education/ concept/ ideologies/ technologies. Any conferences and seminars is
expected to provide an unsurpassed opportunity to learn from and network with
thought leaders lke well informed speakers or performers. Any program built

around practical, tangible ideas that can produce results for a better living to meet
challenges throughout the year.
Seminars- Educational and Industrial
A group of well recognized institution exposing a new thought wave in the minds
of participants to change for progress.

A congress is a formal meeting of the representatives of different nations,

constituent states, independent organizations (such as trade unions), or groups.

Convention: Conventions is to analyze what they are and how they differ from
mere regularities of action and cognition. Subsidiary questions include:

1.How do conventions arise? 2. How are they sustained? 3. How do we select

between alternative conventions? 4. Why should one conform to convention?
5.What social good, if any, do conventions serve? 6. How does convention relate
to such notions as rule, norm, custom, practice, institution, and social contract?

Apart from its intrinsic interest, convention is important because philosophers

frequently invoke it when discussing other topics. A favorite philosophical gambit
is to argue that, perhaps despite appearances to the contrary, some phenomenon
ultimately results from convention. Notable candidates include: property,
government, justice, law, morality, linguistic meaning, necessity, ontology,
mathematics, and logic.

One: Schedule an appropriate time and place for your seminar. As you do this,
consider the needs of your prospective clients. If you want to work with small
business owners, an evening seminar will be best, as most businesses operate from
around 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. As such, it is not realistic to expect business owners to miss
their own workday to attend your seminar. Often, a weekend is the best time to
catch busy, successful people.

TWO: Secure an appropriate venue. Many seminars fail because of improper

scheduling of a venue. Be sure you are guaranteed access to the auditorium or
conference room (or where ever else it may be), before you begin inviting guests.

Three:Offer an incentive to attendees. It's clear that you are confident your service
or product will benefit prospective clients, but they don't know that yet. If, for
example, you are offering financial advice, prospective clients may not see the

value in attending your seminar because they have no frame of reference. To lure
prospects, offer a wine-tasting, free food, tickets to a sporting event or some other
enticing incentive. This can be the determining factor that motivates people to
attend your event.


Five:A referral from a friend can make a huge difference.

Five :Invite people you know, and encourage them to invite their friends.

Assemble a list of prospects and mail a personalized invitation to everyone on the

list. Ask them to RSVP.

Six: even:Follow up with a phone call to confirm attendance, regardless of whether

you have received a response to the mailed invitation.

Seven: :Arrive well before the scheduled starting time. Any successful seminar
will take a while to set up. You don't want your guests filing in before you're ready
to start.

Eight: Do your best to make sure guests are having a good time. If you launch
straight into a presentation about your business, you may quickly lose the
audience. Instead, ease into it, and your guests will be all-ears.

Event Management combines extensive service based knowledge and expertise and
experience to produce smart applications that deliver best for any promotion. First
We should understand what our users need, and understand industry best practices.
Design systems that can forge in the real world of day to day event operations and
contain the expert features that help even a new event organizer to excel.

First believe to deliver greatest value to your customers by providing them with
tools that boost their productivity, training that makes them self-sufficient, and
support that keeps them up and running. This can all happen l at a price that yields
a quick return on their investment..

We may find many International Conference organizers in private sector including

software developer and web services provider for the events industry. Many such
providers are housing services to thousands of events large and small throughout
the world.

Companies that can benefit from events are Corporations of all sizes, multi-
management companies, associations and societies, trade show organizers,
government agencies, and educational institutions. In addition, the event
management firms provide an extensive range of value-added services, including
system modification, consulting, turnkey hosting solutions, data conversion, and

Some of the events in practice:

Arts & Humanities

Artists - Animation - Architecture - Arts and Crafts- Ceramics - Computer

-Generated Photography


Advertising - Agriculture- Consulting - Construction - Energy - Financial- Food

Internet -Management - Manufacturing- Marketing and Sales - Publishing - Real
Estate Security - Telecommunications - Transportation

Science and Technology

Aeronautics - Agriculture - Biology - Biotechnology- Biochemistry- Chemistry-

Civil Earth Science - Ecology - Electronics- Energy - Engineering -
Environment- Forensics Geography - Geology and Geophysics - Information
Technology - Life Sciences Mathematics - Mechanical- Meteorology -
Nanotechnology - Oceanography Paleontology -Physics- Policy - Psychology -
Research - Technology - Space Vibrations - Wireless


Distance Learning - Higher Education - Instructional Technology- Languages -

Libraries - Literacy - School -Safety


III.1 Management of conference on site:

2. Purpose.
3. Performers
4. Participants
5. Man Power
6. Delegation
7. Venue Management -sitting arrangements, lunch & Dinner,
8. Logistics coordination
9. Stage set up
10.Cultural activities
11. MOC
12.Safety, security and comfort

III.IICustomized Stall Designing & Fabrication

 Wooden Platform
 Glass Platform with lights
 Acrylic platform with lights
 Ply Wall with colour
 Aero Bond Wall
 Flex wall
 Conference Room setup
 Wooden False - ceiling
 Product Display Window / Unit
 Branding panel
 Reception counter from wide range
 Fabricated Sculptural Elements
 Mural & Special Effects
 PVC, LED, Glass & ect.. Display Signage
 Vinyl / Flex Graphics printing
 3D Lettering / Light boxes
 Audio Visual System (Plasma, LED screen, Sound & etc...)
 Light Effects (Like LED / Parken /Spot light & etc..)

The contracting firm is expected to Manage all construction in-house, so as to
ensure successful outcomes. Builds all projects to exacting and high quality
Fabrication standards. Offers cost effective solutions to design issues at the
quotation and construction stage.

Ensure the efficient use of materials and labour to maximize budget restrictions,
whilst retaining quality...fabrication can be carried out by using steel, aluminum
and stainless steel to compliment the design and reflect highest standards.

The firm should be capable of undertaking a broad range of finish detailing

including laminating, veneering and spray-painting to complete your exhibit. This
activity calls for extensive capabilities with speedy production times to meet
important deadlines associated with the exhibition industry.

