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Written Test- Set 1

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 Max Test Duration: 40 min

 No Negative Marking

Instruction for Q. Nos. 1 to 3:

From the options given below each sentence select the one to fill the blank appropriately.

Q1. Catching this train will give us the ____________ to do some shopping.

a. Chance
b. Likelihood
Q2. The principal asked the girls to return to the hostel ________ sunset

a. beyond
b. before

Q3. All jobs are respectable ________ of their nature.

a. Irrespective
b. immaterial

Instruction for Q. Nos. 4

Choose the word among the four options which is the closest in meaning to the given word.

a. Apply
b. Frame
c. Regularize

Instruction for Q. No. 5

Choose the correct Antonym out of the four given alternatives against each of the following words:


a. Jolted
b. Saddened
c. astonished
Logical & Analytical Reasoning
Instruction for question nos. 6&7
Find the missing no in the following series
Q6. 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, 63, 80, ___
a. 92
b. 99
c. 91
d. 87

Q7. 89 75 63 62 ___
a. 50
b. 45
c. 39
d. 37

Instruction for Q8.

In the series below determine the order of the letters. Then from the given options select the one
which will complete the given series.
Q.8 DGJ, FIL, HKN, ___
a. LON
b. LOR
c. LOQ
d. LOM
a. QSO
b. QRS
c. OQS
d. LMO

Q10. In the following question, which of these is the largest in the value?

a. 4/6
b. 2/4
c. 5/7
d. 1/3

Numerical Ability
Instruction – Each of the below questions has multiple options. Please tick the right answer

Q11. A person bought a commodity on 40% discount and sold it at 50% more than MRP. What is the
profit obtained by him?

a. 250%
b. 150%
c. 350%
d. 200%

Q.12 If x=a, y=b is the solution of the pair of equation x-y=2 and x+y=4 then what will be value of a and
a. 2,1
b. 3,1
c. 4,6
d. 1,2

Q13. A shopkeeper sold a pair of shoes for Rs.375. If his profit was 13% of the selling price, the cost
price was ?

a. 326.25
b. 245.50
c. 200
d. 362.50

Q14. If the side of a square is reduced by 50%, its area will reduce by
a. 75%
b. 80%
c. 60%
d. 50%

Q15. The average age of A&B is 30 & that of B&C is 26 years. The difference of the age of A&C is
a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 8 years

Q16. What is 50% of 40% of rs. 3450.

a. Rs.690
b. Rs. 580
c. Rs.670
d. Rs.570

Q17. If A:B= 3:4 , C:B= 5:4, C:D= 10:9, Then A:B:C:D is

a. 8:6:9:10
b. 8:6:10:9
c. 6:8:10:9
d. 6:8:9:10

Q18. If the total cost of 73 articles having equal cost of Rs. 5110 and the total selling price 89 such
articles is Rs.5607, then in the transaction per article there will be
a. A loss of 15%

b. A gain of 10%

c. A loss of 10%

d. A gain of 15%

Q19 By selling goods for Rs.92, a merchant loses 8% on his outlay. Find the percentage profit on
his outlay when he sells the same goods for Rs.11O ?

a. 4%
b. 5%
c. 3%
d. 10%

Q20. If it takes 1minute to fill 3/7th of a vessel. What is the time taken in minutes to fill the whole

a. 1 min 20 sec
b. 2 min 20 sec
c. 1 min 40 sec
d. 2 min 40 sec

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