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1. Disease, in medicine, is any state in which the health of the human
organism is __________.
a. impaired
b. improved
c. bettered
d. excellent
2. Even when a cause is not known, a disease can almost always be
understood __________ the physiological or mental processes that are
a. in terms of
b. due to
c. owing to
d. as
3. Symptoms may __________ from subjective reports of pain, such as
headache or backache, to visible conditions, such as a swelling or a rash.
a. include
b. range
c. have a specified range
d. reach
4. With increasing use of laboratory tests in __________ physical
examinations of apparently healthy persons, doctors are more often finding
diseases without symptoms noticeable to the patient.
a. habitual
b. classical
c. routine
d. yearly
5. Many pcople may be __________ to iniluenza virus, for example, but
some stay well, others become moderately ill, and weak or old people may
a. exposed
b. sensitive
c. allergic
d. vulnerable
6. Exposure to cotton dust similarly __________ workers to brown lung.
a. predisposes
b. take
c. lead
d. send
7. Another group of discases results from a __________ of the immune
a. madness
b. derangement
c. confusion
d. insanity
8. One cxample of a discase in which the cause is not known is cancer, in
which the normal __________ on cell growth is lost.
a. restraint
b. caution
c. stress
d. load
9. An infection may be local and __________ to one arca or generalized
and spread throughout the body.
a. confined
b. bedridden
c. indisposed
d. shut
10. Hypertension, if left untreated, can __________ heart attack stroke,
kidney disease, or other ilnesses.
a. show to
b. drive to
c. affect
d. lead to
11. Antibiotics can lessen the __________ effects and prevent serious
heart damage.
a. opposite
b. antagonistic
c. adverse
d. negative
12. Congestive heart failure occurs when __________ of the veins serving
the lungs or of those serving the rest of the body prevents the heart muscle
from being able to pump forcefully enough to deliver an adequate supply of
blood to the body. It can be caused by discase of either the heart muscle or
the valves.
a. engorgement
b. absorption
c. saturation
d. blockage
13. A physician can __________ many heart conditions before symptoms
become apparent by using an instrument called an electrocardiograph.
a. distinguish
b. expose
c. detect
d. catch
14. In the most radical surgery the patient may __________ a heart
transplant, in which the discased heart is replaced with a healthy heart from
a deceased donor.
a. encounter
b. meet with
c. undergo
d. share
15. Antibiotics are effective in __________ infection.
a. making war
b. combating
d. reducing
16. Some discases, such as measles and mumps, are fairly easy. to
__________ by appearance.
a. treat
b. deal with
c. identify
d. kill
17. The __________ of body fluids or tissues to show the presence of
specific microorganisms is essential to rational treatment of infections with
a. accumulation
b. loss
c. culture
d. culturing
18. To sharpen their diagnostic skills, physicians and other medical
professionals __________ regular conferences at which difficult cases are
a. cancel
b. hold
c. report
d. meet
19. Some physical conditions can be corrected through surgery while
others may be effectively treated by radiotherapy, which __________ the
use of X rays or other types of radiation.
a. involves
b. indicates
c. asks
d. forbid
20. Therapeutic methods drawn from non-Western traditions are
collectively __________ as alternative medicine and include techniques
such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and homeopathy.
a. considered
b. referred to
c. working
d. reported
21. In the treatment of mental illness some useful therapies include
techniques that __________ heavily on verbal and emotional
a. rely
b. act
c. feed
d. live
22. People with disabilities also benefit from recreational and __________
therapy, which helps people master their personal and work-related
activities, such as buttoning clothes.
a. medical
b. hydro-
c. occupational
d. physio-
23. Antibiotics are chemical compounds used to kill or __________ the
growth of infectious organisms.
a. inhibit
b. hasten
c. induce
d. facilitate
24. Some antibiotics attack the cell wall, some __________ the membrane.
a. disrupt
b. form
c. line
d. feed
25. Antibiotics result in the buildup of materials inside the bacterial cell
__________ ever greater pressure on the membrane.
a. exerting
b. calming
c. suffering
d. getting rid of
26. When bacteria are __________ to Gram's stain, the differences in
structure affect the differential staining of the bacteria with a dye called
gentian violet.
a. due
b. subjected
c. according
d. up
27. Antibacterials can be further subdivided into narrow-spectrum and
broad-spectrum __________.
a. agents
b. worlds
c. species
d. strains
28. Desirable effects are called therapeutic or __________ responses
a. beneficial
b. unfavorable
c. adverse
d. negative
29. Some drugs, such as those used to treat cancer, are known to have
toxic effects; however, the benefits __________ the risks- that is, treatment
without them may result in death.
a. cause
b. outweigh
c. underweight
d. weigh
30. Physicians constantly __________ the precise levels of some drugs in
an individual's bloodstream to prevent drug poisoning.
a. ignore
b. study
c. manage
d. monitor
31. __________ doses, taking drugs at the wrong time of the day or with
instead of before meals, and stopping drug use too soon can markedly
reduce the medical benefits of many drugs.
a. Over-
b. Missing
c. Correct
d. Small

