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NA Payroll-Case Study

This document is prepared based on the below attached case study

Payroll Case Study 9

HR Setup
Step1: Create Business Unit
Setup HRMS->Foundation Tables->Organization->Business Unit.
 Created a business unit – SBUN

Step2: Create Company

Setup HRMS->Foundation Tables->Organization->Company
 Created a Company – SCM
 Enter default business unit
 Provide proper effective date (01/01/2009)
 Provide company address
Step3: Establishment Id
Setup HRMS->Foundation Tables->Organization->Establishments.
 Create an establishment id and map it with company (SESTID)
 Provide proper effective date (01/01/2009)
 Check the Head Quarters Check box

Step4: Business Unit Options Defaults

Setup HRMS->Foundation Tables->Organization->Business Unit Options Defaults.
 Map Company, Country and Currency Code with setid
 Specify Work Period, default, maximum, minimum and standard Hours.
Step5: Create Location
Setup HRMS->Foundation Tables->Organization->Location.-HEXLOC
 Add a new location code SATL(Atlanta)
 Provide a proper effective date(01/01/2009)
 Map the establishment id in the USA link of Location Profile tab
 Similarly create location code SCHL(Charlotte) and Newyork (SNY)
Step6: Create Company Location
Setup HRMS->Foundation Tables->Organization->Company Location.
 Map company with location.
 Provide proper effective date.
 Map all the location created.
Compensation rules

Step7: Frequency table

Set Up HRMS->Foundation Tables->Compensation Rules->Frequency Table
 Using Existing

Step8: Comp rate code

Set Up HRMS->Foundation Tables->Compensation Rules->Comp Rate Code Table
 Using Existing
Job attributes

Step9: Job Code Tables

Set Up HRMS->Foundation Tables->Job Attributes->Job Code Tables-(HEJOB)
 Add a new job code for senior software engineer(SSE)
 Set Comp Frequency Rate Set to Weekly
 Set Annual Default Compensation rate NANNAL in default compensation page
 Provide proper effective date.


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