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Effective iterative method for

accurate amplitude modulation in

complex optical field generation

Jian Chen
Dawei Zhang
Qiwen Zhan

Jian Chen, Dawei Zhang, Qiwen Zhan, “Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in
complex optical field generation,” Opt. Eng. 58(8), 082404 (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.58.8.082404.

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Optical Engineering 58(8), 082404 (August 2019)

Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude

modulation in complex optical field generation
Jian Chen,a Dawei Zhang,a and Qiwen Zhana,b,*
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shanghai, China
University of Dayton, Department of Electro-Optics and Photonics, Dayton, Ohio, United States

Abstract. We experimentally demonstrate an iterative method for a vectorial optical field generator (VOF-Gen)
to achieve accurate amplitude modulation in creating arbitrary complex beams. The method could converge
rapidly in several steps and is effective to optimize the patterns applied to the liquid crystal spatial light mod-
ulators on a pixel-by-pixel basis to obtain arbitrary desired amplitude distribution. Meanwhile, this method could
also mitigate the speckles caused by the defects of the optical components used in the VOF-Gen system and
calibrate the wavefront related to the amplitude distribution. Several kinds of optical fields with different intensity
distributions are successfully generated to verify the capability and versatility of the presented technique. This
effective method may find many important applications in optical tweezers, microscopy, and unidirectional
coupling. © 2019 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.OE.58.8.082404]
Keywords: complex optical field; spatial light modulator; phase modulation; amplitude calibration.
Paper 181224SS received Aug. 24, 2018; accepted for publication Dec. 7, 2018; published online Jan. 5, 2019.

1 Introduction Zehnder interferometry setup combined with transmissive

Complex optical fields can be widely used in many applica- SLMs.23 Since the absolute phase of each electric-field com-
tions, such as optical communication,1–3 optical trapping,4–6 ponent did not cover the entire 2π range, a complete phase
high-resolution metrology,7 optical tweezers,8 focus engi- control could not be fully realized. Based on two reflective
neering,9,10 unidirectional coupling,11–13 and microscopy14. phase-only liquid crystal SLMs, a vectorial optical field gen-
Thus much research has been conducted to create various erator (VOF-Gen) built in our laboratory is capable of creat-
kinds of complex optical fields with exotic properties. For ing an arbitrarily complex beam cross section on the pixel
example, a state of light with purely transverse angular level.24–26 Taking advantage of the HDTV format of the
momentum was realized by tight focusing of a polarization used SLMs, they are divided into four independently con-
trolled sections to fully manipulate all the degrees of freedom
tailored light beam.15,16 Focused fields with desired homo-
of a complex optical field. However, due to the Gaussian
geneous polarization at any transverse plane in the focal
intensity distribution of the laser source, the fringing-field
region of a high numerical aperture (NA) lens was achieved
effect,27,28 and gamma curve error of the used SLMs, it is
through employing carefully engineered vectorial optical
always difficult to accurately obtain the specified amplitude
beams.17,18 Moreover, a high-purity ultralong optical needle distribution in complex optical field generation.
field was demonstrated through reversing the radiated field In this work, we experimentally demonstrate an effective
from an electric dipole array situated near the focus of a high iterative method for the aforementioned VOF-Gen to achieve
NA lens.19 In addition, diffraction limited focusing with arbi- accurate amplitude modulation in creating arbitrary complex
trary 3-D state of polarization (SOP) could also be accom- beams. We first take the flattop beam shaping as an explicit
plished with a similar reverse calculation method.20 In example to illustrate the optimization process of the pre-
principle, to create these specific focused beams, the required sented method to mitigate the amplitude modulation error
pupil fields have nonuniform spatial distribution in ampli- of the VOF-Gen and give the convergence curve of the iter-
tude, polarization, and phase. It should be pointed out that ative algorithm. Then we extend this method to the genera-
the polarization control contains two degrees of freedom, tion of complex optical fields that can be focused by a high
i.e., polarization ratio and retardation. The generation of NA lens to obtain optical beams with purely longitudinal or
such complicated fields becomes possible with the advances transverse spin angular momentum (SAM). The presented
in nanofabrication and liquid crystal spatial light modulators method could also precompensate the amplitude errors,
(SLMs). Several methods have been proposed to develop which are caused by the defects of the other optical compo-
systems for creating complex beams with SLMs. More spe- nents adopted in the VOF-Gen system, to reduce the speckles
cifically, a noninterferometric technique was presented to in the generated beam and calibrate the wavefront related to
generate arbitrary vector fields with topological charge of the amplitude distribution.
l ¼ 1.21 A robust interferometric method was demon-
strated to generate vector beams of tailored polarization 2 Working Principle of the Iterative Method
distribution and arbitrary mode structure.22 A technique
The schematic diagram of the VOF-Gen is shown in Fig. 1.
for generating beams with arbitrary polarization and shape
Two reflective phase-only SLMs are divided into four sec-
distributions at a given plane was reported using a Mach–
tions and each of them controls one degree of freedom of

