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Charlie's son was like most normal boys.

He brought home good

grades, was respectful to everyone he met... an all around well-mannered
child. Nothing could disturb the close relationship of Charlie and his
younger son. They were joy and light in each other's eyes.
The boy really grew up in a dysfunctional family. He had no siblings
and his father and mother worked fifteen hours a day. At the age of 10, his
home life grew even worse when his mother unexpectedly passed away. For
the many years that followed, The boy would occasionally hear his father
mumble "It's all your fault...".
But this boy dreamed of a happy life with him and his father. He
would use the antique doll’s his mother left him and play out fantasies where
he was in a loving family. His father said he was one of those kind of boys
and beat him but the boy knew different. He loved girls more then anything,
he would watch his father from afar as he watched his videos of the women
he taped. His father’s hobby kept him out late and he never had time for his
boy. Soon after the boy grew up he took the same hobbies his father had.
By night he worked, by day he watched, and as he slept he went to his
little doll house and dreamed horrible dreams. He was good at watching
though, no girl would ever notice how close he got till it was too late, and he
couldn’t let them tell others he had watched them so he had to do it. He
thought he was the one who watched but he was wrong.
One day, He had a visitor. The visitor said he could make it all better.
He said we were gonna play a game. It was the key... only one that could
free him of his pain. Seven years he has been locked away inside his
dollhouse. But If he won the contest, He'd get the key... but He has been so
bad. He asked himself “But do I really deserve to be free?”
It was amazing, He don’t know what happened but he finally felt free!
Then the pain came, and with the pain came his death. But the pain didn’t
stop and neither did he. When he woke up, he was in his doll house again,
but it was no dream. Something snapped inside and he never was the same
again, outwardly he accepted most change but inside he had become born
again. Soon enough he had his own fascination of death, he could not bare to
kill himself but everyone he killed gave him a new doll to play with and a
new addition to his doll house. He still watches but only because he is told to
watch and would be of no use to them otherwise.

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