Attention to detail and quality workmanship are fundamental attributes to all

events and applies to all jobs, big or small.

All work should be undertaken by trade experienced carpenters and

cabinetmakers. Many firms may have undertaken projects at all major venues and
exhibition centers.

The logistics and project management team ensures that the exhibit's delivery and
installation happens on schedule and within your control.

The Industry experienced Project Managers and site labour ensures timely and
professional installation of all projects. The event management firm must provide
the services and staff to install, dismantle and store existing displays.

The focus is only on the successful realization of the required design and its timely
construction and installation.

Overview of the standards and their significance in enhancing quality, safety,

health and environmental protection at construction worksites

Guidelines on achieving quality structural works for buildings during construction

that will help engineering / construction companies implement supervision checks

Recommended practices on design, construction and installation of temporary

housing quarters on construction sites for the safety and health of workers

Current practices and requirements for public health and safety for demolition
works relating to buildings, basements, underground tanks, bridges as well as
environment protection in waste minimisation and recycling

Understanding relevant government agency requirements governing the use of the


III.IIITrade Shows:

In the larger interest of the society India has allowed individual corporate to
operate freely within a frame work designed. We may be moving towards
capitalism. The very character of capitalism is an exhibition of the commodities or
products in such a way that the product attracts consumers. With this objective
many players have entered the industry to set a bench mark with their own concept.
The creative thinkers and promoters are sparing no efforts to derive the market
with its own strategies by its Trade Fairs or Trade shows – the integral part of
capitalism to promote the products among the meaningful consumers. As more
professional organizations are surfacing, each one of them wants a market share.
The process starts from minutely discussing with valuable clients about products
which are to be launched, about the kinds of consumers where the products have to
be consumed, about the venue planning, financial control, documentation,
technical assistance and support.

As per the requirement of the clients, trade shows are organized in different cities
of India covering almost all commodities and products which are generally
consumed by the consumers. Once a professional organization takes the
responsibility for trade shows, trade fairs, trade exhibitions, business trade shows,
business trade fair, it executes with innovative interface, devised a unique style of
strategies, so that entire trade shows help the clients to reach to the targeted
audience directly. This is connected with other activities like product displays so
that customers have direct look at products. Some times such firms organize
seminars and conferences on that particular products to differentiate the pros and
cons of the product and get the larger public opinion.

When we talk about globalization it first stands for the globalization of

commodities and products to marketed anywhere with minimal control from the
national regulatory authorities. In this condition, many multinational companies are
establishing their foot in India to promote and market their products in the world
largest consumption country. For such types of Multinational Companies, many

Indian organizations come forward to take charge of promoting the products at
different trade shows held in various parts

There are always seminars or fairs around the world for the following:

Agriculture, Building Construction, Cosmetics, Gems & Jewellery, Industrial

Goods, Metal & Minerals, Paper, Real Estate Agents, Tools & Tooling Equipments,
Automotive, Clearing & Forwarding, Fabrics & Textiles, Household Consumables,

Apparel & Clothing, Business Services, Education & Training, Gifts &
Handicrafts, Leather,
Musical Instruments, Plant & Machinery, Rubber & Rubber Products, Travel &
Tourism, Ayurvedic & Herbal, Media & Advertising, Office Supplies, Printing &
Railway, Shipping & Aviation

Architecture & Designing, Chemicals & Dyes, Electronics & Electrical, Home
Textiles, Manufacturing & Repair, Natural Stones, Plastic & Plastic Products,
Scientific Instruments, Computer & IT, Telecom Products, Sporting Goods,
Furniture, Household Services, Medical & Pharmaceutical,

The promoters should know more about creating a powerful presence at a

tradeshow or conference event than the experts at all access. Combine their
knowledge with first hand experience as exhibitors and you get an unbeatable
combination with all access. There are experts to help with creative booths
(purchased or rented), logistics, pre-event and post-event marketing, promotional
items, PR activities, brochures, flyers, multimedia presentations, demonstrations,

World class exhibit design and products. and access to custom modular tradeshow
displays are now available. All firms boasts a stellar staff of design consultants
and graphic designers. Promotional Products – fast, responsive and creative. The
idea is to find the right product at the right price and deliver it on time for the

The most effective marketing tactics involve reaching out and touching the
audience. There is no better way to do this than by being at the key trade events. It
is obvious that we plan our tradeshow marketing strategy.

III.VI How to design a Stall
The promoters must ensure maximum visibility through innovative and attractive
designs. Remember smart services and useful designs of international standards
are appreciated by domestic clients

With the advantages of being at the forefront, many firms are sensitive to areas of
growth and opportunity in new technologies. One has to learn what it takes to be a
full-service organizer.

The skill lies in conceiving integrated marketing communications programmes for

corporate projection by applying our expertise in the following areas:

 Continuous assessment of market potential

 Identifying and nurturing future trends in technology
 Conceiving and implementing market entry strategies for the overseas

III.V How to deliver innovative and effective event solutions:

All promoters know that planning and organizing exhibitions, events, conferences
and outdoor advertising can become an administrative nightmare that can take up a
lot of your valuable time and disrupt your schedules. Care should be taken from
conception to completion, giving you total peace of mind, knowing that your event
will be effective, successful and enjoyable

Trade shows are exhibits of products and services which are intended to attract
more customers. To showcase the products and to present them in front of the
prospective clients is what trade show biz all about. If you have a product or
service and want others to know about it, there is no better way than to exhibit in a
tradeshow. The first impression about your product is created at the trade show.
Tradeshows become the basis of info which prompts customers to buy your
product later. Also, many visitors at the tradeshows buy the product there itself. If
you decide to make sales call, you will never even approach the number of visitors
you get at a trade show. Trade shows are worth the effort and sometimes even more
than that. Trade show biz today has achieved dizzying heights with more and more
companies participating in tradeshows so as to remain in the public eye, and those
handling the trade show biz are smiling all the way to their banks.