*Address all correspondence to Qiwen Zhan, E-mail: 0091-3286/2019/$25.00 © 2019 SPIE

Optical Engineering 082404-1 August 2019 • Vol. 58(8)

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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of the VOF-Gen.

the complex beam. Specifically, the SLM sections 1 to 4, for the two sections in the same SLM are space division
respectively, correspond to the modulation of phase, ampli- multiplexed. Specifically, the phase patterns for the SLM
tude, polarization ratio, and retardation. The SLM section 2 sections 1 and 3 are coded into the right half of the RGB
combined with the λ∕4 wave plate works as a polarization image, whereas the patterns for the SLM sections 2 and 4
rotator (PR). Amplitude modulation is achieved in this sec- are coded into the left half.
tion using the PR setup and a linear polarizer with polariza- Considering the image relationships between the object
tion axis oriented along horizontal direction. A collimated plane and image plane in the 4f systems, and assuming
horizontally polarized He–Ne laser of 632.8 nm is used as that the four SLM sections have been aligned transversely
the incident light source. Half-wave plate and horizontal with no displacements, the output field from BS 4 can be
polarizer are adopted to control the intensity of optical written as26
beam to be modulated. Because of the insensitivity to the
Eo ðx; yÞ ¼ Ei ðx; yÞ

SOP of the incident beam, four 50/50 nonpolarizing beam

splitters (BSs) are utilized to properly direct the optical   
ϕ2 ð−x; −yÞ ϕ3 ð−x; yÞ
beam. To avoid cross talk caused by direct propagation · exp j ϕ1 ðx; yÞ þ þ þπ
2 2
between two adjacent BSs, opaque blockers (shown as 8 h i 9
  ϕ3 ð−x;yÞ
þ π2 ejϕ4 ðx;−yÞ =
ϕ2 ð−x; −yÞ < cos
bold black lines) are placed between BS1 and BS2, BS3
and BS4. In order to minimize the diffraction effects and pre- · sin · h i ;
serve the high-frequency components in the generated opti- 2 : sin ϕ3 ð−x;yÞ þ π ;
2 2
cal field, 4f systems are introduced to relay the optical field
from one SLM section to the next one. L1/M2 and L4/M3 (1)
constitute two reflection type 4f systems, whereas L2/L3
and L5/L6 work as conventional 4f systems. Spatial filters where Ei ðx; yÞ is the electric field of the incident beam,
SF1 and SF2 are placed at the Fourier plane of the conven- ϕ1 ðx; yÞ, ϕ2 ðx; yÞ, ϕ3 ðx; yÞ, and ϕ4 ðx; yÞ are the phase pat-
tional 4f systems to filter out higher diffraction orders. terns applied to the SLM sections 1 to 4, respectively. From
Simultaneous and independent control of the two SLM pan- Eq. (1), we can see that the wavefront of the output beam
els is performed by color channel division multiplexing and would be affected by the amplitude modulation pattern
space division multiplexing schemes. The phase patterns for and polarization ratio modulation pattern. To overcome
SLM 1 are coded into the green color (green channel) of this adverse effect, we can precompensate these two parts
a 1920 × 1080 RGB image, whereas the patterns for SLM in the design of the phase modulation pattern ϕ1 ðx; yÞ.
2 are coded into the red color (red channel). Since each Here we suppose that the desired optical field to be generated
SLM panel has been divided into two halves, the patterns is as follows:

Optical Engineering 082404-2 August 2019 • Vol. 58(8)

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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

Exd ðx; yÞ Since we focus on the amplitude calibration in this work,
Ed ðx; yÞ ¼ Ad ðx; yÞejϕd ðx;yÞ ; (2) the phase ϕd ðx; yÞ and polarization ratio modulation pattern
Eyd ðx; yÞejδd ðx;yÞ

ϕ3d ðx; yÞ are kept unchanged in the iteration process, as

where Ad ðx; yÞ is the amplitude distribution, ϕd ðx; yÞ is the shown in Fig. 2. Here the root-mean-square error (RMSE)
common phase for both the x and y components, Exd ðx; yÞ of the measured intensity distribution in the target region
and Eyd ðx; yÞ denote the polarization ratio, and both of them is used as the evaluation criteria, which quantitatively esti-
mates the beam quality of the tailored optical beam. The
are real and normalized, namely E2xd ðx; yÞ þ E2yd ðx; yÞ ¼ 1;
intensity RMSE is defined as
δd ðx; yÞ is the desired phase retardation between the x and y
components. Comparing Eq. (2) with Eq. (1), ϕ2 ðx; yÞ, sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
RR ffi
x2 þy2 ≤r0 ½I r ðξx; ξyÞ − I d ðξx; ξyÞ dxdy
ϕ3 ðx; yÞ, ϕ4 ðx; yÞ, and ϕ1 ðx; yÞ can be found to be RMSE ¼ RR : (8)
x2 þy2 ≤r0 I d ðξx; ξyÞdxdy

−1 Ad ð−x; −yÞ
ϕ2 ðx; yÞ ¼ 2sin ; (3)
Ei ð−x; −yÞ The N in the flowchart is used to avoid the divergence of

the algorithm caused by manipulation mistakes.

jEyd ð−x; yÞj
ϕ3 ðx; yÞ ¼ 2 tan−1 − π; (4) 3 Results and Discussions
jExd ð−x; yÞj

3.1 Amplitude Calibration

ϕ4 ðx; yÞ ¼ −δd ðx; −yÞ;
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e005;63;553 (5)
In the experimental setup, two Holoeye HEO 1080P SLMs
featuring a HDTV resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels with
ϕ2 ð−x; −yÞ ϕ3 ð−x; yÞ pixel pitch of 8 μm and fill factor of 87% are used in the
ϕ1 ðx; yÞ ¼ ϕd ðx; yÞ − − − π: (6)
VOF-Gen systems. A Spiricon CCD with 1600 × 1200 pix-

