Robotics: Past, Present & Future in India: H.S. Gill P. M. Menghal Vaibhaw Kala Archana Singh

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Proceeding of National Level Conference 2013 “Technologies For Developing Nation” 12th October 2013, LTCOE, Navi Mumbai-400709


Robotics: Past, Present & Future in India

H.S. Gill P. M. Menghal Vaibhaw Kala Archana Singh
Faculty of Degree Engineering,
Military College of Electronics & Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad, 500 015, Andhra Pradesh

Abstract—Technology does not win wars or make nations next move. Robots easily and safely perform tasks that would
safe. The quest for national security is shaped by large otherwise endanger human lives, and do so faster and more
cultural, economic, political factors and strategic choices. efficiently than is possible with conventional methods. Robots
Innovation will always be a national security wild card. play a vital role in maintaining the competitive edge in national
New technologies may unleash or accelerate social and security. These manipulators are anthropomorphic, our
cultural changes that affect how nations protect fascination with humanoid machines has not dulled, and
themselves—on the battlefield or behind the scenes. people still envision robots as evolving into electromechanical
Emerging technologies will have a dramatic impact on the replicas of ourselves. It is fair to say that we have made a great
future of Indian National security. The fields of medicine, deal of progress in introducing simple robots with crude end-
homeland security, defence, non-conventional energy effectors into a wide variety of circumstances. The goal of
sources and manufacturing will be at the center of robotics is to mimic natural systems as closely as possible. For
scientific advances for years to come and perhaps will re- this, the developers need to draw inspiration from man, even
define not only Indian national security capabilities,but birds and animals that can communicate (move around) with
also how the citizens of India conduct their daily lives. One the help of their wings and/or legs. Fig 1 shows the evolution
such technology is ‘Robotics’. From manufacturing to of robots over the ages.
defence, from surgery to disaster relief, robots can go
where humans cannot and can do what humans cannot
thereby acting as force multipliers. The majority of recent
technological advancements could not have been
accomplished without the help of robots. The purpose of
this paper is to review major milestones that set the stage
for the development of the today’s robotics technology
including sufficient detail to acquaint reader with the
future of robotics in India.

Keywords- Robot, Control, Artficial Intellignce,Nano-robotics.

The term ‘Robot’ got prominence way back in the 1950s
when Karl Capek in his play Rossum’s Universal Robots
denoted the birth of a superior race that had intelligence similar
to that of humans. Later on Issac Asimov introduced his laws
of robots and finally Eric Elenberger, who is considered as the
father of robotics, introduced real-time robots to the world.
Fig .1 Evolutions of robot
Robots are, in a sense, made by humans in the ideal image of
the Human in the human mind. In their perfection, they are II. ROBOTICS IN INDIA
more human than the flesh and blood humans. They
The term “Robotics” applies to how robots are designed,
demonstrate the human qualities of minds and soul, reason and
manufactured, programmed, and used. Robotic technology is
emotions. Robots across the world now traverse hazardous
not new. In ancient times, Ctesibius, an Alexandrian inventor
terrain, carry out surveillance missions, and perform remote
and mathematician, invented a robotic water organ; 1,500
surgery. They are becoming ever more sophisticated and
years later Leonardo da Vinci developed a mechanical knight.
autonomous i.e. capable of taking own decision and plan their

Proceeding of National Level Conference 2013 “Technologies For Developing Nation” 12th October 2013, LTCOE, Navi Mumbai-400709

