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Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

January 2016

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll:

Customizing the Payslip
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for
information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a
commitment to deliver any material, code,
or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The
development, release,
and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at
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of Oracle.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

Introduction 1
What’s in this Document 1
Other Information Sources 1
Document Updates 1
Introduction to the Global Online Payslip and Templates 2
Creating a Custom Online Payslip 5
Step 1: Payslip Report Template Customization and Upload 5
Step 2: Changes in the HCM Extract data using the Application 10
Worked Example – Displaying Balances in the Payment Currency 15
Payroll Archive HCM Extract Setup Customization to Store Exchange Rates 15
BIP Payslip Template Customization 17
Global Template Example 17
Country-Specific Template Example 20
Displaying Absence Accrual Information on the Payslip 23
Validate Modified Payslip Sub-Template 23
Troubleshooting the Payslip Process 25
Identify if the Payslip has been Pushed into DOR 25
Release 7 or higher 25
Release 525
Check if the Process has Successfully Created a BIP Job 26
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

This paper identifies and describes setup tasks for customizing the Payslip in Oracle
Fusion Global Payroll.

What’s in this Document

This document is intended to support the implementation team in understanding how
to customize the Payslip in Oracle Fusion Global Payroll:
 Introduction to the Global Online Payslip and Templates.
 Creating a Custom Online Payslip.
 Worked Example – Displaying Balances in the Payment Currency.
 Troubleshooting the Payslip Process.

Other Information Sources

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll User Guide:

Document Updates
This document is based on the most current application release as of the document’s
publication date. Content may be updated as needed only to reflect major changes to
existing features or when significant new features are added. For this reason, it is
possible that some minor UI differences may exist between the version being
implemented and the version described in this document.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

Introduction to the Global Online Payslip and Templates

There are two Global Payslip templates:
1. Payslip: - Main Template
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

2. Payslip Sub Templates: - Sub Template 3

The Global Payslip templates may be seen and downloaded as follows:

1. Navigate to the following location in the BIP Catalog:
Human Capital Management -> Payroll -> Payment Distribution

2. A user having BI Administrator privilege may download these templates by clicking

on ‘Edit’, followed by ‘Properties’.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

3. Then click ‘English’ in the layout page to download the template.

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

Creating a Custom Online Payslip

Customizing an online payslip requires two main steps to be followed:

1. Creating a template and uploading that in the BI server.
2. Modifying the payslip extract to include delivery options and linking the report or
template with the payslip extract.
The above steps are discussed further in the following sections.

Step 1: Payslip Report Template Customization and Upload

In the following customization example, the requirement is to show the Primary NID
instead of Person Number. Note in this case, the Global Payslip sub-template would
still be imported and used; only minor changes would be required to be made to the
Global payslip main template. The custom template would be as follows. Here,
instead of calling the Payslip_GLB_subt_EmpInfo sub-template, the table within that
sub-template has been merged into the customized main template, and then the Person
Number fields replaced in order to report the Primary NID instead.

The above custom template should now be added to a report; in fact a custom report
should be created, as follows:
1. Login to BIP with user having BI Admin privilege and create new report under
Custom folders. (The preferred path is a folder or sub-folders under
/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/….)
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

2. Create the new report by clicking Report as follows:

3. Use Existing Data Model

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

4. Use ‘Payslip Bursting Data Model’ from path Human Capital 7

Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/Data Models and click Next

5. Select ‘Use Report Editor’ radio button and press finish.

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

6. Save report under the Custom folder. In example is report created under folder 8

/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll with Name ‘KWPayslip’.

7. Click upload to upload the rtf.

8. Upload custom template file created earlier. In our example the layout name is

9. The template file is now uploaded. Click on ‘View a list’ if any change is
required for the default format etc.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

Note: Instead of creating a template and report following the steps given above, you
could instead copy the existing payslip template/report from location -
Human Capital Management -> Payroll -> Payment Distribution
and copy that to the custom folder as follows:
1. Copy the payslip template
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

2. Paste the copied payslip template to the custom folder 10

3. Edit the template/report according to your requirement.

Step 2: Changes in the HCM Extract data using the Application

1. Login to Application with implementation user and click Data Exchange in
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

2. Click ‘Manage HCM Extract Definitions’ link 11

3. In the search region enter ‘Payslip’ for the name, select ‘Archive Retrieval’ for the
Type and select the Legislative Data Group (LDG) for which you want to
create/customize the Payslip, and then click the Search button.

