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KEMAS 13 (1) (2017) 13-18

Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat



Arfah Mardiana Lubis, Puteri Citra Cinta Asyura Nasution

Public Health Faculty, University of Sumatra Utara, Medan

Article Info Abstrct

Article History: Study results from early 2016 across 20 private general hospitals around Medan city,
Submitted December 2016 show there are 10 hospitals that have a physician performance measurement. However,
Accepted July 2017 the Medical Committee perceived some unknown barriers on measurement of physi-
Published July 2017
cian performance. Should it be known, the hospitals can improve and enhance physician
Keywords: performance measurement effectively and efficiently. Therefore, this study aims to un-
Physician; Performance cover the barriers on physician performance measurement in Private General Hospitals
Measurement Barriers; around Medan city. From the interviews with 10 Medical Committees and 6 document
Private General Hospital studies in 10 Private General Hospitals around Medan city which have a physician per-
formance measurement, we found that the barriers on physician performance measure-
DOI ment are: unsupportive human resources, improper Medical Committee monitoring, unwillingness of physicians to be assessed, and assessors tendency toward giving moder-
ate and good score. Therefore, we recommended that Medical Committee in each Private
General Hospital around Medan or supervisors who will assess the performance of the
physicians to attend performance measurement training to minimize biases and errors
in filling out the sheet of physician performance measurement. Training should also be
followed by an explanation that physicians should treat this performance measurement
as a positive thing, because it can help medical profession improve its professionalism.

Introduction a clinical governance to protect patients, where

A hospital is a very complex and high risk medical staff performance will greatly affect the
institution, especially in conditions of global safety of patients (Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan
and regional environment that is changing dy- Republik Indonesia Nomor 755 tahun 2011).
namically. One of the pillars of medical service Institute of Medicine (IOM) in the Unit-
is Clinical Governance, a way to guarantee the ed States estimated that up to 44.000 – 98.000
implementation of quality health services. In deaths occur each year due to medical errors.
line with the mandate of the legislation related The incidence of medical errors in hospitals in
to the health and hospitals (Act of the Republic North Carolina, USA is 91 incidents for every
of Indonesia Number 36 in 2009 about health 1.000 patients each day (Classen, 2011; Pujile-
and ACT Number 44 in 2009 about the hospi- stari, 2014).
tal), hospitals must guarantee the implementa- Similar condition also happened in In-
tion of the quality health services by organizing donesia. Since 2006 to 2012, 182 cases of medi-

Correspondece Address: pISSN 1858-1196
Jl. Universitas No. 21 Kampus USU Medan, 20155 eISSN 2355-3596
Email :
Arfah Mardiana L & Puteri Citra AN / Physician Performance Measurement Barriers

