Lecture-9: Week-9: Application: Through: Head of The Department of English

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Lecture-9 : Week-9 : Application

Date: 25th April, 2019


The Vice-Chancellor

University of Hamington

Hamington, USA

Through: Head of the Department of English

Subject: Prayer for arranging a study tour from the University

Dear Sir

With due respect and humble submission, we, the student of your University from the
Department of English, would like to draw your kind attention about the fact that we are very
much interested to go on a study tour from our University. We have discussed with our
teachers in the department and selected Florida as our destination.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be gracious enough to permit us to go on a study
tour, sanction required fund for the tour and oblige us thereby.

Thanking you,

You’re most obediently

The students of the Department of English

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