Note: It is necessary to specify a Legislative Data Group in the search region.

4. Click on Payslip.

5. The Edit Extract Definition page will open. Click Extract Delivery Options and click
Add in Extract Delivery Options section. Create a record for your custom Payslip
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


Add the following details:

 Start date
 End Date
 Delivery Option Name (In example, name is ‘KW Online Payslip’)
 Output Type
 Report (Report was created in /Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll
folder and report name was KWPayslip, enter complete path as
/Custom/Human Capital Management/Payroll/KWPayslip.xdo)
 Output Name
 Template (Name should match the layout name in the report created in BIP.
It was created with name ‘KW_Payslip’)
 Delivery Type: - ‘Document of Records’
 Bursting Node: -
 Overriding Delivery Mode: - ‘Online Payslip’
6. In the ‘Additional Details’ region, add details similar to ‘Online Payslip’ Record that
is already provided by oracle. Currently the following data is added in ‘Online
Payslip Record’:
 Date From :-
 Date To:-
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

 Information Text1:- 13

 Information Category:- GLB_PAYSLIP
 Information Date1:-
 Information Number1:-
 Information Number2:-
 Information Number3:-
 Information Number5:-
 Information Number6:-
 Document Name:- PAYSLIP
 Issued Date:-
 Key: -
Add entry in Data Element after giving following values in the search region:
 Parent Block: - Global Archive Payroll Calc Breakdown
 Extract record: - Global CBID Information
 Date Element: - Calculation Breakdown Identifier
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


 Locale: - en-US. It can be different depending upon the language of the

 Person Id: -
 Related Object Id: -
 Related Object Id Col: - PAYROLL_REL_ACTION_ID
 Related Object Name: - PAY_PAYROLL_REL_ACTIONS
 System Document Type: - GLB_PAYSLIP

7. In Additional Details (the section after Report categories), add an entry for the
delivery option name for your report. Here, the Delivery option name was given as
‘KW Online Payslip’.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


Worked Example – Displaying Balances in the Payment Currency

By design, the Global Payslip displays the balances in the currency for which they were
created and calculated. A currency conversion may be applied at the time of payment,
and the Payslip would show this appropriately within the Net Pay Distribution region.
The following worked example demonstrates how one might customize the Payslip
template in order for it to convert the displayed balances into the currency used for
Note: It must be acknowledged however that making the Payslip template
convert the displayed balances from the currency used to calculate them within
the Payroll Run into another currency used for Payment, could lead to rounding
A pre-requisite step would be to customize the Payroll Archive in order for it to extract
the necessary exchange rates that were used for Payments, such that the Payslip
template can subsequently apply them to the balances.

Payroll Archive HCM Extract Setup Customization to Store Exchange Rates

Customize the Payroll Archive in order for it to extract the necessary exchange rates as
1. Using the Manage Fast Formulas task in the Payroll Calculation work area,
create an Extract Rule formula to obtain exchange rates for your LDG e.g.:

Note: It is necessary to specify a Legislative Data Group in this dialog box in this

Populate the Formula with text:


Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


Compile the Formula.

Caveat: The above formula assumes the Payroll Archive effective date is the same
as that for all the Pre-Payments (and that the rate(s) had not been re-
loaded/changed, i.e were static, between the two process executions), in order for
the same rate value(s) to be retrieved independently by both those processes.
8. Using the Manage HCM Extract Definitions task in the Data Exchange work
area, enter your Legislative Data Group in the search screen and query up the
Payroll Archive.
Drill down to the 'Global Archive Payroll Relationships' block and create therein a
new Formula-based Detail Extract Record (with XML tag name

9. Create one data element per payment currency in use, of type Rule, within the new
record created in the previous step. The data element(s) created here should
reference the Extract Rule formula created in the first step.
The short code should follow the format: 'from_currency_code>to_currency_code'
e.g. 'AED>USD' (to facilitate the above data-driven rule formula).
The element xml tag should follow the format <RATE from="from_currency_code"
(i.e. using xml tag attributes to specify the two currencies, in order to help facilitate
a more data-driven BIP Payslip Template Customization).
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