Before you decide to be a part of any tradeshow, you have to ask yourself about
your aim, your target, your message, and finally what you want from the trade
show. With trade show biz expanding all the time, there are innumerable trade
shows. And you can't take part in all trade shows. You need to choose wisely so
that every dollar you spend is worth it. Suppose your budget is tight and you attend
a tradeshow that is not right, all your effort and money goes to waste. You may not
want to go 500 kilometers to attend a trade show, but if it is a good tradeshow on
the calendar, you will have to go. Trade show biz having expanded so much, there
are certainly more tradeshows than are really necessary and you have to use your
brains to decide which ones are good for you. Trade shows are a necessity, and you
have to attend tradeshows to remain in public eye. It is unto you to decide on the
right tradeshow. Trade show is the most effective tool to reach the consumer

III.IVHow to set up a conference .

The promoters must ensure success of any conferences or seminars by Planning, Implementing &
Reviewing that's our strength. Our ability to get into the minutest of the details enables us to secure &
handle every aspect right from hospitality to the most advanced technical requirements of any
conference or seminar.

Comprehensive Pre & Post Event Management:

 Pre & Post event publicity  Devising appropriate systems for

 Entire administration and co- execution
ordination (Pre & Post)  Guest Speakers
 Venue search & booking  Translators
 Literature Production, Printing &  Staffing
Distribution  Stage Planning
 On-site Management
 Post Conference Analysis
 Most Advanced Technical Support


Having a beautiful backdrop for an award ceremony represents not only the
significance of the event but also the respect the organizer has for the attendees,
who took time out to attend, and to the award winners for their achievements

A team of creative designers can transform anything or any place to provide a

stylish yet affordable award night.

Product launching is a new experience which would help your next event to create
an impact. Many companies we deal have a need to promote new products both
internally to their own organization and externally to their clients, buyers, dealer or

Professionally we elevate your presentation with simple set and staging. With
proper light effects, sound, data backup and professional technical advice.

We use dynamic lighting effects, gobos, scanners etc to give a real feel of
movement, change and exciting environment. It is associated with warm and soft
or alive and kicking, sound. We can certainly come up with ideas for that as well.

Benefits to participants

Abstract----Impact of the study

Introduction, Background, Limitations of the Study, Methodology,
Instrumentation and Data Collection, Presentation and Analysis of the Data,
Results and Conclusions, General Conclusions, Implications for Extension

Unit IV

IV.1 Budgeting a conference/Exhibition

Budgeting is a forecasting the expendituture and fund requirement. The process of

determining the financial resources necessary to meet the cost of a event is

This is a systematic process of presenting to parliament an evaluation of

government financial needs and means of raising the necessary resources.
Following this it was established that the budgeting process should occur annually,
that it should embrace all government finance needs, that on being passed by

parliament it should give legal effect to appropriate tax-raising powers, and that at
the end of a financial year the accounts of an implemented budget should be open
to official audit. This legislation in the policy.

Any new project that need to be established is budgeted so that it is made clear that
the total amount required for a particular project is established. This may not be the
final figure .But may exceed due to two reasons. Cost of labor and material may
increase during the development of the project for which provisions is made.

Each event small or big, domestic or international is expected to arrive at a budget

for conducting any event. Promoters, many times take the help of some program
sponsors to cover the extra amount of the budget.

Budgeting is a huge excise. Every activity of the event is listed. Man power,
material required, venue cost and management, transportation and such
expenditure are calculated before the commencement of the execution. Then the
final total expenditure is calculated to arrive at the estimated cost of the event. This
may include the accommodation for the VIP.s , gifts and other decorative material
required in the venue.

In order to simplify the process the cost sheets are designed so that each activity is
listed and the required funds calculated. This is a normal practice or a sysem so
that no activity cost is left to chance but planned in advance.

Considering the budget of an event dusring planning stage , the management is

likely to measure your capability in terms of performance. Whether the event
conducted has provided the expected ROI. Planning the budget is the yardstick
that top management uses to measure your actual performance.

It is advisable to learn budget planning skills and see how your managerial
decisions translate into profits. To start with every one may be nervous about
budget planning and talking to the finance people. . .an enthusiastic event
manager who wants to get a lot more out of the situation . .or an experienced
financial professional who wants to refresh and update your budgeting skills, as a
case study, organize a budget seminar in your own premises to be more confident.

IV.2 Other general expressions or meanings:

A budget is a list of all planned expenses and revenues. It is a plan for saving and
spending. Or [ a budget is an organizational plan stated in monetary terms.

In summary, the purpose of budgeting is to:

1. Provide a forecast of revenues and expenditures i.e. construct a model of

how our business might perform financially speaking if certain strategies,
events and plans are carried out.
2. Enable the actual financial operation of the business to be measured against
the forecast.

Event management budget

A budget is a fundamental tool for an event director to predict with reasonable

accuracy whether the event will result in a profit, a loss or will break-even. A
budget can also be used as a pricing tool.

IV.3.Creating a futuristic scenario

This process should provide nearest to the actual expenditure of the event planned.
There are two basic approaches or philosophies when it comes to budgeting. One
approach focuses on mathematical models, and the other on people. Bu the best
approach is the practical approach.

The first school of thought believes that financial models, if properly constructed,
can be used to predict the future. The focus is on variables, inputs and outputs,
drivers and the like. Investments of time and money are devoted to perfecting these
models, which are typically held in some type of financial spreadsheet application.

The other school of thought holds that it’s not about models, it’s about people. No
matter how sophisticated models can get, the best information comes from the
people in the business. The focus is therefore in engaging the managers in the
business more fully in the budget process, and building accountability for the
results. The companies that adhere to this approach have their managers develop
their own budgets. While many companies would say that they do both, in reality
the investment of time and money falls squarely in one approach or the other.

 Seminar budget Estimate / plan

1. Start making a budget plan for your seminar by determining how much
money you have to spend on it. If your organization has allotted a certain
amount for the event you will need to know what it is. If you plan to charge for
the seminar in hopes of breaking even you will have determine how much to
charge based on the number of expected attendees and the overall projected
cost of the event.

