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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Infrastructure and buildings play an important role in the economical development of the
nation. Many structures suffer from durability distress within a life period of 13 years or so.
Concrete is one of the basic materials used in construction industry, but it requires proper care in
the form of regular maintenance. Instead of dumping the materials used in abandoned buildings
their repair and rehabilitation can save lots of money.
Rehabilitation is the act of restoring something to its original state. Here, the restoring of
the strength of a structure to its designed value is meant as rehabilitation process. Rehabilitation
can be done on the structural members made up of concrete and reinforced concrete.
Consideration in connection with rehabilitation options will normally include investigation of
different aspects such as the amount of non-recurrent expenses (e.g. fitting up the building site),
the actual costs of rehabilitation and the necessity of restrictions in the use of the structure (e.g.
reduced floor load). For the different options, it will probably be expedient to assume different
risks of future damage (e.g. demolition and corrosion) to the concrete structure.
In the present days, the structures are in extreme aggressive environment. The old
structures which were constructed in non-aggressive environment and without any special
preventive measures are now very badly affected due to gradual deterioration of the environment
around them. Also the workmanship also is less as compared to the past situations. Thus the
rehabilitation and the repair of concretes will be an essential area of construction in future days.
And it is a moral responsibility of people to understand that instead of demolishing the structures
they should try for their maximum repair and the use of materials to save the expenses of a new
The main causes of decay of reinforced concrete structures are
 Inadequate or no maintenance of structures: Absence of annual inspection works and
maintenance study of structures causes the rate of decay and may result in sudden
destruction of structures. Structures which are proposed for public service (like water
treatment plant, dams) must be inspected for the assurance of safety.
 Bad use of the building: The bad use of building refers to the overloading conditions;
resulting in crack formation and deterioration.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

 Bad workmanship during construction: Bad workmanship may be due to the errors in
mix proportions, mixing of concrete, placing of concrete, compaction of concrete and in
curing of concrete.
 Natural wear and tear: Natural wear and tear of structure includes the decrease in the
strength of concrete due to age and loads.
 Physical influences: The deteriorations cased by physical agents are referred as physical
influences. The physical influences may reduce the area of the concrete section and thus
the uniformity and load balancing conditions vary.
 Action of atmospheric agencies: Atmospheric agencies like wind, rain, earthquake, etc.
can cause complete destruction of the structure. Chemicals on the atmosphere also affect
the structures badly through sulphate attack, chloride attack, etc.

Fig.2.1 Chemical attack on concrete column

The rehabilitation method is adopted according to the type of decay on the structure. It is
for the economic repair of structure and for the effective restoring of the strength. The
rehabilitation will be provided through modified cement, mortar, concrete, etc. Thus the
materials vary according to site conditions. Though, the pre-requisite for a sound repair system is
the detailed investigation and determining the exact cause of distress, yet an understanding of the

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

process of deterioration of the repair materials (such as concrete and other auxiliary materials i.e.
plastic, resins, etc) under service conditions is vital. Also, the availability of materials of
relevance, equipment and skilled labor has to be explored before deciding upon the repair
3.1 Essential Parameters for Repair Materials
Besides being of compatible properties, repair materials for cement concrete/ mortar shall
also be easy to apply and require no attention after the repair has been applied. The essential
parameters for deciding upon a repair material for concrete are:
 Low shrinkage properties: The cementitious repair materials shrink with passage of
time. Most of the shrinkage generally take place in the initial period from the time of
casting to 21 days. Therefore, cementitious repair material in its original form, if used for
repair to concrete/ mortar, is likely to get either delaminated due to de-bonding or
develop shrinkage cracks on its surface due to shrinkage strains and stresses. Shrinkage
cracks so developed in the repair patch would allow the easy access of atmospheric air
and water, which could be harmful for concrete and reinforcement.
 Quick setting/ hardening properties: It is desirable that the repaired structure shall be
put to use at the earliest possible to reduce the down time of plant, machinery, building or
road. It is therefore, essential that repaired patch shall harden in the minimum possible
 Workability: The repair material is to be applied by the field workers and hence its
acceptability by them is very important. The property desired by the field workers is good
workability. Hence, optimum workability is to be achieved without sacrificing the other
desirable properties by use of suitable additives/ admixtures.
 Bond with the substrate: The bond strength of repair patch with the substrate is
essential to have successful repair system. If it is felt that the bond strength of the repair
material with the base material is inadequate or less than the strength of the base material,
then some other suitable means could be explored to improve bond strength between
repair material and substrate. This can be rectified by the use of adhesive, surface
interlocking system, and/ or mechanical bonding.
 Compatible co-efficient of thermal expansion: The difference in volume change
because of temperature variation can cause failure either at the bond line or within the