cal negligence were committed by physicians However, hospitals did not always suc-
throughout Indonesia. The cities which have ceed in conducting performance measure-
the most complaints are Jakarta, Bandung, ment and use it for strategic policy on their
Tangerang, and Medan (Adisasmito, 2010; businesses. Their implementations were often
Panggabean, 2014). This indicates poor per- riddled with problems. Barriers to the perfor-
formance from physicians – one of them in the mance measurement system could be affected
city of Medan – in providing health services. by several factors, that is unqualified good
The performance of physicians in conducting performance, unapplied evaluation of good
daily clinical practice had become the public performance, improper communication, inap-
spotlight, where buyers wanted to know if the propriate consequence for the organization,
health services provided by physician were the unsupportive human resources, and improper
best. monitoring. In addition, the management did
One way to solve the problem is to apply not fully understand the basics of performance
Clinical Governance. The Western Australian measurement. Consequently, measurement
Clinical Governance Framework defines four procedures were often difficult to understand.
pillars of Clinical Governance which includes Performance measurement is an activity that
(1) Consumer value; (2) Clinical performance deals with emotional and social conditions and
evaluation; (3) Clinical risk; and (4) Profes- biases in measurement due to different perspec-
sional development and management. Clinical tives are very likely to occur. Factors that can af-
performance evaluation requires that the health fect the performance of physicians outside the
care system devised clinical performance meas- control of the physicians and should be consid-
urement indicators to be included in the per- ered when conducting performance measure-
formance measurement of physicians (Hidaya- ment of physicians are severity of the patient’s
ti, 2015). disease, patient compliance, and support of ad-
It is important to measure physicians’ ditional health services (Landon, 2003; Rivai,
performance in hospitals. This is to spur phy- 2008; Moeheriono, 2012).
sicians to continue to improve its performance Based on the study by Zulfendri (2014),
in order to be better than ever. Performance the audits have not been carried out on a regular
measurement was among the fundamental basis and there were no coaching specialists
roles of the Medical Committee, which was in in private hospitals in Medan city. This was
the hospital. Performance measurement could in line with the results of an initial inter-
be an effective tool for improving performance, view with one of the private hospitals in the
productivity, and the development of the phy-
Medan city, which showed less supervision
sician if implemented properly. For the physi-
quality. One of the physicians who practice
cian himself, performance measurement was
one way to know the result of the effort and internal medicine at the hospital did not
exertion as their contribution to the survival of know how the hospital assessed his perfor-
hospitals (Wijayanti, 2012; Sulistiyawan, 2013; mance because the hospital had never done
Koeswanto, 2016). a measurement of his performance.
The success of any performance meas- From the initial results of a study in
urement system depended on good implemen- 20 private general hospitals around Medan
tation, results, and the impact of the results of city, only 10 hospitals already have physi-
the measurement. The results have implications cian performance measurement sheet,
for good performance on gift-giving; the physi- while the other 10 hospitals did not (Lubis,
cian would complete its work with more enthu-
2016). The fact that 10 Private General Hos-
siasm, more creativity, and with his best ability.
pitals around Medan did not have a physi-
But if the result of the performance measure-
ment indicates there were weaknesses from the cian performance measurement altogether
physician, the best way to fix these weaknesses was in contrast to the rules of the Minis-
and improve performance could be sought out ter of Health number 775 in 2011, that is
immediately (Daoanis, 2012). the Medical Committee of the hospital is

KEMAS 13 (1) (2017) 13-18

obliged to verify the validity of the com- Result and Discussion

petence of medical staff, and according to From the 10 Private General Hospi-
Hospital Accreditation Standards 2012 ver- tals around Medan city which followed the
sion (the standard of KPS 11), hospitals research, we found that only 6 hospitals
must continuously evaluate the quality and were willing to give their sheet of physician
safety of the clinical care provided by each performance measurement, namely RSU
medical staff (Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan MT, RSU D, RSU MSW, RSU Mt, RSU BM,
Republik Indonesia Nomor 755 tahun 2011; and RSU KMB. While RSU Mh and RSU
Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit, 2012). S were unwilling to provide their sheet of
From the initial interview of the measurement of physicians performance
Medical Committee in 10 Private General they were willing to give us an idea of their
Hospitals around Medan city which did performance measurement through inter-
not have physician performance measure- views.
ment, physician performance measurement RSU BK and RSU AMAU did not
was not performed because of the following have a document of physician performance
reasons: the physician was not a permanent measurement. Physician performance
employee, Accreditation 2012 had passed, measurement was based solely on day-to-
there were no cooperation with the Agency day observations, then once a month the
Organizer of Social Security (BPJS), there Medical Committee convened an evalua-
were no time, there were unwillingness to tion and monitoring of the performance
confront the physicians, and there were lit- of physicians in a conference room, led by
tle understanding of the benefits of perfor- Operations Manager. This practice was in
mance measurement. However, the resist- contrast to the opinion of the Mudayana
ance perceived by the Medical Committee (2012), who stated that performance meas-
on the implementation of the physician urement must be able to provide an accu-
performance measurement in the hospital rate and objective picture about the perfor-
is not yet known. Therefore, this study aims mance of the employees and must also be
to uncover the resistance perceived by the documented.
Medical Committee on the implementation We found some barriers on the phy-
of the physician performance measurement sician performance measurement from the
in 10 hospitals that have performance meas- interviews of Medical Committee at 10 hos-
urement, so that the hospital could improve pitals which have a physician performance
and enhance physician performance meas- measurement, and that is: Medical Com-
urement effectively and efficiently. mittee in RSU MT and at RSU BK, head of
Method the IGD in RSU Mh and at RSU S, head of
To understand barriers on physician sub-division BINFO in RSU BM, The Sec-
performance measurement in Private Gen- tion in RSU KMB, and head of the hospital
eral Hospitals around Medan city, Medical in RSU AMAU felt no barriers or problems
Committees were interviewed and docu- on physician performance measurement.
ment studies of the physician performance Staffs of RSU D felt some physicians
measurement in 10 Private General Hos- rarely went into RSU D to work, so they
pitals around Medan city which have a could not monitor the physician’s perfor-
physician performance measurement were mance and conduct performance measure-
performed. The data obtained are then ana- ment. Staffs of RSU Mt were having diffi-
lyzed using theories and studies concerning culties finding their physicians. So they left
barriers to performance measurement from the measurement file in the clinic where
different sources. the physicians practiced outside the hos-