2. Determine the overall cost of the event by making a list of the items needed
to hold the seminar. Include such things as the cost of renting a facility if you
do not have space available, the cost of renting audio-visual equipment for the
presenters, the cost of the presenters if they are being paid, the cost of any
printed handouts and pens and the cost of renting tables and chairs if you are
planning to do so.

3. Request a budget plan from a previous seminar your organization held to

get an idea of how much it paid for each of these items. You will also want to
get a list of recommended vendors your organization has used in the past. If
your organization cannot recommend any vendors, contact your local chamber
of commerce or other organizations you have good relations with and ask if
they can recommend vendors. Call the vendors you plan to use and request
estimates based on the number of participants you plan to have at your

4. Keep track of vendor estimates by creating a form on your computer. Make

a section for each item you need. For example, make a section labeled "audio-
visual" and type in the company and the approximate price. If you get quotes
from two companies, include them both and their prices. Do this for each item
on your list and total the amounts. If you have different prices from similar
vendors, start by adding the amount of the vendor you prefer and switch to the
less expensive vendor if your total ends up being too costly.

5. Compare the total projected cost of your seminar to the amount your
company budgeted to see if it is acceptable. If the cost is too great, consider
charging participants to attend the seminar. Divide the cost of the seminar, or
the cost of the seminar beyond the budget, by the number of expected
participants to determine how much you should charge people.


Most of the events are supported by a organization who Sponsors the event.
The sponserer is an organization either service or manufacturing closely connected
with the event. The organization agrees to share a part of the expenses of the event
provided his product or services are exhibited in the seminar hall. This expenditure
may be in terms funds but the sponsors opt for hosting lunch/dinner, stage
arrangements, awards, venue cultural programs and honoring the chief guest.
Spnseres are a part of the event that also enjoys the benefit of the event.

Some noted sponsorship:

1. Social clubs
2. Educational Institutions
3. Organizations
4. Non govt organizations
5. Associations
6. Financial Institutions
7. All organizations of Travel & Tourism
8. Embassies and consulates.
9. UNO
10. Head of the state.

IV.5.Press Relations

Press relations are part of the wider process of managing public relations. Neither
Press relations or Public Relations should be viewed as independent functions or
activities as both are part of the Marketing tool designed to improve the image and
brand of the organization . PR is not a substitute for advertising or direct mail, it is
not cheap or free advertising - it can however be a very cost effective way of
ensuring that your customers are aware of your organization and what it stands for.

Press Relations provides an introduction to how an organization can work with the
journalists and their editors across all media, Newspapers, Magazines, TV, Radio
and of course online outlets, to best portray the organization’s image and
reputation. Before an event the salient fetures are announced to the public to
expose them to a certain new concept or product or services. This should create an

awareness in the minds of the consumers that something new is taking place in
their midst. Any thing new should bring curiosity to the consumers and especially
for those who are interested in the announced program. The principles of
Marketing is to identify a segment that would generate more revenue. However in
the interest of getting more mileage many organizations have close relations with
the press for valid reasons. There is a difference between a press release and an
advertisement. Press release is a announcement for the public to know that an
organization have launched a new program or collaboration. This is treated as a
news item. But advertisement is a paid announcement about the product or services
that are available with an organization.

Some of the press release subjects.

 Product Launches
 White Papers
 Press releases
 Press release images (Photography for press releases)
 Press briefings
 Press conferences
 Articles
 Technical articles
 Press clippings
 Lobbying legislators
 Media training
 Choosing a PR consultant
 PR Consultancy or In house team
 Measurement of public relations effectiveness
 Crisis management planning

Public relations

Public relations provides an organization or individual exposure to their audiences

using topics of public interest and news items that provide a third-party
endorsement. Once common activities include speaking at conferences, working
with the media, crisis communications, social media engagement and employee

Public relations is used to build rapport with employees, customers, investors,

voters, or the general public. Almost any organization that has a stake in how it is

portrayed in the public arena employs some level of public relations. There are a
number of public relations disciplines falling under the banner of corporate
communications, such as analyst relations, media relations, investor relations,
internal communications and labor relations.

Other public relations disciplines include:

 Financial public relations - providing information mainly to business

 Consumer/lifestyle public relations - gaining publicity for a particular
product or service, rather than using advertising
 Crisis public relations - responding to negative accusations or information
 Industry relations - providing information to trade bodies
 Government relations - engaging government departments to influence

Status of the industry

The role of public relations professionals is changing because of the shift from
traditional to online media. Many PR professionals are deskilling and looking at
how social media can impact a brand's reputation.


Public relations and publicity are not synonymous, but many public relations
campaigns include provisions for publicity. Publicity is the spreading of
information to gain public awareness for a product, person, service, cause or
organization, and can be seen as a result of effective public relations planning.
More recently in public relations, professionals are using technology as their main
tool to get their messages to target audiences. With the creation of social networks,
blogs, and even Internet radio public relations professionals are able to send direct
messages through these mediums that attract the target audiences. Methods used to
find out what is appealing to target audiences include the use of surveys,
conducting research or even focus groups. Tactics are the ways to attract target
audiences by using the information gathered about that audience and directing a
message to them using tools such as social mediums or other technology. Another
emerging theme is the application of psychological theories of impression


IV.6. Audience as targets

A fundamental technique used in public relations is to identify the target audience,

and to tailor every message to appeal to that audience. It can be a general,
nationwide or worldwide audience, but it is more often a segment of a population.
A good elevator pitch can help tailor messaging to each target audience. Marketers
often refer to socio-economically-driven "demographics. However, in public
relations an audience is more fluid, being whoever someone wants to reach. Or, in
the new paradigm of value based networked social groups, the values based social
segment could be a trending audienceAn alternative and less flexible, more
simplistic, approach uses stakeholders theory to identify people who have a stake
in a given institution or issue. All audiences are stakeholders (or presumptive
stakeholders), but not all stakeholders are audiences. For example, if a charity
commissions a public relations agency to create an advertising campaign to raise
money to find a cure for a disease, the charity and the people with the disease are
stakeholders, but the audience is anyone who is likely to donate money.