10. Generate and compile the Formula for the new Record: 17

Once the Payroll Archive has run, you should then be able to see the exchange rates
archived by that Archive Periodic Payroll Results task, using the View Person
Process Results page from the Payment Distribution work area (one value per data
element created above) e.g.:

BIP Payslip Template Customization

Global Template Example

Having downloaded the templates following the steps given above, make the following
Note: The following steps are by way of an example based on the shipped Global
Payslip template; they may possibly need to vary depending on any existing
customizations you might have already made to that template.
1. In the customized version of PayslipMainTemplate.rtf:
 Immediately within the <?for-each:GLB_ARCH_CBID?> grouping/looping tag,
insert a BIP Form Field containing the following code:
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


<?end for-each?>

This will:
a. Set a variable storing a default/dummy exchange rate of 1 to cover
the standard case where employees are paid in the default LDG
currency and thus where no conversion is necessary (being expressed
in the above code as a ‘conversion’ from USD to USD).

Note: Substitute USD in the above example code with your default
LDG currency code used for your payroll calculations.
Add further such logic to set similar variables storing a
default/dummy exchange rate of 1 for any further currencies in use, if
b. Find the exchange rate(s) within in the XML and store them in
variables similarly called
'XRATE:from_currency_code>to_currency_code' e.g.
c. Find, and store in a variable called 'PAYMENT_CC', the currency
code used for payment (Nb. from the first payment record found for
the person in case of multiple payments).
11. In the customized version of PayslipSubTemplates.rtf for your locale:
 Change the BIP Form Field code for displaying each monetary balance
amount from, for example
<?end if?>

This will simply multiply the given balance amount (if non-null) with the
stored exchange rate for the given payment currency.
There are likewise further monetary balance amount tags such as <?YEAR?>
12. Ensure your customized Main template will import the correct customized version
of the sub-template (via the import statement), from the appropriate location for
such customized templates.
Upload the customized templates as described above.
Example Payslip output follows for both the non-customized and then customized
Global templates, for a UAE employee paid in USD.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


Figure 1– Example Output from Supplied Global Payslip

Figure 2– Example Output from Customized Global Payslip

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

Country-Specific Template Example
The above BIP Payslip template customization worked-example was based on the
supplied Global template. The steps to similarly customize one of the supplied
country-specific versions of the Payslip template would essentially be the same.
However, the exact coding may naturally need to vary slightly depending on the exact
differences between the Global template and the country-specific version.
For example, the shipped template for UAE (the file being called HRXAEPayslip.rtf)
resides in the BIP Catalog under
Human Capital Management -> Payroll -> Regulatory and Tax Reporting -> Emirates
This implements a UAE-specific version of both the Employee Information details table
and the Net Pay Distribution details table– rather than calling the respective Global
sub-templates– as follows. Note that the UAE-specific version of the Employee
Information details table conveys more information than the Global version does–
including in particular an additional field for displaying the Contributory Salary
balance amount, which would therefore also need to be customized as a part of this
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


The steps to customize this UAE-specific template for this worked-example would
therefore be as follows:
1. In your customized version of HRXAEPayslip.rtf:
 Immediately within the <?for-each:GLB_ARCH_CBID?> grouping/looping tag,
insert a BIP Form Field containing the following code:

<?end for-each?>

This will:
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

a. Set a variable storing the default/dummy exchange rate from AED22

to AED, to cover the standard case where the person is paid in AED
and thus no conversion is actually necessary (being expressed in the
above example code as a ‘conversion’ from AED to AED).

