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Table of Contents

1> Introduction
2> Problems in my life!
3> I Love You, You Must Love Me!
4> Hypnotism : How I did Vashikaran of my old colleague Mithun Gowda
and controlled him and got a Job.
5> Now I am millionaire, What Next?
6> Jain Tantra and Mystical rites can help to solve all our problems in Life.

Copyright Information
Copyright 2017 Vasanth Jain
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical,
photographic and/or electronic or recording format. Nor it may be stored in a
storage/retrieval system nor transmitted or copied for private or public use, other
than "fair use" as quotation or reviews without the prior written consent of the

The information in this book is solely for educational purpose and not for the
treatment, diagnosis of any disease. This book is not meant to provide financial,
health or occult advice of any sort. The author or the publisher are in no way liable
for any use or misuse of the material. No guarantee of results are being made in this
book. Attaining any supernatural power(Siddhi) is purely based on one's karma and
the author or publisher is in no way responsible for the outcome of the Sadhana
prescribed in this book.

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The entire world is a result of WISH! Even theistic religion believe that God or the
first divine, who is the all powerful soul created the universe because of his wish to
expand! In our day to day life we wish to achieve higher goals! All living beings go
behind the search of happiness and there is no wrong about it.
Most of the religion believes that Word(Mantra) is the God. So, it is through this
word, the creation happened. Now using the same words, we can achieve happiness
in our life! Universe is a place where one can get whatever he wishes and living
beings can get happiness by performing some rituals and spells!
One must always understand that Universe is having many forces which always
tends to help human beings. The only thing which is needed to switch on those
helping forces is Word(Prayer/ Asking/Mantra).
Almost all Jains know this secret of Mantra. So only they achieve great success in
their life. For achieving such success, Jains perform Mantra chanting and also use
some Mantras which can attract others. This is very necessary in this world. If our
personality is attractive then we can achieve many things easily. That’s why we
need to do such Mantra chanting which will help us to attract others. Infact when
my life was under terrible conditions, I performed such Mantras to attract an old
colleague of mine name Mithun Gowda!
By following all these mystic and magical occult process I was able to become a
millionaire and now I am sharing this great secret method with you people for the
benefit of all and my main aim to share this secret with you is to sell this on
Amazon and whatever profit I get through this book, I will use it to open Jain
Publishing House and other Jain related service organizations. Though I have earned
enough for my future using these mantras and occult practices, I am selling this for
money since the money earned from here will be used only for spreading more of
Jain Mysticism across the world.
Jains population is almost negligible on this planet. We Jains must unite and spread
the Jain Mysticism and Occult across the world and keep our tradition alive.