Sometimes the interests of differing audiences and stakeholders common to a

public relations effort necessitate the creation of several distinct but
complementary messages. This is not always easy to do, and sometimes, especially
in politics, a spokesperson or client says something to one audience that creates
dissonance with another audience or group of stakeholders.

 Publicity events, Seminars, conference and trade shows.

 Talk show interviewed on television and radio talk shows with audiences
that the client wishes to reach
 Books and other writings
 Direct communication (carrying messages directly to constituents, rather
than through the mass media) with, e.g., newsletters – in print and e-letters
 Collateral literature, traditionally in print and now predominantly as web
 Speeches to constituent groups and professional organizations; receptions;
seminars, and other events; personal appearances
 A desk visit is where the public relations person literally takes their product
to the desk of the journalist in order to show them emerging promotions

Managing language
Use the simplest terminologies in a language you are comfortable with.
Make your message very clear and be positive in your approach to
your message. Avoid sentences that would be confusing to the
readers. Be calm and patient when you talk to the press reporter. Be
polite and understand that the press has a right to ask you questions
even if they are impertinent.

Conveying the message

The means by which a message is communicated can be as important as the

message itself. Direct mail, advertising and public speaking are commonly used
depending upon the intended audience and the message that is conveyed. Press
releases are also used, but since many newspapers are very eager to print some
news, it is advisable to provide correct news and the best way of communicating
is with a recorder and in the recent past other methods like a mobile picture has
become more popular.

The present day is fashioned by Conferencing Services portfolio of audio, web,

and video collaboration tools that help businesses conduct meetings faster and
more efficiently than ever before. You can choose from a range of options - from
completely self-run to fully managed high touch meetings, expedite decisions,
optimize productivity, and react more quickly to events in your marketplace. The
application is simple, flexible, secure, and cost effective solution . Also it has the
ability to have reservationless, reserved, and operator assisted conferences,
supported by interactive web conferencing collaboration , integrated voice, Web
and video conferencing , Executive and Global audio conferencing service
options , web-based tools and resources to schedule, monitor, and managed

Features include Conference Record for later playback; integrated audio, Web and
video conferencing via many registered organization.

Conferencing Service Global Option

Conferencing Service Global option provides you with the ability to establish
global audio conferences with non-U.S. callers participating via their own in-
country dial-in access numbers, any time and from anywhere:

Audio conferencing introduction

Sometimes, geography and logistics make it impossible for all of a meeting's
participants to be in the same room. And in this era where companies must do more
with less, time and costs often make travel prohibitive for many businesses.

In these situations, audio conferencing, or teleconferencing, can be a valuable

alternative. By allowing groups of people to communicate by phone, decisions can
be made, information relayed, and problems resolved in days rather than weeks.
However, most business phone systems can connect only up to three callers on a
line. An audio conferencing service allows you to connect more people together
without having to invest in expensive equipment.

Audio conferencing services are offered by independent service bureaus and long
distance providers that use sophisticated call connection "bridges" to join many
different phone calls into a single conversation. Conferencing services allow
meetings to take place even when everyone can not be in the same room,
connecting people in different branch offices for a sales meeting or providing
quarterly results to investors.

Whether you want to set up a conference call for three people or 3000, this
conference calling buyer's guide is for you.

IV.7. Conferencing options

Conferencing services are remarkably similar in terms of their basic offerings.

Because almost all services buy their equipment from one of a few manufacturers,
there are very few differences in terms of features and connection quality. There
are two basic types of audio conferencing available: reservationless and operator-

Reservationless conferencing
Reservationless conferencing is the most popular type of conferencing used today.
With it, you can start a conference call immediately, any hour of the day or night.
This type of calling is often used by salespeople to set up calls with prospects and
by departments that need to hold meetings with other employees or vendors.

When you sign up, you receive a permanent, toll-free dial-in telephone number and
two passcodes: one passcode for the conference host, and the other for participants.
Participants simply need to dial in to be connected to the conference.

Because reservationless conferencing is mostly automated, rates are far lower than
operator-assisted conferencing. However, reservationless conferencing offers a less
comprehensive list of features than operator-assisted services.

Operator-assisted conferencing
On the high-end, operator-assisted conferencing provides the comprehensive
support needed for important corporate phone calls like investor relations calls or
upper level management meetings.

With this reservation-required service, an operator is on hand to place calls to

participants and to help manage the conference call, from the beginning roll call to
wrap-up reporting. While this can be overkill for small conference calls, when a
call has dozens or even thousands of participants, having someone help manage the
call logistics while you are speaking can be incredibly helpful.

The only drawbacks to operator-assisted conferencing are the higher cost and the
need to make reservations up to a day in advance. For calls where advanced
features or operator assistance is important, however, neither drawback is serious
enough to avoid using this type of service.

Business conferencing features

Conducting a meeting over the phone creates specific difficulties, primarily

because participants are not face to face. Most services offer a set of features to
address some of the problems of business conferencing.

Web conferencing is the newest, and probably most widely adopted, conferencing
feature available through many conferencing providers. Web conferencing allows
you to deliver presentations online, adding a visual element to complement the
conference call. This can involve showing a simple set of Microsoft PowerPoint
slides, navigating through a web site, or demonstrating how a software programs
works. From a presenter's perspective, one of the tool's primary advantages is that
you can control what your meeting participants see and when they see it.

Conference management

In a meeting room, it is relatively easy to control the tempo and flow of

conversation. However, control is more difficult to establish in a teleconference.
These features give conference organizers the flexibility to manage a
teleconference in much the same way they would face to face.

Call monitoring ensures that an operator is available at all times for the
conference. This allows participants to be added in the middle of the discussion, or
for other features to be accessed.

Faxing allows a chairperson to distribute materials as they become relevant in a

meeting. The service maintains a group of relevant documents, which are then
faxed to participants on cue.

