MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (Template) : Commitment To The Profession

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MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 3403

Trainee Name: Fatima O School: Tamooh
MCT/MST Name: Amber Garcia Date: 3/3/2019
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Fatima is on time and helps her teacher every day. She turns her lesson plans on time and works well
with others. She is polite and exhibits professional behaviour throughout her days at Tamooh.

Planning for Learning F D C B A

Make sure each activity links to the outcome. If students are adding and subtracting fractions, this is
what they should be working on. Whatever they are doing in groups, should be linked to what you
modelled to students.

Managing Learning F D C B A
Nice job offering positive praise throughout the lesson.
Great job calling on students by name.
When you gave center directions, it might be better to put the centers at the tables with a set of
directions. The rest of the students were just sitting and watching you while you went from group to
group. How can you prevent so much sitting and watching?
Nice use of a sand timer 
When you moved the centers, students did not know what to do at each center. If you are going to
rotate centers, explain the directions for each before center time and provide written directions at
each table so that they understand what needs to be done.
Were all students involved in the learning process?
Implementing Learning F D C B A
Fatima asked students to recall what they learned last week. She called on a few students and they said
they learned about mixed numbers.
“Can you show me one example of the mixed number?” Fatima called a student up to the white board
and she modelled a mixed number.
“Today we are going to learn a new thing. How to subtract and add fractions.” Fatima then reviewed
the math vocabulary with students using the TPR method. Denominator and numerator. Students sat
up and down to indicate the meaning of each word Fatima gave.
Fatima then told a story about a child going to order pizza. She showed it on the board and then
modelled it on the other white board for students. Fatima called a student to the white board to write
the fraction. Fatima asked students if the fraction written was correct. Fatima continued the story and
then called on a student to come to the front to draw the new fraction. Once the student had drawn
the fraction and written it, Fatima then wrote 4/8 – 7/8 ( this was written backwards Once Fatima
realized this, she fixed it). Fatima called on another student to come up to complete the problem.
(Where was the modelling? When you teach a skill, you should always be the one to model it first and
then have students involved. Refer to the teaching and learning models that we learned in our EPR
3003 class. I do always comes first.)
Fatima then asked students for numbers to put on the board to create two fractions. The new problem
was 10/20 + 2/20. She called on another student to add the fractions. (when do you tell students not to
add or subtract the denominator? That should happen in the model).
8:43- Fatima introduced the centers. Students completed centers and moved from one center to the
Activities were very hands on for students. (The one activity where they had to find the numerator.
How did that connect to the learning outcome? Did you model how to do this for students? All
activities should link directly to the learning outcomes. It appeared you were adding and subtracting
fractions. Did you model how to take the answer to find the missing number? )
Fatima circulated to the groups to provide instructions (this is a good time to ask students questions to
explain their thinking and how they are completing the problems.)
Once the timer went off, Fatima asked students to move centers. After the switch, there were several
students that were not working. How can you make sure everyone is involved? Your MST walked to
each group and asked questions to the students. This would be something for you to observe so you
know how to do it in your next lesson.

The timer went off and Fatima let them know their time was up. “1,2,3, eyes on me.”
Fatima then gave each student an exit ticket. Each ticket had two equations on it and they were asked
to write their name and solve both equations.

Where was your closing? Did you recap the lesson or just go straight into assessment?

Assessment F D C B A
When you walk around to the groups, how are you keeping track of student learning?
Verbal questioning used but no way to keep track of student answers.
Exit ticket

Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Provide examples of what you will do next time to improve in the areas you identified.
Action Plan:

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