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M One Year
Corporate and Commercial Laws Branch

Competition Law – E-I

Unit-I : Fundamental and Basics Competition Law
(a) Constitutional Provisions regulating Trade, Restraint of Trade under Indian corporate
(b) Salient features of MRTP Act, 1986.
(c) Salient features of consumer protection Act, 1986.

Unit-II :Legal Provisions

(a) Sherman Antitrust Act, 1890.
(b) Relevant Provisions of Claton Act, 1914.
(c) Relevant Provisions of the federal trade commission Act, Salient features of U.K.
Competition Act, 1998.

Unit- III : The Competition Act, 2002

(a) Preliminary & Object of Act.
(b) Prohibition of certain Agreements.
(c) Abuse of dominant position and regulation of combinations.

Unit-IV : Competition commission of India

(a) Aims, object & salient features of competition commission of India.
(b) Functions powers, Procedure for Investigation of Inquiry.
(c) Anti-competitive Agreement, Abuse of dominate position, combination.

Unit-V : Role of Director General

(a) Duties powers & functions of director general
(b) Penalties
(c) Competition advocacy, Important judgments of the Supreme Court.

Unit-VI : Competition Appellate Tribunal

(a) Composition of competition Appellate Tribunal.
(b) Functions, Powers & Procedures of Appellate Tribunal. .
(c) Award Compensation, Powers of Central government to issue direction appeal to the
Supreme Court. 0

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