Roll call lets everyone know who is connected into the conference. An operator
conducts roll call, asking each participant for his or her name.

Subconferencing allows designated participants to communicate privately within

the call. Subconference attendees can later return to the main conference. In most
cases, many subconferences can be established within any one call.

Additional features include translation services, call recording and call

transcription. These services typically carry additional per-call costs.

Large conferences

Many business conferencing services can handle conferences of more than 3,000
people. However, the demands of large conferences require additional features to
allow for orderly discussion. In many cases, these features are used for large
meetings where only a few designated people are expected to speak.

Broadcasting mutes the majority of the participants and only allows certain
participants to speak to the rest. This relieves conferences of the inevitable
background buzz coming from many participants.

Question and answer creates an orderly exchange of information by allowing

participants to signal via phone when they have questions. The operator then calls
on specific participants for their input.

Polling allows participants to vote on particular issues. By pushing a touch-tone

button, participants can accept or reject proposals in the conference. The operator
tallies votes in real time for the chairperson and can provide a printed summary if

Telephone conferencing pricing

Telephone conferencing services are generally used on a per-conference basis.
Most services do not require long-term agreements, and there is no need to use the
same service that handles your long-distance calling. This makes trying alternate
services quite easy and essentially risk-free.

Teleconference calls are typically priced on a per minute per person basis, with
reservationless calling being less costly than operator-assisted calls. Pricing has
dropped fairly substantially in the past five years. Expect to pay about $125 for a
6-person conference that lasts 45 minutes. Flat rate monthly pricing has started to
become popular and is well suited for volume users; doing the comparative math
will help you determine which is a better deal.

In addition, you may encounter additional fees for services like call recording,
translation, and web conferencing. Telephone conferencing services will vary
greatly about which services they include free of charge or as an additional fee-
based service.

For high volume users, most telephone conferencing services also offer volume
discounts. These are available to anyone making calls on a monthly basis, and
often have no minimum spending levels. More substantial discounts require
monthly minimums, with penalties for early termination. If you will be committing
to a contract, play it safe by using conservative scenarios when assessing your
conferencing needs. Tiered pricing based on volume can provide the flexibility you
may need to ensure avoid getting bound by a contract you can not meet.

Choosing a conference calling service

Choosing a conference calling service if you plan to hold reservationless

conferencing is a fairly straightforward affair: just make sure the service offers
conferencing with the features you want at a fair price.

If you anticipate using operator-assisted service for critical event calls, take the
time to learn about the conference calling company beyond its pricing. How long
has the company been around? What experience has it had in managing event
calls? What call volume can your facilities handle? What training do operators
have? Are operators based in-house?

Speak with references about the conference calling service's ability to patch in
participants efficiently and effectively. Also, ask about how helpful the operator
was in helping manage the various calling features you intend to use. It is

important to make sure the analyst call runs smoothly so your company's image is
not negatively affected.

Buying tips
 Technical support. Although it is generally very easy to setup, Web
conferencing can be difficult for computer-challenged people. Learn about
available technical support to help troubleshoot problems.
 Hang up. When a conference call ends, make sure your phone hangs up
before starting to discuss it with others in your office.
 Local calling. Some providers offer lower rates if you dial in a regular
phone number instead of a toll-free one. This can be a way to shave a few
cents per minute per call for those who can call directly.

IV.8.Some General Event Management Issues

Step-1.Accessibility considerations include;

Event Information: consider how details of your event are to be communicated to

persons with accessible needs.
If you event is ticketed, consider pension card holder prices. Also give
consideration to whether or not the ticket price includes provision for a carer.
Accessible facilities such as toilets, hearing loops, interpreters for people with
hearing impairment (Auslan), seating and sight lines.
Accessibility around your event site. Ensure the width of pathways, entrances and
exits can accommodate accessible needs such as including ramps and kickboards
(refer to Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards)


Ensure accurate and detailed records are maintained, this includes in the lead up to
and during the event. Documents to consider;

Event project plan and/or timeline

Meeting schedules, agendas and minutes
Filing systems (soft and hard copies)
Booking forms and applications (as required)
Budget (income and expenditure) records
Contracts and agreements

Key dates register
Key contact list/register
Event running sheets
Event briefing notes
Event Induction Manuals
Volunteer Manuals
Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan
Event Operational Plan
Emergency Response Plan
Traffic Management Plan
Event site plans and maps
Even though the event might be over, you should not forget to complete an
evaluation of your event. You should always evaluate your event to determine what
worked well, what didn’t work well and where improvements could be made.

Your event evaluation may involve a visitor survey, survey of sponsors, obtaining
feedback from stakeholders and sponsors.

It is also recommended that you undertake an event debrief soon after your event.
The debrief should involve members of your event organising committee as well as
contractors, authorities and key agencies such as emergency services and police.

Depending on your budget you may contract a professional agency to complete an

event evaluation.

Step 3 - Event Organisation Checklist

Following is a range of issues likely to need consideration when organising an

event. Each subject area is linked to a page with some further clarification and
contact details and/or links to organisations and web sites that you may need to
contact for detailed information, assistance, guidance, permits, authorisations, etc.

Food and Alcohol

If you are serving food at your event, there are certain requirements which the
conference hotel should take care..

Regulated Activities

As events can encompass a diverse range of activities you should check whether
any of the activities at your event are subject to controls.

Traffic and Transport Issues

There are a range of issues you should consider regarding the holding of an Event

 Traffic flow
 Road closures
 Public transport
 Parking

Managing Money and Crowds

A security guard service licensed for crowd control and with events experience can
provide invaluable expertise to help manage potential risks at your event. It is
highly recommended that you consider using security guards at your event if:

 large crowds are expected

 large sums of money will be processed at the event
 there will be alcohol at your event-either for sale or BYO

Environmental Impact

A careful study is required if your event have an impact on the environment.

