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L8: Cloud Computing Background

Anupinder Singh
● Legacy of Computing.
● Computing Paradigms.
● General introduction to cloud computing
Distributed Computing
● Distributed computing is a field of computer science that studies distributed
● A distributed system is a software system in which components located on
networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions by passing
messages. The components interact with each other in order to achieve a
common goal.
Characteristics of Distributed Computing
● All components are autonomous
● Scaling can be done at any time by adding additional resources.
● Availability can be maintained with the help of commodity hardware and
● Scheduling, resource management and security policies are implemented by
each system.
● There are multiple points of control and multiple points of failure.
Essential middleware support for Distributed
● Access transparency
● Location transparency
● Concurrency transparency
● Replication transparency
● Failure transparency
● Migration transparency
● Performance transparency
● Scaling transparency
Distributed Computing based Paradigms
● Cluster Computing
● Grid Computing
● Cloud Computing
Attributes of Computing paradigms
● Ubiquitous access
● Reliability
● Scalability
● Autonomic
● QoS
Cluster Computing
Cluster is a type of parallel or distributed processing system, which consists of a
collection of interconnected standalone computers working together as a single
integrated computing resources.
Characteristics of Cluster
● A node refers to one or more multiprocessor system that contains memory, OS
and I/O facilities
● Two or more than two nodes are joint together, but they are physically
separated and connected through a LAN
● Network Connections are being used by joint connected systems.
● Clustered file system facilitates the sharing files like
○ Cluster shared volumes
○ Oracle cluster file system
○ IBM General Parallel file systems
○ Shared disk file systems like SAN
○ Distributed file system
○ Network Attached storage
Advantages & Applications
Advantages Applications

● Scalability and availability. ● Sharing data

● utilization of commodity resources. ● Business applications
● simple and easy administration with low ● critical database management system
cost of ownership ● research projects for R&D.
● provision of fault tolerance capacity &
support for rolling upgrades.
Parallel Computing
A Computing in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating
on the principle that large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which are
then solved at the same time.Levels of parallelism:

● Bit Level
● Instruction level(pipeline technique)
● Data parallelism
● Task Parallelism
● Hardware Level
○ Shared memory model
○ Distributed memory model
Attributes of Parallelism
● To communicate through network it utilizes Message Passing Interface(MPI).
● Cost effective due to its multithread model, leads in increase in performance.
● power consumption is lower.
● High performance
● improved utilization
● Area of application
○ Scientific applications
○ computer animations
○ computer games
○ image processing
○ data mining.
GRID(Global Resource Information Database)
● A distributed architecture of large
number of computer connected to solve
a complex problem.
● Computer connections indicate a
virtual organization for common goals.
● GRID computing model servers or
physical computers run in a loosely
linked by the internet or low speed
● Computer may connect directly or via
scheduling systems.
Heterogeneous Resource ● Coordinate resource sharing and
problem solving in a dynamic
multi-institutional virtual organization.
● Provides a generic approach for a
general resource sharing.
● support the creation and used of
computation and data enriched
● use of open standards and architecture
Virtual Organization
Few Real Life Projects
GRID Advantages
● No need to invest in high end machines
● Efficient and appropriate use of idle resources.
● No full system failure due to modular setup
● managed policies
● support scalability & upgrading
● Turn around times are optimized due to the parallel processing support.
Computing Paradigms
Computing Paradigms- Other way around
Cloud Computing
● A model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources
● Internet-based computing, where shared resources, data and information are
provided to computers and other devices on-demand.
● Also known as 'on-demand computing'
Cloud Attributes
● Integration of Virtualization techniques and some older technological concepts
are backbone of Cloud computing, such as:
○ Utility Computing.
● Availability of set of abstracted resources.
● Delivering hosted services over the internet.
Cloud Classifications
Cloud Cube model
Cloud Service Models
Cloud Deployment Models
Cloudy way
Major Service Providers

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