According to the Institute of Electronics and Electrical of Research activities, Manufacturing, Academia, Space
Engineers (IEEE), the world’s robot population had reached technology, Defence industries, Medical, Agriculture
4.49 million in 2008, a number likely to almost triple by industry etc. The Battlefield in the years to come will be
2035.One of the biggest impacts of robotics on the world dominated by robotic power. Hence, there is a lot to be done
economy resulted from automation. “Automation” refers to by each one of us in this area of research in the near future in
robots whose actions are dictated by a computer program. With order to exploit this technology to its utmost potential to our
the advent of automation, robots like those in factories could benefit. Table II explains the components of robots.
run with minimal human presence. In a bid to familiarise the
common man with the concepts of robots, Microsoft has TABLE –II
launched software (free for academia) in the country that can
create robotic application and simulate them. A robot  Structure: mostly mechanical, usually referred to as a kinematic
comprises a repertoire of sensors and actuator together with a chain formed of links, actuators, and joints which can allow one or
“Brain” (a Microprocessor) and communication capability.
more degrees of freedom. Robots used as manipulators have an end
Fig 2 indicates the rise in use of robots in different part of
effectors mounted on the last link that could be a welding device or
world including India.
a mechanical hand used to manipulate the environment.
 Power Source:
 Batteries –LiIon/LiPo
 Pneumatic (compressed gases)
 Hydraulic (compressed liquids)
 Actuation: Actuators are like muscles of a robot, the parts which
convert stored energy into movement.
 Motors: The vast majority of robots use electric motors,
including brushed and brushless DC on many robots and CNC
 Piezo Motors: A recent alternative to DC motors. Work on a
fundamentally different principle, whereby tiny piezoceramic
elements, vibrating many thousands of times per second,
cause linear or rotary motion. Advantages include nanometer
resolution, speed, and available force for their size.
 Elastic Nanotubes: A promising, early-stage experimental
technology. The absence of defects in nanotubes enables these
Fig.2 Use of Robotics in the Society
filaments to deform elastically by several percent, with energy
TABLE –I storage levels of 10 J/cm3 for metal nanotubes.
TIMELINE – ROBOTICS IN INDIA  Sensing (Touch): The sensor array is constructed as a rigid core
surrounded by conductive fluid contained by an elastomeric skin.
Developments related to robotics from the NISTEP 2030 report:
Electrodes are mounted on the surface of the rigid core, and are
 By 2013-2014 — Agricultural robots connected to an impedance-measuring device within the core. When
 By 2013-2017 — Robots that care for the elderly the artificial skin touches an object the fluid path around the
 By 2013 – 2020 - Nano robot electrodes is deformed, producing impedance changes that map the
 By 2015 — To have one third of its fighting capacity provided forces received from the object.
by robots
 By 2017 — Medical robots performing low-invasive surgery
 By 2017-2019 — Household robots TABLE –III
 By 2035 — To have first completely autonomous robot soldiers
on the battlefield  Walking Robots. Eg. Humanoids
 Tracked Robots. Eg. NASA’s Urban Robot Urbie
 Flying Robots. Eg. Cruise Missiles.
Table-I gives the overview of future of robotics in India  Snake Robots. Eg Japanese ACM- R5
 Swimming Robots. Eg. Aqua Penguin Germany.
which is a road map for development and implementation in  Legged Robots – DARPA Eg Big Dog
various fields which was published in National Institute of
Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP). This is an
indicator that India realizes the importance of robotics in
various fields which will enable it to create a mark in the HUMAN ROBOT INTERACTION
global arena. This will also open up the avenues in the field

Proceeding of National Level Conference 2013 “Technologies For Developing Nation” 12th October 2013, LTCOE, Navi Mumbai-400709