Arfah Mardiana L & Puteri Citra AN / Physician Performance Measurement Barriers

pital. These instances indicated that to-be- amsudin, 2015).

assessed physicians were involved in the From the results of document studies
performance measuring process. Based in 6 hospitals which were willing to provide
on the opinion of Moeheriono (2012) and their sheet of physician performance meas-
Wijayanti (2012), when human resources urement, among the barrier of physician
assessed – in this case the physician – were performance measurement is a distribution
not involved in the measurement process, error of leniency. The distribution error
a sense of belonging would not arise. The of leniency is the tendency of assessors to
physicians were often not in the hospital; consistently provide a value that is too high
hence the staff could not monitor the ac- – “good” or “excellent” – to all staff or his
tivities of physician performance measure- subordinates – in this case the physicians.
ment. This leniency distribution error had also
The head of the medical services occurred in one of the nurses at the Hos-
in RSU MSW felt its physicians were less pital of Southern California (Riggio, 2000).
willing to be assessed. Based on the opin- This was usually done when the assessors
ion of Moeheriono (2012), the reluctance hesitated to give a negative measurement
of physicians was among the obstacles in (fact), or because there was an element of
performance measurement of physicians. immediacy (the assessor and the assessed
This was due to an autonomy-profession- know each other well). Error in conducting
physician which gave them the freedom to the measurement was one of the obstacles
work as a physician. Other professions were in performance measurement i.e. biased
not permitted to evaluate and regulate their measurement made the measurement pro-
work as a physician. The autonomy was cess inaccurate and unobjective. Measure-
also instilling values that the physician was ments like this can happen because the
a very responsible profession. They could evaluator did not have an accurate defini-
work well without supervision, and could tion or restrictions of the many factors be-
be trusted to be able to bear the risk when ing rated. This also includes the measure-
they could not work properly. This is called ment of barriers in the political obstacles in
professional self-regulation. However, it which the assessors rated too high because
will be different when the physicians be- the assessors wanted to avoid a conflict with
came an employee and worked at a com- subordinates and to make the measurement
pany. Performance measurement must be looked successful. The performance meas-
carried out in order to make the manage- urement system that wasn’t conducted well
ment process run effectively. The effective- would affect the perception of the physi-
ness of the implementation of the perfor- cians on the benefits of the system itself
mance measurement could be seen when (Rivai, 2008; Moeheriono, 2012; Wijayanti,
employees can receive a positive measure- 2012; Javidmehr, 2015).
ment system, which lead their motivation In RSU D, from the analysis of physi-
and morale to continue improving their cian performance measurement sheet, we
work achievements. Therefore, physicians found that the barrier on physician perfor-
should view performance measurement as mance measurement was central tendency
a positive thing, because it could help the distribution errors. The distribution error of
medical profession in developing its profes- central tendency is the tendency of the as-
sional side. This performance measurement sessors to consistently provide middle score
is part of Continuing Medical Education to all staff or his subordinates – in this case
and can ensure the quality of practice of the physicians. This measurement error was
physicians (Irvine, 1997; Lefaan, 2006; Sy- among the obstacles in performance meas-

KEMAS 13 (1) (2017) 13-18

urement i.e. biased measurement made the view this performance measurement as
measurement process inaccurate and un- a positive thing, because it could help the
objective. These measurement errors also medical profession in developing its profes-
include political barriers, in which the as- sional side. This performance measurement
sessors wanted to avoid controversy or crit- is part of Continuing Medical Education
icism with their subordinates. An improp- and could ensure the quality of practice of
erly carried out performance measurement physicians.
system would affect perception of the phy- Acknowledgement
sicians on the benefits of the system itself Thanks to University of North Su-
(Rivai, 2008; Wijayanti, 2012; Javidmehr, matera which has funded this research (Bi-
2015). dang Keunggulan Akademik USU) through
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