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

section of lower strength material. Therefore, in the areas exposed to temperature

variations, the patches of repair should have same co-efficient of thermal expansion to
ensure that no undue stresses are transferred to bonding interface or the substrate. Due to
similar co-efficient of thermal expansion, cementitious materials are preferred over epoxy
 Compatible mechanical properties and strength: The hardened material shall have
compatible mechanical properties or rather slightly better strength than that of base
material. This property is desirable to ensure uniform flow of stresses and strains in
loaded structures. It is well known that the elastic modulus of two concretes would be
different for different crushing strength. So, if repair concrete is having strength much
different than the base, it could lead to non-uniform flow of stresses and may result in an
early failure of the repair patch.
 Relative moment (if expected): Particularly in case of sealing of such cracks where
movement is expected or at expansion joints, the repair material selected shall be resilient
and elastic to be able to absorb the anticipated relative movements of the structure
without any signs of distress or crack.
 Minimal or no curing requirement: It is desirable that the repair material shall not have
any curing requirement after the repair has been applied or even if it is requires, it should
be minimal to ensure that the repair patch hardens and attains the desired strength without
much post-repair-care. Epoxies do not require any curing. Other material applications
need nominal to moderate curing, which need to be specified. Such materials have
several other merits, which are to be kept in view, while making a selection. Curing
compound can be applied over cementitious materials used for repairs but after
examining its compatibility.
 Alkalinity: In case of Reinforced Cement Concrete, it is important to maintain the
alkalinity of concrete around the reinforcement (pH above 11.5) for protection from
corrosion. In this context, it is necessary for the repair material to have chemical
characteristics which does not adversely affect the alkalinity of the base concrete at a
later date. The chemical characteristics of the repair material and its after effect on the pH
of RCC shall be examined beforehand.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

 Low air and water permeability: Permeable material allows easy permeation of
environmental chemicals including carbon dioxide, water, oxygen, industrial gases/
vapors etc. It is essential that repair materials should have a very low air/ water
permeability to provide protection to the RCC against ingress of harmful environmental
 Aesthetics: It is desirable that colour and texture of the repair material should match
with the structure and give aesthetically pleasant appearance. It can be otherwise
achieved through appropriate finishes.
 Cost: Economics is important while considering various options for repair materials but
cheaper repair material should not be selected at the cost of performance characteristics.
 Durability and Bio non-degradability: The repair material selected should be durable
under its exposure conditions during the service life against chemical attack, resistant to
any form of energy like ultra violet rays, infra red rays, heat etc. and should be bio non-
 Non-Hazardous/ Non-Polluting: The repair materials should not be hazardous to field
workers. However adequate safety measures are required to be taken for repair materials,
which are hazardous to workers involved with their application, etc. These should also be
environment friendly.
3.2 Materials for Repair
Wide range of materials for repair of concrete is available differing in cost and their
performance. Their application range covers:
 Material for surface preparation
 Chemical rust removers for corroded reinforcement
 Passivators for reinforcement protection
 Bonding agents
 Structural repair materials
 Non-structural repair materials
 Injection grouts
 Joint sealants
 Surface coatings for protection of RCC

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Products available in the market are generally in pre-proportioned and in pre-weighed packs
together with accompanying instructions regarding mixing procedure, pot life, dosage and
application procedure etc. It is desirable that the manufacturer indicates the generic name and
proportion of the components in the products on the pack.
Though, these materials are being marketed under their brand names, yet these could be
classified in the following categories:
 Premixed cement concrete/ mortars (modified with non-polymeric admixtures/ additives)
 Polymers/ latex modified cement additives for mortars/ concrete/ cement slurry
 Epoxy resins
 Chemicals for corrosion control, removal of rust
Various methods of rehabilitation are as follows:
4.1jStrengthening of Concrete Structures using Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP)
The use of Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) as reinforcement for structures is rapidly
gaining appeal. This is due to the many advantages these materials affordable when compared to
conventional steel reinforcement or concrete encasements.