I am a .Net Programmer working in South India. I have around 7 years of experience in this field
and I had newly joined a Healthcare Company as TeamLead. I will admit that I am little weak in
latest technologies and the technical knowledge of my juniors exceeded that of mine! This
resulted in a situation where my job came under threat!
I had a beautiful family with a wife and daughter and I was happy feeling that my life is a
blessed life until my job came under threat. I tried to send away few of my juniors, who were
more intelligent that me to other companies by referring them to other jobs, but I could not
succeed in that. Soon the higher management realized that my performance was not good enough
than even the most junior resources!
Luckily I was saved by a dumb junior of mine named Harish Varma. When questioned about my
inefficiency, I said that I could not deliver more work because I was spending time guiding
Harish Varma. But I knew this was just a temporary solution and I wanted to do something to
save my job!
Our family have a Tantrik guru. Generally we hide his identity, since he prefers to be unknown
and is always away from society. My mother who saw my tensed condition could not bear it
anymore and asked me to meet the Muni(Guru) and asked me to get some Mantra Diksha from
him and start chanting it(Sadhana) so that all my troubles in my life would come to an end!
Since, I was not getting proper leaves(Work Off) in Office to go to meet Muni ,my mother
herself went to him and Muni asked her to send me itself whenever I was free, so that he could
grant me some Mantra Diksha!
I was feeling more insecure day by day. My family and relatives always thought that I was well
earning person and now if I loose my job all of a sudden, then I would loose all my respect
among my friends and family circle! I was not getting any job outside and the current job was a
real nightmare for me.
Suddenly, I remembered about a Jain named Sanjay Jain who was living near my home during
my childhood. Many people were saying that he was a black magician and a naked Jain Tantrik.
While playing cricket one of my friend peeped into his window when our cricket ball went into
his home and found that Sanjay Jain was sitting entirely naked and chanting some mantras.
Whether he attained success in whatever he was practicing or not, but he had become a Senior
Delevery Manager in a very big MNC in few days!
Since my family was very devoted to Muni’s and Gurus, we had some knowledge of occullt
ourselves and so I drew inspiration from Sanjay Jain and was in urgent need of money and so I
followed a Tantric ritual which I had read from an old Jain Tantrik Book.
My only aim was to gain huge wealth so that I could leave working soon and live like a King.
For that only way I found which was feasible was to worship demi goddess like Yakshini’s.
Yakshini’s are fierce and are fast boon givers! In Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism there is
worship of Yakshinis. I thought I could attain Siddhi of any Yakshini and be like a king. So I
started worshipping Yakshini .
Being a Jain I was a pure vegeterian but for doing Yakshini Mantra Sadhana I used some non
vegeterian items just to keep infront of the Yakshini Yantra to please the goddess. I asked a
Muslim friend of mine named Kareemullah to get me some meat pieces in a closed packet daily
for few days. He helped me a lot in getting meat, which I used to keep infront of the diety while
doing the Mantra Sadhana.
I started worshipping the Yakshini from a No Moon Day and for that I went to a near by
graveyard.(Some Sadhanas are done in graveyard in the hope that it gives instant benefits.) I
spoke with the caretaker of the graveyard and he allowed me to come to the graveyard everyday
at night.
On the first day of the Sadhana I went to the graveyard at night taking a cover which
Kareemullah had given to me, which contained some goat meat. I had took a women like looking
doll, which I kept infront of me and to appease the Yakshini I had kept meat next to the idol.
First I worshipped our Jain Tirthankars with NamoKar mantra and chanted some shlokas asking
the divine Tirthankars to give me victory in achieving the Siddhi of Yakshini. Later I started
chanting the Mantra of Vibhrama Yakshini.
This was the Mantra which I chanted in the graveyard. I started the chanting of Mantra around 10
PM and continued till 3:30 AM. I decided to chant around 6666 times the Mantra everyday till
the Full Moon Day:


I used to chant this Mantra for entire night and return home around 4 AM. Since I was the Team
Lead of the Team, I used to assign my workload to my juniors and this helped me a lot and I was
going to the office around 11, since I used to sleep till 10 AM.
For the first 3 days, I did not see any changes. On the fourth night I thought this Mantra is not
working out. So, I decided to become naked and worship in the hope to achieve Siddhi in the
Sadhana. I thought that since Tirthankaras were pure vegeterians and I was performing this
Sadhana using meat and alcohol, I stopped taking Parshwanath Idol into the graveyard and
continued to keep only the Yakshini doll and used to offer meat and alcohol to the Yakshini.
I started worshipping being naked since I had heard that many Jain Tantriks and Hindu Aghoris
worship demi gods being naked and attain Siddhis at a very less time. I was getting shivering
since I was naked and that too on the graveyard. Next day I caught up high fever and took leave
from the office.
That night I went to the graveyard and the graveyard security person told me not to be naked
since the graveyard was surrounded by residential area and someone might take a video of it
since everyone(in this age) will have a camera phone and if something goes wrong he may also
fall in trouble and might loose his job.
I was not feeling well, yet I continued to chant the mantra. Later I was able to experience the
presence of some being around me. The 7th night I saw that whatever I had kept the previous day
as offering (the meat) for the Yakshini, was not present at the location and I continued to chant
the mantra even on that night.
On the 8th night I felt some being present across me and when I went home and slept around 4
AM , I experienced that I was surronded by some external being. I thought that I have attained
what I wished for and that soon I can become rich!
On the 10th night I completed my Mantra chanting little early around 2 AM and went home and
slept at around 3 AM. It was that time I had a very bad dream! I saw a fiercy woman and felt like
someone hugging me and I was not able to shake my body and in real life as well I was half
awake and felt as if some force had tightened my body. After 10-20 minutes I tried all my best
and waked up all of a sudden. It was still 3:45 AM. I drank some water.
That day morning when I went to office my mind was not consistent and I was fully blank entire
day. I was feeling little afraid after the morning incident. I thought that I might have ended up in
a bigger problem trying to gain some wealth through Mantra!
Then for the next 3 days I used to start the Mantra chanting at 9 PM and complete it by 1 AM
and get home early and sleep. I was feeling very much afraid in those 3 days. And on the last day
i.e on the 15th day I went to the graveyard and worshipped the Yakshini Doll for the last time and
chanted the mantra till 2 AM and took the doll with me and came to my home. I felt a great sense
of relief that I had completed a great task and went home happily.
On the 16th night I did Homa(Fire sacrifice ritual) of the same mantra and offered Milk, Ghee and
Sugar to the sacrificial fire.Thus my Sadhana ended in a proper way. Now I was fully confirmed
that I would become rich as early as possible! But I never thought that doing this Sadhana would
have a big devastating result in the coming days! I was looking at the sacrificial fire with a
laughing smile thinking that all my problems would end now, but the fate was laughing at me
since it had something very bad for me in the future!
The next few days were a nightmare in my life. I never had expected that I would end up in such
a trouble! Though few readers may feel like I had got hallucinated or had something like sleep
paralysis, but upto my knowledge I am sharing whatever truth happened with me. This is a
matter of faith and not of Science and only Sadhaks who have done Sadhanas can understand
whatever experiences I faced and not a common reader!

I Love You, You Must Love Me!