Note: Add further such logic to set similar variables storing a

default/dummy exchange rate of 1 for any further currencies in use, if
b. Find the exchange rate(s) within in the XML and store them in
variables similarly called
'XRATE:from_currency_code>to_currency_code' e.g.
c. Find, and store in a variable called 'PAYMENT_CC', the currency
code used for payment (Nb. from the first payment record found for
the person in case of multiple payments).
 Change the BIP Form Field code for displaying the Contributory Salary
amount from
This will simply multiply the Contributory Salary amount (stored in a
variable called 'CS') by the stored exchange rate for the given payment
13. In the customized version of PayslipSubTemplates.rtf for your locale:
 Change the BIP Form Field code for displaying each monetary balance
amount from, for example
<?end if?>

This will simply multiply the given balance amount (if non-null) with the
stored exchange rate for the given payment currency.
There are likewise further monetary balance amount tags such as <?YEAR?>
14. Ensure your customized Main template will import the correct customized version
of the sub-template (via the import statement), from the appropriate location for
such customized templates.
Upload the customized templates as described above.
Note: The above steps are by way of an example based on the shipped UAE template;
they may possibly need to be altered depending on any existing customizations you
might have already made to that template.
Example Payslip output follows for both the non-customized and then customized UAE
templates, for someone paid in USD.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


Figure 3– Example Output from Supplied UAE Payslip

Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


Figure 4– Example Output from Customized UAE Payslip

Displaying Absence Accrual Information on the Payslip

This section explains the changes to make to the Payslip template to display absence
accrual information on it. This is applicable for Release 8, 9 and 10. Please note that
this will a part of the Payslip template of all payroll localizations Release 11 onwards.
Copy and paste the snippet into your Payslip sub-template. The snippet is included in
the document, Payslip SubTemplate for Absence Accruals, attached to MOS article
1569322.1. Note: Due to the Microsoft word compatibility, the copying and pasting
may delete the BI Publisher field property. Ensure you validate the changes as
explained below.

Validate Modified Payslip Sub-Template

Perform the following steps to validate the Payslip sub-template RTF file:
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

1. Confirm that the absence accrual information in the document displays the same
as shown in the following screen shot. .

2. Validate that the field’s property values, marked 1-5 in the screen shot, are the
same in BI Publisher. If the values don’t match, edit the values, as shown in the


AME !='' and

Aa <?for-

IFAa <?if:PAYMENT!='' and PAYMENT!='0'?>

Uom <?choose:?>
end when?>
<?when:BALANCE_UOM='ND'?><?'Days'?><?end when?>
<?end choose?>

9,999.99 <?PAYMENT?>

3. Click Save.
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip


Troubleshooting the Payslip Process

Identify if the Payslip has been Pushed into DOR

Run the following Query to identify if Payslip has been pushed into DOR or not, if the
query returns a row with proper values for the columns selected, then Payslip has been
pushed into DOR else something could have been wrong with the above setup, in
which case, repeat the above steps in the given order.

Release 7 or higher
This Query should help identify the issue if the Customer is on release 7 or higher:
SELECT hdr.documents_of_record_id DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ID ,
hdr.person_id PERSON_ID ,
hdr.date_from PERIOD_START_DATE ,
hdr.date_to PERIOD_END_DATE ,
hdr.issued_date PAYMENT_DATE ,
ptp.payslip_view_date PAYSLIP_VIEW_DATE ,
hdr.dei_information_number1 PAYROLL_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number2 PERIOD_NUMBER ,
hdr.dei_information_number3 AMOUNT ,
hdr.dei_information_number4 TAX_UNIT_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number5 PREPAY_REL_ACTION_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number6 CALC_BREAKDOWN_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number7 ARCHIVE_REL_ACTION_ID ,
hdr.dei_information1 EMAIL_ADDRESS ,
pra.payroll_relationship_id PAYROLL_RELATIONSHIP_ID ,
prd.payroll_relationship_number PAYROLL_RELATIONSHIP_NUMBER ,
ppf.payroll_name PAYROLL ,
rownum PAYSLIPID ,
hdr.dei_information_number6 TAX_REFERENCE
FROM hr_document_types_vl hdt ,
hr_documents_of_record hdr ,
pay_payroll_rel_actions pra ,
pay_pay_relationships_dn prd ,
pay_all_payrolls_f ppf,
pay_time_periods ptp,
WHERE hdt.system_document_type = 'PAYSLIP'
AND hdt.category_code = 'PAYROLL'
AND hdt.sub_category_code = 'PAYROLL_PAYMENT'
AND hdr.document_type_id = hdt.document_type_id
AND pra.payroll_rel_action_id = hdr.related_object_id
AND prd.payroll_relationship_id = pra.payroll_relationship_id
AND ppf.payroll_id = hdr.dei_information_number1
and pldgv.legislative_data_group_id = ppf.legislative_data_group_id
AND ptp.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id
and ptp.start_date = hdr.date_from
and ptp.end_date = hdr.date_to
and ptp.period_category = 'E'
and pldgv.legislation_code = ':Legislation_Code'
and hdr.person_id = :p_person_id

