Formulated After The Extensive Literature Review in The Chapter 2)

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1. List of Tables…………………………………………………… ii

2. Chapter 1: Introduction………………………………………… 1
1.1 Overview…….…………………………............................
1.2 Problem statement………………………………………..
1.3 Background, Objectives and Significance of the study…..
1.4 Outline of the Study…………………………………….
1.5 Definitions…..…………………………………………….

3. Chapter 2: Literature Review…………………………………… 3

(Note: Hypothesis(es) of the study should be developed and
formulated after the extensive literature review in the Chapter 2)
4. Chapter 3: Research Methods………………………………….. 5

3.1 Method of Data Collection…………………………………

3.2 Sampling Technique………………………………………..
3.3 Sample size……………………………………………….
3.4 Instrument of Data Collection (if applicable)……………..
3.4.1 Validity and Reliability test……………………….
3.5 Research Model developed ………………………………..
3.6 Statistical Technique……………………………………….
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Overview
The incoming and quick spread of digital technology in the last fe year of 20th century I aid tobe

individualism – “a contest which changes things so essentially that there is entirely no coming

back” (Prensky, 2001). In today world digital technology play an important part in an individual’


The need & expectation of consumer have changed after adaptation of technology (Thaler&
Tucker, 2013). Individuals have twisted out to be familiar to accepting data immediately and
without impediments, at whatever point and anywhere they need it (Weatherhead, 2014). The
increase of advanced innovations direct to a difference in way of life, mainly for the youth.

Internet technology has grown rapidly. The world revolve into a globalization, users from

everywhere right through the world can relate with each other efficiently. whereas in the life of

mankind it assumes that internet play a essential role, the business center had changed, the

financial matter’s structure had changed then the customer purpose had changed. The rise of

internet centered tackle in information and communication technologies (ICT) enables new sorts

of administration creative technology. ICT has similarly opened up new open doors and new

services, for example, Online cab service administrations (Uber and Careem), Online Banking

and Online Shopping. Online cab service administrations Online cab services Ride-hailing is

specifically a person who hails a car and is quickly selected and headed to their target for a time

and compensate according to distance. (Mahamad Fuad, et al., 2016)

These days, individuals are amused with the accommodation to accomplish something. Things,

for example, goods and services can be gotten before the doorstep. Substantially less exacting in

getting data. The advancement of innovation has changed the way individuals live and familiar
with each other. Due to the introduction of the Internet with broad society, it used as a part of our

day by day life. There are different parts of society that are wedged by the Internet. (Isradila &

Indrawati, 2015)

The main purpose of this research is to study independent variables; which are sensed

convenience, perceived price, perceived comfort of use and their impact on customer willing to

use dependent variable). Through this study, we will examine the relationship between these


1.2 Problem statement

Through this study we will study about the online transportation services in Pakistan.

Transport industry in Pakistan is developing and fast growing. Because of population growth,

some multinational companies came in Pakistan and supply better transportation services. Due to

deficiency of resources, Pakistan Government isn't giving satisfactory public services to its

citizen. So travellers wanted to use an app based transport system.Though this research is

conducted to know the factors that affect consumer intention to use online cab services.

1.3 Background
The entry and a quick expansion of advanced technology during the last years of the 20th

century has been pictured as specialty – "an occasion which changes things so in a general

meaning that there is definitely no reverting"(Prensky, 2001)

Digital innovation has turned into a constant part of human lives and has intense-situated

these days, in both the private and work place of present day excellence. Acknowledgement of

advanced innovation has transformed the essentials plus desires of consumers importantly

(Thaler & Tucker, 2013). Individuals have turned out to be habitual to getting data directly and
without limitations, at whatever point they need it (Weatherhead, 2014). The people born from