32. The most common side effects of drugs are drowsiness, headache,
sleeplessness, nausea, and diarrhea. Other reactions, such as those that
occur only in specific individuals for unexpected reasons, are called
__________ reactions.
a. idiosyncratic
b. positive
c. negative
d. allergic
33. Drug __________ can cause a wide variety of adverse physical
a. effects
b. abuse
c. interactions
34. One of the most dangerous effects of illegal drug use is the potential for
overdosing- that is, taking too large or too strong a dose for the body's
systems to __________
a. absorb
b. consume
c. handle
d. dissolve
35. Detoxification programs are medically supervised programs that
gradually __________ an individual from a drug over a period of days or
a. handle
b. wean
c. stop
d. prevent
36. The treated microorganisms used for immunization do not cause the
disease, but rather __________the body's immune system to build a
defense mechanism that continuously guards against the disease.
a. trigger
b. tell
c. get
d. destroy
37. Immunization has dramatically reduced the __________ of a number of
deadly diseases.
a. incidence
b. population
c. pain
d. treatment
38. The number of cases of Hemophilus influenza type B meningitis in the
United States has __________ 95 percent among infants and children
since 1988, when the vaccine for that disease was first introduced.
a. increased
b. produced
c. dropped
d. triggered
39. In an attempt to continue the global success of eradicating contagious
diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO) has __________ the year
2000 as a target date for the immunization of all children.
a. set
b. made
c. taken
d. compared
40. Immunization __________ real infection but presents little or no risk to
the recipient.
a. reduces
b. mimics
c. responds to
d. treats
41. Finally, a person can be injected with live organisms that have been
__________ -that is, changed so that they do not cause disease.
a. killed
b. attenuated
c. fed
d. cultured
42. Immune globulin (antibody-containing plasma) for some diseases was
once __________ from the blood serum of horses.
a. derived
b. prepared
c. withdrawn
d. sent
43. It was discovered that a single injection of measles vaccine, first
licensed in 1963 and administered to children at the age of 15 months, did
not __________ protection through adolescence and young adulthood.
a. rely upon
b. confer
c. depend on
d. issue
44. The goal in vaccine development is to __________ the highest degree
of protection with the lowest rate of side effects.
a. achieve
b. have
c. deny
d. assure
45. To __________ future epidemics, health authorities now recommend
that a booster dose of measles vaccine be administered at 4 to 6 or 11 to
12 years.
a. develop
b. speed up
c. predict
d. forestall
46. A history of the patient's use of medications should be acquired to
prevent possible __________ interactions with anesthetics.
a. favorable
b. future
c. adverse
d. many