The advantages of FRP technique are as follows:

a) Light weight
b) High strength-to weight ratio
c) Ease of handling and application
d) Lack of requirement for heavy lifting and handling equipment and corrosion resistance
e) Low thermal expansion
f) High corrosion resistance
g) Non-magnetic properties

The main fibre types used are carbon (CFRP), glass (GFRP) and aramid (AFRP). GFRP
comes in two types – E- glass and AR glass. E- Glass is the most common form used but it
has the disadvantage that it is attacked by the alkali in fresh concrete or grout. AR-glass
(Alkali Resistant glass) is the remedy for the alkali attack. The bonding of the fibres to the
substrate can be attained by immersing the fibres in a matrix of epoxy resin. FRPs are
available in forms of sheets as well as strips. The bonding material may be applied to either

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

the surface or within slots cut in the cover concrete. Thus the FRP can be defined as a layer
(or layers) of fibre embedded in a matrix of epoxy resin and bonded into the concrete.

Fig.3.1 Cross-sectioned view of FRP


Fig.3.2 Bonding of FRP plate and Steel plate


Perhaps the biggest advantage of FRPs is flexibility. Reinforcement can be arranged

according to the loading conditions so that a FRP structure or a component can be optimised for
performance. The apparent high cost of FRPs compared to conventional materials has been a
major unfavourable restraint.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

However, a direct comparison of the unit price basis may not be appropriate. When
installation is included in the cost comparison, FRPs can be competitive with conventional
materials. The lightweight of FRPs reduces transportation expenses and allows some
prefabrication to take place at the factory, which reduces time at the job site. If the comparisons
include life cycle costs, FRPs can have a significant advantage. FRP systems can also be used in
areas with limited access where traditional techniques would be impractical. Thus, the
introduction of fibre reinforced polymers in civil engineering structures has progressed at a very
rapid rate in recent years.

Fig.3.3 CFRP on beams


There are 3 types of shear wraps suitable for increasing the shear strength of rectangular
beams or columns. They are:
 Full wrap
 3-sided wrap
 2-sided wrap

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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Fig. 3.4 Types of wraps


Fig.3.5 CFRP finished surface


The main problem on FRP use is that, there is no standard design code for FRP design;
the only available resources are fib guidelines. These guidelines limit the stress/ strain in the FRP
to avoid de-bonding, which can occur in several mechanisms. In addition, due to the general
decrease in ductility of a member strengthened with FRP, care must be taken to ensure ductility
is preserved, by ensuring the internal steel will sufficiently yield at failure.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

FRPs can be applied as rehabilitation material in wide variety of structures that include
bridges, flyovers, chimneys, water tanks, buildings, large diameter pipes, industrial plants,
jetties, sea-front and underwater structures.
4.2 Strengthening of Concrete Structures using Ferro-cement
Ferro-cement is a thin wall type composite, having a total thickness ranging between 12
to 30 mm. It is composed of hydraulic cement mortar reinforced with a minimum two layers of
continuous and relatively small diameter orthogonally woven wire mesh separated by 4 to 6 mm
diameter galvanized spacer wires. The cement mortar is admixed with plasticizers and polymers
for sealing pores. The wire mesh is mechanically connected to the parent surface by U-shaped
nails fixed with suitable epoxy bonding system. The mesh may be made of hot dip galvanized
mild steel wire or some other metallic or suitable material. Special technique for compacting
ferro-cement layer is used with the help of orbit vibrators to ensure proper encapsulation of wire
mesh in mortar.

Fig. 3.6 Types of ferro-cement mesh


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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Fig.3.7 Ferro-cement wire mesh connected to reinforcement bars

Ferro-cement is a durable composite material, in which shrinkage cracks are distributed
uniformly due to the presence of closely spaced, thin woven galvanized wire mesh. It is coupled
with excellent corrosion resistance and impermeability.
The connection of the mesh to the reinforcement can be either a direct connection or
using shear connectors. Shear connectors hold the mesh in place and also helps in reducing
resultant load. Usually high strength steel bolts of length 70 mm and diameter 12 mm are used
for shear connection.

Fig.3.8 RCC beam with wire mesh only

[Source: Applying the Ferrocement Concept in Construction of Concrete Beams Incorporating
Reinforced Mortar Permanent Forms]

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Fig.3.9 RCC beam with wire mesh and shear connectors

[Source: Applying the Ferrocement Concept in Construction of Concrete Beams Incorporating
Reinforced Mortar Permanent Forms]
This repair technique is used for providing protective reinforced membrane for
rehabilitation of distressed RCC structures. This acts as a protective layer against the changes of
the environment. It is also used as a water proofing technique over reinforced concrete shell
structures and RCC slabs as it provide an impermeable thin membrane, which prevents seepage
and leakage of water.
The advantages of ferro-cement repair are as follows:
 Fire resistance up to 7500C for 48 hours
 There will be no crack formation along reinforcement
 RCC members improve its strength by 125% to 300% as compared to original
damaged condition.
4.3 Strengthening of Concrete Structures using Reinforced Cement Concrete Column
Jacketing is the most popularly used method for strengthening of building
columns. The most common types of jackets are steel jacket, reinforced jacket, fibre reinforced
polymer composite jacket, jacket with high tension materials like carbon fibre etc.
Jacketing of columns consists of added concrete with longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement around the existing columns. This type of strengthening improves the axial and
shear strength of columns while the flexural strength of column and strength of the beam-
column joints remain the same.

