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Dear Mr. Jahangir,

Thank you very much for sharing your CV for critical analysis with us. Our Head of Guerrilla CV
Division, Ms. Hafsa Qazi and General Manager, Ms. Beenish Jamshad have critically analyzed your CV
focusing on quality of content, presentation and sales worthiness (the ability of CV to sell your skill-set
in the job market) and here is her report:

1. 1. On first look as well as on careful analysis, we rate your CV at 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Below Average Zone Average Above Average Zone
2. 2. Missing Why: While reviewing CVs, every recruiter, shortlister and headhunter looks for one critical
factor in your CV and that is: Why this CV should be shortlisted? Your CV fails to provide compelling and
convincing reasons to be shortlisted from the pile of other CVs. If you get an interview call on this CV, it
will be just a case of luck.
4. 3. Lack of Powerful Content: Your CV is your spokesperson. It sells you to recruiters in your absence.
Your CV does not build a strong case in your favor. From choice of words to highlighting your Unique
Selling Propositions (USPs), your CV lacks powerful content. You need to embed impactful words and
phrases that project you as a serious and thoughtful candidate who is passionate to add value to
organizations rather than projecting you like another desperate job-seeker.
6. 4. Presentation: Although we believe CV is not a format, presentation of content in immaculate format
enhances your salability. Your CV deserves a complete makeover to truly represent you as a thorough-
bred professional.

Conclusion: Your CV lacks fighting spirit in a ruthlessly competitive corporate world. With your
current CV, your chances of being shortlisted with professionally managed and prestigious companies
are NOT bright. Simple rule is that below average CVs have hardly 20% chances of being shortlisted;
average CVs 40-50% and professionally crafted CVs manage to get interview calls in fierce
competition. Corporate world favors an average person with immaculate CV than a genius with lousy
CV. In your absence, recruiters have no other criteria to shortlist you except your CV.

Recommendations: We recommend that you should either rewrite your CV yourself or have it written
by some seasoned professional to enable and empower it to sell you in a dog-eats-dog job market.
Watch this video on life story of Mr. Ashraf Chaudhry.
We are expert in crafting killer CVs and we call it Guerrilla CV because it attacks competition because of
Powerful Words, laser-like Focus, Attention Grabbing and Meticulous Presentation.
And yes, we offer Money Back Guarantee. If you did not approve Guerrilla CV crafted by us, we will
refund your money on a statement that you will not use it for job hunting and will not share with others.
Dealing with Ashraf Chaudhry is always Risk Free. We have written more than 5000 CVs and only 3-4
people asked for the refund.

Additional Benefits
1. A free list of potential employers with addresses
2. Free LinkedIn endorsement by Mr. Ashraf Chaudhry
3. We share job opportunities first with Guerrilla CV clients and then with others


Experience Guerrilla CV Fee LinkedIn Revamp Fee
1. Fresh/1 year experience PKR 2310 PKR 1700
23% Discount Offer PKR 1779 PKR 1309

2. 1-3 years PKR 4043 PKR 2900

23 % Discount Offer PKR 3113 PKR 2233

3. 3-7 years PKR 6353 PKR 4900

23% Discount Offer PKR 4892 PKR 3773

4. 7-12 years PKR 10973 PKR 6900

23% Discount Offer PKR 8450 PKR 5313

5. Above 12 years PKR 14438 PKR 9000

23% Discount Offer PKR 11117 PKR 6930

Cover Letter PKR 1733 PKR 1334

Highlighted part is applicable on your CV

Free Gifts by Ashraf Chaudhry

1. The Craft of Selling “YOURSELF”: Just send blank email at, you will receive link
within 5 seconds.
2. Free Coaching: Visit our YouTube Channel

Ashraf Chaudhry is Pakistan’s #1 Sales Trainer and International Author. You can join him at Facebook.

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