1980 till 2000 are called “Millennials” (Goldman Sachs, 2016), are the first to experience this

new kind of innovation from their childhood. . Individuals from this co-worker feel particularly

good with various sorts of cell phones and regard them to be "an expansion of their regular

conduct" (Papp & Matulich ). The business, which was established during the year 2009, has

expand rapidly everywhere throughout the world and was positioned among the 50 most deep

organizations in America (Loudenback, 2015) with an expected calculation of more than $60

billion (Newcomer, 2015). Uber began to change the individuals transport industry around the

world by giving luxury cars in few major cities. They offer digital cab service with a system of

trustable drivers that are called "drive-partners". The organization company wide media scope as

of late because of the worldwide achievement, and in addition an mixture of lawful question with

nearby regions and organizations. (Fleischer & Wahlin, 2016)

The objective of this research is to study the consumer’s signification to use riding

salutation services, what factors should put impact on this. This research mainly helps ride-

hailing services providers for forthcoming strategies. They may know about the consumer’s

requirements against the services.

Significance of the study

The implication of this investigation is to show the information about consumer intention

to use online cab service services. Through this research an online transportation organization

can judge the customer's perception and it might likewise work for those individuals who unsure

to utilize these services. Companies can make more strong and deep methodologies for

forthcoming choices to improve benefits importantly more.

1.4 Outline of the study
The world becomes so fast and technology makes new improvements. To move from one

place to another for consumers to make their life so easy and accessible they introduce online cab

service. To know purpose of consumers to use online cab service, we will study the factors

which will affect the consumer’s intention. Those factors are Perceived usefulness, Perceived

ease of use, Perceived behavioral control. The framework of this paper is generally designed for

customer intention to use online cab service. The circumstance of this paper is to understand the

important factor on consumer transit decisions. The first chapter based on an overview of the

study, the study is on online cab service. The problem statement and hypothesis are formulated

in the first chapter. The second chapter is literature review which is related to theformer study on

the consumer’s intention to use online cab service. The third chapter of the study focuses on the

method of data collection, sampling size, sampling technique and statistical method used.

1.5 Definitions

Perceived usefulness:
Perceived usefulness (PU) is one of the free develops in the Technology Acceptance

Model (TAM). It is “the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would

enhance his/her job performance” (Davis, 1989 )

Perceived ease of use:

According to Davis PEOU considers the point to which somebody convinced that

utilizing the specific method would be effortless (Davis, 1989).

Perceived behavioral control:

PBC defines” an individual's impression of interior and outside limitations on conduct"

Consumer Intention to Use:

An intention has been defined as an individual's responsibility, plan, or choice to complete an

activity or accomplish an objective (Eagly and Chaiken, 1993)
Chapter 2: Literature Review

An intention has been characterized as a man’s commitment, plan, or choice to complete an

activity or accomplish an objective (Eagly and Chaiken, 1993), and in certainty has been utilized

synonymously now and again with decision, choice, and plan. Every one of these uses all the

more by and large fall under the name volition. Analyst Ajzen, imagines goals broadly as

"markers of how hard individuals will attempt, of the amount of an exertion they are intending to

apply." (Ajzen ,1991)

The open source Software Development Kits (SDKs) have opened markets for youthful

designers and architects to create different portable applications and begin organizations from

little to huge scales. In the ongoing past, we have seen a huge development in the improvement

of versatile applications in the computerization businesses. Somehow, those applications are

ended up being a noteworthy wellspring of salary and give great quality administrations less to

contribute as a client. A couple of the numerous precedents are ride-hailing applications like


How Uber Works:

Uber is basically an application that’s been offered on App store, Play store. Which basically
connects the Customer to the network of nearest drivers. Drivers have to download the
application and register themselves as a Driver in Uber, after which they get the training of 1
week and get themselves officially registered as Driver after which they can start taking the
As for the customers, they have to download the application too after which they enter their
number or E mail id to register as a user of the Uber. To book the Uber the user need to pin their
location of pick up and drop off. Customers can also track themselves via GPS.

The Mobile application provides the details of the driver including name, number, photo and
ratings of driver along with the car’s name, number, color and the model.
The customer can also contact the driver before the ride and get the information regarding where
the driver is and explain the route as well.
While booking the ride, the application also tells the approximate fare of the distance that’s
going to be covered. The rate is prorated, according to the type of car like economy, luxury etc.