2 2
els and pixel spacing of 4.4 μm is adopted to measure the
Due to the inherent modulation error of the SLMs (mainly intensity distribution of the shaped beam. The incident
caused by fringing-field effect and gamma curve error), non- beam is a collimated He–Ne Gaussian laser at 632.8 nm
ideal input beam profile, and defects of the other optical wavelength with the 1∕e2 intensity radius of 1.8 mm.
devices used in the VOF-Gen, the amplitude of the shaped Since flattop beam is significant in many applications and
beam would inevitably depart from the desired values. In has relative simple intensity distribution, it is suitable and
order to solve this problem, we use an algorithm to iteratively straightforward to illustrate the effectiveness of the above
adjust the patterns loaded onto the SLMs to mitigate the iterative method in calibrating the amplitude modulation
amplitude and accompanying wavefront modulation errors. for the VOF-Gen. Here, we conduct experiments to produce
Assuming that the intensity of the output field detected by a circular flattop beam with radius of 0.8 mm and intensity of
the CCD is I r ðξx; ξyÞ and the desired intensity distribution is 1000 cnt (the unit of power/energy in the software of the
I d ðξx; ξyÞ in the target region x2 þ y2 ≤ r20 , then based on CCD). It should be noted that 0.8 mm is the radius of the
Eq. (3), and considering the image function of the last 4f output beam from the fourth BS. Due to the zoom effect
system, we can obtain the desired pattern for the SLM sec- of the last 4f system, the spot size in the CCD will become
tion 2 as a little smaller. Without loss of generality, we set ϕd ðx; yÞ ¼
8 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0, ϕ3d ðx; yÞ ¼ 0, ϕ4d ðx; yÞ ¼ 0, and ϕ2d ðx; yÞ ¼ π, thus
< I d ðξx;ξyÞ ð0Þ
2 sin−1 x2 þ y2 ≤ r20 ϕ1d ðx; yÞ ¼ −3π∕2. Consequently, the patterns in the initial
ϕ2d ðx; yÞ ¼ I r ðξx;ξyÞ ; (7)

iteration step and the intensity distribution of the corres-

0 x2 þ y2 > r20
ponding output beam are shown in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b),
where ξ is the magnification factor of the last 4f system and The pattern for the amplitude modulation is depicted in
r0 is the desired radius of the generated beam. Since the focal the left half of Fig. 3(a) and the phase modulation pattern
length of the lenses in the last 4f system is not equal to each is given in the right half. Both of the two circles are with
other, ξ is used to map the target region in the measured beam radius of 0.8 mm. The incident beam illuminated in the
profile to the corresponding illuminated region in the SLM green circle will be relayed to the next SLM section with
section 2. Substituting Eqs. (7) into (6), we can obtain the the original intensity distribution while the area outside
desired pattern ϕ1d ðx; yÞ for the SLM section 1. the green circle will be suppressed to be zero; the phase
The flowchart of the iterative algorithm is shown in Fig. 2. modulation in the right half is used to keep the output
In the flowchart, ð·ÞðnÞ represents the n’th value of the cor- beam with planar wavefront. From Fig. 3(b), we can see
responding parameter. First, we generate phase patterns to that there are some speckles in the output beam, which
obtain the beam with desired radius r0 . Then based on are mainly caused by the defects of the optical elements
the desired intensity distribution I d ðξx; ξyÞ of the generated used in the VOF-Gen system. These speckles make the inten-
beam and the measured intensity distribution I r ðξx; ξyÞ, sity distribution in the target region of the output beam more
we calculate the patterns for the first iteration. After that, complex, the speckle contrast is about 10.85, which is
ðnþ1Þ ðnþ1Þ calculated by
the patterns ϕ1d ðx; yÞ and ϕ2d ðx; yÞ for the next itera-
tion are based on both the measured intensity distributions sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ðnÞ ðnÞ hI 2 i − hIi2
I r ðξx; ξyÞ of the output beam and the pattern ϕ2d ðx; yÞ C¼ ; (9)

loaded onto the SLM section 2 in the current iteration.

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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

Fig. 2 Flowchart of the iterative algorithm.

Fig. 3 (a) The patterns applied to the SLMs in the initial iteration step and (b) the corresponding output

where I is the intensity distribution in the target region of the The curve for the evolution of the intensity RMSE during
output beam, and h·i is the average operator. The intensity the execution of the iteration algorithm and the optimized
RMSE of the output beam is about 132.28%, indicating flattop beam profile are shown in Figs. 4 and 5(b), respec-
the output beam profile greatly deviates from the expected tively. It can be found that the proposed algorithm could rap-
result. Taking advantage of the high resolution of the idly converge in several steps, typically 3 to 4 steps, and the
SLMs employed in the VOF-Gen and according to the mea- desired flattop beam profile with steep edge roll-off had been
sured output beam profiles [profile in Fig. 3(b) is one of obtained. The intensity RMSE of the optimized flattop beam
them], we could reduce the adverse effect of these speckles is about 12.25%, indicating the high uniformity in the target
on flattop beam shaping via iteratively adjusting the patterns region. The speckle contrast is about 4.03. Both the RMSE
loaded onto the SLMs on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Since the and the speckle contrast of the iteratively optimized result
magnification factor of the last 4f system is about 0.76, are much smaller than those of the output beam shown in
the radius of output beam is about 0.61 mm. Fig. 3(b), demonstrating the superiority of the iterative