in  Speech Recognition. 1974, the

 Gestures. Swedish
 Facial expression. company
 Artificial emotions. ASEA
 Personality. developed
 Motion Sensing
the IRB 6, the
Table-III, IV and V illustrates the classification of robot on the first all-electric industrial robot. This 6 kg capacity device
basis of locomotion, interaction of robot with human being and was unique, not only in the drive system but also in its
controls respectively. anthropomorphic configuration and its use of a
microprocessor control system. It set new robot standards in
CONTROL the small footprint, the speed of movement and positioning
accuracy and gave rise to a number of IRB 6 look-alikes.
 The mechanical structure of a robot must be controlled to
perform tasks.
 The control of a robot involves three distinct phases - Perception, (a) Defence: - Imagine the face of warfare with advanced
Processing and Action. robotics. Robots that could make decisions, such as to fire
 Sensors give information about the environment or the robot upon a target without human intervention can replace the
itself (e.g. the position of its joints or its end effectors). human soldier in an increasing range of dangerous missions:
 The information is then processed to calculate the appropriate
signals to the actuators (motors) which move the mechanical
from tunneling through dark caves or forests in search of
linkages. terrorists, to securing urban streets rife with sniper fire, to
 Processing Phase. patrolling the skies and waterways where there is little cover
 Ranges in complexity. from attacks, to clearing roads and seas of improvised
 At a reactive level, it may translate raw sensor information
directly into actuator commands.
explosive devices (IEDs), to surveying damage from
 Sensor fusion may first be used to estimate parameters of biochemical weapons, to guarding borders and buildings, to
interest (e.g. the position of the robot's gripper) from noisy controlling potentially-hostile crowds. Many of the most
sensor data. An immediate task (such as moving the advanced Indian Defence Technologies in times to come
gripper in a certain direction) is inferred from these
estimates. These are then converted into commands that would comprise of robots. As is evident, thousands of robots
drive the actuators. were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan by the United States
 At longer time scales or with more sophisticated tasks, the of America, supporting military operations on land, sea, and
robot may need to build and reason with a "Cognitive" model. in the air. Some robotic military technology is completely
 These represent the robot, the world and
how they interact.
autonomous. Intelligence gathering is often achieved by
 Pattern recognition and computer vision unmanned aerial, ground, or underwater vehicles. Unmanned
used to track objects. autonomous vehicles have been deployed for reconnaissance
 Mapping techniques used to build maps of (such as detecting anti-ship mines in littoral waters),
the world.
 Motion Planning and other Artificial
monitoring coastal waters for adversaries (like pirate ships)
Intelligence techniques. and precision air strikes on evasive targets. Some of the most
exciting military technologies center on robots working in
III. ROBOTICS: THE AGE OF MACHINES concert with humans. Boston Dynamic’s robotic Big Dog (a
Practical robotics had its origins inside factories remote-controlled robot that looks like a big dog) enables
manufacturing products on assembly lines, where speed, soldiers to transport heavy equipment over ice, heavily
precision and reliability were paramount. Thus, both human forested areas, and steep, narrow foothills. DARPA has
tedium and imprecision were done away with whilst developed a six legged robot which is all terrain and all
improving the uniformity of a quality product which could weather robot having a capability of passing intelligence
come off the assembly line relentlessly around the clock. from far flung areas to the control station with the help of
With the flexibility of programming and the training supplied wireless communications. Robot powered exoskeletons give
by a skilled operator, robots could carry out very complex, soldiers super-human strength. Remote controlled explosive-
humanlike, repetitive tasks; however the task could be disposal robots, such as Talon, keep soldiers from physical
changed at short notice by using a different program. Now danger while the robots destroy mines. Andros II and Mini-
we have access to a very rich set of sophisticated sensors, Andros are used by bomb squads across the world; they can
powerful computing platforms and all variety of agile see in the dark, and defuse or detonate bombs without risking
mechatronic devices. The first industrial robot appeared in human life. While robotics is not a panacea for all situations
1961 when a Unimate was supplied to General Motors for where manpower is necessary, they are a vital tool in India’s
tending a die casting machine. The Unimate, the brain child military prowess in present scenario.
of Joseph Engelberger, the “Father of the Industrial Robot”,
was hydraulically driven, a technology that dominated the
fledgling industrial robot business for its first decade. Then

Proceeding of National Level Conference 2013 “Technologies For Developing Nation” 12th October 2013, LTCOE, Navi Mumbai-400709

can do heavy lifting, work overtime. A single software

engineer can “retrain” an entire fleet of robotic assembly line
workers in a matter of minutes. The physical size of
technological machinery has been shrinking at an amazing
rate. Today, the manufacture of many of the world’s most
innovative technologies and nanotechnologies requires super-
human precision. The steadiest of human hands cannot
consistently place one molecule of carbon on another to create
Fig. 3 Big Dog a synthetic diamond, or correctly place a microscopic electrode
onto a Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) device.
Daksh is one of the most current military robots of India. It is Fig.6 shows the use of robots in industries.
an electrically powered and remote controlled robot which is
used to locate, handle and destroy risky objects safely. The
main role of this military robot is to recover improvised
explosive devices. This robot can even climb stairs. Moreover,
it can also scan objects using its portable X-ray Device.