Perceived Usefulness:

Perceived usefulness says that to what extent individual assumes that their performance is
enhanced by the usage of a specific technology. The research of Davis' focuses on job
performance (Davis, 1989). Since Uber serves as a transportation service, perceived usefulness
could include job performance, but the performance can also be influenced by the outside
scheme of work, like the general performance in life.
Example in Uber could be that, the pleasant ride which an individual experience with Uber driver
whom an individual know through the application and the data of the driver rather than a local
Taxi service and that can increase the flexibility and could create a better plan with a relaxed
state of mind. The economical fare of ride also strengthens the financial performance.

Perceived Ease of Use:

Perceived ease of use defines that how effortless using a particular technology would be for an
individual. The easiness of a technology could make an individual to select a technology over
another (Davis, 1989). The positive relationship have been seen between the PEOF and PU
according to the studies (Erasmus et al.,2015). In Uber’s case, both the Uber’s mobile application
and its services in general relates to PEOU. For people having good knowledge of technology the
PEOU would be a positive factor rather than the people with little or no knowledge about the
usage of mobile application or the technology.

Perceived Behavioral Control:

Perceived Behavioral Control is an “individual’s perception of internal and external constraints
on behavior” (Taylor & Todd, 1995), describes that performance of a certain behavior according
to its ease or difficulty. PBC is committed by control beliefs that are important to be present and
the limitations of resources and opportunities which are important to perform a behavior in a
particular situation (Ajzen, 1991). These controlled beliefs are sometimes based on the
experiences which people have faced before about the behavior and also include the other factors
that affect the perceived difficulty of performing a specific behavior in positive or negative way
(Ajzen, 1991). Ajzen says “the more assets and openings people trust they create, the less
challenges they expect, the more prominent ought to be their apparent social command over the
conduct" (Ajzen, 1991).

Important variables like cash, time, individual aptitudes, and reliance on others are the control
convictions and in addition saw intensity of the control factor under thought (Ajzen, 1985). PBC
has indicated distinction among circumstances and activities in numerous examinations (Ajzen,
1991). The present perspective of PBC is most perfect with Banduras' (1977; 1982). The idea of
seeing self-efficacy which says that how in coming circumstances one can act well to manage it
(Bandura, 1982).

These examinations have showed that the capacity to perform surely is dynamically impacted by

the certainty of an individual' conduct. Under certain conditions, PBC can Theoretical Frame of

Reference 15 be utilized as an immediate indicator for genuine conduct control (Ajzen, 1991).

This may just be practical with the adequate data about the conduct, the required assets, no

adjustment in conditions, and no other new components enter the circumstance (Ajzen, 1991).

On the off chance that one of these variables changes,PBC won't be a promising indicator for

genuine conduct.

On account of Uber, PBC can be impacted by the accessibility of the Uber benefits and

additionally the assets which are required as a cell phone, a Mastercard with an adequate

measure of credit, or the abilities to utilize the portable application. A man with no chance to
utilize the Uber administrations, nor makes the assets, is relied upon to have a negative

expectation to utilize the administrations.


H1: Perceived usefulness has significant impact on consumer intention to use Online Cab


H2: Perceived ease of use has significant impact on consumer intention to use Online Cab


H3: Perceived behavioral control has significant impact on consumer intention to use Online

Cab Service.



Perceived Ease TO USE
of use



3.1 Method of Data Collection

Primary Data was gathered by using survey method to the general public by online

questionnaire. Online questionnaire was fill out by the public which were uploaded on Google

docs. In this study, the general public was the sources of information that used a online cab

services. Email and social websites were the source of approaching towards the respondents of

this research.

3.2 Sampling Technique

On a convenience basis, data were collected through online and the questionnaire was uploaded

on Google forms.

3.3 Sample size

The range of respondents for this study was 250 general Public, the sample size of the

population was demonstrated so results can be universal.

3.4 Instrument of Data Collection (if applicable)

Questionnaire was used to gathered data. Questionnaire or Link was sent to the general

public which was placed on Google docs for the general public.
3.5 Research Model developed

Perceived usefulness

Perceived Behavioral Consumer intention to use

Perceived ease of use

3.6 Statistical Technique

MLR- Multiple Linear Regression technique was used in this study to find out cause and

effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable.

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