47. The surgeon __________ the timing of an operation, the techniques,

and the instruments and supplies to be uses.
a. determines
b. describes
c. shows
d. forces
48. __________ procedures are used to connect or dissect minute nerves,
blood vessels, and other tissues in delicate procedures.
a. microsurgical
b. Complicated
c. Normal
d. Abnormal
49. Specialized surgical instruments that are smaller and more precise than
those used in __________ surgery were developed as microsurgery
techniques advanced, and by the 1970s surgeons were also operating on
micro nerves.
a. conventional
b. plastic
c. cosmetic
d. normal
50. A revolutionary development utilizing state-of-the-art computer
technology allows surgeons to __________ microsurgery without a
a. establish
b. perform
c. set up
d. discover
51. Known as three-dimensional on-screen microsurgery system (TOMS),
the new procedure utilizes two cameras in a video microcope that
__________ a magnified three-dimensional image on one or more
television monitors.
a. projects
b. produces
c. gives
d. invents
52. Viruses are not considered free-living, since they cannot reproduce
outside of a living cell; they have evolved to transmit their genetic
information from one cell to another for the purpose of __________
a. survial
b. replication
c. copying
d. reproduction
53. The diffculty in developing antiviral therapies stems from the large
number of variant viruses that can cause the same disease, as well as the
inability of drugs to __________ a virus without disabling healthy cells.
a. disable
b. form
c. identify
d. suround
54. The most elaborate viruses are the bacteriophages, which use bacteria
as their __________
a. enemies
b. hosts
c. houses
d. nests
55. Governments have attempted to prevent disease by requiring greater
purity of air and water and by __________ the use of food additives that
cause cancer in animals.
a. supporting
b. allowing
c. prohibiting
d. facilitating
56. Anesthesia may be the result of damage to nerves or nerve centers by
disease or injury, or it may be intertionally induced by the administration of
drugs for the prevention or __________ of pain.
a. persistence
b. relief
c. calmer
d. producion
57. Thiopental sodium in small doses is sometimes used in __________
because it allows patients to talk uninhibitedly.
a. hospitals
b. psychiatry
c. physiology
d. pathology.
57. Thiopental sodium in small doses is sometimes used in ......
because it allows patients to talk uninhibitedly
a. hospitals*
b. psychiatry
c. physiology
d. pathology
58. Acupressure is a variant in which the manipulation rather than
penetration to ..... pain or other symptoms
a. cause
b. provoke
c. alleviate
d. test
59. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical procedure involvin
insertion and ....... of needles at more than 360 points.
a. sharpening
b. manipulation*
c. making
d. production
60. Acupressure is ....... by pressing with the fingertips and
sometimes the elbows or knees.
a. made
b. tested
c. proved
d. administered*
61. In Chinese medicine, diseases are believed to be caused by
interrupted energy .......
a. flow
b. means
c. pressure
d. point
62. Chinese surgeons ....... that acupuncture is superior to Western,
drug-induced analgesia in that it does not disturb normal body
physiology and therefore does not make the patient vulnerable to
a. claim*
b. deny
c. accept
d. take
63. ........ appears to be undeniably effective in relieving pain.
a. Penicillin
b. Acupuncture*
c. Drugs
d. This
64. The ancient Chinese designated the master force that coordinates
and controls the fundamental activities of different organs in the
body as ....... energy, or ch'i
a. vital*
b. an
c. rare
d. useful
65. Ancient theorists also ....... that two opposite forces in the body,
called yin and yang, could be kept in balance by acupuneture,
thereby promoting health and controlling disease.
a. held*
b. denied
c. disagreed
d. felt
66. Endocrine glands release hormones that increase heartbeat and
respiration, elevate blood sugar, increase perspiration, ....... the
pupils, and slow the digestion.
a. blacken
b. dry
c. dilate*
d. narrow
67. Prolonged exposure to stress ....... the body energy supplies and
can even lead to death.
a. depletes*
b. increases
c. enriches
d. provides
68. Physicians have long recognized that people are more
susceptible to diseases of all kinds when they are ....... to great
a. subjected*
b. responding
c. stressful
d. responsive
69. Scientists ....... at least part of the effects of stress to
evolutionary history
a. attribute
b. responsive
c. responsible
d. exposed*