Fig .6 Robots in Manufacturing Industries

(c) Medicine: Robot-assisted surgery has been occurring for

more than a quarter of a century. Since the 1980s, robots have
been assisting doctors in repairing knee ligaments, removing
gallbladders, and performing hysterectomies. With the help of
better and smaller robotic tools and software systems, patients
require smaller incision wounds and shorter time under
Fig. 4 Daksh Military Robot anesthesia than with conventional surgery, which translates
into faster healing times, less pain, decreased risk of infection,
Robots would be developed with very high level of
and less blood loss. In remote surgery, or telesurgery, a doctor
intelligence to enable them to differentiate between a enemy or
controls a robot that works on a patient even if that patient is
a friend. These can then be deployed in difficult warfare zones,
thousands of miles away. With remote surgery, city doctors
like the Line of Control (LOC), a step that would help avert the
can operate on rural patients, decreasing transportation costs
loss of human lives. In the initial phase, the robotic soldier will
and increasing options for both patients and doctors. In the
be trained by the human soldier to identify an enemy or a
current surgical world, the majority of doctors are limited to a
combatant. The ‘Robotic Soldier’ would be at the front end and
geographic location and population. As a result they need to be
the human soldier would be assisting him from far away.
able to perform a broad range of services. Remote robotic-
assisted surgery would mitigate or even solve this problem:
Not only would it bring medical access to people in rural areas,
it could also be useful for new doctors who currently must
choose between location and specialty. Moreover, in the event
of a bio-terrorist attack or an epidemic, immune robotic
medical personnel may be the best solution to contain and cure
infected individuals. In military medical care, remote surgery
can help provide soldiers with medical care more quickly than
under current conditions. Modified tanks could house remote
operating rooms. These tanks could accompany soldiers into
battlefields. Soldiers often lose their limbs or even their lives
Fig. 5 Robotic Soldier because it simply takes too much time until they reach a medic
(b) Manufacturing: From cars to computers, robotics and or hospital. There can be a robotic limb which can be attached
automation play a part in creating many types of consumer to the injured soldier in the battlefield whereby the soldier after
goods. Bottling plants, automotive makers, and appliance some practice or recouping from the injury can again be sent to
manufacturers have increased the number of industrial robots war depending on the gravity of injury or there can be a robot
in their assembly lines. Robots make manufacturing processes who can replace the soldier on ground. Moreover, fewer
more efficient by making assembly faster and more consistent. medics would be required in the field, since a single medic
They can work in unsafe conditions and in tight spaces. They could perform surgeries on soldiers from geographically

Proceeding of National Level Conference 2013 “Technologies For Developing Nation” 12th October 2013, LTCOE, Navi Mumbai-400709

disparate platoons. Fig 7 shows the use of robotics different ahead of time, and be deployed only if they are needed. While
sectors. an adversary could plan to knock out, say, satellites, it would
be much more difficult to destroy un-deployed response
robots, especially if their storage location is classified. After an
earthquake, missile attack, or tsunami, robot-assisted rescue
may be India’s most effective course of action. Recently cloud
burst in Uttarakhand claimed many lives and created havoc.
The rescue operations took lot of time which was crucial for
the stranded people waiting for help. In this scenario if India
had robots which could quickly locate trapped victims, send
images of them to rescuers in real time without unnecessarily
putting responders at risk, would have saved many innocent
Fig.7 Robotics in Various Sectors lives. Taking a clue from this natural calamity we should now
be prepared with a Disaster Preparedness, Response and relief
plan incorporating the robots to carry out relief operations.

Fig.9 Flying Wi-Fi Robot for Disaster Relief

(e) Humanoid robots: When it comes to human

resemblance, one can just marvel at Honda’s ASIMO and
Fig .8 Surgical consoles for cellular surgery Sony’s SDR-3X and now the more advanced SDR-4X. These
humanoid robots walk on two feet with amazing grace,
(d) Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Relief: These are replicating the walking movements of humans. The engineers
vital elements of homeland security and robotic technologies at SONY have given SDR-4X advanced features such as the
are some of the most innovative and effective means of ability to remember faces and recognise emotions from facial
carrying out these activities. In the event of a national disaster, features in addition to improved voice and speech recognition
roads may be in rubble or flooded. Telephone or Internet lines technology.
may be down. Supplies and equipment may need to be
transported quickly over non-traversable terrain. Small
autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are robots that
can be used to carry supplies to remote areas. Denel Dynamics
has developed a “homing pigeon” UAV that can fly supplies to
a disaster area, drop them off, and return to home base all
without human intervention, and faster than conventional
carriers. In the event of a bio-terrorist attack, these UAVs
could deliver face masks or antidotes without risking a pilot’s
health. UAVs could also be used to create self-contained
communications networks. Currently, satellite communication Fig.10 Humanoid
networks are used, but weather and other conditions,
particularly after a large explosion, could render current (f) Agriculture Robot: The advantages of Agri-robot which is
technology useless. The Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at developed in India [10], is that it can become an admirable
the Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) has agriculture aid for the farmer. The high cost of labor and the
designed a Swarm of Micro Air Vehicles capable of increasing need for assisted living has led to the development
autonomously establishing an emergency wireless network of the service robotics market. This automated system will be
between ground users in a disaster area. These robots could most essential appliance for our society as India is the 2nd
replace damaged and congested networks. The advantage of largest producer of vegetable crops in the world. The
the robotic disaster relief technologies is that they can be built developed model avoids the wastage of precious seeds as it is