Optical Engineering 082404-4 August 2019 • Vol. 58(8)

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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

Fig. 6 The ideal incident pupil field corresponding to the focused

beam with purely longitudinal SAM.

Fig. 4 Evolution of the intensity RMSE.

method in calibrating the amplitude modulation. The opti-

mized pattern obtained through the iteration algorithm for
the amplitude modulation is shown in the left half of
Fig. 5(a). Compared with Fig. 3(b), it can be found that
the proposed iteration algorithm mitigates the speckles in
the optimized flattop beam via giving large amplitude modu-
lation to the points whose initial intensities are lower and
suppressing the amplitude output for the points whose initial
intensities are relatively higher. To keep the shaped beam
with flat wavefront, the phase modulation pattern is also
optimized in the execution process of the iteration algorithm,
as shown in the right half of Fig. 5(a).

3.2 Complex Field Generation

In this section, we extend the above iterative method to the
generation of complex fields. Two typical complex pupil
fields corresponding to focused beams with purely longi- Fig. 7 (a) The purely longitudinal spinning focused beam projected
tudinal SAM or transverse SAM are created with the onto three orthogonal planes with polarization map. (b)–(d) The x ,
VOF-Gen. The derivation of the pupil fields and the methods y , and z components of the spin density of the focused beam on
to analyze the corresponding focused beams have been the x z plane, respectively.
detailed in Sec. 5.

projected onto three orthogonal planes. To quantitatively

3.2.1 Purely longitudinal spinning focused beam analyze the focused beam, without loss of generality, we cal-
For this specific focal field, the corresponding ideal incident culate the spin density of the focused beam based on the elec-
pupil field is given in Fig. 6. Clearly, we can see that the tric field on the xz plane, and the results are shown in
required pupil field has nonuniform intensity and SOP dis- Figs. 7(b)–7(d). The cyan contour line is depicted to high-
tributions since the intensity gradually increases from the light the mainlobe of the focused beam. From these three
center to the edge, and the SOP is elliptical near the edge figures, we can see that the z component of the spin density
while is almost circular at the center. is much larger that the x and y components, especially in the
The purely longitudinal spinning focused beam is demon- vicinity of the z axis, indicating the purely longitudinal spin
strated in Fig. 7(a) with intensity and SOP distributions of the focused beam.

Fig. 5 (a) The optimized patterns for the SLMs and (b) the corresponding flattop beam profile.

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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

a good agreement between the experimental result and the

theoretical result. Figure 9(a) shows the focused beam cor-
responding to the experimental pupil field. The x, y, and z
components of the spin density shown in Figs. 9(b)–9(d)
quantitatively manifest the purely longitudinal spin of the
focused beam in Fig. 9(a), which is in an excellent agreement
with those results in Fig. 7. Thus the above iterative algo-
rithm works well in calibrating the nonuniform intensity dis-
tribution of the complex incident pupil field for the focused
beam with purely longitudinal SAM.

3.2.2 Focal field with purely transverse spin

As shown in Fig. 10, the required ideal incident pupil field
also has nonuniform intensity and SOP distributions. We can
see that from the center to the edge, the total variation of the
intensity is much larger than that in Fig. 6. Another remark-
able difference is that the handedness of the SOP between
the upper half and lower half in Fig. 10 is opposite. Here
the green ellipses denote the left-handed SOP, whereas the
Fig. 8 (a) The experimentally generated incident pupil field for the
focused beam with purely longitudinal SAM, the polarization ellipses blue ellipses represent the right-handed SOP. The corre-
are calculated based on the experimental data. Comparison of the sponding focused beam is given in Fig. 11(a). According
intensity distribution between the experimental and corresponding to the spin density shown in Figs. 11(b)–11(d), it is obvious
theoretical pupil field along (b) x axis and (c) y axis.