70. In order to cope with physical stress, the heart beats

faster, blood pressure rises, and other body systems prepare
to the____________ threat.
a. meet b. eradicate c. attack d. withdraw
71. Ulcers are caused by a (n)________ (n) of gastric juices
or unusual sensitivity in an area of the stomach lining, causing
nausea and pain.
a. type b. amount c. excess d. liter
72. Emotional stress can cause or_______ many skin
disorders, from those that produce itching, tickling, and pain to
those that cause rashes and acne.
a.aggravate b.reduce c. face d. treat
73. A CBC may also include a________of white cells into
categories, which may be done visually from a stained sample
on a microscope slide or automatically using one of several
a.differentiation b.sorting C. variety d.heap
74. Although clot formation is a normal process, it sometimes
occurs inappropriately and ______a threat to life.
a.constitutes b. put c. cure d. deal with
75. Formation of abnormal hemoglobin is ________for the
hereditary defects called sickle-cell anemia and thalassemia
a.effective b. responsible c. good d. bad

76 Leukemia______ one-third of the cancer cases in children

under age 15
a. constitutes b. describes C. reduces d. fights
77. The clinical symptoms of acute leukemia are irregular
fever,a_____ to hemorrhage, or bleed profusely, from the
gums and mucous membranes and under the skin.
a. tendency b. response c. reaction d. refusal
78. In ultrasound, a______ called a transducer is used to
transmit sound waves and receive echoes.
a. equipment b. device c. generator d. receptor
79. If multiple births are _______,ultrasound may be used in
to confirm the number of fetuses.
a. given b. suspected c. discovered d. known
80. Understanding of diseases depends on a clear_____ of
the symptoms, which are manifestations of altered life
a. delineation b. manifestation c. appearance d. list
81. Symptoms may range from _____reports of pain, such as
headache or backache, to visible conditions, such as a
swelling or a rash.
a. positive b. negative c. adequate d. subjective
82. The state of the immune system and the overall health of
the person influence the disease ____
a. course b. type c. name d. cause
83. Some cases of diabetes mellitus are due to an altered cell
receptor for insulin, the hormone that _____ entry of sugar
into cells.
a. promotes b. forms c. inhibits d. blocks
84. People with anomalies in the way they metabolize alcohol
may be more _____-to the effects of disease than others.
a.reactive b.vulherable c.harmful d.strange
85. Once an infectious agent enters the host, it begins to____ b.proliferate c .react d.respond
86. Infectious agents may enter the body of the host by
several ______
a.tubes b.tracts c.routes d.openings
87. The degree of an infection is related to the dose and
_____of the infecting agent, as well as to the resistance or
immunity of the host against that organism.
a. virulence b. size c. cost d. shape
88. Antibiotics such as sulfa drugs and other_____ are used
against more severe infections.
a. pharmaceuticals b. bacteria c. viruses d. organisms
89. _____ prescribed drugs for treatment of heart condition
include anticoagulants that prevent unwanted clotting.
a. Rarely b.Frequently c. Firstly d. Lastly
90. In the most_____ surgery a patient may undergo a heart
transplant, in which the diseased heart is replaced with a
healthy heart from a deceased donor
a. radical b. successful c.effective d. advanced
91. Wounds are classified as______if they are produced by a
sharp instrument or object or punctured, if the instrument is
pointed and narrow.
a. excised b, blunted c. incised d. contuse
92. Septic, or infected, wounds are those in which the area is
contaminated by bacteria, which can cause____ or shedding
of tisue.
a. suppuration b. inflammation c. reaction d. response
93. Antibiotics are effective in _____infection.
a. causing b. combating c. minimizing d. increasing

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