The very next day when I was about to leave for the office I saw a Snake near my gate and tried
to run away in the opposie direction and fell down in a ditch and yet recovered and ran and
reached home. I took Work From Home option on that day and assigned my tasks to my juniors.
That entire day, I was able to feel the presence of a supernatural entity across me.
My daughter and wife were out of station since they went to my parents home since my daughter
wanted to play with her grand parents and so I was alone in my home that day. Though I was
little afraid after seeing the snake, I convinced myself that this is some good sign since even our
Tirthankar Gurus are surrounded by snakes and also in our Eastern Culture Snake is a symbol of
spirituality. So, I thought that my Spiritual Sadhana is completed with the glimpse of the Snake!
That night I was feeling very deep sleep and I slept as early as around 9 PM. I went in such a
deep sleep state and suddenly I experienced a state of Lucid Dreaming. I suddenly waked up
from a loud bang and ringing in my ears. First I felt as if someone slapped me and was speaking
something very fastly. I was not able to make out what I was able to hear! My body was
somewhat out of my control and I was not able to shake my body! After 10 minutes of struggle I
waked up suddenly and I was feeling exhausted as if I had fought a wrestling match just before!
After having this kind of fearful experience I did not get proper sleep that entire night and I was
able to feel the presence of an extra being around me! The very next day I went to office and
since I was a developer and few people in Testing Team were jealous of me they started
backbiting about me. While we were having lunch at office, our Testing Team Lead
RamaMurthy Sadananda Naik mocked at me and said that I was a waste guy! Everyone started
laughing at me. It was at that time I felt very angry about Rammurthy Sadanand and I felt as
though I wanted to slap him. In the evening I got the news that Rammurthy who was going home
in his bike caught a steert fight with some guys and was beaten up badly and was getting first aid
in some hospital. I felt happy and sad both at the same time. I was happy because Ramamurthy
who was a bully was taught a good lesson and I was sad since I thought the external being which
I could sense might have done this harm to Ramamurthy and I was afraid that it may harm me as
well.By this time I realized that the external being which I was able to realize while sleeping was
none other than Yakshini. Now I was really confused whether to feel happy that I had obtained
Siddhi of Yakshini or to feel afraid since I did not know how to deal with it!
That night I went to a Jain Temple and prayed Parshwanath to bless me and protect me from all
evils! And I went to home around 10:30 PM. I slept around 11 PM . Even on that night I was
able to sense some being around me and suddenly around 2:30 PM , I felt as if some one tied my
hands and felt as if someone had intercourse with me! Later I woke up and drank water and slept
again! In the morning I could not find any stains on my clothes. I thought that the experience
might be some bad dream.
Again the next day the same thing repeated and I was able to hear a lady voice screaming in my
mother tongue as “I Love you, You Must Love Me!”. I was terrified by that voice and tried to
cover my face and slept!This continued even the next night! Now I realized that I was caught in
the trap of Yakshini and Yakshini had become my Siddhi in the form of my Lover! I kept
Parshvanath Guru’s Idol next to me in my bed and yet I was able to experience all these!
Suddenly I took Parshvanath’s idol and shouted “ Is there anyone else in this room apart from
me,if so then make some gesture and I was able to suddenly hear some sound(like someone
made a sound on the desk) near me“.Now I was really afraid!
After few days I was really going weak and I told all the incidents to my parents. My mother
asked me to not delay anymore and go and ask our Jain Guru for help. Our
Digambar(Naked)Muni ji said to me not to be afraid . But he was really angry on me for doing
the Sadhana without any Guru’s guidance.
Hypnotism : How I did Vashikaran of my old colleague Mithun Gowda and
controlled him.

My Muni said that if we want to achieve wealth or any worldly desires, then we must not directly
worship any demi gods, but rather try to do Vashikaran of any human beings(be it our boss or
any other who can be helpful for us in our life). He asked me to remember anyone who can be
useful to me and do a Vashikaran on him and attract him towards me by using Mantra Sadhana
and gain benefits from him. Infact most of the Jains who are in Top Position would have
definitely accomplished Vashikaran Sadhana in their life and that would be the sole reason they
would have succeeded in their life.
I remembered my Junior Mithun Gowda who was in my first company and had now got a highly
paid remote job from a Canada Healthcare Company. He was earning more than 2 lakhs INR by
just working directly from home and in Indian currency this is a very huge money! I had once
asked him to refer me to the same job but he was not interested in referring me. Now, I thought
that I would do Vashikaran of this person and attract him to refer me to his job.
But the Yakshini Sadhana which brought me so much trouble was not solved yet! Then my Muni
said that Yakshini’s are higher level entities and are very troublesome if not dealt with properly!
Since the Yakshini Sadhana was done by me and the Yakshini has been around me since then, I
was told by Muni ji not to talk with my wife and family for few days and he asked me to chant
Parshwanath Guru mantra until he finds a suitable counter for this problem. He took the Yakshini
doll which I had used to perform Yakshini Sadhana and said that he would perform a Shanti
Yagna and burn it inside the Yagna.
After listening to Muniji I went back to my home where I was staying alone now and I started
doing Parshwanath Worship. In the beginning when I started the worship I was able to
experience some sort of disturbance across me, but I somehow managed to ignore it and started
worshipping Parshwa Guru. I did this Sadhana for 15 days and on the sixteeth day I visited my
Guru again.
Muni ji(Guru) said that he had burth all the materials which was used by me while doing
Yakshini Sadhana and that I must never ever even think of worshiping that Yakshini and asked
me never to do any Yakshini Sadhana since it took all his energy in doing a Sadhana and Yagna
to nullify the malefic effects of the Yakshini Sadhana and he lost all his energy and had become
weak. He even said that a Dark shadow used to visit him every night when he was in deep sleep
and used to trouble him while sleeping and shout in his ears to stop me from doing the Sadhana
to nullify the Yakshini Sadhana.
I thanked Muni ji from the bottom of my heart for all the risk he took in relieving me of my
problem. Now I was thinking to do Vashikaran of Mithun Gowda so that he would get attracted
towards me and help me by referring to his high paid job.