Release 5
This Query should help identify the issue if the Customer is on Release 5:
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

SELECT hdr.documents_of_record_id DOCUMENTS_OF_RECORD_ID , 27

hdr.person_id PERSON_ID ,
hdr.date_from PERIOD_START_DATE ,
hdr.date_to PERIOD_END_DATE ,
hdr.issued_date PAYMENT_DATE ,
hdr.dei_information_date1 PAYSLIP_VIEW_DATE ,
hdr.dei_information_number1 PAYROLL_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number2 PERIOD_NUMBER ,
hdr.dei_information_number3 AMOUNT ,
hdr.dei_information_number4 TAX_UNIT_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number5 PREPAY_REL_ACTION_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number6 CALC_BREAKDOWN_ID ,
hdr.dei_information_number7 ARCHIVE_REL_ACTION_ID ,
hdr.dei_information1 EMAIL_ADDRESS ,
pra.payroll_relationship_id PAYROLL_RELATIONSHIP_ID ,
prd.payroll_relationship_number PAYROLL_RELATIONSHIP_NUMBER ,
ppf.payroll_name PAYROLL ,
rownum PAYSLIPID ,
hdr.dei_information_number6 TAX_REFERENCE
FROM hr_document_types_vl hdt ,
hr_documents_of_record hdr ,
pay_payroll_rel_actions pra ,
pay_pay_relationships_dn prd ,
pay_all_payrolls_f ppf,
WHERE hdt.system_document_type = 'PAYSLIP'
AND hdt.category_code = 'PAYROLL'
AND hdt.sub_category_code = 'PAYROLL_PAYMENT'
AND hdr.document_type_id = hdt.document_type_id
AND pra.payroll_rel_action_id = hdr.related_object_id
AND prd.payroll_relationship_id = pra.payroll_relationship_id
AND ppf.payroll_id = hdr.dei_information_number1
and pldgv.legislative_data_group_id = ppf.legislative_data_group_id
AND hdr.dei_information_date1 BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
AND ppf.effective_end_date
and hdr.person_id = :p_person_id

Check if the Process has Successfully Created a BIP Job

A query to check if the process has successfully created a BIP Job is given below.
SELECT value
FROM FUSION_ORA_ESS.request_property
WHERE requestid IN
(SELECT requestid
FROM fusion_ora_ess.request_history
WHERE requestid IN
(SELECT call_id
FROM pay_requests
WHERE flow_instance_id =
(SELECT flow_instance_id
FROM pay_flow_instances
WHERE instance_name = ':Flow_Instance_Name')
AND call_type= 'BI_OP')
AND name = 'bip.status_url';
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Customizing the Payslip

For this query, we need to pass on Flow Instance Name as the parameter and check if
it returns a valid URL for the output, in which case, BIP Job would have been
successfully submitted, else, BIP Job might have been errored as the archiver process
itself might have errored out, in this case, run the below query to see if arhiver process
has been successfully completed or not:

SELECT fti.status,

FROM pay_flow_Task_instances fti,
pay_flow_tasks_vl ft,
pay_checklists_vl pc,
pay_requests pr
WHERE fti.flow_instance_id =
(SELECT flow_instance_id
FROM pay_flow_instances
WHERE instance_name = ':FLOW_INSTANCE_NAME'
AND fti.base_flow_task_id = ft.base_flow_task_id
AND ft.base_flow_task_id = pc.base_flow_task_id
AND fti.flow_task_instance_id = pr.flow_task_instance_id
AND call_type = 'ESS';

Even if the above Query returns rows and you are not able to view the Payslip from My
Portrait of that Employee, then go to Navigator->Document Records and select Type
as Payslip and select the desired person name and click on Search. In the search
results, click on the record that corresponds to the latest Payslip run, and in the next
screen, check the Payslip View Date, it should be greater than or equal to Current Date
Oracle Fusion Global Payroll: Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Customizing the Payslip
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May 2014
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