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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Fig.3.10 Reinforcement provided for RCC jacketing

A major advantage of column jacketing is that it improves the lateral load capacity of the
building in a reasonably uniform and distributed way and hence, avoid the concentration of
stiffness as in the case of shear walls. This is how major strengthening of foundations may be
avoided. In addition, the original function of the building can be maintained, as there are no
major changes in the original geometry of the building with this technique.
If columns in a building are found to be slender, RC jacketing provides a better solution
to avoid buckling problems. Design for strengthening/ repair work is based on composite action
between the old and the new work. Strain compatibility calculations may have to be carried out
carefully giving due accounts to factors such as creep. As the new jacket is to behave
compositely with the parent member, the new jacket can take additional loads only with the
increase in the stresses & strains in the old one. The problem may arise in the following cases:
 Old concrete has reached limiting strain and is not likely to sustain any more significant
 Old concrete is weak and porous and started deteriorating due to weathering action and
corrosion of reinforcement.
The question then arises as to whether the composite action should be abandoned and the
new jacket designed to carry the entire load. It is perhaps best to design the strengthening in this
manner, but detailing must be right to ensure transfer of load to the new jacket, if the old

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

concrete fails. It is however, necessary to ensure perfect bond between the old and new concrete
by providing shear keys and effective bond coat with the use of epoxy or polymer modified
cement slurry giving strength not less than that of new concrete.

Fig.3.11 Vertical cross-section of RCC jacketing arrangement


Fig.3.12 Horizontal cross-section of RCC jacketing arrangement


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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Table 3.1 Details of reinforced concrete jacketing

[Source: materials and jacketing technique for Retrofitting of structures]
Properties of jackets  Match with the concrete of the existing structure.
 Compressive strength greater than that of the existing
structures by 5 N/mm2 or at least equal to that of the existing
Minimum width of  10 cm for concrete cast-in-place and 4 cm for shotcrete.
jacket  If possible, four-sided jacket should be used.
 A monolithic behaviour of the composite column should be
 Narrow gap should be provided to prevent any possible
increase in flexural capacity
Minimum area of  3Afy, where, A is the area of contact in cm2 and fy is in kg/cm2.
longitudinal  Spacing should not exceed six times of the width of the new
reinforcement elements (the jacket in the case) up to the limit of 60 cm.
 Percentage of steel in the jacket with respect to the jacket area
should be limited between 0.015and 0.04.
 At least, 12 mm bar should be used at every corner for a four
sided jacket.
Minimum area of  Designed and spaced as per earthquake design practice.
transverse  Minimum bar diameter used for ties is not less than 10 mm or
reinforcement 1/3 of the diameter of the biggest longitudinal bar.
 The ties should have 1350 hooks with 10 bar diameter
 Due to the difficulty of manufacturing 1350 hooks on the field,
ties made up of multiple pieces can be used.
Shear stress in the  Provide adequate shear transfer mechanism to assured
interface monolithic behaviour.
 A relative movement between both concrete interfaces
(between the jacket and the existing element) should be

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

 Chipping the concrete cover of the original member and

roughening its surface may improve the bond between the old
and the new concrete.
 For four-sided jacket, the ties should be used to confine and for
shear reinforcement to the composite element.
Connectors  Connectors should be anchored in both the concrete such that it
may develop at least 80% of their yielding stress.
 Distributed uniformly around the interface, avoiding
concentration in specific locations.
 It is better to use reinforced bars (rebar) anchored with epoxy
resins of grouts.

4.3.1 Procedure of RCC Jacketing

The RCC jacketing involves the following steps
1. Prepare the surface of the existing RCC member to receive the structural connection with
a 15 pound (6.8 Kg) chipping hammer. Hammers larger than a 15 pound class may cause
damage to substrate and reinforcement.

Fig.3.13 Surface preparation

[Source: structural systEms]
2. Mark the new reinforcing bar locations on prepared surface for drilling.

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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

3. Drill holes of specified diameter and depth in concrete at locations marked per approved
design calculations.

Fig.3.14 Drilling of holes on existing structure

[Source: structural systEms]
4. Clean drilled hole in dry state with round brushes and by blowing air through a tube
inserted in the hole and connected to hand operated blow out pump.
5. Inject epoxy from the foil pack with the help of epoxy dispenser, epoxy cartridge holder
and the disposal PVC mixing nozzle is inserted inside the drilled hole to fill it from ends
up to the half of the holes.