Ayiem Kleem Hsouh Raktha Padmavathi Namaha sarva Mama Vashi Kuru Kuru
Swaha, Om Alu Malu Lalu Nagara Loka Raaja sarva mama vasheem kuru kuru
swaha |
I chanted the above mantra for 10,000 times and called Mithun Gowda to come and
meet me in a hotel as it was a long time we had met. At this time I gave him
Nerium oleander flower and said that it was from a temple and keeping it with him
for a day would make him gain more success in life. He was getting married soon
and was even planning to move to Canada with his wife and was planning to earn
more money by making her to work for the same job which he was working. So he
thought that keeping this flower would help him to gain more wealth in his life.
This did the trick! The main aim of the Vashikaran Sadhana was to attract Mithun
and I had kept the oleander flower and chanted the mantra 10,000 times and then
given it to Mithun Gowda and after a day he was completely under my control. His
company had another opening for the job and he called me after 2 days and referred
my resume in his company.
I had a telephonic interview and I chanted the below mantra for 1008 times before
attending the interview.
Mantra : Om Namo Hreem Shreem Bhagavate Parshwanathaya Dharanendra
Padmavati sahitaaya adre madre shidre kapate kshudraan dushtaan daakini shaakini
sthambaya sthambaya churaya churaya manovanchita puraya puraya swaha.
This is the powerful mantra which I chant even to this day early morning at 4 and I
am very happy that this mantra really works.

Now I am millionaire, What Next?

Now after a year of working in this remote job I have finally solved all my financial
problems and have become a millionaire. I was asked by my Muni ji to spread this
vast knowledge of Jain Tantra across the world. At first I was hesitant of giving
away my secret to the world but later thought that only few who really believe in
Mantra Sadhana and perform the Sadhana under the guidance of a Guru can succeed
in the life. I am just following my Guru’s advice and have given all the details of
those Sadhana’s which I performed and gained extreme wealth.
I am always indebtful to all the Jain Muni’s and Siddhas who have imparted this
vast knowledge of Tantra for our benefits.
I could have given this book for free download or for less cost, but I am selling this
book for a high price since this is my real experience and I have achieved wealth
through these struggles in the path of Sadhana and I don’t want to just give it away
for free. I want only interested candidates who come in search of this book to gain
the knowledge of this secret Sadhana procedures and I pray to all Jain Munis and
Siddhas to grant the wishes of all the Sadhaks who perform the Mantra procedure
mentioned in this book.
Please do perform the Mantra Spells under the guidance of a known Siddha or Guru.
I am in no way responsible for the benefit or loss which happens by following these
mantra procedures and the Yakshini Sadhana must never ever be practiced unless
under the strong supervision of a Tantric Guru. So, the Yakshini Sadhana details
was just for educational purpose and I hope no one faces such troubles by
performing such Tamsik Sadhanas.

Jain Tantra and Mystical rites can help to solve all our problems in Life.
It is true that Mantra , Yantra and Tantra can help us solve our problems in life.
There is a saying that Whatever we wish, we become the same and we can use
Mantra-Tantra as a medium so that the strong desires within us would come out in
the form of spells and the universe would Give us What we ask.
This is the law of nature and Law of Universe. By Mantra we can attract whatever
we want and most of the Jains know this truth. So only you can find we Jains have
achieved greater success in all the areas in this world.
Our Munis , Siddhas have imparted these vast knowledge for the benefit of us. Hope
the readers get benefitted by the grace of Parshwanath and the Mantra Sadhana.

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