Proceeding of National Level Conference 2013 “Technologies For Developing Nation” 12th October 2013, LTCOE, Navi Mumbai-400709

designed to pick and drop only one seed at an instant, V. WAY AHEAD
consequently it increases the percentage of germination which India is now emerging as a destination for the production of
leads to profit to the formers who are the backbone of our industrial robots. In fact, the size of the Indian robotics market
nation. As a result the formers/society will be the beneficiaries. is large with sales figures hovering around Rs.3,500 crores.
The concept of Automation incorporated in the intended Most of this (around 70 per cent), is in the automotive
system avoids the labors cost and reduces the process time. industry. The robotics industry in India is expected to grow
Consequently it is cost effective. substantially in the years to come. The Indian manufacturing
arena is poised to grow larger in the coming decades, thereby
increasing the demand for robotic solutions. As far as the
industry is concerned, India contributes significantly as far as
research / intellectual property (IP) generation to converting
LISP codes to C codes for industrial robots is concerned. A
large volume of work centre around these domains is
outsourced to India. Industrial robotics is mature as a
technology, and is well established. However, the mobile
Fig.11 Agri Robot robotics space is expected to witness significant growth in the
IV. DEVELOPMENT OF ROBOTICS IN INDIA coming years. Mobile robots are utilized in industrial, military
and security environments. Autonomous robots with reasoning
Over the years, lot of industry has developed cutting-edge capabilities and the ability to move around freely will be in
technology for its clients, which include several top-notch demand in the coming decades. Teams of smart micro-robots
private, public, and government sectors. Robotics has been could do regular maintenance in nuclear power plants and
enabled by the semiconductor revolution and as long as other hazardous environments. Personal robots will change our
innovations in this field continue to evolve, robotics too will lifestyle altogether by assisting us in our disabilities and
continue to grow. Nanotechnology and robotics have to build nursing us in sickness. Artificial dogs or robot-pets with
robust robotics products for use by the Indian industry. In our emotions can soothen many, especially children, and the aged
past experience in attempting to build custom solutions, we and disabled. When it comes to real-world operational
have discovered that by assembling imported components into conditions of mobile robots, the level of accuracy is also
a functional system could not meet the affordability points of important. The most advanced species on this planet (humans)
most of our potential customers. On the other hand, when we perform well out there with less precision and accuracy. Of
did meet the cost criteria by developing indigenous course, it is desirable to have mobile robots that are capable of
components, the robustness and maintainability of the final pin-point accuracy, which will depend on the application areas.
system left much to be desired. The robotics field is quite Human capabilities around “tracking” and “following” are
promising, but to make a really intelligent robot takes supreme commendable, though precision and accuracy are not major
efforts. The ultimate goal of robotics is a super-human system concerns as we are comfortable in continuously adjusting our
that embodies all the skills (such as intelligence, touch, and actions. There is a long way to go in bringing robots to the
sensitivity) of humans without any of their limitations (such as level of human-like capabilities. All the dreams where robots
strength, aging, and reach). In reality, we can expect the degree do our jobs will come true and military is not an exception. At
of autonomy to evolve to higher degrees very gradually. present there are many hostile and painful tasks that have to be
Regarding Nano systems and smart materials making entry performed by humans but in near future most of them will be
into our lives. The futuristic scenario right now is just one’s done by the robots. In future news headlines would be like ‘a
imagination of how technology would evolve. Indian students team has destroyed a terrorist camp, no casualty reported’ and
deeply interested in robotics should start making robots and try many more. History has shown that the military makes use of
to implement circuits at their home, and not wait for an every innovation that has the potential to support military work
opportunity to work in a big lab. They should not be deterred and robots are the future. Space exploration is another major
by lack of tools, facilities, and even basic knowledge about driver for innovation in robotics. Robotic arms are now being
robotics. Just starting to create devices from junk parts and used in space shuttles, building and repairing space stations,
hands-on work in an attempt to make and use circuits which robotic spacecraft and planetary rovers exploring the rest of the
they see in magazines and books would add an engineering solar system.
insight, which is ‘the skill’. The school students are introduced
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