Fig.3.15 Injecting epoxy resin and placing reinforcement bars

[Source: structural systEms]
6. Insert the reinforcing bar and allow the epoxy adhesive to cure.

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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

7. Fix the longitudinal and transverse reinforcement around the existing columns.

Fig.3.16 Placing transverse reinforcement

[Source: structural systEms]
8. Install and fix the formwork. The form must be constructed to fit tightly against existing
concrete surfaces, and designed for a minimum of 100 Kpa. Maximum pressure exerted
on formwork occurs after the formwork cavity is full and pressurized.
[Formwork is best attached directly to the concrete surface with expansion anchors or
standard form ties. Scaffolding can be used to support the formwork]

Fig.3.17 Fixing formwork

[Source: structural systEms]
9. Drill a port in the formwork at upper areas to expel the air during pumping sequence.

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Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

10. Saturate the prepared surfaces with water.

11. According to the datasheet of manufacturing, mix the prepackaged repair materials which
are designed for pumping.
12. Pump the mix and continue till the cavity is filled.

Fig.3.18 Pumping of concrete mix

[Source: structural systEms]
13. Finish the surface.
i. Fibre reinforced polymer is one of the popular methods used for rehabilitation purpose in
foreign countries and the limitation of FRP repair method is the non-availability of design
ii. Ferro-cement repairing method is another repairing method which is used in cases of
underwater constructions and in cases of non-linear surface finishes (eg. dome). Ferro-
cement produces a waterproofing surface with strength.
iii. Column jacketing is a significant method which increases the size of columns leading to
an increased load carrying capacity. The dis-advantage is that, the method is time
consuming and difficult.
iv. There is no substitute for good quality concrete construction practices for durability of
reinforced concrete structures. The quality control of materials and workmanship viz.
water-cement ratio, concrete cover, compaction and curing etc. which are prerequisites

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

for good quality construction are very important parameters and must be strictly observed
at site. Poor quality concrete construction done cannot be rectified at a later date except
repeated costly repairs to keep the structure functional.
v. To achieve the quality at site, the role of manpower is very significant. The engineers and
workers responsible for construction should be well experienced, quality conscious and
must be fully aware of the repercussions of poor quality work. Also, sufficient technical
staff should be deputed for achievement of quality construction with full support and
encouragement from top management.
vi. The early deterioration of concrete structure is also due to poor maintenance practices.
The water supply and drainage system should be kept intact so that there is no leakage/
seepage on the walls and no stagnated water on roofs due to overflow of water tanks or
rains which acts as an enemy to the structural integrity of the buildings.
vii. The repair/ rehabilitation of damaged structure should be carried out urgently to avoid
further deterioration with time so that the life of the structure and the occupants is not put
into danger.
viii. The design for structural rehabilitation should be carried out after laboratory testing of
the repair materials because the claimed strengths in the brochures from the
manufacturers may not always be achievable.
ix. Structural rehabilitation is more challenging than new concrete construction. It requires
special considerations for evaluation of damage, selection of suitable material, technical
specifications and techniques for repair and quality control of material and workmanship.
Therefore, sufficient time and cost allocations should be made for durable rehabilitation

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam

Rehabilitation of Reinforced Concrete Structures


1. Mr.Rahul Kumar Satbhaiya, Mr.Shishir gupta, Mr. T.R Arora (2013), 'Rehabilitation and
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2. Prof. Y.R Suryavanshl, Mr. Vardan Chandnanl, Mr. Prasad Dhumal, Mr. Sohabran Singh
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4. Varinder. K.Singh, (2013) 'Structural Repair and Rehabilitation of no. (G+8) multi-
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5. Mr. Ezzat H. Fahmy, Mr. Yousry B. I. Shaheen, Mr. Ahmed Mahdy Abdelnaby, Mr.
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Volume- 8, No.1 pp.83-97, March 2014.
6. Shri.Pravin B. Waghmare (2011), 'Materials and Jacketing Technique for Retrofitting of
Structures', International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, E-
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7. Mr.Lakshmikandhan K.N, Mr. Sivakumar P, Mr. Ravichandran R (2013), 'Damage
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8. Director General (Works),'Handbook On Repair And Rehabilitation of RCC Building',
Central Public Works Department, Government of India, Nirman Bhawan, 2002.

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Viswajyothi College of Engineering and Technology, Vazhakulam


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