B. Measurement of The Darkness of Smoke by Means of The Bacharach Method

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Measurement of the darkness of smoke by means of the Bacharach method

1. This method is based on a comparison of the circular colour stain acquired by filtering a
prescribed quantity of flue gases through filter paper with standard stains of the Bacharach scale.
The darkness of the colouring of the smoke plume approximately corresponds to the concentration
of soot, fly ash and other particles.

2. Facilities for this measurement are composed of a sampling probe with an inner diameter of 6
mm with a maximum derogation of 0.1 mm, filter paper, an extraction pump with a lifting volume
of 0.163 dm3 with a maximum derogation of 0.007 dm3, and the Bacharach scale.

3. The lifting volume of the extraction pump and the optical properties of the Bacharach scale used
for the measurement must be verified.

4. Measurements of the darkness of smoke in accordance with this method are carried out by
sampling of flue gases by means of a probe from the flue gas ducting. Clean filter paper is inserted
into a slot in the pump and by tightening it the tightness of the connection is ensured. The extraction
probe is inserted into the flue gas ducting vertically to the direction of the flow of combustion
products, as far as possible in a direction towards the centre (the location of the probe must be such
that the sample is extracted from the main flow of the combustion products). Ten complete lifts of
the pump are carried out to extract the prescribed sample of combustion products of 1.63 dm3 with a
maximum derogation of 0.071 dm3. The lifts of the pump are carried out freely but so that the entire
sample is collected in a time shorter than three minutes. After the sample has been collected, the
filter paper is loosened and taken out; the produced stains must be circular with a diameter of 6.0
mm with a maximum derogation of 0.1 mm. The darkness of the stain is compared with the
darkness of the stain on the Bacharach scale.

5. During each measurement 3 collections are carried out at regular intervals of 5 minutes. A
measurement is evaluated as three separate collections.

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