In order to experimentally obtain the required pupil field,

we carefully engineer the nonuniform intensity distribution
with the above iterative algorithm, as shown in Fig. 8.
Figure 8(a) shows the experimentally generated pupil field
with polarization map. The polarization distribution is calcu-
lated with Stokes parameters measured by inserting a com-
bination of quarter-wave plate and linear polarizer between
the lens L6 and the CCD camera. More details could be
found in Ref. 16. The comparison of the intensity distribu-
tion between the experimental field and the corresponding
theoretical field along the x axis and y axis are given in Fig. 10 The ideal incident pupil field corresponding to the focused
Figs. 8(b) and 8(c), respectively. Accordingly, the RMSEs beam with purely transverse SAM.
in these two cases are 17.83% and 14.31%, indicating

Fig. 11 (a) The purely transverse spinning focused beam projected

Fig. 9 (a) The focused beam corresponding to the experimentally onto three orthogonal planes with polarization map. (b)–(d) The x, y ,
generated pupil filed in Fig. 8. (b)–(d) The x , y , and z components and z components of the spin density of the focused beam on the
of the spin density of the focused beam on the x z-plane, respectively. x z-plane, respectively.

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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

tightly focused beam is shown in Fig. 13(a). From the three

components of the spin density on the xz plane [as shown in
Figs. 13(b)–13(d)], it is clear that the y component is much
larger than both the x and z components, revealing the purely
transverse spin of the focused beam. All these results mani-
fest once more the effectiveness of the described iterative
algorithm in accurate amplitude modulation for complex
field generation.

4 Conclusions
In summary, we experimentally demonstrate an easily appli-
cable iterative method for a VOF-Gen to achieve accurate
amplitude modulation in creating arbitrary complex fields.
Several typical kinds of complex beams have been success-
fully generated, and the experimental results show that the
iterative algorithm could rapidly converge in several steps
and is effective to optimize the phase patterns applied to
the SLMs to mitigate the wavefront and amplitude errors
of the shaped beam on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Amplitude
modulation plays an important role in the fully manipulation
Fig. 12 (a) The experimentally generated incident pupil field for the
focused beam with purely transverse SAM, the polarization ellipses of the complex optical field, the proposed method provides
are calculated based on the experimental data. Comparison of the a convenient way to tailor the intensity distribution of an
intensity distribution between the experimental and corresponding incident beam, which helps to improve the precision in gen-
theoretical pupil field along (b) x axis and (c) y axis. erating arbitrarily vectorial optical fields. Thus the presented
method may find important applications in the areas such
that the focused beam is purely transverse spinning since as unidirectional coupling, ultracold atom trapping, and
both the x and z components are nearly zero. microscopy.
Similarly, for accurately modulating the nonuniform
intensity distribution, we again use the above iterative algo- 5 Appendix: The Derivation of the Pupil Fields and
rithm to experimentally generate the required pupil field, as the Methods to Analyze the Corresponding
shown in Fig. 12. It should be pointed out that the dark strip Focused Beams
along the x axis near y ¼ 0 is inevitable and caused by the As shown in Fig. 14, we can use two orthogonal electric
abrupt phase variation of about π at the junction of the upper dipoles with quadrature phase to mimic the focused beam
and lower halves, which can be intuitively deduced by the with purely longitudinal SAM. The high NA lens will collect
change of the handedness of the SOP. Based on the samples and collimate the radiation patterns from the two dipoles to
of the experimental and corresponding theoretical results form the pupil field distribution. If we use this pupil filed as
along the x axis [Fig. 12(b)] and y axis [Fig. 12(c)], the illumination and reverse the propagation, the field of the
RMSEs are 18.34% and 16.61%, respectively. The resulting electric dipoles should be reconstructed up to the propagat-
ing components in the left half-space at the focal point,
which will give the desired focused beam we began with.
For dipole 1 oscillating along the x axis, the radiation pattern
at point A can be expressed as