Consider the following:

 damage to environment and infrastructure

 excessive noise (eg concerts, burnouts, etc.)
 noxious gases (eg. burnouts)
 high levels of dust (eg. car rally during drought)
 garbage (eg. food and drink wrapping/containers)
 toilet facilities
 cooking oils and similar cooking waste

 Go To - Environmental Impact Issues

Providing Music and Entertainment

Some of the issues you will need to take into account if you are using performers,
live music and/or pre-recorded music at your event are:

 Copyright
 Insurance
 Additional occupational health and safety issues
 Contracts

Funding Suggestions

If you will be raising money at your event your organisation may need to be
authorised. Event organisers also have responsibilities in respect of volunteers.

Administration Issues

To make your event accessible to as many people as possible, you should aim to
cater for people with disabilities.

You should always evaluate your event to determine what worked well, what didn’t
work well and where improvements could be made.

Respecting Australian Indigenous in the form of a traditional welcome is a general

practise of special significance.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines

whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.


5 Easy to Follow Steps for Organising a Company in Business / Management

It seemed a good idea in the meeting to suggest a company away day ... but you
didn't expect to be lumbered with organising it!

So if you have never organised any sort of corporate event before, or have only a
limited experience, this article is for you. Here you will find five easy to follow
steps to help you through the process which should help you to organise a day
which is memorable for the right reasons.

Step 1

Decide on the corporate event that will form the backbone of the day. This sounds
easy but when push comes to shove, it is not that straightforward. You really need
to consider your colleagues and the sort of thing that would alienate as few of them
as possible. Look for an event that will be inclusive and one that will not leave a
lot of people standing around for most of the day. Motorised events in which
everyone gets wet and cold is definitely not inclusive. Additionally, it will mean
people are waiting around for their turn. On the other hand, something like a
treasure hunt would involve everyone and all of the time with no waiting around. If
the event you have chosen must involve dead time for participants, organise it
indoors or when the weather is likely to be reasonably clement. For something
more active, a corporate event that comprises several activities, each one of which
lasts for around thirty minutes, with teams moving from activity to activity
throughout the day is a good alternative. Often company away days will involve a
visit to a sporting event but be careful, not all of your colleagues will like the sport
chosen or indeed they may not be interested in sport at all.

Step two

Choose the venue. The provider of the event we'll probably be able to help you to
find a suitable venue but make sure that it will appeal to all people. The

Step three

Then decide on the date and book the event. Make sure are when arranging the
date that it coincides with a slack period at work. If your company doesn't have
slack periods, then it is essential to avoid peak holiday seasons otherwise people
will be disappointed to miss the away day. Why use a slack period? Basically,
because that is when people are most bored at work and it will also least interrupt
the flow of business thus pleasing colleagues and management at the same time!

Step four

Publicise it well in advance so that your colleagues can put it in their diary and
avoid taking their holidays on the day; the sales force can avoid making customer
visits on that day too. To make it extra special keep the exact nature of the event
secret a until close to the day of the event and build it up more and more as it
comes closer using enigmatic publicity on the office notice boards.

Step five

Organize the transport well in advance to avoid disappointment. You will need to
establish the numbers who are going on the day well in advance anyway but for
passing to the corporate events company so that they can make their arrangements
so you will know how many seats are needed. You don't need to blow the budget
on luxury coaches but do make sure that you use a reputable company with modern
and comfortable vehicles. Always order a larger coach capacity than is actually
needed because this will give your colleagues the opportunity to have more space
on the journey; there is nothing worse than being crammed into a coach especially
if the weather outside is grotty.

General tips

Making arrangements early will reduce your stress levels and enable you to
anticipate potential snags. Make notes of all of your conversations and
arrangements made so that you can double check that nothing has been missed.
Make sure are that you have talked things through in detail with the events
company and have a timetable for the day; you will feel (and be) or more in
control. Make sure that you communicate the start and finish times clearly to the
transport company in order to avoid a late start or to leave your colleagues hanging

around waiting for coaches afterwards. Above all make sure are that you
communicate clearly your arrangements for the day to both management and
colleagues so that they know exactly where they need to be and when.

So setting up the perfect company away day is not too difficult, communication
and early organisation is at the heart of it. Good luck!

This paper studies the forming process of customer value based on grounded
theory. Through mining the factors and analyzing the relationship between them
during the customer value formation, the model of customer value is constructed in
a business to customer market. At the same time, we build the measuring model
and propose four types of customer measurement: the measurement of each factor
of customer value and their importance, the measurement of the relationship
among each factor of customer value components, the measurement of the effect
from external factors to customer value and the measurement of customer value
changing with time. Finally, we make an empirical study utilizing conjoint analysis
on the first kind of measurement.

This section provides sets of conference components for you to work with.
Examining a set of examples closely will make it easier to see the patterns, feel the
rhythms, and tease out the shared qualities of each component. Reading and
working with these parts of conferences, you will see there are a handful of moves
that we make again and again and will be able to try these moves—use these words
—yourself. You will also want to study the differences you find. Why, for example,
did the teacher ask those questions in that research component and these questions
in this research component? After you have studied these components, the actions
we take and the words we choose won't feel unexpected, and you may begin to
internalize some of these same thinking processes. You may want to add
components from your own conferences to those you find here to help you think in
specifics about your own students and your own conferring.

This document outlines the six components of Socratic Seminar, which is a

structured classroom practice that promotes critical and creative thinking,
intellectual curiosity, collaboration, and scholarly habits of mind. The main goal
of Socratic Seminar is to build deep conceptual understandings of texts and
ideas. In seminar, the teacher shifts his or her role to that of facilitator or
questioner, so that the students can move from passive reception of knowledge to
actively constructing meaning and understanding. They will build on others’
ideas, cite the text, ask questions and voice their own opinions. With practice, the

students become self-sufficient and together they can tackle even the most
challenging texts. Participants in Socratic Semi


Unit V

V.1.Role of travel agency in the management of conferences.

