Verb To-Be Questions For Year 3

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Name: ____________________

Using the Verb “To be”

Write the correct form of “to be” in present tense or past tense.

Example: My cat (be) is sick. (present tense)

Example: My cat (be) was sick last night. (past tense)

1. Susan (be) _______my best friend. She and I (be) _______ in the same

Mathematics class. It meets from 9am to 10am.

2. Tristan and I (be) _______ hanging out. We (be) _______ going to a shopping


3. When she (be) _______ young, Khloe (be) _______ interested in English.

However, she (be) _______ not interested in English anymore. Now, she (be)

_______ interested in Science.

4. Justin (be) _______at the party last night. Lee Chong Wei and Nicole (be)

_______there too.

5. Chris (be) _______ at the hockey game last night. He (be) _______ cheering

for his favourite team. After the game, he came back home and went to sleep. I

think he (be) _______ still sleeping now. Shhhh… do not wake him up!

6. My family and I (be) _______ swimming in the pool when it began to thunder.

The lifeguard told us we had to get out. I (be) _______ upset, but I knew he

was right.
7. Badminton (be) _______ my favourite sport last year. Now, my favourite sport

(be) _______ basketball.

8. Kylie and I (be) _______ at Jenny’s house yesterday. Now, we (be) _______ at

Jordyn’s house.

9. Two years ago, Kendall and Kourtney (be) _______ enemies. Now, they (be)

_______ best friends.

10. It rained all day yesterday. I (be) _______ sad because I could not go outside.

However, today it (be) _______ raining. I (be) _______ sad because I cannot

go outside to play.

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