~ 1 ðθ; φÞ ¼ C · ð− cos θ cos φ~eθ þ sin φ~eφ Þ;

EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e010;326;288 (10)

Fig. 13 (a) The focused beam corresponding to the experimentally Fig. 14 Schematic of the method to derive the pupil plane field cor-
generated pupil filed in Fig. 12. (b)–(d) The x , y, and z components responding to the purely longitudinal spinning focal field via reversing
of the spin density of the focused beam on the x z-plane, respectively. the radiation pattern from two electric dipoles.

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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

where C is the constant determined by the physical param- the z axis, rp ¼ x2 þ y2 , and ϕ ¼ tan−1 ðy∕xÞ are the polar
eters of the electric dipole and the focal length f of the high coordinates in the focal volume. To quantitatively analyze
NA lens, ~eθ is the unit vector along the direction of the eleva- the spin of the focused beam, the spin density can be calcu-
tion angle θ, and ~eφ is the unit vector along the direction of lated as31
the azimuthal angle φ.
Although the dipole 2 oscillates along the y axis, taking EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e016;326;708
~  ðrp ; ϕ; zp Þ × Eðr
S~ ∝ Im½E ~ p ; ϕ; zp Þ; (16)
the phase difference π∕2 into consideration, we can obtain
the radiation pattern at point A as where ~S contains Sx , Sy , and Sz , which represent the x, y, and
z components of the spin density, respectively.
~ 2 ðθ; φÞ ¼ C · ejπ∕2 · ð− cos θ sin φ~eθ − cos φ~eφ Þ;
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e011;63;664 (11) Similarly, for the focused beam with purely transverse
SAM, we just need to make the dipole 2 oscillate along
Thus via coherently combining these two radiation pat- the z axis while keep the dipole 1 unchanged. The required
terns, the total electric field at point A can be found to be pupil field can be derived as


~ s ðθ; φÞ ¼ C · ½ð− cos θ cos φ − ejπ∕2 cos θ sin φÞ~eθ

E ~ it ðr; φÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
E · ðAt e~x þ Bt e~y Þ
cos θ
þ ðsin φ − ejπ∕2 cos φÞ~eφ : (12)
At ¼ sin θ cos φejπ∕2 − cos θ cos2 φ − sin2 φ
Considering the bending effect of the sine condition lens, Bt ¼ sin θ sin φejπ∕2 − cos θ cos φ sin φ þ sin φ cos φ:
we can project the combined radiation pattern into the pupil
plane to form the required incident pupil field as (17)

Accordingly, we can also obtain the corresponding


~ i ðθ; φÞ ¼ C · ½ð− cos θ cos φ − ejπ∕2 cos θ sin φÞ~er

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi focused field by employing the Richards–Wolf vectorial dif-
þ ðsin φ − ejπ∕2 cos φÞ~eφ ∕ cos θ; (13) fraction theory. The consequent spin density can be calcu-
lated by Eq. (16).
where θ ¼ sin−1 ðr∕fÞ, ~er is the radial unit vector. Note
that Eq. (13) is expressed in the polar coordinates, using
the well-known transformation formulas between the polar
coordinates and Cartesian coordinates, after some straight- This work was supported by the National Natural Science
forward mathematical derivation, we could express the Foundation of China (Nos. 61805142 and 61775140).
incident pupil field in the Cartesian coordinates as

C References
~ i ðr; φÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
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Chen, Zhang, and Zhan: Effective iterative method for accurate amplitude modulation in complex optical field generation

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22. C. Maurer et al., “Tailoring of arbitrary optical vector beams,” New J.
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