Tourism is a consumer driven Industry. The Industry employs more

work force than any other service Industry and in terms of turn over it is
next only to Petroleum Industry.
Tourism is one of the few sectors that cut across a whole range of economic and
social activities. It is furthermore a key economic and job driver in the developing
world. Tourism is the industry of industries and has a great multiplier effect on
other industries. Tourism serves as an effective medium for transfer of wealth
because here income earned in places of “residence” is spent in place “visit”. It is
the highest generator of employment. A total of 270 million persons are now being
employed globally through direct and indirect opportunities generated by this
industry. Tourism is therefore considered to be an important area for intensive
development for all governments. As the fastest growing foreign exchange earner,
specially in developed countries, it is being given priority attention.

Let us all admit that Tourism is a golden chain that is bound by all section of
people in International Tourism in emerging & developing markets that has
grown at an average rate of 6-8% over the past decade. Tourism is a crucial
contributor to many countries especially those who have not been able cash on

The study of tourism helps us to illuminate general economic, political, social,

environmental and geographical process. We shall not view tourism as an
expensive field; instead consider this as an activity which helps us to understand
the world and the ways in which humans interact not only with each other but also
with the planet

There may be millions of consumers and travel organizations who are definitely
concerned about the future of tourism or Emerging Tourism Markets – The Coming
Economic Boom

As we have observed, the past has brought, people, countries, cultures and trade
and commerce together to be independent and self reliant and good health may also
find more joyous full and loving life. Sometimes, it may not be what we want to
hear, but it will be what we need to know to make better choices in tourism
management to manage change in these rapidly changing climatic conditions
across the globe.

The travel agencies who organize are the best recognized professionals to convene

V.2.International congress and convention Association.

ICCA is the global community for the meetings industry, enabling its members to generate and
maintain significant competitive advantage.

ICCA was founded in 1963 by a group of travel agents. Their first and foremost aim was to
evaluate practical ways to get the travel industry involved in the rapidly expanding market of
international meetings and to exchange actual information related to their operations in this
market. This initiative soon proved to have been taken at the right moment: the meeting industry
expanded even more rapidly than foreseen. As a result of which candidates from all over the
world applied for ICCA membership. Not only congress travel agents but representatives from
all the various sectors of the meetings industry.

ICCA now is one of the most prominent organisations in the world of international meetings. It is
the only association that comprises a membership representing the main specialists in handling,
transporting and accommodating international events.

ICCA's network of over 900 suppliers to the international meetings industry spans the globe,
with members in 86 countries. All companies and organisations which have a strategic
commitment to provide top quality products and services for international meetings should
consider ICCA membership as part of their long term plans.

International meeting planners can rely on the ICCA network to find solutions for all their event
objectives: venue selection; technical advice; assistance with delegate transportation; full
convention planning or ad hoc services. ICCA members represent the top destinations
worldwide, and the most experienced specialist suppliers.

ICCA has offices in the Netherlands, Malaysia, U.S.A. and Uruguay.

Why ICCA membership?

 If international association meetings are an important part of your business mix, there is
simply no better nor more cost-effective way to win business from this sector!

 If you're looking to join an effective, global, business networking platform which brings
together the top directors and thought-leaders from all regions of the world and all sectors
of the meetings industry, look no further: ICCA is where they link up and do business.
 If you want to encounter unique, stimulating, forward-thinking, strategic-level education
and debate, join us at the annual ICCA Congress. And if you want your research, sales
and marketing teams to win more business, ICCA has great educational opportunities for
them too.
 If your organisation is genuinely committed long-term to the international meetings
industry, we believe you have a role to play in our global business community. And
ICCA membership is the clearest possible ICCA represents the main specialists in
organising, transporting and accommodating international meetings and events, and
comprises over 900 member companies and organisations in 86 countries worldwide.
way to tell the market about your commitment and professionalism.

Are you looking for information related to the international meetings market? Are you not a
member of ICCA (yet)? The Visitors section provides you with more information publicly
available. The Association Database allows you to search for meetings that are likely to come to
your destination but have not been there before. It also gives members the opportunity to identify
confirmed meetings in a certain destination that could make use of your products and/or services.
More ICCA members are taking advantage of this business opportunity to gain extra profile for
their branch offices. For a small outlay you can significantly increase the profile & existence of
your branch offices giving you a greater competitive edge

V.3.Role and function of ICIB

International Conference on International Business (ICIB)



The International Conference on International Business (ICIB) aims to bring

together academics and practitioners in order to share ideas and methods for the
exploration of foreign direct investment (FDI), the role of multinational
corporations (MNCs) and the complexity of the globalized business environment.
ICIB 2011 will take place on 19-21 May 2011 and will be organized in parallel
sessions of English and Greek. ICIB 2011 will focus on – but not limited to –
empirical research in the following fields:
 Entrepreneurship and international business environment
 European Union enlargement
 Financial management
 Global budgetary crisis management by the European Union institutions
 Globalization, MNCs, competitiveness and development
 e-business
 Sustainable business
 Social entrepreneurship
 Labour economics and industrial relations
 MNCs and political strategies
 Mergers & Acquisitions
 Impact and determinants of FDI
 FDI and European economic integration
 FDI, trade and regional integration
 FDI and transition
 Tourism – enterprise and industry

ICIB 2011 is supported by a number of participating journals and follows a
specific publication procedure.



I declare and thankfully acknowledge that I have gathered information from the
following sources.

1. As Primary sources I have collected information from my own experiences

for the past 35 years conducting different types of events in many Colleges,
Associations, Clubs, Social gatherings and at many organizations where I
held important position..

2. As secondary sources which are references provided in the web site and
articles that have been published in various magazines and journals.

3. I had discussions with people who have life time experiences in credit cards
usage and their views are a part of this project report.

4. I have extensively viewed and have taken extracts from ICCA and ICIB

5. 5.To conclude, without concentration and focusing on the subject it will not
be possible to complete a project report. You need to remember one must
have dedication as you are on your way to creating an engaging and
interesting project report that not only keeps your readers interested, but also
presents the report you wrote about in a manner which evokes the attention
of the reader.

I am also aware and remember that no matter how factual a project report may be,
unless it is interesting no one really cares what it is about.

Dr.H V Arvind babu



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